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Thaksin 'Clone' Frontrunner To Be Thai PM


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You might as well open the phone book and stick a pin in it, the name the pin lands on is your new prime minister.

Totaly unpredictable...

Exept of for 3 exceptions:

1) Her brother will get amisty

2) There will be riots in the streets

3) The country will become bangcrupt within one year

4) Your prodection for Thai Baht to USD :whistling:

Sorry, I dont understand your reply, can you explain what you are saying?

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I say give the lady a chance. She has the support of the majority rural and working class Thais, and she has business acumen to appeal to industry. If she is smart and serious about reconciliation she won't allow her brother to return to rock the boat without doing some sort of penance ie serving some time, even if it's purely symbolic.

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Very well said.

I heartily concur with you 100%

Yes, anyone with an ounce of savvy has to agree with rayw, but alas it will not happen, too many 500 baht notes changing hands and not too much common sense in the land of Reds... Communism and corruption will win Big Time.. Goodbye the Thailand we came to love and call home.. my ticket is already booked.. Soth Vietnam here I come.. !

A bit of an inconsistence here. If one of the reasons to leave Thailand is 'communism will win big time', why would one go the (South) Vietnam instead ?

:cheesy: brilliant!

Actually anyone with a real ounce of savvy would fundamentally disagree with you!

Thaksin was corrupt for sure,but at least he made an effort to look at the problems of the Northern poor,something they've never forgotten,though clearly you have.

Corruption? What about the palm oil scandal ,never mentioned here? GT200 scanners,airship etc?

You think that this is any better? ITs worse cos its concealed and covered up more.

You think its about 500 baht notes? Its much deeper than that

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It makes a difference to the point you were making, because that point was, unless i somehow misread it, why would the Economist not be objective.

I take your point but your original post suggested that The Economist had somehow and for reasons unknown slipped from objectivity when discussing Thailand.If that isn't a fair summary, please correct me.

But The Economist has never been other than openly subjective on all matters.That doesn't mean it hasn't been fair.On Thailand I believe it has been excellent and not just recently: for all the bizarre gossip (the Howard Moon stuff) it has never been other than sceptical about Thaksin.

Incidentally as a general observation I think all news reports are usually subjective.There are very few hard facts that taken together as a story that will be accepted by all people of good faith

I expect The economist treats thaksin the same way as it treated the Global Financial Crisis. Nearly everyone but them saw it coming, and "this time it's different". I'd like to think they were merely morons but there would appear to be too much design in their work.

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I say give the lady a chance. She has the support of the majority rural and working class Thais, and she has business acumen to appeal to industry. If she is smart and serious about reconciliation she won't allow her brother to return to rock the boat without doing some sort of penance ie serving some time, even if it's purely symbolic.

Aside from her title, what is her business acumen? What has she EVER done?

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I take your point but your original post suggested that The Economist had somehow and for reasons unknown slipped from objectivity when discussing Thailand.If that isn't a fair summary, please correct me.

I erred. The Economist has obviously never been objective, never mind recent time.

But The Economist has never been other than openly subjective on all matters.That doesn't mean it hasn't been fair.On Thailand I believe it has been excellent and not just recently: for all the bizarre gossip (the Howard Moon stuff) it has never been other than sceptical about Thaksin.

I disagree about it being sceptical on Thaksin, although i will admit i'm not an avid reader so may have missed those articles.

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The Economist, for whatever reason, has long since ceased reporting on political matters in Thailand with any sort of objectivity.

In your opinion perhaps.For others The Economist has been generally first class on its Thailand reporting and commentary.

The question you have to answer is why any reputable foreign newspaper or journal should wish to be biased or have any interest in being prejudiced about Thailand.You can talk about The Economist being in the pay of Thaksin (via Howard Moon!) or you can talk about a neo liberal conspiracy, but these explanations are frankly rather far fetched if not unbelievable.

The explanation that the critics never are prepared to consider is that The Economist (and let's be honest the vast majority of all high quality foreign media outlets) is simply pointing out a few home truths.

Yep !

Perfectly correct, I think there a couple of loons on here who have asserted that The Economist is a paid by Thaksin rag.

Quite sad really.

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The Economist, for whatever reason, has long since ceased reporting on political matters in Thailand with any sort of objectivity.

In your opinion perhaps.For others The Economist has been generally first class on its Thailand reporting and commentary.

