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How Do You Like Thai Females?

Jai Dee

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Thai bums are great - seriously, they're all great. I like them on the small side, but huge ones just don't exist.

I like the rounded ones. The ones that you could stand on to look over a brick wall.

Not too bothered about legs, long or short,

Long legs or short legs....I prefer something in between.

Either strikingly tall or strikingly petite is my favourite, not in between...

It's said that it's better to have loved a short girl than to have never loved a tall....I think.  :o


Actually, any woman that has a lot of patience and no great expectations is ok in my book.

I hate getting my todger out and hearing "Never mind Gazza, anything more than a mouthful is just waste." :D

Edited by Gazza
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Naturally pretty or beautiful Asian ( no makeup stuff or surgery). No strecth marks , tight package, smooth skin , fair or tan complexion and well balanced in height , weight, upper deck and tail. Should be smart enough to stay out of trouble and be acceptable in most places. Nothing wrong with reese's monkey red hair on some women, but not all. Wish I could find my dream girl. :D Give me a few beers and getting late then the specs change. :D

Lots of possibles :o

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I like them.........available.....and preferably.........orphaned (or independantly wealthy).

For me, personality and intelligence are more important than looks.

I'd rather be with a "plain" girl that has a great personality and can carry a conversation, than a centerfold with a snooty personality and the intelligence of a mud brick. (you can always "augment" certain body parts later if required)

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I know that really attractive women are supposed to be this and supposed to be that, but i can honestly say I've met just as many stuck up arrogant idiotic unattractive women as stuck up arrogant idiotic extremely attractive women, so I'd say prettiness is not a driver entirely of being stuck up.

But then again I guess (without trying to sound arrogant) that I have had the fortune, at least for a while, to work in an industry with a preponderonce of beautiful women. And a fair few of them were well up for it innit.

I am in the pro-boob job camp; if a woman wants to get big boobs, then more power to her. She at least can do something about it. Unlike me; they don't have a penis reduction :o yet. There can be something really attractive for a very slim woman who still has the big boobs; has to be a decent job though, and for other surgery in general don't like the fake nose though. Eyelid not so great; but really good PS is not that easy to tell. That;s why it is great.

Plus women with boob jobs are usually happier with their boobs as a result.

So...what is this plug nose thing?

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Unlike me; they don't have a penis reduction  :D  yet. 

Actually, I think there's lot's of places in Thailand (pretty much any where in the country) that can help you with that.

Try cheating on a sweet, innocent farm girl from Isaan, see how long your whang is afterwards (and fight with the soi dogs for the missing "piece") :D

Not to mention pretty much every hospital seems to have expertise in lopping off the most important parts of a man, and replacing them with things men can't do without :o

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10:00 - 18:00

Clear, big eyes, brains, firm little tits, tight butt :o

18:00 -22:00

Firm little tits, tight butt, fun :D

22:00 - 00:00

Must have own hair and teeth :D

00:00 -

Must move. :D

My wife doesn't get it... Thank god.

Edited by OlRedEyes
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staying on topic, almost

I like a man to be tall and handsome. Must be fit, smooth skin, tight butt

nice teeth and hair, clean.

Should be charming and romantic, with an excellent sense of humour

Good in bed, can last long time, make me feel wonderful

intelligent, supportive, good listener

not smoke, drink too much, gamble

so if any man out there can fit all that, maybe you can get girl of your dreams :o

Edited by SiamOne
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