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How Much Should We Pay A Maid


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if you want an english speaking maid in Pattaya you won't find a Burmese maid -without work permit- willing to work for less than 8,000 Baht and a Thai national with passable english will not work for less than 10,000 Baht.

You dont think that an English-speaking resturant girl from the north of Thailand would rather work as a maid in Pattaya than in a Thai restaurant in Pattaya, for the same 5K all found? The jobs seem similar to my untrained eye.

He is a rich man ,and can pay more .His employees are lucky and i hope they appreciate it .

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my housekeeper works 9-6 mon-sat, sundays off

she does not live in

she has been with me 8 years and started at 5000 a month

i pay her 10,000 a month now

i give here an additional 1000 a month for fuel allowance as i moved out of the city and live out at Mabprachan now

i pay her for national holidays, songkran etc and two additional paid weeks off per year

she does all the laundry, ironing etc

she knows what i expect from her

i don't need to chase her around telling her what to do

she is like a family member know

i do not know how we would manage without her............

At 420 Baht for an 8 hour day without any kids, not suprised she has stayed with you

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I am surprised that some people consider their maids as "part of the family" as if that is a gold standard that all people with maids ought to apsire to. Well, I beg to differ: I do not expect anyone in my family to be a maid or servant to me, no matter how much I am willing to pay them. Nor do I need/want my maid to be "family" because I already have a family, thank you very much. There is nothing wrong with a mere employer-employee relationship.

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He is a rich man ,and can pay more .His employees are lucky and i hope they appreciate it .

I understand that. It's just the figures that dont seem to add up to me, and especially his conviction that no Thai or legal foreign maid would be happy with 5K all found.

Given the choice I think I would prefer to be a maid for a farang than to work in a Thai restaurant. Though there may be a question of tips etc. (or maybe the Thai owner pockets them).

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my housekeeper works 9-6 mon-sat, sundays off

she does not live in

she has been with me 8 years and started at 5000 a month

i pay her 10,000 a month now

i give here an additional 1000 a month for fuel allowance as i moved out of the city and live out at Mabprachan now

i pay her for national holidays, songkran etc and two additional paid weeks off per year

she does all the laundry, ironing etc

she knows what i expect from her

i don't need to chase her around telling her what to do

she is like a family member know

i do not know how we would manage without her............

At 420 Baht for an 8 hour day without any kids, not suprised she has stayed with you

how do you know there are no kids in the house?

how do you know that i don't live in a ten bedroom mansion with all the wifes family in occupation

how do you know i don't have elderly incontinent family members

there are so many factors to consider when considering a wage structure

hourly rate means nothing

anyway, pay peanuts, you get monkeys.........

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I am surprised that some people consider their maids as "part of the family" as if that is a gold standard that all people with maids ought to apsire to. Well, I beg to differ: I do not expect anyone in my family to be a maid or servant to me, no matter how much I am willing to pay them. Nor do I need/want my maid to be "family" because I already have a family, thank you very much. There is nothing wrong with a mere employer-employee relationship.

when someone is around you all the time, in your home and dealing with very personal tasks like washing your smalls, its easy to develop a ''like a family member'' relationship

which is what i actually said

we are emotionally close but she is not close enough to do it for free

we know our respective positions in this relationship

i just do not feel the need to jam my authority down her throat everyday............!

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Hey,what stops you from giving her your credit card?

Actually nothing did. She was with me for over 3 years and looked after my 160 w of land, my 2 dogs and my 80 year old dad. When I had to go away for work for 3 months I did leave her my ATM.

The salary I paid her was a lot but worth every cetang and included trust. She respect the way I treated her and her family and was very happy.

I would like to see anyone who is paying 3-5k per month do what I did and come back to a full house and account. You get what you pay for and if you respect people they will respect you back.

BTW Rimmer, sorry for the rude words in my last post and thanx for editing it.

The way you wrote this and your previous post it seems that the maid you "paid" 12000 Baht a month is a thing of the past.Can you tell us why she left?

Don't tell us she got a better paid cleaning job elsewhere.

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if you want an english speaking maid in Pattaya you won't find a Burmese maid -without work permit- willing to work for less than 8,000 Baht and a Thai national with passable english will not work for less than 10,000 Baht.

