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Democrat Party Says Provoking 'Red Shirts' Is Not Plan For Rally At Bangkok's Ratchaprasong

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Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

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Abhisit has been harping on reconciliation and now why this provocation..and to explain why 90+ civilians were slaughtered.. :bah:

It is are good reminder how ugly they are. It will certainly not win the hearts of those who are still undecided.

If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

On July 3 the electorate will decide.


Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

Poll: People are put off by political blame game


As for the things people would not like to hear from the MPs during their political campaign, 38 percent said they would not want to hear candidates blaming one another. 35 percent said they wanted no lies or words without proof. 16 percent said they rejected those praising themselves, and 11 percent said they would not like to hear about past events that were irrelevant.



Abhisit has been harping on reconciliation and now why this provocation..and to explain why 90+ civilians were slaughtered.. :bah:

It is are good reminder how ugly they are. It will certainly not win the hearts of those who are still undecided.

If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

On July 3 the electorate will decide.

Obviously you do remember, but perhaps prefer not to?


Abhisit has been harping on reconciliation and now why this provocation..and to explain why 90+ civilians were slaughtered.. :bah:

red shirts sponsored black mercenaries drew first blood by murdering army personel simply doing their job

the red shirts embraced and celebrated them for doing so

Sae Daeng was a celebrity with many red shirts wanting his autograph and a picture with him

you want to celebrate a murderer so why the double standards over the Army when they too returned fire with live ammo ?

reds started it, army finished it.

now the reds are crying in their tom yung goong

the reds were Thaksins paid for cannon fodder

they needed red martyrs and they got them and my god they have been worth every penny

i hope they are still on the payroll as they are still working for the red cause harder than most of the living reds

theres hardly a minute goes by on TV without someone referring to them, maybe they should get repeat fees?

fact is they were there vountarily, illegally and were gladly harbouring and taking care of violent criminals and murderers in their midst

so they died for the red cause,so what? many said they would be willing to do so, they got their wish

som nom na

give it a rest

who cries for the soldiers and civilains the reds maimed and killed

they were Thais too, some just doing their job..............

oh forgot, double standards.


Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

Poll: People are put off by political blame game


As for the things people would not like to hear from the MPs during their political campaign, 38 percent said they would not want to hear candidates blaming one another. 35 percent said they wanted no lies or words without proof. 16 percent said they rejected those praising themselves, and 11 percent said they would not like to hear about past events that were irrelevant.


You forgot the bit about not claiming false qualification - like "I was the President of a company with 20 million customers."


The final throes of a truly desperate bunch. They are throwing away any chance of future reconciliation by riling the opposition just for the sake of their political gain. It's only going to turn more against them. I hope their propaganda is drowned out by the many reds who will surely turn out.

I don't think Democrats attend PTP rallies, so why would the Red Shirts turn out for a Democrat rally?

Red shirts (unlike Dem supporters) are everywhere.

Agreed, none in my extended family either - although they are from a supposed Red Shirt homeland.


Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

Poll: People are put off by political blame game


As for the things people would not like to hear from the MPs during their political campaign, 38 percent said they would not want to hear candidates blaming one another. 35 percent said they wanted no lies or words without proof. 16 percent said they rejected those praising themselves, and 11 percent said they would not like to hear about past events that were irrelevant.


You forgot the bit about not claiming false qualification - like "I was the President of a company with 20 million customers."

The electorate will decide. Did you saw some of the latest polls?


Abhisit has been harping on reconciliation and now why this provocation..and to explain why 90+ civilians were slaughtered.. :bah:

It is are good reminder how ugly they are. It will certainly not win the hearts of those who are still undecided.

If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

I very much doubt he will choose to remember - funny some of the selective memories.


The final throes of a truly desperate bunch. They are throwing away any chance of future reconciliation by riling the opposition just for the sake of their political gain. It's only going to turn more against them. I hope their propaganda is drowned out by the many reds who will surely turn out.

I don't think Democrats attend PTP rallies, so why would the Red Shirts turn out for a Democrat rally?

Red shirts (unlike Dem supporters) are everywhere.

