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German Interior ministry announces rise in extremism threats


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German Interior ministry announces rise in extremism threats

2011-07-02 06:40:31 GMT+7 (ICT)

BERLIN (BNO NEWS) -- Germany's Interior Ministry on Friday announced a rise in terrorist threats as the number Islamist extremists living in the country increased by over a thousand, Deustche-Welle television reported.

Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said that German intelligence agents assessed the number of Islamist extremists last year at 37,470, an increase of over 1,200 in comparison with 2009.

Friedrich added that the intelligence agency "has its eyes on thousands of threats." Authorities are most concerned with a rise within the ranks of a branch of fundamentalist Islam known as Salafism.

"Not every Salafist is a terrorist," said Heinz Fromm, head of Germany's intelligence agency. "But just about every terrorist we know about has had contact with Salafists or is one of them."

The threats also increased since the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden during a special operation conducted by United States Navy seals in a complex in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

The Interior Minister remarked that left-wing violence remained a concern as well. The intelligence report indicated that the number of leftist extremists in was 32,200; just under the number of Islamist threats.

Last year, the German Spiegel magazine reported that al-Qaeda and several associated groups are or were planning to attack the German parliament in a Mumbai-style terror attack this year.

In response, former Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere ordered to increase security at Germany's airports, train stations and other possible targets. In addition, authorities increased efforts to locate and prosecute suspected terrorists.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-07-02

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The leftist and Islamist extremists mentioned go hand in hand and have a shared agenda. It's good to see European governments slowly waking up to the blowback from their misguided 'multiculturalism' policies. Until recently the following quote from Sam Harris perfectly described the situation in Europe.

The failure of liberalism is evident in Western Europe, where the dogma of multiculturalism has left a secular Europe very slow to address the looming problem of religious extremism among its immigrants.The people who speak most sensibly about the threat that Islam poses to Europe are actually fascists.

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The leftist and Islamist extremists mentioned go hand in hand and have a shared agenda. It's good to see European governments slowly waking up to the blowback from their misguided 'multiculturalism' policies. Until recently the following quote from Sam Harris perfectly described the situation in Europe.

The failure of liberalism is evident in Western Europe, where the dogma of multiculturalism has left a secular Europe very slow to address the looming problem of religious extremism among its immigrants.The people who speak most sensibly about the threat that Islam poses to Europe are actually fascists.

I strongly disagree. For example, I am a leftist...but I am strongly against religious fundamentalism.

There is no such thing anymore as 'threats from leftist extremism'. In Germany's case, the danger is from Islamists and the extreme-right (eg Neo-Nazis).

Neo-Nazis are a menace just like the Islamists.


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Jem, Perhaps not all leftists are alike, but if you look at the so called anti-fascist groups like the German ANTIFA there are left wing extremists openly cooperating with the agenda of the Islamic religious right wing.

When you say there are no longer any threatas from leftist extremism I would argue that is a result of the fall of their ideological darling, the U.S.S.R and the vacuum for their self hatred has been filled by adopting immigrants with extremist and agendas as their approved vehicle for protests. For the first time in 140 years you have communists supporting a religion, Islam.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Sorry but that is nonsense...a true anti-fascist would never side with a fundamentalist.

I know about Antifa....they are a brave group of people putting up resistance against various racist groups all over the world.


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Thursday afternoon I spoke in Stuttgart at the invitation of the human rights group Pax Europa. The event was well advertised, and so the thuggish Leftist/Islamic supremacist alliance mobilized and was out in full force.

To be generous I'd call them well meaning useful idiots. Their actions, agenda and associates are those of violent extremists not peaceniks.


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Yeah, ok, I agree that they should have let that guy talk and not act like that but I really don't know much about this Spencer guy. Is he a genuinely anti-fundamentalist, humanist guy or is he a guy with a hidden agenda ?

When one speaks out against fundamentalism, care should be shown in order not to offend people who believe in that religion but who are totally against violence. I myself know of lots of decent Muslims who hate fundamentalist groups. Of course, you can put forward the argument that the real Islam is actually that of eg. Taliban and not that believed by such decent people I mentioned. Anyway, let's not get into that theological/philosophical argument here :)

Anyway, fundamentalist Islamism is a threat for Europe, yes...but so is the extreme-right. Often the police turn a blind eye to Neo-Nazis and similar groups. Such groups often target people due to their race and ethnicity and sometimes the attacks are violent and result in deaths. If it weren't for groups like Antifa, Neo-Nazis would cause a lot more death and destruction.

Now, please don't tell me you feel sorry for the violent Neo-Nazis who the Antifa put up a struggle against.


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As well known atheist/humanist Sam Harris said, 'The people who speak most sensibly about the threat that Islam poses to Europe are actually fascists.' Not a very happy state of affairs I admit. The dilemma is that I would march with moderate/secular Muslims against the far right if the far right were picking on them for their colour/race/nationality, however I would march with right wing groups speaking out against extremist Islam, provided this was their only agenda.

Spencer has studied the Quran and Hadiths in great detail and can recite it in it's entirity, which is why he is so despised by Islamic radicals. The old testament I admit is bloodthirsty, but the Quran is actually written in a manner not unlike the art of war, or Machiavelli's The prince in it goes into great depth as to how Muslims should deal with infidels, and it's pretty shocking on the whole.

Yes of course there are moderate Muslims who out of their basic humanity cherry pick the good whilst discarding the bad; imho what Islam desparately needs is modernisers to update it in a manner which happened with the church, which I might add was only possible when religion became subordinate to the state.

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Thursday afternoon I spoke in Stuttgart at the invitation of the human rights group Pax Europa. The event was well advertised, and so the thuggish Leftist/Islamic supremacist alliance mobilized and was out in full force.

To be generous I'd call them well meaning useful idiots. Their actions, agenda and associates are those of violent extremists not peaceniks.


Robert is sureley the best in bringing these issues to light.I know him for years, he's most knowlegeable about this. Second is Brigitte Gabriel.

At the other hand I must say, the Roman Catholics and the Zionists are the same in that altogether. All of them are politically motivated. This should be no reason to go to war with them, as it happens right now in Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and other places. These wars have been planned for about 30 years. Watch that vid and you will understand what I mean.

There are a few more secret societies that need to be checked though.

General Wesley Clark tells of how Middle East destabilization was planned as far back as 1991, 20 years ago ...


... follow up with his clips ...

Edited by elcent
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