The question you have to answer is why any reputable foreign newspaper or journal should wish to be biased or have any interest in being prejudiced about Thailand.You can talk about The Economist being in the pay of Thaksin (via Howard Moon!) or you can talk about a neo liberal conspiracy, but these explanations are frankly rather far fetched if not unbelievable.

The explanation that the critics never are prepared to consider is that The Economist (and let's be honest the vast majority of all high quality foreign media outlets) is simply pointing out a few home truths.

Yep !

Perfectly correct, I think there a couple of loons on here who have asserted that The Economist is a paid by Thaksin rag.

Quite sad really.

I like this part of what Jayboy wrote:

"But The Economist has never been other than openly subjective on all matters. That doesn't mean it hasn't been fair."

Still wondering about the combination 'openly subjective' and 'fair' though :ermm:

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she has consistently dodged putting herself under any sort of scrutiny or dealing with anything close to tough questioning

Abhisit faced some tough questioning days ago on BBC HardTalk, and I think he did quite well:

Abhisit Vejjajiva interviewed on BBC HardTalk (2011-06-27):


I think Yingluck simply would not accept an invitation to be on BBC HardTalk, just as she cowardly declined to appear in a debate with Abhisit.

She is an absolute joke:

Yingluck Shinawatra interviewed by ABC Lateline Australia (2011-06-01):

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she has consistently dodged putting herself under any sort of scrutiny or dealing with anything close to tough questioning

Abhisit faced some tough questioning days ago on BBC HardTalk, and I think he did quite well:

Abhisit Vejjajiva interviewed on BBC HardTalk (2011-06-27):


I think Yingluck simply would not accept an invitation to be on BBC HardTalk, just as she cowardly declined to appear in a debate with Abhisit.

She is an absolute joke:

Yingluck Shinawatra interviewed by ABC Lateline Australia (2011-06-01):

do you really think that males any difference cheesy.gif Taksin only cares for Taksin and his red supporters also only care for Taksin for whatever reason. Dont bother to look for logic or reason here it is as rare as an honest thai polititian

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You might as well open the phone book and stick a pin in it, the name the pin lands on is your new prime minister.

Totaly unpredictable...

Exept of for 3 exceptions:

1) Her brother will get amisty

2) There will be riots in the streets

3) The country will become bangcrupt within one year

Well I guess it wont be the redshirts rioting in the streets. If she wins and if the yellowshirts accept a democratically ellected government then there should be no problems.

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It makes a difference to the point you were making, because that point was, unless i somehow misread it, why would the Economist not be objective.

I take your point but your original post suggested that The Economist had somehow and for reasons unknown slipped from objectivity when discussing Thailand.If that isn't a fair summary, please correct me.

But The Economist has never been other than openly subjective on all matters.That doesn't mean it hasn't been fair.On Thailand I believe it has been excellent and not just recently: for all the bizarre gossip (the Howard Moon stuff) it has never been other than sceptical about Thaksin.

Incidentally as a general observation I think all news reports are usually subjective.There are very few hard facts that taken together as a story that will be accepted by all people of good faith

I expect The economist treats thaksin the same way as it treated the Global Financial Crisis. Nearly everyone but them saw it coming, and "this time it's different". I'd like to think they were merely morons but there would appear to be too much design in their work.

The chief economic specialist of the "Economist" was one of the "wrongest" future teller for the results of the Global Financial Crisis. In a good community with other high ranked "specialists".

The opposite is "Le Monde Diplomatique", deeper investigation.

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she has consistently dodged putting herself under any sort of scrutiny or dealing with anything close to tough questioning

Abhisit faced some tough questioning days ago on BBC HardTalk, and I think he did quite well:

Abhisit Vejjajiva interviewed on BBC HardTalk (2011-06-27):


I think Yingluck simply would not accept an invitation to be on BBC HardTalk, just as she cowardly declined to appear in a debate with Abhisit.

She is an absolute joke:

Yingluck Shinawatra interviewed by ABC Lateline Australia (2011-06-01):

Is she for real? first time i actually hear her speak in English, she actually graduated with a masters in the US?she dosnt talk well and not to the point, talking talking and saying nothing?what does she actually bring to this election except being a female and someone's sister?

