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MacWalen, it is nice to know that you are proud of your staff. Nice to know you train them. Perhaps I have missed it, but what are your qualifications in developing curriculum and teaching methods for teaching Thai as a second language?

Now, would you please post by name the qualifications of all your teachers' academic credentials, including but not limited to their qualifications to teach Thai as a second language? In addition, would you kindly provide for all teachers resumes of their experience in teaching Thai as a second language? These requests are not invasions of privacy but common practice, for example, among international schools in Chiang Mai.

MacWalen, are there any independent accredited organizations which have objectively measured student success?

Also, MacWalen, do you or the school provide the Immigration Department with timely attendance records for the students and notify the department when the courses are completed or not in session?

Finally, what kind of "post-enrollment" facilitation do you provide graduates on visas of any sort?

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MacWalen, it is nice to know that you are proud of your staff. Nice to know you train them. Perhaps I have missed it, but what are your qualifications in developing curriculum and teaching methods for teaching Thai as a second language?

Now, would you please post by name the qualifications of all your teachers' academic credentials, including but not limited to their qualifications to teach Thai as a second language? In addition, would you kindly provide for all teachers resumes of their experience in teaching Thai as a second language? These requests are not invasions of privacy but common practice, for example, among international schools in Chiang Mai.

MacWalen, are there any independent accredited organizations which have objectively measured student success?

Also, MacWalen, do you or the school provide the Immigration Department with timely attendance records for the students and notify the department when the courses are completed or not in session?

Finally, what kind of "post-enrollment" facilitation do you provide graduates on visas of any sort?


i can hardly hold my breath....

would he.... or won't he....?

as i always said that i would personally always support any and all who come to contribute something to the thai welfare....

but it would be good to know this time.... if the op will put money where his mouth is.... to redeem himself....

thx for posting such arousing and revealing questions to the proprietor of such a good language school in thailand.... i can hardly wait to read his response in print....

however, on the other hand.... i already knew the score.... B)

just to assist your response, the questions are as follows:

1-what are your qualifications in developing curriculum and teaching methods for teaching Thai as a second language?

2-may i add, which institution of higher learning certifies you to carry out:

2.1 curriculum development for thai language

2.2 curriculum development in thai language as a second language

2.3 curriculum in teaching methodologies for teaching thai as a second language

3-may i also include, which higher institution of learning certifies you as master teacher to teach others to teach thai language, in thailand?

if you can honestly answer positively to all the three questions.... without reservation....; you would be the very first farang to be held in the highest esteem within the kingdom of thailand.... :jap::jap::jap:


Regrettably I only have 6 classes of primary education from my village school, also the teacher was most of the time absent and there were very few books so I had to study the same book a few years. I have no qualifications whatsoever.

When I was young my mother instructed me to answer above style questions like that. Not sure if you can get the point.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Regrettably I only have 6 classes of primary education from my village school, also the teacher was most of the time absent and there were very few books so I had to study the same book a few years. I have no qualifications whatsoever.

When I was young my mother instructed me to answer above style questions like that. Not sure if you can get the point.

This response, from the same person who asked very pointed specific questions to a poster on another area forum, while questioning his motives for praising a competitors language school. Some members of TV seem to self destruct at times with responses which may lead to someone taking it in the wrong way. Or maybe more in the right way would be a more apt term.

I would like to ask, did your mother go to the same school as you?


I'm assuming some people are being facetious with their questions. It's clear the school caters to those who use the ED visa to stay long term in Thailand, and who are only half-serious, or not serious at all, about learning Thai; it shouldn't come as a shock they hire young and pretty teachers. I don't have any issue with this, those who are very serious about learning thai won't consider his school and those looking for a ED visa have a very convenient option.

Ryanair is a very successful business and their CEO is a complete douchebag. Acting a bit silly at times on a messageboard is nothing in comparison, and certainly won't hurt his business at all.


No need, Slapout, to get too exercised! We have received MacW's brief but certainly not complete response, to germane questions.

If, as I understand MacW correctly, good mothers should advise children to be straight-forward, then I agree. So, what about complete straight-forward answers and the accompanying information to all the questions I raised? We shouldn't expect that right away. That's certainly unreasonable. But surely it shouldn't take very long. Maybe a couple of days?

I admire good marketing as much as I admire good teaching. When it comes to expertise in either field, there are different paths to success, but I do have a problem with the totally unsupported claims MacW makes (Check his claims above!) and the lack of credentials and experience to which he has admitted thus far.

Previously, when MacW provided more substantive information about the approach taken with his method of instruction, I agreed with him that his approach was probably better than the other approach often practiced, at least from my experience in learning Thai, but now we have another conversation that seems to reveal more about marketing than learning.