Agreed, none in my extended family either - although they are from a supposed Red Shirt homeland.

That in your extended family are no Dems supporters proves nothing.


Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

Poll: People are put off by political blame game


As for the things people would not like to hear from the MPs during their political campaign, 38 percent said they would not want to hear candidates blaming one another. 35 percent said they wanted no lies or words without proof. 16 percent said they rejected those praising themselves, and 11 percent said they would not like to hear about past events that were irrelevant.


You forgot the bit about not claiming false qualification - like "I was the President of a company with 20 million customers."

The electorate will decide. Did you saw some of the latest polls?

last seen had undecided 30-45%. Maybe some video footage of red shirts all their ugly glory, inciting violence from the stage and carrying it out, will sway a few in the right direction. How ANY party could include the red's *(objectionable word edited out)* is incomprehensible. Where were you May last year?


Abhisit has been harping on reconciliation and now why this provocation..and to explain why 90+ civilians were slaughtered.. :bah:

It is are good reminder how ugly they are. It will certainly not win the hearts of those who are still undecided.

If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

I very much doubt he will choose to remember - funny some of the selective memories.

Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.


Red shirts (unlike Dem supporters) are everywhere.

Agreed, none in my extended family either - although they are from a supposed Red Shirt homeland.

That in your extended family are no Dems supporters proves nothing.

This is going nowhere as according to reasoning provided by dear samurai 'it proves nothing'.

Maybe start again on the topic which is 'Democrat Party Says Provoking 'red-shirts' is not plan for rally at Ratchaprasong.


Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

Poll: People are put off by political blame game


As for the things people would not like to hear from the MPs during their political campaign, 38 percent said they would not want to hear candidates blaming one another. 35 percent said they wanted no lies or words without proof. 16 percent said they rejected those praising themselves, and 11 percent said they would not like to hear about past events that were irrelevant.


Nothing in there about highlighting red shirt anarchy to make the people fearful of putting such violent elements in power. Are the politics of fear the highest intellectual form of politics? Of course not. But they are huge even in advanced democracies and I still do wonder where Abhisit would be in the polls now if he can gone for broke with this from the start, in similar ways the republican party in the US usually does.

It is are good reminder how ugly they are. It will certainly not win the hearts of those who are still undecided.

If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

I very much doubt he will choose to remember - funny some of the selective memories.

Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.

I don't think anyone even needs to utter a word of blame. Show video of incitements to violence and then show the ensuing actions. People are smart enough to draw their own conclusions.


Red shirts (unlike Dem supporters) are everywhere.

Agreed, none in my extended family either - although they are from a supposed Red Shirt homeland.

That in your extended family are no Dems supporters proves nothing.

This is going nowhere as according to reasoning provided by dear samurai 'it proves nothing'.

Maybe start again on the topic which is 'Democrat Party Says Provoking 'red-shirts' is not plan for rally at Ratchaprasong.

Yep, even before someone said it is provocative the Dems deny it and say this is not the plan.

It proves nothing, right :whistling:




If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

I very much doubt he will choose to remember - funny some of the selective memories.

Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.

What will put people off is 7 party list candidates being shown in their true light. No more Mr Nice Guy, show the people what sort of RRsoles are asking you to vote for them. Or more properly, who Yingluk embraces as the parties best and fairest.


I don't think anyone even needs to utter a word of blame. Show video of incitements to violence and then show the ensuing actions. People are smart enough to draw their own conclusions.

Would it be a copyright infringement if someone showed PTV broadcasts of March - May 2010 in a public gathering :rolleyes:


That in your extended family are no Dems supporters proves nothing.

Just pointing out your massive generalisations that you keep posting, but then maybe I could say that Syphilis is everywhere as well. <_<


Yep, even before someone said it is provocative the Dems deny it and say this is not the plan.

It proves nothing, right :whistling:


Abhisit probably answered the question "Won't this rally provoke the red shirts?" with "Our plan is not to provoke the red shirts."


This is going nowhere as according to reasoning provided by dear samurai 'it proves nothing'.

