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Fugitive Ex-Leader Thaksin Dominates Thai Election

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I think that the result will be a win for PT. Then, when the PT tries to get other parties to join it to form a government, those parties will receive a visit or a phone call telling them not to do so. The Winner, and the party which has the honour of dealing with mass demonstrations and continuous violence ... the Democrats! Thanks to Phumjai Thai's large number of seats.

By a win do you mean at least 1 more seat than the Dems ? i think that will happen also but the majority (50% + 1) is what counts in forming the government and PT has already said no to BJ. Then again PT has changed what they have said a few times already so i doubt a coalition with BJ would be any different. I can picture Thaksin with hat in hand asking Newin to join a coalition. 5555555555555555

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the bag of the devil is never full as they say in my home country...

rich people in power, only wants, more power, more money

When the bucket gets full the rich buy a bigger bucket.


my ex-private company asked for transcripts from a mr thaksin shinawatra from E. Kentucky U as an applicant for a job and we got a reply that there is no such record on file. One conclusion is loans not repaid, which I highly doubt, the other is a fraudster, a crook.

This man wants to be the sole leader in this place and has no respect for anyone but his own dynasty and lineage. Read the underground news not yet censored on their motives.

If one got a doctorate from his shinawatra university, they still would not know how to be such a greedy crook let still get the farmers to like you. Maybe you would need to get a PhD in how to show people only what they GET and teach them to ignore what is TAKEN and where it all COMES FROM.

"show people only what they GET and teach them to ignore what is TAKEN and where it all COMES FROM"

Oh they already know that what they get is about the same amount as what Thaksin takes. They already know that the money is taken from the taxpayers. What they do not understand is if the money Thaksin takes could be used to improve the schools then their families would be much better off. I listened to my wife discuss schools with my son's friend's father the other day. When he finishes P1-6 (which is all free under the Dems) he plans to send his son to a temple school because he can not afford to pay Tuition at the local M1-6 school. He plans to vote Red on Sunday.


I think that Puea Thai will get a lot less votes than they should due to the fact that the font size of the Puea Thai candidate on the voting form is considerably smaller than the other candidates.

I wonder how that happened..........:o

They submitted a cockamamie logo which varied from their usual logo in its exceptionally long horizontal width.

Do us a favour and do not simply reproduce the spin. I suppose the printers have no "print preview"??

If you look at what they gave to use for their logo on the ballot (it's been posted in one of the multiple threads on the same issue), anyone can see that it is not their normal logo that they've used for over 2 years.

Additionally, anyone can see by looking at the ballot sample, that there is a lot of text now in their logo. No other Party has that much text, they use the Party logo (aka a symbol) that's clear and unique to each Party and easily fits into the box.

If Pheu Thai Party produces some silly new logo that is unlike every other Party with a bunch of text and is exceptionally long horizontally, it should come as no surprise that in order to fit into the same size box as every other Party, it got smaller. Logic and foresight is not one of their strong points. Tough titties to them.

As has been pointed out as well in other threads on this issue, the point is fairly moot, even if the Party itself didn't screw up the logo, because there's a big numeral 1 on the same line AND ALSO the name of the Party is spelled out on the same line, too.

They screwed up... and now what to blame others. Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) for Pheu Thai.



Dont forget, Thaksin was declared a fugitive by a government that illegally siezed power. Thaksin was the duly elected PM at the time and with the constitution that was in place. Of course the military coup has tossed out the constitution. That makes the idea of a constitution meaningless if people can ignore it and re-write it without due process. Even in the far from perfect United States, the constitution is the law of the land but there are provisions for changing it.

As an occasional visitor to Thailand, rather than having been living here, you may have missed where PM-Thaksin resigned to hold an election, thus becoming (like PM-Abhisit right now) merely caretaker-PM, the coup was actually several months later, after that, when his term as caretaker-PM had time-expired.

So Thaksin was most certainly not "the duly elected PM at the time", under "the constitution that was in place", as you state.

Also, it was the courts which declared him a fugitive, not the government. Of course you might think that they had been influenced by the government in-power at that time, despite Thaksin declaring in-advance his full-confidence & acceptance of the verdict, until he heard what it was. And that government was PPP-led, ie Thaksin's then-nominee party, as you may also have not realised.