You dont think that an English-speaking resturant girl from the north of Thailand would rather work as a maid in Pattaya than in a Thai restaurant in Pattaya, for the same 5K all found? The jobs seem similar to my untrained eye.

your expression "untrained eye" applies. there are maids and there are maids. there are Managing Directors handling the affairs of tiny companies employing 4½ employees and there are Managing Directors who manage multinational companies having several hundred thousand employees. their job descriptions seem similar to the untrained eye as both strive to make profit for the company they are responsible.

as i don't know any english speaking restaurant girl who earns 5k Baht i can't comment.

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Is French polishing part of their task for you ? :whistling:

give me one valid reason why i should discuss the tasks of a maid, in our case a housekeeper working for us since six years, with somebody who can't afford one but airs obscene assumptions? :whistling:

Edited by Naam
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your expression "untrained eye" applies. there are maids and there are maids.

Indeed. But you were quite specific that no Thai or legal Burmese person would do the job for under 8K all found, no matter how competent or not they were. I doubt that, especially when compared with the other job I mentioned.

as i don't know any english speaking restaurant girl who earns 5k Baht i can't comment.

Well, I do. The girl in question is nice and apparently reliable (she has been there 6 months to my knowledge). She produces food, drinks and condiments as required, and the tables are clean. I suppose that this would make her suitable for a maid's job. I would certainly take her on, if I wanted a maid. (Oh, and she gives me free fried beetles too.)

I also know the various ladies who clean/make up beds in the building where I stay. I dont think that the live-in ones (several live out) earn significantly more than 5K per month, though they do all get tips as well as it is a tourist building.

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Is French polishing part of their task for you ? :whistling:

give me one valid reason why i should discuss the tasks of a maid, in our case a housekeeper working for us since six years, with somebody who can't afford one but airs obscene assumptions? :whistling:

Ha ,Ha ,!! i have a Thai wife and she does the cleaning .( 4 bedroom house in Chiang Mai )

Edited by Rimmer
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We had a Burmese for under 8k....so there is the proof....excellent to she was...and somewhat attractive....but could not swim.

The fact that she couldn't swim and probably also wasn't multilingual explains why she worked for less than 8K :D

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Is French polishing part of their task for you ? :whistling:

give me one valid reason why i should discuss the tasks of a maid, in our case a housekeeper working for us since six years, with somebody who can't afford one but airs obscene assumptions? :whistling:

Ha ,Ha ,!! i have a Thai wife and she does the cleaning .( 4 bedroom house in Chiang Mai )

good for you, my wifes a teacher and her times too valuable to waste it on cleaning.....................

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Is French polishing part of their task for you ? :whistling:

give me one valid reason why i should discuss the tasks of a maid, in our case a housekeeper working for us since six years, with somebody who can't afford one but airs obscene assumptions? :whistling:

Ha ,Ha ,!! i have a Thai wife and she does the cleaning .( 4 bedroom house in Chiang Mai )

you are a lucky man, i envy you. unfortunately (perhaps fortunately?) i don't have a Thai wife and during the 32 years we are married my wife has not carried out any maid services (and neither did she before we got married). i have no idea what sins i committed that fate/karma/kismet treats me that badly.


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3k a month is enough.After all free board and lodging.Say a day off a week. Which can be saved up so as to havd a week off now snd sgain.mFind one without s boyfriend or older lady..No ex bar girls..Burmeze us the way forward..Remember the 3k is in thr pocket at the end of each month!

No way you'll get someone for 3K. Burmese for 5-6 K depending on how good... Thai 6-8K not less, not more...

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Them maids are quite happy to work in ( Thai owned) hotels for 5k a month doing really backbreaking cleaning 8 hours a day, 6 days a week but when they come to a house with a farang residing, they want the world to be their oyster! We had a maid for 3000 baht a month, working 3 days a week, 3 hours only and when she flooded the house by wrongly dropping the garden hose, she just left - never to be seen again!

This brings up a more important question than price. Can they be trusted? What's to prevent them cleaning out (clearing out) the house when you're away.

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if you want an english speaking maid in Pattaya you won't find a Burmese maid -without work permit- willing to work for less than 8,000 Baht and a Thai national with passable english will not work for less than 10,000 Baht.

I thought I'd throw it in for good measure. There are a lot of Filipinos around requiring work and are happy to work as maids. They are usually very good with children and can speak English. I don't know what they would cost to hire but you may have to pay for visa runs.

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>>I thought I'd throw it in for good measure. There are a lot of Filipinos around requiring work and are happy to work as maids. They are usually very good with children and can speak English. I don't know what they would cost to hire but you may have to pay for visa runs. <<

Sounds good ,and they may even do french polishing ;-) . :ph34r:

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>>I thought I'd throw it in for good measure. There are a lot of Filipinos around requiring work and are happy to work as maids. They are usually very good with children and can speak English. I don't know what they would cost to hire but you may have to pay for visa runs. <<

Sounds good ,and they may even do french polishing ;-) . :ph34r:

What exactly are you trying to say about Filipino maids?