She doesnt sound or seem too clever at all? i hope i am wrong, but the future doesnt seem so bright here with kind of PM.

on the ther hand listen to Abhisit? nothing to comapre, i would llike this guy to run as PM for my country and many others would b happy for for such a PM, i dont get it,

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I say give the lady a chance. She has the support of the majority rural and working class Thais, and she has business acumen to appeal to industry. If she is smart and serious about reconciliation she won't allow her brother to return to rock the boat without doing some sort of penance ie serving some time, even if it's purely symbolic.

I can't agree with any of the things you mention. Give the lady a chance? This isn't a school play, where we want to be fair to all the boys and girls and let each one play the lead role for a moment, so no one sulks and feels 'left out.' We're talking about the top political seat in Thailand. From recent indications, her priorities are:

>>> #1 maintain the Shinawatre clan in the top spot

>>> 2 amass as much money as possible, by whatever means, legal or otherwise.

>>> 3 consolidate power to seal #1 and #2 priorities

>>> 4 avoid debates and any other venues of frankness and honesty and being in the moment (she herself admits that all decisions have to get premasticated via her clone). Remember her party's slogan "Thaksin thinks / PT acts."

I learned at an early age, that the people who don't want to discuss things are the people who have things to hide - or maybe they're just too lame brained or incapable of discussing issues.

Thailand needs leaders like former US presidents Carter or Clinton. Each day, they would come to their offices, and actively do all they could to improve America and its people. Each would meet with dozens of people each working day, sometimes almost jogging from one meeting to another - and each was good at grasping the issues and encouraging feedback from a wide spectrum of interested people. Plus, each had a pretty good moral compass, and each had deep and wide knowledge on a multitude of topics. Ms Yingluck appears to be the opposite.

If Thai voters enable her to become PM, then there will definitely be a whole lot of trouble, denial, lies, avoidance, poor decisions, retractions, and endless spin by her handlers (on all she says) for Thailand and its people.

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The economist has suggest what is important is who is best qualified to lose. I think it comes down to a contest between Oxford and Kentucky State University. Abhisit and his stiff upper lip education are better able to keep a stiff upper lip in defeat than a country girl like Yingluck who went to school in Kentucky. Kentucky people are volatile as the war between the states pointed out. I would imagine Abhisit's greatest challenge of his political career will be to keep the non parliamentary factions out of the game once Yingluck wins. Ya all might as well get used to a Southern educated lady back in Asian politics. The last one I can remember was Madame Chiang Kai-shek, who went to school in Georgia.

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Clinton had a pretty good moral compass?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I quite liked the bloke, and thought he was a good US president, but moral compass!!!

Not a bad President considering where he went to school. Goes to show you some people can overcome any handicap.

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It is an unbelievable scam that so many Thai folk seem to be falling for Thaksin's sister being the candidate for the next PM's job. Nowhere in the west would this be allowed to happen, not by laws but not allowed by the people. Putting the sister of a convicted crook and proven robber of the Thai people into the PM's job is ridiculous in the extreme. She is a sister who has NO political experience let alone any suitability to be a proper and effective PM, a sister who is NOT untainted by her brothers crimes either, and one that will be certainly a puppet of Thaksin himself, this is surely intolerable to any sensible and fair minded thinking person. She is there just to ensure that if elected she will bring her brother back on an amnesty that would be totally endorsing crime in Thailand. Thaksin will then be back and PM within a year mark my words, and Thailand will be a laughing stock in the World as a country who has no respect for honesty and its courts of law.

Advice to all Thai people DO NOT be fooled by Thaksin, or his family and his crooked cronies, they are after making themselves richer at YOUR expense as they did before and care only about themselves NOT you. So for now keep the far more honest Democrats in power as they seem not bad for a centre right party, and then quickly clean up the PTP by getting rid of all connections and support for the Thaksin family and their cronies and get yourself some honest ordinary and capable Thai folk as leaders, folk who care about Thailand. Only then at the next elections in say 4 or 5 years will you really have a peoples' centre left/socialist party that will be electable and honourable and thus good for the Thai people and the country as a whole too. Elect in this weekend what will surely be Thaksin as PM within a year, and it will truly be a massive disaster for Thailand and its people for another 10 years or more. You have missed your chance of a peoples Government this time around by the stupid and ill thought out silly support of a 100% for sure convicted crook Thaksin and his selfish greedy and wicked cronies.

