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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls


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In my employees' village the Democrats handed out 500 Baht on Friday.

Who am I to question such a remark from a well respected member of the TV forum community ;)

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I am really interested to see, how exaclty they want to raise the minimum wages to 300 baht all around the country, without bringing thousands of companies and small business owners into bankruptcy.

You ever been at 7 11 where 3 are behind the counter 1 register open and store full.Pay one good employee 600 and you are still even. Keep on dreaming :lol:

So what you are saying is that PT's policies will lead to massive unemployment.

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Southeast Asia has a long tradition of leather skinned tough guys who stay in power for decades. When Thaksin again takes the PM's seat, the tradition will continue. I predict he'll be there for a long time, and his legacy will look a lot like Marcos' or Sukarno's or Suharto's legacies - all were megalomaniacs who turned their countries in to their personal cash cow fiefdoms. ....or maybe a bit like Mahatir, who continually bashed westerners, while sending his children to western Universities.

Yep. That's the most likely outcome. Total authoritarian rule for decades. Unless PAD/courts/military act SOON to nip this tragedy in the bud. But that would probably mean civil war. Neither choice appealing.

If one had to pick, we'd say Suharto "esque". How many graves?

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Fact: The Thai people voted for who they wanted. If, as all the doomsayers on here keep saying, 'that PT is corrupt and no good'. Then deal with it. Let the people put up with who they voted for until the next election. It's no different than in western countries. Some people really dislike their elected government, the fact remains that like it or not you are stuck with them until you vote them out next time.

As a farang, I firmly believe that it's up to the Thai people to choose their government. They have done so and I hope they get to run the full term. If after this the people decide they've made a mistake, THEN let them change it.

By the looks of the turnout this time, it looks as if the people have spoken. Who are we to judge Thai people by western standards.

At the end of the day if we don't like it, "We know where the airport is."

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Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

This is a good (not bad) thing imo

Great if you don't like tourism dollars

More tourist might actually come here if they cleaned that up.

And how do you come to that conclusion?

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I'm confused. Surely these are only "exit" polls. Again people are jumping at figures without any analysis. An exit poll depends on the person being questioned actually wanting to give their answer publicly. How many of you walk about of a "anonymous" voting booth to then speak out loud about how you voted? Add to this the fact that we don't know how many people were questioned about their vote. It would likely be less than 1,000 people (more like 100-200). Then there is data interpretation. The education system SO many people on here slam is where these figures are being crunched. To be honest this is the least likely area to be affected.


So, imagine that all the poor people vote early and the rich people vote AFTER lunch yet the exit poll achieved it's target figure to allow analysis by 1pm (this is likely if the numbers had been crunched by 2:30pm). It will certainly look like the poor people's vote is the common consensus. With a population of 67 million we can assume a voting public of around 30 million. 70% turnout brings this to 21 million. If there are 2000 polling stations and each has a survey of 400 people then we have a demographic of 800,000. This is around 4% of the vote as the sample set and is likely to be skewed by voting patterns that haven't been considered as they haven't been surveyed.


The biggest surprise is that politicians are celebrating from exit polls, not even early counts......that is, of course, unless somebody knows something that we don't.....

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Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

<deleted> would all you bleating ex-pats know?

Let me answer that.... STUFF ALL.

My wife's family and just about every Thai I know have had enough of the Democrats.

20 years since they were elected and yet they have clung onto power with the help of the military.

They deserve to be booted out.

The people have spoken in a free and fair election.

The elite need to understand, democracy means majority rule, not minority rule.

Despite Thaksin't sins, he understood what the poor want, the Democrats have no idea at all. It will take a complete rebirth of that party to make them understand.

The life of the average poor Thai was considerably improved under Thaksin's rule and people remember that.

They have waited patiently for this day and they clearly haven't swallowed all the crap that has been spouted by the Bangkok elite and their media.

We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

I agree 100% with every thing that you say,I would think that most, if not all, of the Visa writers who are against the result have never seen how the people live in the 'sticks'.

And here's another expat living here who agrees 100% with the above.

Well written Sir!!!

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32.91% partylist vote count: PT 4.9m, Democrat 4.5m, bhumjai 450,000. /via@ThanongK

So at this stage, the majority of people don't want Thaksin back.

You forget the smaller parties like Puea Pandin who are pro-Thaksin. Plus, it's more than likely that the huge vote of Isaan is barely even counted yet. With that in mind, it's safe to say that the majority of Thais do want Thaksin back. We'll see when the final count is certified :jap:

IMO, If people wanted Thaksin back, they would have voted PTP.

Apparently, the largest polling station had 800 voters, so I don't think they will have any problem counting the votes in Isaan ... unless you're saying something about their education ....

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Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

<deleted> would all you bleating ex-pats know?

Let me answer that.... STUFF ALL.

My wife's family and just about every Thai I know have had enough of the Democrats.

20 years since they were elected and yet they have clung onto power with the help of the military.