I would agree that constitutions seem to come-and-go here, rather-more-often than we farangs might expect, based on our countries-of-origin. :rolleyes:

It did not drive me away, but I am single and travel and visit simply. However, it did guarantee that I will NEVER committ any serious amount of assets in Thailand. I will never buy a place, unless it is going at a fire sale price. I will continue to visit (11 trips so far). But as a somewhat stable government I have to say no and will pass.

Your decision to not commit capital to Thailand is very wise, and most farangs here will advise you that you shouldn't bring money into the country, that you can't afford to walk-away from if need be. B)


However, Abhisit (who I think is great) is not the Democrat Party - a number of their MPs are particularly undesirable people - therefore I'd be considering a "No Vote" in protest of not being given any decent options, as is the case with a small number of people that I know who have been TRT-PPP-PTP supporters in the past.

I'm going to throw a party for people who are "Down with OPP".

nevermind, most won't get the joke.


Yingluck is NOT qualified to run the government....anyone who thinks she is not in collaboration with her brother Thaksin to reenter the country and retrieve his billion or so baht needs to wake up.

Lets not forget he is a fugitve for a reason and literally hiding in another country. There are some countries that will not even allow him entry.

He is a criminal, eventhough a very rich one, he is still a criminal. - and his sister is not qualified to be prime minister, might as well just elect a noodle vendor.

While I may agree with you on qualifications and motivations, if the PTP and Yingluck are selected by the people's vote then you cant argue. Many thought Banharn was completely unqualified, useless and far too dim to be PM and yet it wasnt a problem and Yingluck is probably a lot brighter than him. People dont have to vote for those qualified to do the job, they can vote for anyone they like to do it. And most of those voting PTP will know full well Thaksin is pulling the strings. The saying goes Thaksin thinks, Pheua Thai does... It is no secret

The reality now is that the establishment have had many years and power to smash up, buy out or intimidate the Thaksin/red machine and have failed. They have also had many years to turn the Dems into a mighty election winning machine but it looks that project has failed too. Along with this virtually every check and balance organization lies discredited in the eyes of many. The outcome of this election has to be accepted. If it doesnt go the way, you or I or anyone else likes that is irrelevant. Thailand needs to move on

Yeah, even though both parties seem to be corrupt, it's time for them to share their toys and let the other guy play.

Only thing is, if Yingluck wins, they will be given credit for an economy that is already recovering and take the applause for it.


Dont forget, Thaksin was declared a fugitive by a government that illegally siezed power. Thaksin was the duly elected PM at the time and with the constitution that was in place. Of course the military coup has tossed out the constitution. That makes the idea of a constitution meaningless if people can ignore it and re-write it without due process. Even in the far from perfect United States, the constitution is the law of the land but there are provisions for changing it.

As an occasional visitor to Thailand, rather than having been living here, you may have missed where PM-Thaksin resigned to hold an election, thus becoming (like PM-Abhisit right now) merely caretaker-PM, the coup was actually several months later, after that, when his term as caretaker-PM had time-expired.

So Thaksin was most certainly not "the duly elected PM at the time", under "the constitution that was in place", as you state.

Also, it was the courts which declared him a fugitive, not the government. Of course you might think that they had been influenced by the government in-power at that time, despite Thaksin declaring in-advance his full-confidence & acceptance of the verdict, until he heard what it was. And that government was PPP-led, ie Thaksin's then-nominee party, as you may also have not realised.

I would agree that constitutions seem to come-and-go here, rather-more-often than we farangs might expect, based on our countries-of-origin. :rolleyes:

It did not drive me away, but I am single and travel and visit simply. However, it did guarantee that I will NEVER committ any serious amount of assets in Thailand. I will never buy a place, unless it is going at a fire sale price. I will continue to visit (11 trips so far). But as a somewhat stable government I have to say no and will pass.

Your decision to not commit capital to Thailand is very wise, and most farangs here will advise you that you shouldn't bring money into the country, that you can't afford to walk-away from if need be. B)

Ricardo is correct.