Do people remember about barkers (hustlers) outside of carnival tents luring the local farm boys inside to see the girlie show? Why am I so reminded of this!


I can't believe this flame war. I am acquainted with Mr. Walen's school, but not with him personally. He is an expat farang who runs a successful business at 5 facilities in Thailand. He employs numerous Thai nationals in a professional (and non-degrading) capacity, thus making a positive contribution to the Thai economy and helping some farangs get along better in Thailand via acquired language skills.

So, he's promoting his business. So what? The biz it happened by accident? Why slag the entrepeneur? I don't understand you guys.


Well, you have a point....to a point. But isn't it also valid to be concerned about product value, marketing promises and product delivery?

I can think of a lot of entrepreneurs in various enterprises providing various services that boost the local economy. I think people are reasonable to be cautious.

The Thai language school business is perceived by too many local entrepreneurs as an expatriate market "cash cow" to be milked, especially when they play the educational visa game for profit.

I do actually have some alternative suggestions for instruction in Thai language. I don't wish to recommend any other place, however. Just explore the possibilities. Well, one clue: no educational visas promised as a lure for enrollment !! Or even mentioned, actually!


I know several advertisers/members of TV who will promote their business when the opportunity arises. Others promote new product and or special prices now and again. They also contribute to various topics without a mention of their business. Some are astute enough to recognize that if someone has a interest in their establishment, they will review the advert and contact them personally, if they need additional info. Others do not seem to follow this fine example, of business sense.

I also did not understand " added as friend" timing at all, but I have my suspicions.

Whoa!! What's this "added as a friend" bit!! About 20 minutes ago I received a notice that I (Yep, ME!!!) had been added to MacW's "friends" list. I have never talked to the guy except in the give and take of the open forum. At that point, seems there were 274 friends on his list !!!!!!!! Not Facebook, but it must be a record for ThaiVisa!!! :blink:


I know several advertisers/members of TV who will promote their business when the opportunity arises. Others promote new product and or special prices now and again. They also contribute to various topics without a mention of their business. Some are astute enough to recognize that if someone has a interest in their establishment, they will review the advert and contact them personally, if they need additional info. Others do not seem to follow this fine example, of business sense.

I also did not understand " added as friend" timing at all, but I have my suspicions.

Whoa!! What's this "added as a friend" bit!! About 20 minutes ago I received a notice that I (Yep, ME!!!) had been added to MacW's "friends" list. I have never talked to the guy except in the give and take of the open forum. At that point, seems there were 274 friends on his list !!!!!!!! Not Facebook, but it must be a record for ThaiVisa!!! :blink:

Mmm,i got added also,very sad indeed!!!!

He is watching our every post,be warned :)ha ha

Dont mention the best breakfast/fish and chips in cmai


Regrettably I only have 6 classes of primary education from my village school, also the teacher was most of the time absent and there were very few books so I had to study the same book a few years. I have no qualifications whatsoever.

When I was young my mother instructed me to answer above style questions like that. Not sure if you can get the point.


such an illegitimate crop out....

you ought to shut up now....

in order to preserve whatever integrity that is left of your claims to be whatever master of coaching others to teach thai or otherwise....

pls just shut up and go away.... with some dignity....

if you are not qualified nor certified in certain areas, then what.... don't forget you have come a long way toward success, right? you have a reasonable language school to be proud of, correct?

so.... rather than giving out lame responses.... it is much better just to state the facts as they are....

i would have given you more credits.... had you just stated the facts whatever they are.... but no, you had to say something sheepish taking the avoidance approach.... what a pity.... for a man of your status and accomplishment, so far....

you have just discredited yourself, your life endeavor and your school.... particularly those fine language teachers working for you giving you everything.... in order to help you toward building a better language school in the kingdom.... :signthaivisa: repent... there is ample opportunity ahead.... and move on with truthfulness and dignity in education....

:wai: :wai: :wai:

sorry, this will be my last response to whatever you've to say....


Just want to say I studied Thai 6 months at Walen School in Pattaya.

I found the method of teaching, the teachers and facilities great!

Personally wouldn't even consider another school to learn Thai because it was fun.

Only complaint I have were students who didn't understand the repeat learning concept.

PLEASE make it more clear that they will not understand everything the first time they go through the book.

It took me 4 times before I new all the words and could even wright them.

Only other complaint is please change your aviator!

Reminds me wayy tooo much of Tony.!!!...()*))*)*)(

If you want to make a cool Photo then make one where you are doing something posative like sat behind a desk or up front in a class teaching.

That's gonna convey a much better message to the public than the hey look at mee pic.