Maybe start again on the topic which is 'Democrat Party Says Provoking 'red-shirts' is not plan for rally at Ratchaprasong.

Yep, even before someone said it is provocative the Dems deny it and say this is not the plan.

It proves nothing, right :whistling::D

The Dem's didn't 'deny it' as at that time no-one accused them. It's a simple statement showing a realistic view of what can be expected of red-shirts/UDD/PTP/... Read the start of the topic again.

Somehow I think lots of posts here prove my point <_<


Abhisit has been harping on reconciliation and now why this provocation..and to explain why 90+ civilians were slaughtered.. :bah:

It is are good reminder how ugly they are. It will certainly not win the hearts of those who are still undecided.

If you wish to see ugly, hopefully the Democrat rally will include footage of the red leaders speeches from the stage. Do you remember some of their best lines?

I very much doubt he will choose to remember - funny some of the selective memories.

Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.

it doesn't put me off at all, its about time blame was apportioned and the gloves were off

its simple, no reds, no illegal protest, no deaths, no problem

i want the whole world to be reminded exactly what *objectionable word edited out* the red leaders and their supporters are

it should be televised globally all over again

if the red attack the dems while they are doing so, so much the better

it will be a stark reminder to long time foreign investors and allies exactly who they are likely to be dealing with should this red revolution be successful

goldman sachs have already told their investors to get their money out of Thailand just at the mere possibility of the reds getting in.........


One post edited for inflammatory phrasing.

Please stay on-topic and avoid language which is unnecessarily derogatory.


Maybe Abhisit should have run on a "the reds are anarchic violent thugs" (and by inference Phue Thai and Thaksin and his puppets) ticket from day one. That might have worked. After all, all is fair in politics. What is clear now is what he did do, being rather a milquetoast, didn't resonate with the Thai voters.

Poll: People are put off by political blame game


As for the things people would not like to hear from the MPs during their political campaign, 38 percent said they would not want to hear candidates blaming one another. 35 percent said they wanted no lies or words without proof. 16 percent said they rejected those praising themselves, and 11 percent said they would not like to hear about past events that were irrelevant.


Nothing in there about highlighting red shirt anarchy to make the people fearful of putting such violent elements in power. Are the politics of fear the highest intellectual form of politics? Of course not. But they are huge even in advanced democracies and I still do wonder where Abhisit would be in the polls now if he can gone for broke with this from the start, in similar ways the republican party in the US usually does.

Do you know that Thailand is not the USA?

You might want to study the electoral law in Thailand, that clearly defines what is allowed and what is not allowed in a campaign.

And furthermore study how this society deals with conflicts and solves conflicts.

It is a harmony seeking collectivists society.

Yingluck runs a non-confrontational, positive campaign. No negative words, rants or blames towards the Democrats, (actually nearly no words at all, ignoring the Dens completely). Yinglucks leads the polls. Thai people like to be with the winner. And Yingluck has a winning smile, is friendly and offers harmony.

That is the way it goes.


Abhisit probably answered the question "Won't this rally provoke the red shirts?" with "Our plan is not to provoke the red shirts."

How you know if someone asked that question? Where you there?

But okay, to provoke is certainly not the plan. For sure. That is what Abhisit said. :whistling:


Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.

"It puts people off"

Yes it does, it puts undecided-voters, and the polls suggest there are still a lot of those, off voting for the PTP/Red-leader party. :o

I suspect that the gloves will come off over the final two weeks of the election-campaign, this may not be pretty or help reconciliation, but the Democrats need to remind the voters just what the UDD/PTP has been doing, since the PPP lost power. I'd love to see Ms Yingluck trying to defend her running-mates, especially in a debate alongside PM-Abhisit, but doubt her minders will permit this.

Better to keep harking-back to the good old days, of a booming world-economy a decade ago, and pushing the magical family-name. She's so 'amazingly fresh and hot', it might distract people from remembering the calls to burn Bangkok down, and looking at who else they're voting for on her 'slate' ! B)


Well, Abhisit want to appeal the undecided voters and not those who already made their choice.

And i don't think the blame game is the best strategy. It puts people off.