Thaksin was also trying to put his man in charge of the military, the general that waged the coup was the last standing general who was not on Thaksin's payroll.

If Thaksin would've accomplished this he would've had complete control over Thailand. - Hence the coup.

Let's also not forget Suvarnabhumi airport, which was Thaksin's baby at the time and plagued with corruption, the rumours of contractors having to pay money under the table to get bids is absolutely true. - i know a few of them.

"His father wouldn't support him if he were still alive," Thaksin's 82-year-old aunt Taowan Shinawatra told AFP in an interview at her home in northern Thailand, saying he should stick to business.

"We have enough as it is. We don't need to go into politics. People who go into politics can't let go of the prestige. He is obsessed by it."

This is further evidence of Thaksin's unsound state of mind. Such a statement from a member of his own family who has known him since birth carries much greater weight than than if the statement came from anyone else.

I hope that the Pheu Thai voters are fully aware that they are choosing to be led by an insane megalomaniac who has a drug-like addiction to power and the wealth and prestige that comes along with it.


Just an observation from one who was here before and since.

Thailand entered a dark age when Thaksin was overthrown in the military coup.

The entire spirit and heart of the country was ripped out.

It's now the Land of Frightened Frowns.

What a festive and happier place it was before that day.

Look at it now.

Blockading the airport was far more damaging to tourism and the economy than anyone seems to imagine.

Thousands of tourists were trapped here or couldn't come....

But the real cost is the thousands will never come to Thailand again because of it.


Thailand lost face before the world (and untold billions of Bt) with that escapade, and the inaction of the military and police to do anything about it

They will never live that down.

I really don't care much about Thai politics. It's not my country. I have no vote....It's just an observation.

Somehow this seems an observation from someone who might have been here but didn't learn a bloody thing.

Ignore the fact that 'things' really started when k. Thaksin sold his family stakes in Shinawatra Holdings the day a law allowing that came in action. Managed to avoid paying tax as well. Still of course blame the yellow shirts from blockading the airport and ruining the country. Thailand lost face. Slightly ignoring the disaster when UDD leader Arisman with his supporters stormed the ASIAN convention and caused National Leaders to flee.

I do care about Thailand and it people, although less about it's funny politics. Still IMHO a much more valid observation.

Dear beelzabub666:

You said ".....What a festive and happier place it was before that day......" (meaning before the coup)

How can you possibly say that. Thailand was in the grasp of a highly corrupt / openly highly corrupt man who changed the laws for his own massive benefit, a man who intimidated the judiciary, intimidated the civil servants, intimidated the press, intimidated the electoral commission, intimidated anybody who was in his way, the rural poor were getting into deeper debt, he was promoting his own realtives into numerous high powerful positions, he instructed Thai banks to loan massive amounts to the thug generals in Burms so that his family companies who gain enormous sales, he very seriously violated the human rights of thousands of Thais, many died, and more.

So how can you state 'happier place'?

Or as you perhaps suggesting that all of the above points should have been ignored? And do you have any rationale to support a case to ignore all these points?


No I live in downtown Bangkok and work mostly with the Amart or elite clients. Today one of my clients a Director General in the Thai Government told me he was certain of a landslide Pheu Thai victory. This morning I saw my MP who is Pheu Thai, he Waied me and he is almost certain to win in Prakhanong. Most of my clients were or are Democrat but none seem happy with Abhisit so they probably won't vote PheuThai but also may not vote democrat this time.. I also read the Nation and Bangkok Post everyday and have seen the opinion polls for weeks all of which say PheuThai is way in the lead. I am not Thai but so many Thais tell me that they believe that the Democrats don't have much chance so on the basis of all this I can't see any chance of Abhisit winning. We won't have to wait long to find out. I hope we can talk again on Monday when we know the result and can work out when the next Coup is likely to take place!

As far as the polls are concerned, i have yet to see any that show PT way in the lead, so that means either you have seen different polls from me - unlikely i think - or that something in your mind is distorting the figures to reflect your own personal feelings; the slant of which is of course are a matter of record here on Thaivisa.

Anyway, like you say, the truth will all be revealed soon enough.


