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UN urges governments to ensure 'real equality' between sexes


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UN urges governments to ensure 'real equality' between sexes

2011-07-06 21:11:25 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- The United Nations (UN) on Wednesday urged government action to ensure real equality between sexes after a new report revealed that millions of women around the world continue to experience unfair treatment due to their gender.

According to new UN report, which is the first major report by UN Women and is titled "Progress of the World’s Women: In Pursuit of Justice," millions of women are still facing injustice, violence and inequality in their homes, workplace and public life around the world, despite the fact that 139 countries and territories now guarantee gender equality in their constitutions.

The flagship report, which was launched earlier this year, states that during the past century a "transformation" has been seen in women's legal rights, with countries in every region expanding the scope of women's legal entitlements, but for most of the world's women, "the laws that exist on paper do not translate to equality and justice."

"With half the world's population at stake, the findings of this report are a powerful call to action," said Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women. "The foundations for justice for women have been laid: in 1911, just two countries in the world allowed women to vote – now that right is virtually universal.

"But full equality demands that women become men's true equals in the eyes of the law – in their home and working lives, and in the public sphere," Bachelet added.

Among the findings of the report is that while domestic violence is now outlawed in 125 countries, 603 million women worldwide live in countries where it is not considered a crime. Also, women are still paid up to 30 percent less than men in some countries, and some 600 million women are employed in vulnerable jobs that lack the protection of labor laws.

In addition, the report showed inadequate enforcement of existing laws across the board. Many women avoid reporting crimes due to social stigma and weak justice systems, UN Women said, as it called on governments to take a number of steps to end the injustices that keep women poorer and less powerful than men in every country in the world.

Some of the steps UN Women have demanded from governments around the world include repealing laws that discriminate against women; employing more female police, judges, legislators and activists on the "frontline of justice delivery;" and investing in "one-stop shops" where women can access justice, legal and health services in one place.

The prohibitive costs and practical difficulties of seeking justice, from travel to a distant court to paying for expensive legal advice, leads to high drop-out rates in cases where women seek redress, especially on gender-based violence, the agency notes.

"By changing laws and giving women practical support to see justice done, we can change society and ensure women and men enjoy real equality in the future," the report concluded.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-07-06

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