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Iran puts second homemade satellite into orbit


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Iran puts second homemade satellite into orbit

2011-06-17 02:31:24 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEHRAN (BNO NEWS) -- Iran on Wednesday evening successfully launched its second homemade satellite, known as 'Rasad', into orbit, the state-run Fars news agency reported on Thursday.

The launch was conducted by technicians of the IRI Aerospace Org (IAO) who were also in charge of putting Iran's first homemade satellite, Omid, into space last year.

The Rasad satellite weighs 15.3 kilograms (33.7 pounds) and is scheduled to rotate around the planet 15 times per 24 hours. The Iranian homemade device will take images of Earth as well as meteorological data which will be sent back to Iran.

IAO scientists will study the topology and structure of the Earth using the Rasad's images. The first Iranian satellite in orbit, Omid, is also being used for image taking.

Both satellites were designed, manufactured, assembled, tested, and prepared for launching in Iran. The Islamic nation has expanded its space program and its main objective is to send astronauts into space by 2024.

In February, Iran sent Omid, the first bio-capsule of living creatures in to space, in order to gather information and test equipment. The research satellite spent three months in space before reentering Earth's atmosphere last April. Omid completed over 700 orbits in approximately seven weeks.

After the first launching, Iran unveiled the prototypes of four home-made satellites in the presence of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Defense Minister Gen. Ahmad Vahidi.

Among them were the satellites Rasad and Navid and a bio-capsule named 'Kavoshgar 4'. President Ahmadinejad said at that moment that at least two more satellites will be put into orbit as well as a home-made measurement satellite in late 2011.

Iran is one of the 24 founding members of the United Nations' Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS), which was set up in 1959.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-06-17

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Yeah, why the "home-made" comment. I don't get that. At who's home was it made? The home of the IRI Aerospace Organization apparently. I'm no fan of Iran but using condescending language only exposes the clear bias and undermines the professionalism of the reporter.

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Amazingfeat for a retarded medieval theocratic dictatorship! Maybe they will rent outspace in future spaceflights for nation that have run out of founds for theirspace programs? On credit off course!:lol:

I think it would more suit the regional mindset if they rented out payload delivery space so other knuckle scrapers could pay to put their cargos of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons on board.

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Amazingfeat for a retarded medieval theocratic dictatorship! Maybe they will rent outspace in future spaceflights for nation that have run out of founds for theirspace programs? On credit off course!:lol:

I think it would more suit the regional mindset if they rented out payload delivery space so other knuckle scrapers could pay to put their cargos of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons on board.

A considerable achievement for a nation that is continually ridiculed by americans and their allies. Incidentally, the only nation that I know of, that has used both nuclear and chemical weapons in Asia is the bad ol' USA, who are finally starting to clean up the after effects of agent orange in Vietnam. A "weapon" that has affected the health of 3 million people of which 400,000 may have died. (BBC). Let's hope Iran doesn't follow the americans' example.

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Amazingfeat for a retarded medieval theocratic dictatorship! Maybe they will rent outspace in future spaceflights for nation that have run out of founds for theirspace programs? On credit off course!:lol:

I think it would more suit the regional mindset if they rented out payload delivery space so other knuckle scrapers could pay to put their cargos of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons on board.

A considerable achievement for a nation that is continually ridiculed by americans and their allies. Incidentally, the only nation that I know of, that has used both nuclear and chemical weapons in Asia is the bad ol' USA, who are finally starting to clean up the after effects of agent orange in Vietnam. A "weapon" that has affected the health of 3 million people of which 400,000 may have died. (BBC). Let's hope Iran doesn't follow the americans' example.

I do not believe USA or any other nation ridicule Iran at all,if anything the majority of the world is trying to stop Iran, because unlike many other nations in the world, Iran is the only one making official statements to remove another state from the face of the earth.

On the other hand, its a great achievement for a country which is so heavily sanctioned, HOWEVER I do hope, perhaps next time they put Ahmadinejad as a passenger or a cargo inside that "homemade" satellite and send him into orbit also. Perhaps sending a few politicians along may not be such a bad idea

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This is the World News. There are a plethora of topics on everything, so please stay on the topic. This thread is not about the US's use of Agent Orange.

It's about Iran, who have launched a satellite, apparently without the purchase of a great deal of sophisticated technological equipment from other countries.

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There is no doubt the Iranians are pretty capable and resourceful not to mention reasonably well educated. This actually makes them even more of a threat to world peace as this is juxtapositioned with a ruling theology straight out of the 7th century. Worse still with Shiite end of world predictions which require a great misfortune to befall them before the messiah comes hence a nuclear conflagration would fit the bill very well.

To spell it out, who thinks for a second the Iranians developed this rocket for any other reason than military use.

Edited by Steely Dan
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There is no doubt the Iranians are pretty capable and resourceful not to mention reasonably well educated. This actually makes them even more of a threat to world peace as this is juxtapositioned with a ruling theology straight out of the 7th century. Worse still with Shiite end of world predictions which require a great misfortune to befall them before the messiah comes hence a nuclear conflagration would fit the bill very well.

To spell it out, who thinks for a second the Iranians developed this rocket for any other reason than military use.

When these guys don't feel a sense of urgency regarding an Iranian threat to world peace, I really don't either.

If Iran succeeds in developing nuclear weapons, it is unlikely to bomb Israel, Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Haaretz in an Independence Day interview.


The U.S. intelligence community is reporting to the White House that Iran has not restarted its nuclear-weapons development program, two counterproliferation officials tell NEWSWEEK. U.S. agencies had previously said that Tehran halted the program in 2003.


On Tuesday, Mossad chief Meir Dagan suddenly came along and dismissed the assessment of the agency officially in charge of intelligence strategy. In saying that the deadline for an Iranian bomb is 2014, Dagan aligned himself with the CIA, that has repeatedly determined that Iran will reach the point of no return in 2015.

Dagan, after his resignation, has further stated that the Iranian threat has been exagerated.


Edited by Pakboong
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