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my housekeeper works 9-6 mon-sat, sundays off

she does not live in

she has been with me 8 years and started at 5000 a month

i pay her 10,000 a month now

i give here an additional 1000 a month for fuel allowance as i moved out of the city and live out at Mabprachan now

i pay her for national holidays, songkran etc and two additional paid weeks off per year

she does all the laundry, ironing etc

she knows what i expect from her

i don't need to chase her around telling her what to do

she is like a family member know

i do not know how we would manage without her............

hats of to for treating her like a human being, the posts about 3-5k 2 days per month holiday well i would like to see those people put on that and try and live on 3k per month spending money. we forigners do have the wealth so why not spread it around a little to those who were unfortunate to be born in the wrong part of the world.

i would like to see david wright try and live on 3k per month, thats exploytation and slave labour. Burmese are human beings as well. and yes you can end up in a world of pain employing somebody without a visa

Again. This is not Switzerland or Norway. The cost of living is a *bit* lower here. There is really no reason to pay more than 6k for low skill work and in fact people are happy to live on such sums. Anything more is just pure charity.

In fact, employees will not respect you if you pay such silly amounts.

My GF used to work for Sizzler as a cook, and she only got 8,000 ( one day off a week ), so why do people think a live in maid should get 12,000?

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my housekeeper works 9-6 mon-sat, sundays off

she does not live in

she has been with me 8 years and started at 5000 a month

i pay her 10,000 a month now

i give here an additional 1000 a month for fuel allowance as i moved out of the city and live out at Mabprachan now

i pay her for national holidays, songkran etc and two additional paid weeks off per year

she does all the laundry, ironing etc

she knows what i expect from her

i don't need to chase her around telling her what to do

she is like a family member know

i do not know how we would manage without her............

hats of to for treating her like a human being, the posts about 3-5k 2 days per month holiday well i would like to see those people put on that and try and live on 3k per month spending money. we forigners do have the wealth so why not spread it around a little to those who were unfortunate to be born in the wrong part of the world.

i would like to see david wright try and live on 3k per month, thats exploytation and slave labour. Burmese are human beings as well. and yes you can end up in a world of pain employing somebody without a visa

Again. This is not Switzerland or Norway. The cost of living is a *bit* lower here. There is really no reason to pay more than 6k for low skill work and in fact people are happy to live on such sums. Anything more is just pure charity.

In fact, employees will not respect you if you pay such silly amounts.

My GF used to work for Sizzler as a cook, and she only got 8,000 ( one day off a week ), so why do people think a live in maid should get 12,000?

as you have included my quote in your response, i will correct you and say that:

my housekeeper gets 11,000 a month and does not live in

my house is the size of 3 estate type houses, has a big family in occupation and takes a lot of work to maintain.

she also does all the laundry and ironing which would cost 2000/3000/4000 a month if done outside

hence the wage structure

if just my wife and i lived in a 2 bed 2 bath townhouse, i might think 5000 a month would be ok........

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I pay a girl 2K per month & she comes round twice per week to clean the house and do any ironing (if there is any). It takes her no more than 3-4 hours to complete the job on each occasion so you could say she gets 250 baht per clean for just under half a days work.

That's what we pay in Korat, but get a full days work for the 250 Baht. Cleans inside, outside, wash and ironing. This one girl has a full weeks of clients.


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Simple, just ask around. However, be aware, if the Lao or Burmese person does not have a visa and work permit. You can face severe penalties for providing room/board and work, should authorities find out.

it is also illegal to employ a Burmese, Lao or Cambodian national if the work permit is not in your name. that is the law but reality is of course different.

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3k a month is enough.After all free board and lodging.Say a day off a week. Which can be saved up so as to havd a week off now snd sgain.mFind one without s boyfriend or older lady..No ex bar girls..Burmeze us the way forward..Remember the 3k is in thr pocket at the end of each month!

you seem to have quite some experience. tell us how many maids did you employ during the last 10 years?

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We paied ours 7K a month, not live in and 5 days a week. She has sadly left us for moving back to Udon Thani with her famlie.

One woman (bitch) in our village offered her 10K a month but she declined.

Many of my friends around Patts also having problems keeping thier maids for different reasons.

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