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Logic Question, Farang Guy And Thai Lady

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I have a logical question about relationship between farangguy and Thai lady. Not the troll old one with a tiny younger but a couple atthe same age. Here's the brief BG.

Once when I got the hotel inspection invitation from Atheneeand the sale talked to me about her hi-so customers while we were having lunch.She said many of her hi-so

farang clients married with bar gilrs.

Once my farang friend confessed himself with me that hefound his fiancée at the bar. And he own a real estate business and his fiancéeworks as a MK girl and they met each other at the bar.

Once my coworker talked to me about the client he wentmeeting with. That guy is the MD of the famous computing company for Thailand branch and he married with a girl he met at thebar.

Several years ago, my cousin married with American guy with50k bride-price. Know what I mean? 50k THB!! Unrealistic right? LOL and they met each other at the bar.

And most of my farang friends date with the ladies they met at the bar.

So, rich guy and low lady.

One of my coworker, she's 28, has high salary, higheducation, pretty but no boyfriend, her date requirement is only rich farang butseems she never date farang even if she see lots of farang everyday, lunch, coffee break or whenever, imaginethe office is in All Seasons Place area.

Many time I went to the bar with her for rich farang hunting(LOL) and the mission were all failed. Thenshe eliminate the rich to be just farang and fi'lly dating with farang part-timeteacher that she met in the bar but it seems not on her demand bcuz he's notthe rich one.

Rich lady and low guy

Is it make sense with the comparison?

Anyway, the statistic I have heard about the relationshipbetween farang guys and thai ladies affected my attitude though. Here comes myimpression for farang, everytime I see farang guys around my office, I keep questioningmyself that the guy might have a girlfriend that he met in the bar.

So for the thai ladies who wants to date with farang shouldgo to the bar? What is the logical thought of farang who inquire for datingwith thai lady?

No serious but just curious. LOL

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She is asking if the bar is the best place to meet and date rich falangs because almost all of the rich falangs she meets have wives that used to be bar girls. Interesting concept. A Girl that makes a good salary working a day job being a bar girl at night so she can meet and marry a rich falang. It may be a good idea but you have to consider what your boss and co workers will think if they find out. Even if you just hang out in a bar without "working" there will make people think you are a "working" girl.

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Well not to be to crude about it...but probably both the Thai woman and the farang guy are looking for the same thing... a short term no committment required fling they can walk away from whenever they feel like it.

Who has the money, and who is or isn't married, usually has nothing to do with that kind of thing. It's been that way for many years, so why should it change now?


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@wolfmanjack Idon’t get “Even if youjust hang out in a bar without "working" there will make people thinkyou are a "working" girl’’ what make people think she’s a working girl?

In this case, I’m not sureabout her private life.But we always make a joke in the office about her when we see farang, everybodyknow she likes farang. we will be like ‘’hey! That is your farang type! Or hey Isaw your type yesterday blah blah blah.

Idon’t think she became a bar girl at night tho because we usually have dinnertogether, get off work at around 10pm like almost every night. I don’t thinkshe will have enough time to do farang hunting at the bar because we startworking at 8.30. but who know? Right? But I confirm she’s a good woman.

I don’t think skincolor will be something attractive to farang to choose the girl, as for myexperience, I used to date with white guy, and I am white like have Chinese andthai blood. And my coworker is also white Chinese-thai. So she still qualify.

I don’t really get it why high educated, rich farang marries with bar girl but a high educated,rich thai lady date with a ‘normal’farang? Even if the environment of the girl is surrounded by educated richfarang. Know what I mean?

And also bar girls don't even speak english properly.

Anybody describe the logical empiricism? please?

Note* I have to confessthat I am sorta racist (abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief,black-white, poor-rich, smart-idiot or even bar girl-educated one)

I didn’t mean to make anybody feel bad about this, but thinkabout the logical. I’m kinda curious. (-_-‘’)

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A "working" girl is a polite term for a prostitute. Nice respectable girls do not hang out in any kind of bar. Going to the disco on the weekends with friends is one thing but for a girl to hang out at a bar to find a boyfriend would be frowned on in my opinion.

I have dated 2 hi so thai girls. One had her brother escort her every where she went. She could not leave the house without her brother coming along. I ended up knowing her brother better than I knew her.

