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With the new Up-grade, it seems that you Kan preview the attachment now before posting. :D


Try it. :D

Thank you for the changes ThaiVisaDotCom. :o

Yours truly,

Kan Win :D

just a test


  • 6 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest Reimar

There is an easy way to save your own space on your own computer and on the Server of TV as well, while the last has the sffect that you keep the used space of your member account much more free, not to tell the save of bandwith for other TV members.

Her's the way how to go:

Sign up for an free Space account on the Internet, may you google for: Free Serverspace and you'll get a lot free sites.

Prepare the pictures you like to display in TV to maybay 800 x 600 or what ever you like.

Save that pictures as .jpg or .png files.

Upload the pictures to the free Serverspace.

use the Insert Image Button in the TV Editor for to place the link to the picture you uploaded to the Free Serverspace account.

The loading of the pictures will affect only the Bandwith of the Member who open to post where you placed the picture and keep the TV traffic lower for others. You didn't use your Serverspace at TV! And you're not limited with the File/Picture Size as on the TV Server!

That's 3 points for to use the Free Serverspace Account!


  • 6 months later...

Bitterly dissapointed! that I can'just copy my image from any location ie desk top, web site and Picassa straight on to the forum. I guess this is the reason theres a lack of photos posted. Absolutly crazy!!

  • 1 month later...

Although this topic is quite old I happened upon it only now, when I was posting in another topic in this forum.

I usually chose to upload a picture to the ThaiVisa server rather than to a picture hosting site and link to it because using my way the picture appears as a thumbnail (much reduces size) in the post and this way the web page loads much faster, particularly if the topic is full of pictures as for example in a particular topic in Bedlam (you need at least 500 posts to be able to post there).

Sometime, in fact very rarely, after having posted a picture in a post by uploading it to the ThaiVisa server, I later want to put it also in another topic, perhaps even in another forum. To save space on the server I don't want to upload it again but instead link to the picture I had uploaded for the earlier post and I would like it to show again as a thumbnail picture that enlarges when you click on it. Or I might want to link to a picture in a post of another member. Try as I might, I have been unable to do this and now propose it as a challenge to the readers of this topic.

For a start, I am going to try once more myself. I want to insert in this post the picture I put in this earlier topic. without having to upload the picture a second time. I know I can use "insert image" and give the URL that I find in "My controls, Manage your attachments", but this would give the full picture, not a thumbnail, and that's not what I want. Let's see if anybody else can manage it.




The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



My experiment did not work, I suspect because the ThaiVisa forum software abbreviates the URL with an ellipsis (three dots) in the middle of it. I shall try to find a way of getting the full URL but am not optimistic about succeeding.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



OK, here' a new attempt, my last one today:


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



OK, here’s my next attempt, the last one for today.


It still does not work.



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



Oh, I see there is a space after the colon. What if I delete that?


It still does not work.

I got what I thought was the full attachment code by combining the code in the earlier post with the code I got by right-clicking on the picture in that post, then clicking on "Copy link location"



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


Oh, I see there is a space after the colon. What if I delete that?


It still does not work.

I got what I thought was the full attachment code by combining the code in the earlier post with the code I got by right-clicking on the picture in that post, then clicking on "Copy link location"



Wassup Maestro?



Yes "JetsetBkk",

Works for me as well, but only ON THIS FORUM .


Mods really should get their act together som-tam (sometime) :o

Yours truly, :wai:

Kan Win :D

P.S. So how did "JetsetBkk" and me do it "Maestro" :D


Delete the two (2) * and then you have the photo that you posted.

BTW you should use the "Preview Post" button before you press the "Add Reply" then you Kan see what you wish to post. It is free of charge, shame folks do Knot use it :D

What you have asked below:-

Sometime, in fact very rarely, after having posted a picture in a post by uploading it to the ThaiVisa server, I later want to put it also in another topic (Yes, but not on another forum other than www.thaivisa.com/forum), perhaps even in another forum.

You and like me-self have to use links. :D



Heh, heh! :D

So, in plane plane8zh.gif English, 'cos Kan Win kan som-tam's be konfusing...

Go to the original image.

If it is reduced in size, click it to make it full size.

Right click on the image and copy the "image location".

Go to your new post and click the "Insert Image" icon.

Paste the image location previously copied (make sure you overwrite the "http://" that is already in the URL box).

Click OK and Bob's your auntie. :D

A couple of other points:

1. If you see "thumb" anywhere in the "image location" that you paste into the "Insert Image" box, you will get the thumb-nail image, not the full image. You need to click on the image to make it full size, not thumb-nail size.

2. I noticed that the "image location" of the lovely Miss McAlpine had a ".jpg.html" file type, so I deleted the ".html" and it worked. I don't know why the ".html" is there! I'm sure it's not there normally. :o

  • 2 months later...

testing DSC_3667cspk400.jpg

edit hummm it appears we can use the html tags on our url to insert a photo. i will try it again here using the tags


ok now i am getting the hang of it!


now i wonder if i am allowed to show the tags alone for you.

no it will not allow me to show the tags so i will fudge a little to explain how i do this

{img} insert photo url here {/img}

now change the brackts shown to box brackets [ ]

and you will have the proper tags which i can't fully illustrate here as the site will not show them.

ok now i am having fun and will edit this post again to incl a larger photo


now i get

THE FOLLOWING ERROR(S) WERE FOUNDSorry, dynamic pages in the :o

let me try edit again

http://lh4.ggpht.com/_1ohb91X1xOw/SYQC3EcPzFI/AAAAAAAAWn4/oEB4A8fYrro/s720/DSC_0602cs%201000%20pkcs.jpg' alt='DSC_0602cs%201000%20pkcs.jpg'>

  • 1 month later...