"It puts people off"

Yes it does, it puts undecided-voters, and the polls suggest there are still a lot of those, off voting for the PTP/Red-leader party. :o

I suspect that the gloves will come off over the final two weeks of the election-campaign, this may not be pretty or help reconciliation, but the Democrats need to remind the voters just what the UDD/PTP has been doing, since the PPP lost power. I'd love to see Ms Yingluck trying to defend her running-mates, especially in a debate alongside PM-Abhisit, but doubt her minders will permit this.

Better to keep harking-back to the good old days, of a booming world-economy a decade ago, and pushing the magical family-name. She's so 'amazingly fresh and hot', it might distract people from remembering the calls to burn Bangkok down, and looking at who else they're voting for on her 'slate' ! B)

Yes, the Thai people will decide. On July 3 we will know more.

Remember, last election PPP won 48.5% of the seats in the parliament. With Samak!

Now PT has Yingluck and even putsch general Sonthi doesn't have any hard feelings.

I don't think the fence sitters will be impressed if Suthep plays some youtube clips.


EC commissions on holiday, no one to stop it and if they do, on what basis?

so its finally time for some blood and guts home truths about the red leaders

no one can dispute the video evidence as to the moral character of the red candidates

its been seen 10,000 times by those who already have a computer and aren't just bottle fed pictures of dead reds and the associated propaganda that goes with them

i think its a great idea to have this rally, Thais are at best forgetful

i hope to see the worst of the worst excesses by the reds re-publicised for all to see

i can see it now

ok here we go then dems we have a great show for you tonight:

red lawyers, you ready for this? get your pencils ready

you wanted press freedom, freedom of speech, democracy as you call it, so lets do that: right now

OK this is what red candidate # said and did:

roll it..........

this is the five * hotel he stayed in while you reds slept on the street

this is what 25 million baht looks like

this is what he has in his bank account from sources unknown while you reds get 500 baht for being here

this is one of his five imported vehicles

this is one of his two mansions

this is him evicting red farmers like yourselves from land they owned to make way for a palm oil producer

this is him inciting you reds to riot

this is him telling you reds to kill your fellow thais

this is him telling you reds to burn bangkok

this is him telling you reds to burn town halls

this is him with the convicted red fugitive Thaksin

this is him with the red (and black) mercenary Sae Daeng

this is him.................

this is him..................

this is him.................

this is him..................

next up we have candidate #

this is her..................

get it?

do you think Farangs can go to this rally?

sounds like it will be very entertaining especially if the reds turn up.......


EC commissions on holiday, no one to stop it and if they do, on what basis?

so its finally time for some blood and guts home truths about the red leaders

no one can dispute the video evidence as to the moral character of the red candidates

its been seen 10,000 times by those who already have a computer and aren't just bottle fed pictures of dead reds and the associated propaganda that goes with them

i think its a great idea to have this rally, Thais are at best forgetful

i hope to see the worst of the worst excesses by the reds re-publicised for all to see

i can see it now

ok here we go then dems we have a great show for you tonight:

red lawyers, you ready for this? get your pencils ready

you wanted press freedom, freedom of speech, democracy as you call it, so lets do that: right now

OK this is what red candidate # said and did:

roll it..........

this is the five * hotel he stayed in while you reds slept on the street

this is what 25 million baht looks like

this is what he has in his bank account from sources unknown while you reds get 500 baht for being here

this is one of his five imported vehicles

this is one of his two mansions

this is him evicting red farmers like yourselves from land they owned to make way for a palm oil producer

this is him inciting you reds to riot

this is him telling you reds to kill your fellow thais

this is him telling you reds to burn bangkok

this is him telling you reds to burn town halls

this is him with the convicted red fugitive Thaksin

this is him with the red (and black) mercenary Sae Daeng

this is him.................

this is him..................

this is him.................

this is him..................

next up we have candidate #

this is her..................

get it?

do you think Farangs can go to this rally?

sounds like it will be very entertaining especially if the reds turn up.......

You might wanna study what the electoral law allows in a campaign and what not. The OP has some hints about it.

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