The other had no problems running around every where in thailand with me but got extremely angry when she got the impression any one thought she was a bar girl. She flipped out when anyone in bangkok spoke to her in any dialect except bangkok because she thought that meant they thought she was a bar girl out with a falang and she was probably right.

For those that are not concerned with their reputation none of this matters though.

Edited by wolfmanjack
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She is asking if the bar is the best place to meet and date rich falangs because almost all of the rich falangs she meets have wives that used to be bar girls. Interesting concept. A Girl that makes a good salary working a day job being a bar girl at night so she can meet and marry a rich falang. It may be a good idea but you have to consider what your boss and co workers will think if they find out. Even if you just hang out in a bar without "working" there will make people think you are a "working" girl.

Wolfmanjack has a good point. A so called "good" girl will be tarred with the same brush as the working girls if she spends time in a bar searching for Mr Right. It's not always true, but true more often than not. I happen to know several women who frequent bars in Chiang Mai and none of them are "working girls". I don't want to post their photos, but I have spent enough time with them to know who they are and what they are like. If I was a younger man and interested in getting married, these gals would catch my fancy. The fact is that one of the gals I know got married earlier this year to a well off man from Spain.

I think meeting someone ideal is a tough project for anyone anywhere. Everyone has their own personal tastes in who would make a good partner. Most people have to settle for second or third best. Then, they later live to regret it, and either get divorced or just become bitter and frustrated.

The reason why so many farangs meet their future Thai wives in bars is because that is where all the traffic is. Farangs can't speak Thai and the only women they meet who can speak English are the women who work in the tourist sector... such as bars. There have been LOTS of good marriages between farangs and Thai bar girls. I know of at least 5 myself. Some were my ex girl friends who are now happily married ot blokes from England and Australia.

I know two beautiful, single Thai-Chinese sisters who have wealthy parents. Neither has a boy friend... either Thai or farang. I think their problem is they are too high class for the men available.

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A girl who is looking for specifically a westerner, or only a westerner in my opinion would be putting off plenty of genuine suitors....

Anyone who is making some form of choice before they have met someone may not be open minded enough to pursue a stable relationship. In this case: Occupational Farang hunters are making a predetermined choice to hunt a wealthier western man, failing that any western man wealthier than a Thai laborer... That perhaps speaks volumes of the women in question and could be the very step at which she is falling down.

For the Ops friend: If as the OP describes she should be desirable to both Thai and Western Men... But she is not, so something may be amiss otherwise she'd have suitors lining up... no ?

Regarding the reasons why Eligible Western Men end up with Bar Girls... Generally the ones I know don't, but there have been one or two acquaintances in the past who have ended up with bar girls - This one baffles me as it does the op.

I suspect that the only logical answer is that these men are too lazy to put the ground work in with a respectable woman.

Also, having dated plenty of respectable Thai women (to place this in perspective: Lawyers, flight attendants, business women) a lot of them are down right self engrossed and immature. Some guys simply don't want to deal with having to face the silly crap and sift through the daft women to find one who is decent... I guess from the perspective of these guys a Bar Girl is for one night... The issue here is when one night lasts longer.

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I know two beautiful, single Thai-Chinese sisters who have wealthy parents. Neither has a boy friend... either Thai or farang. I think their problem is they are too high class for the men available.

Wife's cousin - Chula MA Graduate, working for her family has never had a boyfriend.... She is about 30 years old and might never meet a man if she carry's on the way she is going. She never goes out, doesn't really hang out much with friends and works solely in the family environment..... She doesn't really give herself much of a chance to meet anyone or for anyone else to view her as anything other than a wooden personality. This is somewhat of a shame as she is a lovely woman, IMO not quite a cracker in the looks department but I'd say very well above average.

She is from a very wealthy family, so as Ian has put I suspect that she may be classed out of the market - But realistically she simply 'not yet on the market' as she doesn't really know where or what it is !

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Wife's cousin - Chula MA Graduate, working for her family has never had a boyfriend.... She is about 30 years old and might never meet a man if she carry's on the way she is going. She never goes out, doesn't really hang out much with friends and works solely in the family environment..... She doesn't really give herself much of a chance to meet anyone or for anyone else to view her as anything other than a wooden personality. This is somewhat of a shame as she is a lovely woman, IMO not quite a cracker in the looks department but I'd say very well above average.

