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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Are you a complete moron! Democracy means "One man one Vote"! They have voted. That is democracy!

No, that is mob rule.

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The polling booth outside my apartment block is wrapping up. I've watched the counting, as international observer as it were :)

Take a ballot, say the number, pass the ballot to another guy who shows it to all watching, another makes a mark on the large papers hanging on a board. All for all to see. With four booths, eight boxes. Result here looks 45% Dems, 40% PTP, 5% party 5 k. Chuwit, handfull party 12 k. Purachai, a few no-votes as well as far as I can tell. All relaxed, maybe 20-30 people watching the procedings.

Let's hope counting elsewhere is just as relaxed and friendly. Democracy in action, even if you don't like the result ;)


It's all about the 2 parties in their quest for the holy grail (money pot) the Thai people don't matter. However if UDD/PTP win and it brings peace for the UDD and their red shirts then I can happily live with that. At least my hairdresser in Central World won't have to close her shop again.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

I agree 100%. Better to die on your feet then to live on your knees. Love 'em or hate'em, Red's have a huge majority of support in Thailand. Cue the fireworks!


Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

Are you a complete moron! Democracy means "One man one Vote"! They have voted. That is democracy!

No, that is mob rule.

Oh really!

Who started the whole "mob" thing in Thailand then eh?


Scary to see all the ignorants here that are not aware of the danger a 0ne-party state represents.

So true.

Think Singapore. Scary? Only not too long ago, we have anti T supporters pointing to Singapore as a shining example. This is much more a one-party state and definite family dynasty


All I can say is let them rule and if they do not work out then vote them out.

If you actually believe there will be another election in the foreseeable future where it will be possible to vote them out. I don't. Don't they have show elections in North Korea?

All I can say is let them rule and if they do not work out then vote them out.

The fear among those of us who've been here awhiles and still remember Thaksin as a young pup right from '97 is that there won't be a 'next' time. Future elections here are more likely to resemble that "election" they had in Burma last year.

Thaksin doesn't allow criticism, you see, that's what the old hands remember. People who didn't like Thaksin talked in hushed tones even in their own homes in 2005.

You want to dissent in a Thaksin-run country? Expect to be bought at best, but more likely sued or physically intimidated; at worst, and it's happened, you might just be found 19 storeys below your condo balcony...


It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

And this is a little puzzling. If you mean it (don't know) then that's really quite out of touch. Democracy was always dead in Thailand, as proven by the 2006 coup. It wasn't a democracy before, it wasn't then and it certainly hasn't magically become one today.

Something that isn't alive can't die. So you can take some comfort in that, JT: The people who always ruled Thailand STILL rule Thailand. The sherade that goes on in government and parliament is just the bickering over scraps, and some clever window dressing. Not all that much to either get sad about, or be overly happy about no matter who 'wins'.

It is amazing that you have said in such a simplistic manner, the absolute truth. Thank you, and maybe the Bi*****s will go home.:jap:


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

So you wouldnt be calling one of the richest men in the world one of the elite then?


It will be too late. Total power will be solidified. Democracy is DEAD in Thailand, starting today.

I thought that was the whole point of "democracy" - allowing the voters to choose who they want, whether it's Bush, Thatcher, Blair or Thaksin. Democracy allows for people to be stupid and make mistakes and, hopefully, once they realize their mistake to choose differently the next time.

Besides, who amongst the electorate really knows which party or leader will be best for the country in the end... It's a really difficult choice, choosing between the best of a bad lot...

Who are we to judge, anyway? It's not our country. In the UK recently, the people voted inexplicably yet resoundly to reject proportional representation - the hallmark of free and fair elections! And even in the "land of the free", Americans can only choose out of two parties, each of which is a pretty awful choice.


People get the Government they Deserve... Americans got Bush and the Republicans, and if they don't wake up they are doomed to repeat that grave error...

And the Thais are exactly the same... So they better stop bitching and just send their salaries straight to the Phua Thai, etc...

When an Uninformed electorate voice their opinion in a FREE Election then they have a Right to screw themselves.

But in Thailand where Freedom of Speech is severely limited and the Election Process is corrupted, It can Not be Called a FREE election.

Uninformed Americans have no one but themselves to blame.. as they do have the resources to talk about and get to the truth.. they are just Lazy about doing it, and too easily manipulated by the specter of "FEAR".

Thais DON'T have this excuse.. They don't have the right to Free Communication and access to True information.

Thais have never been trained to THINK and EVALUATE.

How can they protect themselves?



"The former billionaire telecoms tycoon remains a hugely divisive figure"

I'd say on the contrary...if they win 313 seats Thaksin's a hugely "uniting" figure.....that is overwhelming acclaim.

I'd say it's the out-going PM who was (and likely remains) the divisive figure.