P.s say hallo to O for me she good teacher with a positive attitude!


I can't believe this flame war. I am acquainted with Mr. Walen's school, but not with him personally. He is an expat farang who runs a successful business at 5 facilities in Thailand. He employs numerous Thai nationals in a professional (and non-degrading) capacity, thus making a positive contribution to the Thai economy and helping some farangs get along better in Thailand via acquired language skills.

So, he's promoting his business. So what? The biz it happened by accident? Why slag the entrepeneur? I don't understand you guys.

i think you might get it backward.

thaivisa members never single any person out to focus in public opinion page like this....

just like in the case of lady ying-luck.... if she remains a private citizen, no one would care to mention which mare or how many she straddled while she was learning whatever.... while in kentucky....

similarly, in mac case.... he willingly, knowingly and deceitfully put himself up on thaivisa thread.... claiming whatever he wishes to claim....

at the same time, seemingly, he has been so self-indulged in his own self-importance.... that he most probably forgets that.... on thaivisa, there are loads of much more superior and much much better qualified persons in educational fields.... leisurely reading and laughing along.... all the posts....

in my opinion, mac would have come out alright, had he just admitted to whatever his facts are.... like.... folks, i only got a b.a. in horseback riding from kentucky.... that would be a sufficient response for most thaivisa members....

but no.... he had to retort to something cute.... about his elementary school and what his mom taught him to answer pointed probing questions.... thus not only discrediting himself but also dragging his long suffering mother into his mud pool as well.... what an ungrateful rotten son he turned out to be.... :annoyed:

mac still ought to be proud of his own accomplishment, though now with some mounting tarnished image and reputation.... more importantly, he should never have come on thaivisa the way he did.... and expected thaivisa members to swallow his hook and all.... in spite of and despite of everything, i still do wish him well in his personal schooling matters.... :jap: <just disappear humbly for the time being.... but return sometimes later.... with your growing success story and personal honesty and integrity.... to humble all of us.... imho>


I can't believe this flame war. I am acquainted with Mr. Walen's school, but not with him personally. He is an expat farang who runs a successful business at 5 facilities in Thailand. He employs numerous Thai nationals in a professional (and non-degrading) capacity, thus making a positive contribution to the Thai economy and helping some farangs get along better in Thailand via acquired language skills.

So, he's promoting his business. So what? The biz it happened by accident? Why slag the entrepeneur? I don't understand you guys.

i think you might get it backward.

thaivisa members never single any person out to focus in public opinion page like this....

just like in the case of lady ying-luck.... if she remains a private citizen, no one would care to mention which mare or how many she straddled while she was learning whatever.... while in kentucky....

similarly, in mac case.... he willingly, knowingly and deceitfully put himself up on thaivisa thread.... claiming whatever he wishes to claim....

at the same time, seemingly, he has been so self-indulged in his own self-importance.... that he most probably forgets that.... on thaivisa, there are loads of much more superior and much much better qualified persons in educational fields.... leisurely reading and laughing along.... all the posts....

in my opinion, mac would have come out alright, had he just admitted to whatever his facts are.... like.... folks, i only got a b.a. in horseback riding from kentucky.... that would be a sufficient response for most thaivisa members....

but no.... he had to retort to something cute.... about his elementary school and what his mom taught him to answer pointed probing questions.... thus not only discrediting himself but also dragging his long suffering mother into his mud pool as well.... what an ungrateful rotten son he turned out be....

mac still ought to be proud of his own accomplishment, though now with some mounting tarnished image and reputation.... more importantly, he should never have come on thaivisa the way he did.... and expected thaivisa members to swallow his hook and all.... in spite of and despite of everything, i still do wish him well in his personal schooling matters.... :jap:

im sure... that macwalen will..... like.....read your post and ...really take it to heart.

this thread is 3 pages long....with 2100 views....

maybe he knows...like..knows.what he is doing...

maybe you should look into that kentucky horseback riding degree...obviously it will learn your brain marketing real good and make your business really good as well too.


I can't believe this flame war. I am acquainted with Mr. Walen's school, but not with him personally. He is an expat farang who runs a successful business at 5 facilities in Thailand. He employs numerous Thai nationals in a professional (and non-degrading) capacity, thus making a positive contribution to the Thai economy and helping some farangs get along better in Thailand via acquired language skills.