The outcome of this election has to be accepted. If it doesnt go the way, you or I or anyone else likes that is irrelevant. Thailand needs to move on

Absolutely yes, the election result must be accepted. I think if PTP win, as you predict, it will be, and if PTP get on with the job of running the country, Thailand will move on. If on the other hand they become totally preoccupied with undoing perceived injustices concerning their leader, this will not be accepted, and nor i think should it.

Do you think that a win for PTP should mean everyone lies down and accepts whatever meddling of the judiciary they so decide upon?

I dont have much time for PTP to be honest, but also to be honest if they push an amnesty for Thaksin it is something their voters want. If they win, there is little that can be done about any amnesty push as long as it is constitutional. And also to be honest, I think all political sides have already shown they dont mind a little meddling with things. And of course Abhisit and a few others could find themselves on the wrong side of the court if they lose power and as intimated by several democrats they dont expect the establishment to go out of their way to help him.


You should see Crispin's latest at AT.Can't link for the usual reasons.

That article reminded me of that Churchill quote. " An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last." Interesting times.


Just an observation from one who was here before and since.

Thailand entered a dark age when Thaksin was overthrown in the military coup.

The entire spirit and heart of the country was ripped out.

It's now the Land of Frightened Frowns.

What a festive and happier place it was before that day.

Look at it now.

Blockading the airport was far more damaging to tourism and the economy than anyone seems to imagine.

Thousands of tourists were trapped here or couldn't come....

But the real cost is the thousands will never come to Thailand again because of it.


Thailand lost face before the world (and untold billions of Bt) with that escapade, and the inaction of the military and police to do anything about it

They will never live that down.

I really don't care much about Thai politics. It's not my country. I have no vote....It's just an observation.

When the coup happened, Thai people welcomed it and were giving the troops flowers, food and gifts. They were even tying yellow ribbons on the soldiers and taking pictures with them standing next to tanks. There was no fear on the part of Thai citizens and crowds cheered as tanks rolled down the road to remove Thaksin from power. - this is a fact

Thailand lost its spirit when Thaksin CREATED THE PROBLEMS, he split the nation in half and caused Thais to fight against one another. He is a trouble maker plain and simple, has said he would not enter politics, but continues to blatantly lie about his position while he gives satellite feeds to his red shirt subjects. He lies to international news media as well as international monitoring agencies as well.

If he has the slightest bit of morality , he would see that his actions have caused more harm than good. But his ultimate goal is to seize power from the monarch and those associated with it. Not for the good of Thailand, but for the good of himself.

He is not trying to be Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, he is trying to be the NEXT King Thaksin by disseminating information about the royal family via the redshirts and their commanders. I never really knew how critical the red shirt campaign was until i found out a very close persons wife was in collaboration with red shirt commanders. This red/ yellow war is also an operation on behalf of the redshirts to cripple the image of the royal household to weaken the respect that the country has shown to them. People have forgotten how they have been helped, and now only look forward to what they are going to get. These red shirt commanders are a very low form of life.

If you look back in Thai history, there is a power struggle at the absolute top every century or every few centuries and that is what is happening now.


Just an observation from one who was here before and since.

Thailand entered a dark age when Thaksin was overthrown in the military coup.

The entire spirit and heart of the country was ripped out.

It's now the Land of Frightened Frowns.

What a festive and happier place it was before that day.

Look at it now.

Blockading the airport was far more damaging to tourism and the economy than anyone seems to imagine.

Thousands of tourists were trapped here or couldn't come....

But the real cost is the thousands will never come to Thailand again because of it.


Thailand lost face before the world (and untold billions of Bt) with that escapade, and the inaction of the military and police to do anything about it

They will never live that down.

I really don't care much about Thai politics. It's not my country. I have no vote....It's just an observation.

Somehow this seems an observation from someone who might have been here but didn't learn a bloody thing.

Ignore the fact that 'things' really started when k. Thaksin sold his family stakes in Shinawatra Holdings the day a law allowing that came in action. Managed to avoid paying tax as well. Still of course blame the yellow shirts from blockading the airport and ruining the country. Thailand lost face. Slightly ignoring the disaster when UDD leader Arisman with his supporters stormed the ASIAN convention and caused National Leaders to flee.