He headed a disgracefully unpopular government of a military-backed minority that broke every rule of democracy, ethics and the Constitution to seize and rule the country.

Let this be the last word about it for a while.


It appears that PTP have won.

Now, will they keep their promises?

The first one will be coalition partners.

Another one will be who will be the PM ...

If they really have won by the landslide being stated, they can form a one party government, and they won't need any coalition partners.


Disgustingly, I turned off the TV shortly after the first results came through. Just the thought of the highly likelihood that in the near future, Thaksin will get an amnesty and freely lead the country again is sickening.


Accidents happen!!

Don't worry. There will be no amnesty. The PAD will rally all people of good moral character and shut down the airports, the seaports, whatever it takes until the amnesty idea is deleted. After all, if amnesty is offered, then all these political actions will also be considered allowable under amnesty. So the only risk the PAD takes is if they are successful. They can't lose. They win either way.

The PAD leaders care about the country and are not afraid of going to jail for protecting the country from evil.


I used to believe in democracy too.......until Bush got re-elected.

I see, an Obama voter. Claims to have it all figured out. He also voted for the GREEN Al Gore. Most people know that it is "true" when they see it on CNN etc :whistling:


Majority vote is only one of the Criteria.

MUCH more important is a FREE and UNCORRUPTED election of Responsible ACCOUNTABLE People.

and Respect for the MINORITY!!!

A True Democracy can Not exist without Freedom (Mostly including Free Speech and Press) and Human Rights.

Both sorely Lacking here in Thailand.


Don't forget Rule of Law (or some semblance thereof).

Exactly... Rule of Law and ACCOUNTABILITY!!

It is not only the Corruption... It is the PERCEPTION of Corruption.



It's not unprecedented for noxious dictators to be "elected" and then that's the LAST real election.

Hitler was elected.

Just sayin'.

(No I'm NOT saying Pheua Thai = National Socialists. Nor am I saying this will be the last election.)

Get your history facts right. Hitler never won a majorty. He had a minority vote and the rest was pure bullying and activity outside the constitution. There is other parties in Thailand that enjoy greater similarity to Hitler then PT and Taksin.


If this is the result I say bring on the Army!

I f you bring in the army there will be absolute chaos and perhaps even a civil war will ensue,

wilh many Thai citizens killed/murdered by the army.

Is genocide what you are hoping for?


Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

Like everything else we have to accept in Thailand? sad day for everyone.


The majority of Thais never understood the concept of 'democracy', so they will

lose exactly nothing today.

They don't even understand that what Thaksin put in their left pockets, he stole

out of their right one. I am sure their promised credit cards will make many

farmers much 'happier' very soon.

Good night, Thailand ...


i don't know why so many whites on this site are complaining so much, with the outgoing government new laws were being made almost weekly to seemingly get rid of farang.

Certainly to make life harder for farang to stay and/or live in Thailand.

This never happened under Thaksin, so i can only imagine that life will be much better for farang if he is in power.

So whats with all the complaining?

I hope no-one picks a party based on these reasons...but you are also wrong if you think TRT was in any shape or form pro-farangs or didn't also tighten up the rules in the same fashion. Or even put ALL TR applications On Hold!


a great day for Thailand, long overdue.

now its time to get the original perpetrators of the airport hijacking from all those years ago... seems that was all too easily forgotten.


The Thai people have voiced their will. As long as the election result is not yet again overturned by the powers that be democracy has been returned to Thailand.

With ya bud. Excellent result today.


But as with the elections in the USA, where the Republicans will do anything and everything to discredit a democraticly elected oponent, we can expect the same here. .. with the additional problem of having the military, a party unto themselves, who act without mandate from the people.

Fingers crossed, ... and hoping for peace.


It appears that PTP have won.

Now, will they keep their promises?

The first one will be coalition partners.

Another one will be who will be the PM ...

It's a MAJORITY... No Coalition Needed!!


But it's what they promised.

Thaksin: Pheu Thai to Form Govt with Small Parties

Ousted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra has expressed confidence that the Pheu Thai Party will win the upcoming election and be able to form a coalition government with smaller parties.

Have no Fear... all the smaller Parties will soon be Acknowledging the True Power and lining up to feed at the Trough.. Even if it will only be Leftovers!



Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

Actually, there were about a dozen families sharing the loot with Thaksin. The other dozen families, who were frozen out, have been back in since the coup in 2006. The whole thing is about which dozen families get the biggest slice of the pie. Dr. Phasuk Baker did a good analysis, naming names, back in 2004 or 5. Sorry, I don't have the link; Google her web site for a lot if interesting stuff, or buy her books. I'm hoping this time Yingluck does a better job of sharing the spoils. The baht had weakened just a tad against the dollar and I like it that way. Of course, if we have another coup, maybe the baht will go back to 40 to the dollar. B)


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

So you wouldnt be calling one of the richest men in the world one of the elite then?


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