Sure I am not a Thai but I DO care about this country and its future and offer my advice above as a friend of Thailand, so please please no ignorant "go home if your do not like it here" crap. I just want to see this country be respected in the world again and climb out of the past (and sadly still present) childish and damaging corruption and the blatant abuse of power for selfish greed. I chose to retire and live here and do not regret it overall either, so will live by whatever the Thai people decide what they want for their country, but I can surely still thoughtfully suggest ways that they could maybe make life better here for them all and avoid pitfalls, and indeed that way try to also make it better for us guests too. I want to see a happy Thailand that respects ALL of its people and stops corruptly exploiting them.

Nice post, but you do realize don't you that your just ranting to other farangs. There are virtually no Thai people on here or in Thailand that's going to read this. you understand that, right. :unsure:

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Nice post, but you do realize don't you that your just ranting to other farangs. There are virtually no Thai people on here or in Thailand that's going to read this. you understand that, right. :unsure:

Thread pages here are publicly available to the entire internet population. You can't assume that people with influence do not read here. There is a gold mine of information on this discussion forum that could be used for research and analysis for those who have a stake in the issues. I'm quite sure that Thaksin's hired lobbyists are reading actively, maybe even members of Pheu Thai and UDD.

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It is an unbelievable scam that so many Thai folk seem to be falling for Thaksin's sister being the candidate for the next PM's job. Nowhere in the west would this be allowed to happen, not by laws but not allowed by the people. Putting the sister of a convicted crook and proven robber of the Thai people into the PM's job is ridiculous in the extreme. She is a sister who has NO political experience let alone any suitability to be a proper and effective PM, a sister who is NOT untainted by her brothers crimes either, and one that will be certainly a puppet of Thaksin himself, this is surely intolerable to any sensible and fair minded thinking person. She is there just to ensure that if elected she will bring her brother back on an amnesty that would be totally endorsing crime in Thailand. Thaksin will then be back and PM within a year mark my words, and Thailand will be a laughing stock in the World as a country who has no respect for honesty and its courts of law.

Advice to all Thai people DO NOT be fooled by Thaksin, or his family and his crooked cronies, they are after making themselves richer at YOUR expense as they did before and care only about themselves NOT you. So for now keep the far more honest Democrats in power as they seem not bad for a centre right party, and then quickly clean up the PTP by getting rid of all connections and support for the Thaksin family and their cronies and get yourself some honest ordinary and capable Thai folk as leaders, folk who care about Thailand. Only then at the next elections in say 4 or 5 years will you really have a peoples' centre left/socialist party that will be electable and honourable and thus good for the Thai people and the country as a whole too. Elect in this weekend what will surely be Thaksin as PM within a year, and it will truly be a massive disaster for Thailand and its people for another 10 years or more. You have missed your chance of a peoples Government this time around by the stupid and ill thought out silly support of a 100% for sure convicted crook Thaksin and his selfish greedy and wicked cronies.

Sure I am not a Thai but I DO care about this country and its future and offer my advice above as a friend of Thailand, so please please no ignorant "go home if your do not like it here" crap. I just want to see this country be respected in the world again and climb out of the past (and sadly still present) childish and damaging corruption and the blatant abuse of power for selfish greed. I chose to retire and live here and do not regret it overall either, so will live by whatever the Thai people decide what they want for their country, but I can surely still thoughtfully suggest ways that they could maybe make life better here for them all and avoid pitfalls, and indeed that way try to also make it better for us guests too. I want to see a happy Thailand that respects ALL of its people and stops corruptly exploiting them.

Nice post, but you do realize don't you that your just ranting to other farangs. There are virtually no Thai people on here or in Thailand that's going to read this. you understand that, right. :unsure:

I think respectfully that you are wrong on this point, as indeed from my experience there are many Thais who read this forum and quite a few who even respond too. Sure it maybe that most Thais who frequent this board are the more educated who would likely be already in agreement not to vote for any party that endorses Thaksin and his cronies. I am far from right wing and thus not aligned with the Thai Democrat party politically, but would currently much prefer Abhist to continue in power until a credible non-Thaksin related peoples' centre left/socialist party can be established here in Thailand. For now Abhist is the only credible choice for anyone with a modicum of brain and the ability to use it, or who is not one trying to selfishly feather their own nest as a Thaksin confederate.

I greatly fear a Thaksin manipulated PTP victory on Sunday, it will be a serious disaster for Thailand and I sincerely do not want to see that happen. Fingers crossed for some sanity then.