I do care about Thailand and it people, although less about it's funny politics. Still IMHO a much more valid observation.

Dear beelzabub666:

You said ".....What a festive and happier place it was before that day......" (meaning before the coup)

How can you possibly say that. Thailand was in the grasp of a highly corrupt / openly highly corrupt man who changed the laws for his own massive benefit, a man who intimidated the judiciary, intimidated the civil servants, intimidated the press, intimidated the electoral commission, intimidated anybody who was in his way, the rural poor were getting into deeper debt, he was promoting his own realtives into numerous high powerful positions, he instructed Thai banks to loan massive amounts to the thug generals in Burms so that his family companies who gain enormous sales, he very seriously violated the human rights of thousands of Thais, many died, and more.

So how can you state 'happier place'?

Or as you perhaps suggesting that all of the above points should have been ignored? And do you have any rationale to support a case to ignore all these points?

Well, you could ignore them and wait for a darker age.


You should see Crispin's latest at AT.Can't link for the usual reasons.

That article reminded me of that Churchill quote. " An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last." Interesting times.

"Appeaser. Is that something like a sycophant? Lots of them in this country. Got lots of phrases for that. Yes man. Kiss as@, etc. Yep got lots of them here.

But, the underlying problem s that no one in the politics of Thailand is willing to educate the public.

God forbid, if the masses were educated they would know what the pols were up to. Like stealing their money.


On Sorayut's 15 minute programme tonight on Channel 3 at 5.45,he invited Yinglak for an interview. She refused and sent Plodprasop (again). Plodprasop said she had a prior engagement to meet the people, Sorayut said she could reach far more people on TV.

If she becomes PM she will surely be the fittest Thai PM in history as she runs away from any searching question.

Sweating up a storm today while running away...

Puea Thai Party's Yingluck Shinawatra wipes sweat from her face during her election campaign on the outskirts of Bangkok June 30, 2011.


Photo available for viewing here:



Sweating up a storm today while running away...

Puea Thai Party's Yingluck Shinawatra wipes sweat from her face during her election campaign on the outskirts of Bangkok June 30, 2011.


Photo available for viewing here:


I think there's going to be a defamation suit on the photographer who took that photo.


The quote of the week has got to be Ms Yingluck's latest, when describing her brother, in regard to the "Brunei Deal' : ".....he is not involved in politics."

Is Yingluck gearing up for a career as a stand-up comic, if she doesn't get the PM's seat?


As far as the polls are concerned, i have yet to see any that show PT way in the lead, so that means either you have seen different polls from me - unlikely i think - or that something in your mind is distorting the figures to reflect your own personal feelings; the slant of which is of course are a matter of record here on Thaivisa.

Anyway, like you say, the truth will all be revealed soon enough.

Take a look at the latest Suan Dusit Poll.

Puea Thai is ahead by 17%. And that's without the undecided voters. The only place in Thailand where Abhisit is still preferred is the South. Even in Bangkok Puea Thai is way ahead.



I live in Chiang Mai and Thaksin is still as popular as he ever was. Nothing he ever says or does seems to change the perception of him here....... which is quite sad when you think about it.


Sweating up a storm today while running away...

Puea Thai Party's Yingluck Shinawatra wipes sweat from her face during her election campaign on the outskirts of Bangkok June 30, 2011.


Photo available for viewing here:


I think there's going to be a defamation suit on the photographer who took that photo.

Sad, but funnily true if history is any indication.


Yingluck is NOT qualified to run the government....anyone who thinks she is not in collaboration with her brother Thaksin to reenter the country and retrieve his billion or so baht needs to wake up.

Lets not forget he is a fugitve for a reason and literally hiding in another country. There are some countries that will not even allow him entry.

He is a criminal, eventhough a very rich one, he is still a criminal. - and his sister is not qualified to be prime minister, might as well just elect a noodle vendor.

I totally agree!

Why is she avoiding a debate with Khun Abhisit? Because she know she will lose, by the way with her bad english one wonder how she could get a degree from a USA Univ.:blink:

Shows either the value of a US degree or the level of English in the US. Unless she paid for it?