Can anyone tell me why I can't display the thumbnails or click on them? I'm pretty sure my fat fingers have done something they shouldn't have but can't figure out what. This has been a problem for a few days now!



Just to add to my post above the problem appears to be in FireFox as there is no problem using IE, which I'm doing now.

pop up blocker? do they show if you right click them and open in new tab in FF?
I run my curser over and don't get any option to right or left click on them --- No little 'Hand' telling me they are live.

Edit: OK I've got it. George won't approve but I was a bit over enthusiastic with one of my Global Add Blocking options.

Thanks, at least, for getting my brain to work in the right direction.

  • 3 months later...
But why do you ignore the way I have written about at least three times in this forum?

The way that is available through Thaivisa's own software:

Using Add This Attachment (look at the bottom of the edit window - scroll if necessary - below the Post Icon Smilies).

1. Click on the Browse...button to select the image on you hard drive

2. Click on Add This Attachment

3. When the edit page has reloaded, place your curser where you want the picture to appear, click on Add into Post

The picture appears reduced in size (but expandable on clicking), thus saving even more bandwidth and the need to involve a third company.


Has anything changed since this method was posted? I can only get through step 2. I can choose file and upload image to appear in attachment editor list, but in step 3 I can't find

an add into Post button anywhere. Any assistance is appreciated.

But why do you ignore the way I have written about at least three times in this forum?

The way that is available through Thaivisa's own software:

Using Add This Attachment (look at the bottom of the edit window - scroll if necessary - below the Post Icon Smilies).

1. Click on the Browse...button to select the image on you hard drive

2. Click on Add This Attachment

3. When the edit page has reloaded, place your curser where you want the picture to appear, click on Add into Post

The picture appears reduced in size (but expandable on clicking), thus saving even more bandwidth and the need to involve a third company.

Has anything changed since this method was posted? I can only get through step 2. I can choose file and upload image to appear in attachment editor list, but in step 3 I can't find

an add into Post button anywhere. Any assistance is appreciated.

Hi klons,

Nothing has changed.

So you got to step 2.


now 'Manage Current Attachment' bottom right hand side :)

press on it and you will see


press the buttom Green + to post your attachment.

After that press the 'Preview Post' button to see if it in the correct place. :D

Hope this helps you and others as well.

Yours truly,

Win from Kan :D


Hi klons,

Nothing has changed.

So you got to step 2.


now 'Manage Current Attachment' bottom right hand side :)

press on it and you will see


press the buttom Green + to post your attachment.

After that press the 'Preview Post' button to see if it in the correct place. :D

Hope this helps you and others as well.

Yours truly,

Win from Kan :D

Thanks for the forum support Kan Win. I was going to post this

on the Thai Language topic but will try it out here instead, the

image and lettering will probably be out of proportion.

This is a reconstruction of a sign I saw in a รถตู้ passenger minivan.


translation: Please no loud noises.

  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious...I see this in my window:

Attachment space used 44.71MB of 78.13MB

So what happens when I hit the allotment? Do I lose my photo posting privileges? How can I get more when I get there, if I do? Can I delete older posted photos, or what?

Can I delete older posted photos, or what?

Click on My Controls at the top of the page, then under left side Options > Manage Your Attachments you can select and delete what you want.

  • 7 months later...

Hi, I have posted a few classified ads on here but didn't have photos - I have now taken some and want to add photos to the ads but can't see anyway to do this.... anyone know how to do this?

I gave up and tried to just repost the ads with pictures but am now being told that these ads already exist and I can't re-them....

Also none of the ads have appeared in the classified section yet - how long can I expect it to take before they are actually added to the website?

Thanks... ; )

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

How do you determine the scale of how your image appears on the screen,using the Attach File method. i realise that everybody does not have the same size screen but is there a rule of thumb to get the image to fit the screen edge to edge.Images that i had scaled 9 inches across for printing were much smaller than this when posted and clicked on, so is it just a matter of scaling up a bit more ? Also i see some posts where the image is way larger than my screen [15 inches] to show fine detail on photos ,is this just a matter of scaling the image up to 20 or 30 inches and keeping the pixel ratio at 72pp or what ? My screen is 12 & half inches across what size should my pictures be to fit approx side to side. thankyou


How do you determine the scale of how your image appears on the screen,using the Attach File method.

The attached image of course shows up as a thumbnail with a fixed size in the forum software. Clicking on it brings up the full size image and the size is determined by what the member has scaled (resized) it to on his computer before adding it as an attachment.

The optimum size to cover the vast majority of monitors would be 1024 pixel wide which would include your 12.5" monitor. The image just above your post is 1024x768 and fits comfortably on my 19" 1280x1024 monitor.

Sometimes a member will put the full size image with no resizing as the attachment which won't fit any standard monitor such as 4000-5000 pixels wide. I would like to take this opportunity to request members to resize to the above size. Saves bandwidth for members with slow connections and allows it to be viewed fully on a screen.

There is such a diversity of screen sizes and ratios, 4:3, 16:9, 16:10 and different resolutions it is not possible to make an image that will fit side to side for everyone.

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  • 1 month later...

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