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It is an unbelievable scam that so many Thai folk seem to be falling for Thaksin's sister being the candidate for the next PM's job. Nowhere in the west would this be allowed to happen, not by laws but not allowed by the people. Putting the sister of a convicted crook and proven robber of the Thai people into the PM's job is ridiculous in the extreme. She is a sister who has NO political experience let alone any suitability to be a proper and effective PM, a sister who is NOT untainted by her brothers crimes either, and one that will be certainly a puppet of Thaksin himself, this is surely intolerable to any sensible and fair minded thinking person. She is there just to ensure that if elected she will bring her brother back on an amnesty that would be totally endorsing crime in Thailand. Thaksin will then be back and PM within a year mark my words, and Thailand will be a laughing stock in the World as a country who has no respect for honesty and its courts of law.

Advice to all Thai people DO NOT be fooled by Thaksin, or his family and his crooked cronies, they are after making themselves richer at YOUR expense as they did before and care only about themselves NOT you. So for now keep the far more honest Democrats in power as they seem not bad for a centre right party, and then quickly clean up the PTP by getting rid of all connections and support for the Thaksin family and their cronies and get yourself some honest ordinary and capable Thai folk as leaders, folk who care about Thailand. Only then at the next elections in say 4 or 5 years will you really have a peoples' centre left/socialist party that will be electable and honourable and thus good for the Thai people and the country as a whole too. Elect in this weekend what will surely be Thaksin as PM within a year, and it will truly be a massive disaster for Thailand and its people for another 10 years or more. You have missed your chance of a peoples Government this time around by the stupid and ill thought out silly support of a 100% for sure convicted crook Thaksin and his selfish greedy and wicked cronies.

Sure I am not a Thai but I DO care about this country and its future and offer my advice above as a friend of Thailand, so please please no ignorant "go home if your do not like it here" crap. I just want to see this country be respected in the world again and climb out of the past (and sadly still present) childish and damaging corruption and the blatant abuse of power for selfish greed. I chose to retire and live here and do not regret it overall either, so will live by whatever the Thai people decide what they want for their country, but I can surely still thoughtfully suggest ways that they could maybe make life better here for them all and avoid pitfalls, and indeed that way try to also make it better for us guests too. I want to see a happy Thailand that respects ALL of its people and stops corruptly exploiting them.

you and several others.... ought to be honored with.... honorary thai citizenship.... really.... :Thaiflag:


current thai, mostly thai in the south and the central provinces will most likely be the determining forces....

whether or not amnesty laws would be able to pass and enforce.... these are two different and distinct tasks altogether....

most probably have already forgotten that two past govt, samark's and somchai's, both much stronger and more affluent political leaders than "chinyok" herself.... were not successful in attempting to cleanse tuksin politically nor legislatively....

there are still good and honest thai in govt.... who are not willing to succumb to tuksin, ti-ruk-ti political payouts and influences....

what thailand needs.... someone to bring all those political leaders to court.... and

when found guilty.... impose imprisonment and confiscation of all assets both in thailand and overseas....

may that day comes soon.... for thailand and thai people sake....

the working class and the students may have to rise.... to the occasion again.... to accomplish these enormous tasks.... is my one man opinion.... :jap:

Edited by vont
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What we need to see is the removal of Chinese people from Thai poltics. Then, and only then, will Thailand go forward. After all, Thailand can only be run by the Thais themselves.

excuse me.... tonbridgebrit....

what do you know about chinese people.... in thailand....?

what do you really know about chinese people in thai politics....?

..... where on this good earth, did you get the idea about thailand can only be run by the thais themselves....

you are a brit.... as you claim to be.... which side of the track are you from....?

you are probably 50 years backward....

wake up.... ' rip van bit ' ....

it is now.... 2011.... THERE IS NO CHINESE RUNNING THAI GOVT.... they are all thai.... for your info.... < stupid me.... > :lol:

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I apologise for any offense I might have caused to the two gents above, I think you have miss-interpreted my opinion. I just feel things in Thailand would work better if the politicians in charge were a more fairer (or dare I say 'more accurate') representation of the general population of Thailand.

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Nice post, but you do realize don't you that your just ranting to other farangs. There are virtually no Thai people on here or in Thailand that's going to read this. you understand that, right. :unsure:

Thread pages here are publicly available to the entire internet population. You can't assume that people with influence do not read here. There is a gold mine of information on this discussion forum that could be used for research and analysis for those who have a stake in the issues. I'm quite sure that Thaksin's hired lobbyists are reading actively, maybe even members of Pheu Thai and UDD.

That is really really funny

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