They deserve to be booted out.

The people have spoken in a free and fair election.

The elite need to understand, democracy means majority rule, not minority rule.

Despite Thaksin't sins, he understood what the poor want, the Democrats have no idea at all. It will take a complete rebirth of that party to make them understand.

The life of the average poor Thai was considerably improved under Thaksin's rule and people remember that.

They have waited patiently for this day and they clearly haven't swallowed all the crap that has been spouted by the Bangkok elite and their media.

We have to respect the will of the Thai people and hope the military will stay in their barracks and out of politics.

What other democracy has had 26 coups? It's a bloody farce, elite and military are hand in glove.... sucking the life out of this country.

I agree 100% with every thing that you say,I would think that most, if not all, of the Visa writers who are against the result have never seen how the people live in the 'sticks'.

They don't know how ordinary people live in BK . They show this by the way they keep repeating that Thailand is not Third World Ignorance is bliss

Edited by pukka
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Jem, time to go home / US...

Home? Are you talking about Obamaland???

With obamacare? Lovely outfit. Can't wait till I get completely out. Oh Wait. I can't, it's like being born into Islam. Taxed until you die.

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PT's predicted number of seats is now 251 - just over 50% - which will give them the power to form a government whatever happens. If this is the actual number of seats, then it is 18 more seats than the last election in 2007 won by PPP under the supposed leadership of Samak and suggests that the majority of the population are still at odds with what happened over the last 4 years and willing to give the Thaksin clan another chance at running the country, regardless of what anyone on thaivisa.com thinks.

Good to see Chuwit probably set to get a run in parliament. Would have been better for comedy value if Jatuporn had still been able to claim a place in the circus.

Hopefully k. Chuwit remembers he's not supposed to punch another MP in the face ;)

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Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

This is a good (not bad) thing imo

Well may be from your perspective, but not for the many hundreds of thousands of Thais that directly and indirectly lost a lot of money, and they of course were at the bottom of the heap and the most needy. Perhaps you were putting a lot of money into charities to help them. I'm sure Thailand needed a few thousand more hairdressers.

During that time the crime rate increased dramatically in Pattaya, and can only be because the poor were denied an opportunity to make money legally. What would you expect them to do, go home and die quietly?

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Ha, I was waiting for this....Taksim and Berlosconi.....it is exact the same situation!

They suceed as the majority of the country is uneducated ...or better stupid, lazy ....dum.

In Italy it is the north what is holding the level up but get beaten by the lazy south.....the number of votes counts.

Same situation in Thailand....there are still too many uneducated thais.

The inteligent build up a country and a corrupt leader with the support of the dum ones will set it back...

It will take some more generations till the farang increased the overall intelligence level and that thailand is ready for a better future.

With every mix baby born the sun gets brighter in LOS.

I hope very much you have not already, and are not intending to in future, contributed to the local gene pool.

Enough uneducated bigots here already.

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Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

Another farang on thai visa who thinks they are 'ABOVE' Thai people :bah:

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They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

Absolute rubbish! It's called democracy and the Thais have expressed their right to it with a landslide victory for the most popular party.

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They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

Absolute rubbish! It's called democracy and the Thais have expressed their right to it with a landslide victory for the most popular party.

It's not a landslide. The exit-polls are inheritable flawed.

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This is great news.

The baht will suffer, putting more money in my pocket.


It seems everyone is in it for themselves. I hope that brings some kind of fulfillment to you and your family.

Take it up with the voters!

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Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

Another farang on thai visa who thinks they are 'ABOVE' Thai people :bah:

I think they made a stupid choice. Is that still allowed to say?

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Celebration at Pheu Thai HQ after results of exit poll unveiled; Yingluck still refuses to comment saying she will do so later /TAN_Network

Someone has to tell her what to say...


read here


Looks like a chip off the old block, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

Wealth Concealment

Yingluck was said to have helped her brother, Thaksin Shinawatra and then sister in-law conceal their wealth. Yingluck received 0.68% of Shin Corp shares out of the 46.87% that Thaksin and his then wife held in 1999. Assets Examination Committee (AEC) claimed that Yingluck had made up false transactions and that "there were no real payments for each Ample Rich Co.,Ltd shares sold" and "the transactions were made at a cost basis of par value in order to avoid income taxes, and all the dividends paid out by Shin to those people were transferred to Potjaman's bank accounts".[13]Yingluck however claimed that "her family has been as a victim of political persecution".[14]

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Taksin almost destroyed the farang nightlife scene- guess you didn't go much.

I *LOVE* nightlife and it's one of the great misconceptions that the social order campaign was targetted specifically at the Farang/tourist scene.

Also, the drive for the social order BS originated from a faction that has long since split off (that nutter chamlong among others), so I'm not too worried.

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Thai Democracy definition= the party that is able to purchase the most votes wins. the freedom to democratically purchase votes

This is the definition of democracy ALL over the world!!

It's just alot more transparent in 3rd world countries.

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