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Friends - Request That The Additions Default Be Set To "Must Approve"


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Over the last few days a sponsor has been regularly adding random people to his/their friends list and there have been multiple complaints about this. PM blocking and even the full ignore option does not stop these requests, which in some cases are repeated over and over. Mine has been set on must approve and I have had repeated requests by this same sponsor. I have no desire to be associated with a for profit business that has practices that I consider "shady" and others have expressed the same.

Is there an option to set everyone's default setting to must approve? Many people do not want to be associated with a sponsor whose goal is to use them without their knowledge in marketing. Even Facebook has its default set to require your active consent to be added as a friend.

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I had myself added and deleted him and was added again. I emailed support and was told they had informed him.

I suggest everyone emails support and they will know how we feel. This sponsers behavior though is counter productive to him as all negative posts go on google so they come up when they search him.

Edited by harrry
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Mine has been set on must approve and I have had repeated requests

What did you do with the repeated requests? Did you reject them, or did you just ignore them, ie leave them pending? Does it actually make a difference, one way or the other?

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I had myself added and deleted him and was added again...

Suggestion for the future: go to your profile and under "Friend Approval" select "Only when I approve them". Then approve only the requests you want and ignore all others, ie neither approve nor deny them.

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I had myself added and deleted him and was added again...

Suggestion for the future: go to your profile and under "Friend Approval" select "Only when I approve them". Then approve only the requests you want and ignore all others, ie neither approve nor deny them.

We really shouldn't have to go through all of this just to avoid being harassed by a sponsor, should we?

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We shouldn't really have to, but with the tens of thousands of members ThaiVisa has one has to expect that a few can be quite thick and just don't get the message when you deny a friend invitation.

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Request That The Additions Default Be Set To "Must Approve"

I second that request. If I knew how to do a poll I would make one about it.

Mr. Zuckerberg, the owner of Facebook, found himself a friend of a terrorist organisation or something like that on his Facebook account, I read somewhere. Perhaps that prompted him to make the need for friend approval the default setting.

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There was no harm meant, also some saying that it was over and over again is not true. The intention of the button is to request a friend like on facebook, I think that the system should not automatically add me as your friends. I have talked to thaivisa about it but this is the way it is set at the moment and till Mac Walen came along nobody noticed that it can cause annoyance to add people automatically as friends. Feels like I contributed something here. Would you not agree?

Some members are taking things too seriously. There are options of deleting, blocking, set to approve. Why not to use them. When Maestro says that some can be quite thick, perhaps I am, because I have never received any message saying that this and that denied my invitation. I run an IT company myself and most applications can be improved. I have tested the settings on thaivisa, they are what they are and you have now better understanding how they work. Again, there was no harm meant so relax and take it easy.

For a change you can test those setting on me, send me some friend requests.

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I too have been repeatedly pestered by this so called language school. I am glad that the Mods are aware - I would be even happier if the person responsible was given a holiday.

Show me on what basis you say that? Any forum rules forbidding invitation of new friends? I just used an available feature of the website. No kind of you to say that.

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I had myself added and deleted him and was added again. I emailed support and was told they had informed him.

I suggest everyone emails support and they will know how we feel. This sponsers behavior though is counter productive to him as all negative posts go on google so they come up when they search him.

Yes, it will really be so bad on google that I added you as a friend, it will certainly ruin my business khun harrry. Perhaps just the opposite. Goodness me, where you get these ideas from?

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If these people you are adding as "friends" have no positive interaction with you, why would you bother adding them as friends? Leave people alone. Your position in this isn't something you can defend. It is aggravating people and there is no defense. It is just inappropriate behavior on your part. Go play on facebook if it is numbers you are after.

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As previously mentioned, this matter has already been referred to Mods and Admin, as this is admittedly a somewhat new situation, partly because the original set of rules didn't forsee all the changes in the potential features of later updates. I don't think public arguing is going to help matters any further, and when a conclusion is reached, it will be available here. For the time being, thread closed.

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