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How Many Expats Smoke?


How many expats smoke?  

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I recently gave up... April '05

Keep it up! Last April was four years for me. Spring is the best time to stop. Everything feels fresh and clean which really helps.

April '04 for me... must be the best month for quitting. :o


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smoked 60 ciggies per month, than stopped smoking  for 4 month than smoked again 2 month and now I stopped again.

But no difference in feeling smoking or not smoking.

Same here h90 i have given up for 6 weeks now and feel no better or worse for it.

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smoked 60 ciggies per month, than stopped smoking  for 4 month than smoked again 2 month and now I stopped again.

But no difference in feeling smoking or not smoking.

Same here h90 i have given up for 6 weeks now and feel no better or worse for it.

I didnt start feeling better for a while, the sense of smell came back quite quickly, but i didnt notice any health differences for a while... dont let that put you off, if you've quit, stay off dem fags!!!

Yes, I smoke. But thinking of quitting or cutting down soon. Not too bad - only 10 a day, and only 'light' cigarettes.

theres been plenty of medical studies that show that 'light' ciggies are just as bad for you as normal strength ones, some circles also beleive they are actually worse for you.

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I gave up in march 2002.

My dad on the other hand recently had a lump removed from his lung. We all thougth that it goes without saying that he will have to give up now. But we found him secretly smoking in the hospital toilet the day after surgery.

Ver sad indeed.

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Sorry but I think smoking is a terrible habit. I don't mind people killing themselves but they do seem to be taking so many innocents with them & at the same time placing additional stresses on our already over burdened health systems.

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Uesd to only smoke when I had a beer in the UK, now I live in Thailand I smoke everyday

Before moving to Thailand, I too was a social smoker. During my stay in Thailand, I developed the habit full-time. After I returned to the States after 16 months in Thailand, I continued to smoke for 10 months until May of this year when I quit. I still have cravings though.

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started smoking at age 14 have never stopped since and probably never will 40a day more when drinking,have to live in los to expensive back home but i can live with that.smoking kills its a fact so at least i know how im gonna go how many people can say that?be careful out there its a jungle!

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I haven't smoked in 10 years of so. Stopped when I lived in Phoenix, AZ. It was hazardous enough to breathe the air there. Also, good quality rolling tobacco is now unavailable in USA, because foreign companies are afraid they will be sued (I used to like Three Castles). BUT, now I discover that you can buy excellent quality Thai cigarrette tobacco in the markets here. So, I may start again. Luckily, I have always been able to stop whenever I want.

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Never smoked, not even 1 puff.Dont see the point of deliberately inhaling smoke, oxygen is far more appealing.

For me, healthiness outweighs any addiction derived pleasure that smoking may bring.

Always been mentally strong enough to resist peer/social pressure as reasons to start.

And I cant say that smokers breath and that general omnipresent bitter odour is very appealing, even after they have chewed a mint,

they have the nauseating "smoker chewing a mint to hide the smoke smell" smell.

But each to their own.

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