Yingluck is NOT qualified to run the government....anyone who thinks she is not in collaboration with her brother Thaksin to reenter the country and retrieve his billion or so baht needs to wake up.

Lets not forget he is a fugitve for a reason and literally hiding in another country. There are some countries that will not even allow him entry.

He is a criminal, eventhough a very rich one, he is still a criminal. - and his sister is not qualified to be prime minister, might as well just elect a noodle vendor.

I totally agree!

Why is she avoiding a debate with Khun Abhisit? Because she know she will lose, by the way with her bad english one wonder how she could get a degree from a USA Univ.:blink:

Shows either the value of a US degree or the level of English in the US. Unless she paid for it?

It shows the value of about as low a ranked school as one can buy into...


Still, her degree is probably worth a billion times more than the Thai degree that most Thai politicians have.

Ah, so then that's how she became a Billionairess.



Just an observation from one who was here before and since.

Thailand entered a dark age when Thaksin was overthrown in the military coup.

The entire spirit and heart of the country was ripped out.

It's now the Land of Frightened Frowns.

What a festive and happier place it was before that day.

Look at it now.

Blockading the airport was far more damaging to tourism and the economy than anyone seems to imagine.

Thousands of tourists were trapped here or couldn't come....

But the real cost is the thousands will never come to Thailand again because of it.


Thailand lost face before the world (and untold billions of Bt) with that escapade, and the inaction of the military and police to do anything about it

They will never live that down.

I really don't care much about Thai politics. It's not my country. I have no vote....It's just an observation.

When the coup happened, Thai people welcomed it and were giving the troops flowers, food and gifts. They were even tying yellow ribbons on the soldiers and taking pictures with them standing next to tanks. There was no fear on the part of Thai citizens and crowds cheered as tanks rolled down the road to remove Thaksin from power. - this is a fact

Thailand lost its spirit when Thaksin CREATED THE PROBLEMS, he split the nation in half and caused Thais to fight against one another. He is a trouble maker plain and simple, has said he would not enter politics, but continues to blatantly lie about his position while he gives satellite feeds to his red shirt subjects. He lies to international news media as well as international monitoring agencies as well.

If he has the slightest bit of morality , he would see that his actions have caused more harm than good. But his ultimate goal is to seize power from the monarch and those associated with it. Not for the good of Thailand, but for the good of himself.

He is not trying to be Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, he is trying to be the NEXT King Thaksin by disseminating information about the royal family via the redshirts and their commanders. I never really knew how critical the red shirt campaign was until i found out a very close persons wife was in collaboration with red shirt commanders. This red/ yellow war is also an operation on behalf of the redshirts to cripple the image of the royal household to weaken the respect that the country has shown to them. People have forgotten how they have been helped, and now only look forward to what they are going to get. These red shirt commanders are a very low form of life.

If you look back in Thai history, there is a power struggle at the absolute top every century or every few centuries and that is what is happening now.



Still, her degree is probably worth a billion times more than the Thai degree that most Thai politicians have.

Oh really ?? # 3279 is better than being 606 or higher ? i must have misunderstood how the rankings work and the larger the # the better the school. Silly me.

University World Rank

Prince of Songkla University 324

Chulalongkorn University 418

Kasetsart University 440

Mahidol University 499

Chiang Mai University * 606


I live in Chiang Mai and Thaksin is still as popular as he ever was. Nothing he ever says or does seems to change the perception of him here....... which is quite sad when you think about it.

In Chiang Rai, not sure whether Thaksin is as popular as he was. However, PT posters all over town show their candidate, a man from my village who I've known 12 years, wearing a naval-type uniform with epulats, a bunch of military-looking medals, a big silvery commendation (looks royal), and a wide burgundy sash. The posters also show his skin as near lily white with a few yellowish highlights, even though his natural color is dark amber. He might win. Spooky thought. It would be a 'rags to riches' story though, so I guess there would be a silver lining of sorts in that regard. I've never heard him speak of anything other than petty money matters (never any mention of environmental issues, never any mention of helping those less fortunate), so I guess that would fit with PT's caliber of candidates.

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