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Girlfriends Lil Boy Sick .. They Just Dont Get It... Like Talking To A Brick Wall

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.. maybe you will read my obit tomorrow! ;)

I sincerely hope not.

I had a similar upbringing and have turned out much the same, I did nearly die last year but that was from severe dehydration so doesn't really count as an illness, last time I had a cold, can't remember.

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Im not saying the adults in her family are dirty..

I think you did in the first post:

>they are eating when there hands are coverd in shit... Putting fingers in the communial rice bowl with everone else and chopping cooked meat and raw meat on the same chopping board.

That's dirty in any families book. Suggest you move onto a better educated set of friends if you want less stress. Life's too short.


The kids at the local primary school get 220ml of fresh milk every day like we use to in the UK years ago. Good for you I'm sure, calcium and vitamins etc. Surprising the number of kids who won't drink it, not sweet, so they would rather go and buy a sugary cool drink that rots their teeth. My kids bring a lot of undrunk milk home for me, I drink it or use it in cooking.

Perhaps educating them that milk is good for you and should be drunk even though it is not sweet is the answer. Too much bother I suppose.


The kids at the local primary school get 220ml of fresh milk every day like we use to in the UK years ago. Good for you I'm sure, calcium and vitamins etc. Surprising the number of kids who won't drink it, not sweet, so they would rather go and buy a sugary cool drink that rots their teeth. My kids bring a lot of undrunk milk home for me, I drink it or use it in cooking.

Perhaps educating them that milk is good for you and should be drunk even though it is not sweet is the answer. Too much bother I suppose.

Yes, perhaps an education is in order.

You might want to do some sound and relevant research towards some bovine-based milk before going on regarding the overall qualities and health benefits of this food product. Conditioning comes quite easy when information and positive spin is repeated over and again.


A universal perceived myth everywhere. Exposure to rain causes illness.

Wow -- it's universal and everywhere too? (But is it actually a myth or just a perceived one?)



The kids at the local primary school get 220ml of fresh milk every day like we use to in the UK years ago. Good for you I'm sure, calcium and vitamins etc. Surprising the number of kids who won't drink it, not sweet, so they would rather go and buy a sugary cool drink that rots their teeth. My kids bring a lot of undrunk milk home for me, I drink it or use it in cooking.

Perhaps educating them that milk is good for you and should be drunk even though it is not sweet is the answer. Too much bother I suppose.

Yes, perhaps an education is in order.

You might want to do some sound and relevant research towards some bovine-based milk before going on regarding the overall qualities and health benefits of this food product. Conditioning comes quite easy when information and positive spin is repeated over and again.

And you may like to do some research in to the difference in lactose tolerance levels between people of asian origin and the western Europeans.

Actually, both of you should do that.

And Jeff, stop trying to sound smart, you may think it sounds good, but it doesn't.

They do accept things from western and other cultures. Think of how many you see with motorbikes, tobacco, mobile/cell phones, tv, electric lights. Go to a wat and see the monks being cooled by an electric fan sitting under an electric clock. Listen to the over amplified music in the evening or the pick up with speakers in the morning.

With respect you are only seeing this at the same superficial level as an uneducated Thai.

They will accept a motorbike and a car, but neither use a helmet or use lights at night (electric costs too much) nor will they drive in a manner that is safe, why bother as car repairs are cheap. And if they have the monk installed blessing the car will not 'go out of control' and cause an accident. Tobacco is pushed on them as a drug and much is now grown locally. 3G technology is ten years old and in the age old Thai political system of monopolies and back-handers has yet to agree licensing for a national network. Television; with the world coming into line on HD and digital delivery Thailand has announced it will be the hub of digital TV by 2015, I doubt it will be started by then. Electric lights, yes they have them - but if you speak to any Thai electrician about earthing schemes used in other countries the response is that "Thai Electric different - not same - not need earthing!"

Just because a person can use keyboard it does not mean that they understand the first idea of what is happening inside to make the pretty pictures flash.

Have you seen the Issan way of dealing with a fever, place the person on a bamboo rack cover them with blankets and light a small fire underneath - I kid you not this is the Thai way.

Point taken but I was just saying that Thais will accept western things particularly if they like them or they are fun or interesting. Unfortunately hygeine isn't any of these which is why I suggested it might help if a Thai, possibly a monk, spoke to them. Of course the doctor may have the same effect.


As for immune systems being more robust, I've no doubt that this may be true, however, if there are diseases present in the raw meat, then you'll get sick via cross-contamination.

Thais have one system

Western people have another system

Thai system based on blind faith in old beliefs

Western system based on blind faith in government propaganda

Neither is more correct or more healthy, both are based in blind faith of what someone told them.

Just because a person can use keyboard it does not mean that they understand the first idea of what is happening inside to make the pretty pictures flash. .

And western person does have some idea? I think no.


I get joke, haha, everyone else think serious.

Not sure how you're comparing health in the different cultures. It can be difficult if you include quality of life but taking just life expectancy which is fairly straightforward then it is about 10 years longer in the US and western Europe than Thailand. Of course there will be variations depending on position in the society particularly regarding wealth and this is probably more pronounced in Thailand than the west so there will be a big difference if you can afford a top Bangkok hospital which will be of a similar standard to western hospitals. In the west health care is more evenly distributed.


My wife is intelligent by most standards.

But try and tell her that no matter how many times her daughter gets a cold that taking her to the Doctors is a complete waste of time.

Comes back with reams of tablets all utterly useless.

"Thai Doctor is Good not the same as Farang Doctor"

I just let it slide and take no notice any more.....

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