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Police Questionaire


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This is a copy of a article from udonmap.com I have never heard of anyhting like this happenieng here or anywhere else has anyone else experienced it. So far it doesn't souind a if the Udon Ploice have anyhting to do with it and immigration has stated specifically it ha nothing to do with them. If I followed the information, some small toWn constatbles were involved under the pretext of protecting Thai wives. It appeared to be a burglers shopping list to me. The article follows:

Yesterday I had a visit, at my home , by a policeman delivering an eight page questionair, apparently to all farangs living locally.This was supposed to be an anomynous survey, but as it was hand delivered and collected could easily be identified.The questions on it, ranged from the usual, what do you work? How much you earn? To far more personal ones like, how much gold has your wife got? How much have you spent on the house? How much Does he give you every month? this in the section for my wife to complete. Where did you meet? As you can imagine, many more to fill eight pages.

I feel this is a gross intrusion into my privacy and I am not aware that it is part of my visa requirements.Has anyone else on the forum been asked to do this?

I am trying to find out, is it an overzealous local force, or is it a ruling from Bangkok. I couldn]t get a straight answer and as is usual, allI got from TW was a blank expression and a 'Why do you want to make problems" attitude.

feed back would be appreciated.

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I couldn't get a straight answer and as is usual, all I got from TW was a blank expression and a 'Why do you want to make problems" attitude.

Laughing my conkers off at this! :D:D:D

odd incident though.....seems like the list of questions were devised by some of the cheif gossip merchants from a typical Isaan village... :o

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I couldn't get a straight answer and as is usual, all I got from TW was a blank expression and a 'Why do you want to make problems" attitude.

Laughing my conkers off at this! :D:D:D

odd incident though.....seems like the list of questions were devised by some of the cheif gossip merchants from a typical Isaan village... :o

Yep Thia Wives and problems you would think after a number of years they would figure out they are going to have more problems from us then anyone else, but the bulb just never gets turned on

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You have not given full details

As you say this was posted on udonmap by someone who is genuine. The thread appears to be done to death there. Bloated outrage, threats to involve British embassy.

He says he returned the completed form to the police (well fool him) and was told it was orders locally from on high to investigate weathly farang. So despite what you say UDON police were involved and their motives must be suspect.

However, the website Administrator quite rightly states police have no right to be intrusive.

My "wife" would have sent them on their way.

I would have binned it.

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It's a "normal" procedure in some areas when applying for a one year extension based on marriage to a Thai citizen.

That a good answer thanks, but in this case the guy already had his one year visa and what threw me was qustion such as how much gold do you have, how much money does your husband give you. At the very least seems like very personal questions ones that I wouldn't tell anyone much less someone I don't know. But thats just me. In addition to that immigration staitn that it w not something they do, I would asssume that immigartion would be the ones having the check done for thier records. The other thing an article in the Pattaya news that was bothering me was a Police Cadet hitting the bars in Pattaya impersonating a Police Officer I assume for for free drinks. Unforms are more then likely very easy to obatin here they certainly are in the states. But you could be absolutely correct

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It's a "normal" procedure in some areas when applying for a one year extension based on marriage to a Thai citizen.

George, you can't really believe they are going to ask "How much gold you have" and other BS sh1t like this. I went to the site Ray23 mentioned and the original post came from Dakoda but why isn't he just posting a copy of this form. Sounds too crazy even for Thailand to do something like this. None of their frickin biz what I have or what I give to my wife, money or gold. Way too many unanswered questions and I don't believe it's real. :o:D bobo

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Go back to Udonmap.com. Read again this time starting on page 1. :o

The original post was by VALENTINE who received an 8 page form and returned it to the police.

DAKODA adds his comments later. He says he also received a form but only one sheet.

I believe both to be genuine reports.

Dakoda's wife's advice to tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine is appropriate, unless of course it is received, as George says, when applying for one year extension and provided the questions are relevant to the application. Even then I would confirm it's authenticity with the immigration office.

Thai's do have a preoccupation with knowing everyone else's business. Much the same as office life back in the UK. My wife and her daughter are frequently asked intrusive questions by nosey neighbours and strangers.

So I wouldn't put it past a local policeman to decide to learn all about farangs on his patch for no other reason than it is in his nature. Obviously it could be more sinister.

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You have not given full details

As you say this was posted on udonmap by someone who is genuine. The thread appears to be done to death there. Bloated outrage, threats to involve British embassy.

He says he returned the completed form to the police (well fool him) and was told it was orders locally from on high to investigate weathly farang. So despite what you say UDON police were involved and their motives must be suspect.

However, the website Administrator quite rightly states police have no right to be intrusive.

My "wife" would have sent them on their way.

I would have binned it.

Your absolutley correct I did not give the full details but I did give the source and I know the guys on this forum are sharp just like you and would research the information. I must have miss written something my understanding is that immigration was not involved and the police that were involved were from a small village not the Udon department.

But we both read the samething so your understanding is different then mine.

My innitial concern was that they were not Police at all and were casing locations for burglaries. You know that a house has expensive items it is a fairly safe bet that your going to find them someplace in the Master Bedroom.

Later I realized that he did infact take the documents to Police somewhere. Guess what my concerns haven't changed a bit, crooked cops can be found just about anywhere. The Los Angeles Police Department had a infamous burgalry ring operating in thie Hollywood division years ago. They would break into the places knowing they were alarmed take the calls themselves, make notifications to the owners and before they got there fill up thier police cars with what they wanted. If it can happen there it can happen here.

The other thing that came to mind was in the Philippines the terroist were financing thier activities by kidnapping wealthy people. The questions in those documents would certainly identify those with money.

I truly believe in the world we live in today that being aware is extremely important. I don't think we need to run and hide but we do need to notice the things that are unusual.

The reason I posted this was not to create alarm, but to find out if this was an isolated incident, which it does appear to be at this point. I will pass that on the original poster since that was the question in the first place.

You know on second thought I will just mind my own business.

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I disagree with your last comment.

This is exactly the sort of topic that should be posted onto this site. Forewarns others. It is a serious issue.

My earlier comment about being "done to death" on Udonmap was intended to get posters to read that site and digest before coming to a conclusion and posting here.

And yes. I failed to take my own advice. You are correct VALENTINE did say local police. He does appear a tad niaive. British Embassy. Ooooh. That'll scare 'em.

Good advice is try and make friends with a local policeman. If one lives locally, believe me, he'll WANT to be YOUR friend.

Don't take Nam Kao's advice or you could find you've had an unwelcome visitor next time you leave the house empty. Not so funny then.

If someone receives a similar form, BIN IT or refer it to Police HQ or immigration.

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