She is from a very wealthy family, so as Ian has put I suspect that she may be classed out of the market - But realistically she simply 'not yet on the market' as she doesn't really know where or what it is !

or alternative view

why date/marry average looks older woman (25+) with high expectations who may not like sex much and make you wait

when can have young pretty girl with no expectations (bar girl?) and have sex every night from night 1

Man often lazy, easy to take sure thing.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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@dean999 i was confused why most of rich farang guy date with the thai lad they met at the bar.

Thanks, that's a bit easier to understand. Your ''logic question'' appears to be Thai logic, as I perceive it.

For a Farang, Thai logic is regarded by many, as having very little meaning, from a western viewpoint.

I am therefore of the impression, your real question is,

'' Should a respectable Thai woman go to a bar, to meet a rich Farang ??''

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The reason why so many farangs meet their future Thai wives in bars is because that is where all the traffic is. Farangs can't speak Thai and the only women they meet who can speak English are the women who work in the tourist sector... such as bars. There have been LOTS of good marriages between farangs and Thai bar girls. I know of at least 5 myself. Some were my ex girl friends who are now happily married ot blokes from England and Australia.

I think Ian pretty much nailed it. Bargirls are much more proficient in English than the average Thai girl because their livelihood depends on it. And the fact that BG's are much more accessible and easier to get in the sack certainly plays a role. What the OP needs to understand is that men are not real complicated animals--they don't much care how wealthy or educated women are. Physical attractiveness and accessibility are way more important traits. Other things like honesty and compatibility goes without saying.

I do have a question for Ms. Annilicious (interesting moniker): So farang men date and marry bargirls and otherwise "lo-so" Thai women. So what? Why does this bother you? Why does it matter to you either way? (Note: Please do not give a cop-out answer like "oh, I'm just curious." You obviously started this thread because it matters to you).

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A girl who is looking for specifically a westerner, or only a westerner in my opinion would be putting off plenty of genuine suitors....

Anyone who is making some form of choice before they have met someone may not be open minded enough to pursue a stable relationship. In this case: Occupational Farang hunters are making a predetermined choice to hunt a wealthier western man, failing that any western man wealthier than a Thai laborer... That perhaps speaks volumes of the women in question and could be the very step at which she is falling down.

Agree 100%. Any Thai woman who is a self-admitted, serial "farang-hunter" should be avoided at all cost. These women are not interested in a good-hearted man or a normal relationship--they're interested in money and/or a foreign passport out of misery. Been there, done that.

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She is asking if the bar is the best place to meet and date rich falangs because almost all of the rich falangs she meets have wives that used to be bar girls. Interesting concept. A Girl that makes a good salary working a day job being a bar girl at night so she can meet and marry a rich falang. It may be a good idea but you have to consider what your boss and co workers will think if they find out. Even if you just hang out in a bar without "working" there will make people think you are a "working" girl.

Wolfmanjack has a good point. A so called "good" girl will be tarred with the same brush as the working girls if she spends time in a bar searching for Mr Right. It's not always true, but true more often than not. I happen to know several women who frequent bars in Chiang Mai and none of them are "working girls". I don't want to post their photos, but I have spent enough time with them to know who they are and what they are like. If I was a younger man and interested in getting married, these gals would catch my fancy. The fact is that one of the gals I know got married earlier this year to a well off man from Spain.

I think meeting someone ideal is a tough project for anyone anywhere. Everyone has their own personal tastes in who would make a good partner. Most people have to settle for second or third best. Then, they later live to regret it, and either get divorced or just become bitter and frustrated.

The reason why so many farangs meet their future Thai wives in bars is because that is where all the traffic is. Farangs can't speak Thai and the only women they meet who can speak English are the women who work in the tourist sector... such as bars. There have been LOTS of good marriages between farangs and Thai bar girls. I know of at least 5 myself. Some were my ex girl friends who are now happily married ot blokes from England and Australia.