So, he's promoting his business. So what? The biz it happened by accident? Why slag the entrepeneur? I don't understand you guys.

i think you might get it backward.

thaivisa members never single any person out to focus in public opinion page like this....

just like in the case of lady ying-luck.... if she remains a private citizen, no one would care to mention which mare or how many she straddled while she was learning whatever.... while in kentucky....

similarly, in mac case.... he willingly, knowingly and deceitfully put himself up on thaivisa thread.... claiming whatever he wishes to claim....

at the same time, seemingly, he has been so self-indulged in his own self-importance.... that he most probably forgets that.... on thaivisa, there are loads of much more superior and much much better qualified persons in educational fields.... leisurely reading and laughing along.... all the posts....

in my opinion, mac would have come out alright, had he just admitted to whatever his facts are.... like.... folks, i only got a b.a. in horseback riding from kentucky.... that would be a sufficient response for most thaivisa members....

but no.... he had to retort to something cute.... about his elementary school and what his mom taught him to answer pointed probing questions.... thus not only discrediting himself but also dragging his long suffering mother into his mud pool as well.... what an ungrateful rotten son he turned out to be.... :annoyed:

mac still ought to be proud of his own accomplishment, though now with some mounting tarnished image and reputation.... more importantly, he should never have come on thaivisa the way he did.... and expected thaivisa members to swallow his hook and all.... in spite of and despite of everything, i still do wish him well in his personal schooling matters.... :jap: <just disappear humbly for the time being.... but return sometimes later.... with your growing success story and personal honesty and integrity.... to humble all of us.... imho>

Wow you whinging old git, get a life it's only a forum thread



If you wish to make a point, and further market your company, then answer the questions that have already been put to you.

"Re-friending" me after I have already removed you as a "friend" is not going to help!



Congratulations Mac W,

You are increasingly successful in adding names to the list of people who will never recommend anyone go to your school.

Please remove me from your friends list and remove yourself as a friend on mine.


I think it's good to be confident about your product and it is good to tell people you're the best of what you do. However, when you do that in a forum setting, you're just begging someone to disagree with you.

The are the finest bunch of teachers in Chiangmai

Are your teachers really better than all the other Thai teachers in Chiang Mai? Have you got any proof? Sounds more like an opinion than a fact. How do you determine this?

We are the most popular

Once again, this is just your opinion. There are many places to study Thai in Chiang Mai. What research have you done to convince you that you are the most popular?

Busiest school in CM

I am not sure what you mean by this statement.

Nobody has more students than Walen

How many students are in the other schools? Have you even checked?

After one year of learning at the other school come to us

If you do a little more research you will find that many people have studied Thai in more than one place. This is normal. Most Thai schools have students who have studied someplace else.

Nobody teaches Thai faster than Walen

Once again, how do you know? Is this a statement based on fact? How do you know how fast the other schools teach?

Maybe I should rephrase my quote I made earlier. Marketing in the Chiang Mai, Sub-forum on ThaiVisa is a lot different than marketing in other places. It's like a field of land mines if you don't watch your step.


Congratulations Mac W,

You are increasingly successful in adding names to the list of people who will never recommend anyone go to your school.

Please remove me from your friends list and remove yourself as a friend on mine.

Agreed, this is getting ridiculous.

And congratulations on inventing a new Internet annoyance, the "Sproll'. (Or "Tram', if you will)


Mr. MacWalen,

You can silence all the critic by answering honestly to each question on Post #62.

Otherwise, you will be digging dipper and dipper with each of your reply.


I am not sure who is doing the "bitch slapping", the 'add as a friend' side or the critical posts, to what appears to be a somewhat misguided potential result advert. The entire exercise does seem to follow a strategy of one individual associated with the mentioned school/visa mill.


I am not sure who is doing the "bitch slapping", the 'add as a friend' side or the critical posts, to what appears to be a somewhat misguided potential result advert. The entire exercise does seem to follow a strategy of one individual associated with the mentioned school/visa mill.

Walen is a legitimate language school, certainly not a visa mill. We do help with visas for sure but it does not make us a visa mill (school providing only visas). The best is to visit us and sit on a few lessons and talking to students. Be careful however, you may actually like our school and what then? If you meet me in person you may also like me too, by all accounts I am a likable guy.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


Regarding some of the other statements. We are the most popular and busiest school in CM, nobody has more students than Walen. After one year of learning at the other school come to us and compare yourself with our students in a lesson and you will see that it is not as you say. Nobody teaches Thai faster than Walen, about every minute we teach a new word.

Alright, thank you for your reply.

Before you write that teachers are chosen based on looks and not teaching ability please check it first, otherwise it is an insult. Come and observe a few lessons. They teach great. I train them myself. The issue was with one student not enjoying some of the jokes so much but certainly not with teaching. The are the finest bunch of teachers in Chiangmai.

Also if you knew our teachers you would not make such assumptions. You speak of things you don't know about. That is not fair.