I know two beautiful, single Thai-Chinese sisters who have wealthy parents. Neither has a boy friend... either Thai or farang. I think their problem is they are too high class for the men available.

maybe im too young to understand sort of relationship and such.

but ...you can't say that women who can speak english are the women who work in tourist sector. I'm quite sure that women who work in central business area in bangkok can speak english.

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I do have a question for Ms. Annilicious (interesting moniker): So farang men date and marry bargirls and otherwise "lo-so" Thai women. So what? Why does this bother you? Why does it matter to you either way? (Note: Please do not give a cop-out answer like "oh, I'm just curious." You obviously started this thread because it matters to you).

Maybe Annilicious is just tired of reading all the follow up agony aunt posts on Thai visa??

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A girl who is looking for specifically a westerner, or only a westerner in my opinion would be putting off plenty of genuine suitors....

Anyone who is making some form of choice before they have met someone may not be open minded enough to pursue a stable relationship. In this case: Occupational Farang hunters are making a predetermined choice to hunt a wealthier western man, failing that any western man wealthier than a Thai laborer... That perhaps speaks volumes of the women in question and could be the very step at which she is falling down.

Agree 100%. Any Thai woman who is a self-admitted, serial "farang-hunter" should be avoided at all cost. These women are not interested in a good-hearted man or a normal relationship--they're interested in money and/or a foreign passport out of misery. Been there, done that.

is it true? im sorry to hear that

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@dean999 i was confused why most of rich farang guy date with the thai lad they met at the bar.

Thanks, that's a bit easier to understand. Your ''logic question'' appears to be Thai logic, as I perceive it.

For a Farang, Thai logic is regarded by many, as having very little meaning, from a western viewpoint.

I am therefore of the impression, your real question is,

'' Should a respectable Thai woman go to a bar, to meet a rich Farang ??''

yes! that was what i'm gonna say! LOL

just want to know the ''reason'' WHY

like....logical not emotional

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I do have a question for Ms. Annilicious (interesting moniker): So farang men date and marry bargirls and otherwise "lo-so" Thai women. So what? Why does this bother you? Why does it matter to you either way? (Note: Please do not give a cop-out answer like "oh, I'm just curious." You obviously started this thread because it matters to you).

Maybe Annilicious is just tired of reading all the follow up agony aunt posts on Thai visa??

Perhaps. Or maybe she can answer the question herself. I sense a bit of resentment on her part. Jealousy perhaps? Who knows.

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Am i the only one who doesn't really get what your on about?

After reading that, i'm as confused as you.

Nope. Some just think too much.

I'm confused too. my question was just to ask about the logical thought of rich farung gay with bar girl. :/

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@dean999 i was confused why most of rich farang guy date with the thai lad they met at the bar.

Thanks, that's a bit easier to understand. Your ''logic question'' appears to be Thai logic, as I perceive it.

For a Farang, Thai logic is regarded by many, as having very little meaning, from a western viewpoint.

I am therefore of the impression, your real question is,

'' Should a respectable Thai woman go to a bar, to meet a rich Farang ??''

yes! that was what i'm gonna say! LOL

just want to know the ''reason'' WHY

like....logical not emotional

Do you really believe that a wealthy, successful, confident, self-respecting man would go seek his future wife in bars?

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Am i the only one who doesn't really get what your on about?

After reading that, i'm as confused as you.

Nope. Some just think too much.

I'm confused too. my question was just to ask about the logical thought of rich farung gay with bar girl. :/

Therein lies the confusion. I don't consider a guy living off an 80,000 bt a month pension "rich." Do you?

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A girl who is looking for specifically a westerner, or only a westerner in my opinion would be putting off plenty of genuine suitors....

Anyone who is making some form of choice before they have met someone may not be open minded enough to pursue a stable relationship. In this case: Occupational Farang hunters are making a predetermined choice to hunt a wealthier western man, failing that any western man wealthier than a Thai laborer... That perhaps speaks volumes of the women in question and could be the very step at which she is falling down.

Agree 100%. Any Thai woman who is a self-admitted, serial "farang-hunter" should be avoided at all cost. These women are not interested in a good-hearted man or a normal relationship--they're interested in money and/or a foreign passport out of misery. Been there, done that.

is it true? im sorry to hear that

Yes, it's true.

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