I have visited the school in Chiang Mai twice. I met 3 of the teachers and stayed for 1 hour and a half during a class with intermediate level students and during the recess afterwards.

First time I enquired about the visa, price and process. As a beginner level course was taking place( 2months since start ), I was able to talk to the students during the recess.

Second time, I attended an intermediate level course.

After one year of learning at the other school come to us and compare yourself with our students in a lesson and you will see that it is not as you say. Nobody teaches Thai faster than Walen, about every minute we teach a new word.

I have learned to read Thai on my own. The intermediate level students were reading faster than me and were able to respond to the questions of the course, with some help. The teacher was correcting their tones, so that part was good.

But they there not able to order food, ask for directions or conduct small banter, so in that respect I was already having more practical knowledge . The students themselves were complaining about this aspect.

Also teachers don't have to be old or ugly to be able to teach Thai well. Teachers can be young and beautiful and still be excellent at what they do.

True, and from a business perspective I can understand it. Most students are men, interested more in the Ed visa and unlikely to ask too many nosy questions when they could be flirting instead.

But the problem for me was the inexperience of the teachers. The school in Chiang Mai is new and they might not have had enough time to adapt. I thought one of the teachers had good potential.

I don't expect excellence in Thailand, but I have seen 2 other schools where I thought the level was significantly better.

If these issues would be fixed( including the 1200 baht extra cost for the course material, I would rather know the total price from the beginning), I would consider the Walen school for next year.

I'm sure that the business will expand, given how little knowledge the competition has about what westerners are looking for in a school and customer care.

Good luck.


Congratulations Mac W,

You are increasingly successful in adding names to the list of people who will never recommend anyone go to your school.

Please remove me from your friends list and remove yourself as a friend on mine.

This remains to be seen. Just because you don't like the cook it does not mean you don't like the food he makes.

Also if one day you need help with learning Thai and long term assistance you may consider us. You know what they say, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know. A lot of former critics are now our students and very happy with Walen service too. So just remain open minded.

Regarding friends, you remove me as a friend, this is your account not mine, I want to be your friend, it is you who do not want to be mine so it is your move. Also learn to use settings in your account in case someone else wants to be your friend in the future. Many unfriendly people here.

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.



If you wish to make a point, and further market your company, then answer the questions that have already been put to you.

"Re-friending" me after I have already removed you as a "friend" is not going to help!


Did you figure out the settings yet?

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.


I am not sure who is doing the "bitch slapping", the 'add as a friend' side or the critical posts, to what appears to be a somewhat misguided potential result advert. The entire exercise does seem to follow a strategy of one individual associated with the mentioned school/visa mill.

Walen is a legitimate language school, certainly not a visa mill. We do help with visas for sure but it does not make us a visa mill (school providing only visas). The best is to visit us and sit on a few lessons and talking to students. Be careful however, you may actually like our school and what then? If you meet me in person you may also like me too, by all accounts I am a likable guy.

I subscribe to Will Rodger thinking "I never met a man I didn't like" It is the time lag past the initial meet, that separates the likeable from their opposite counterpart. I will say I agree with you assessment of the term visa mill, it agrees completely with my idea of 'add as a friend'. As far as trying your school, I would rather subscribe to the home schooling you seem to promote. You know what they say about 'liking' "Liking leads to loving, loving leads to f..king and I do not want to be f..k ed by you nor your business ventures"


I find this addition of people as friends objectionable without asking them. But then I find the whole marketing strategy of this visa farm objectionable.

Hi Harry, good to see you in this thread, always appreciated your contribution is.

There can be nothing objectionable in adding friends. You can read forum rules and it does not say anywhere that you cannot add friends or you have to ask them if you can add them. I wanted to be your friend but you did not want and this is fine. You can change your account settings. I have a lot of friends, and it is a good thing to have a friend like me in Thailand. Perhaps you may need my help one day too. So again, make sure you change your settings, someone may want to test this button. Seeing my friendly example there might be others wanting to become your friend. Walen S

Regarding objectionable marketing strategy, what is specifically objectionable in our marketing strategy?

1.Promoting Thai (learning Thai is certainly more popular now since people can kill two birds with one stone, learn Thai and solve their visa problems).

2. Helping students obtaining ED visas? Why not, it is a good thing for the country to promote its language and culture.

3. Pretty teachers? It is not intentional, when I hire teachers I just find that the prettiest ones are usually the best teachers.

4. Offering students learning for free if they want to? This is our internal marketing strategy.

Walen School - we are very friendly -)

My Facebook: Mac Walen - www.facebook.com/macwalen - you are welcome to add me, never too many friends.

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