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Expats Who Just Stagnate In One Place


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If you found a place you love, why keep searching....I think it is called enlightenment....

If only I'd realised how happy I was all those years ago I'd never have left.

But there are only so many girls in a fishing village who don't smell of mackerel. wink.gif

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well obviously the OP post is a cage rattler but..

what about the typical foreign holiday people who go to a resort for two or three weeks in exotic someplace and never move out past the foyer to complain about the bathroom toilet or some such...

we is all different as one guy said..lotsa retirees never leave their TVs and 3 bar fires in their sunny 3 railway cuttings East Cheam.......a bar stool talking and flirting with a girl who would not look twice at you at "home" gotta be better!!!.so what and who cares...TIT and as we say here "up to you" :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Christ.... the general level of posts here on TV reaches new lows on a daily base. How about letting people be without making silly judgements?

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Well said that man!. Why can't some people just mind their own dam_n business. Hasn't he heard of "live and let live"

BTW I'm not one of the stagnant. I've covered over 350K Kilometres in my own cars in LoS over the years. I have been to every province and in October I'm off on a cruise from Barcelona.

John Lennon said "Time that you enjoy wasting is not wasted time"

Edited by sangfroid
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OP, think your subject is something felt and seen through your own eyes and thoughts without realizing that we are all different.

My mother lived till 85, had money but never went on holiday, although l tried to get her too. Where does she fit into your ''theory'' ? ;)

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"Myself and a friend were visiting her and, at about midnight, we took our leave, explaining to her that we would walk to Mile End (about 2 or 3 miles away), she was shocked at our spirit of adventure and remarked that she would be surprised if we made it by morning! :lol:"

Having worked for years in the Roman Road, Bethnal Green, and Gore Road, Hackney, I'm surprised you made it at all, and lived to tell the tale!


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First time in Thailand I visited only Bangkok and Pattaya,I came back thinking Thailand was one big whorehouse until

I took a year out and visited the rest of Thailand and got past the obvious downfalls of the place.

For 2 weeks I dont think its worth trying to visit several different spots,your enjoyment levels would be low.

For a couple of months or more plan and push on with an adventure to discover new places in your own time.


Edited by kobrien
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First time in Thailand I visited only Bangkok and Pattaya,I came back thinking Thailand was one big whorehouse until

I took a year out and visited the rest of Thailand and got past the obvious downfalls of the place.

For 2 weeks I dont think its worth trying to visit several different spots,your enjoyment levels would be low.

For a couple of months or more plan and push on with an adventure to discover new places in your own time.


Sensible guy (gal). :)

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"Anyway, old people shouldn't have sex. The very thought of it disgusts me."

Yo SC, <deleted> is that about? You are usually "spot on (I can't believe I'm using that expression)," but .....whats old, and why does it disgust you? I'll admit I have problems thinking about my parents having sex, but, other than that, if the glove fits, you must submit. Life (including love thy neighbor) is about enjoying it.

Anyway, .

I'm not actually bothered about old people having sex. Sorry, I got carried away there. But the thought of it does disgust me. Or the thought of open heart surgery, or cleaning sewer pipes. Or abatoirs. But rather than insist we all become vegetarians and stop producing stools, it is easier to avoid thinking about these things, and thus avoid being offended by them.


Yo SC, you're double-talking me. If it disgusts you, then it must bother you. What exactly disgusts you, and what will you do when you get old? Stagnate?

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Maybe these guys enjoy "Stagnating." They may have everything close by, so why leave?

Maybe they cant leave? Do any of these guys have tags around their anckles? I saw a movie once where these people were forced to wear an anckle bracelet packed with explosives. If they ventured too far out of a certain area.......BANG.

I would not put it past some of these Thai ladies.

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Maybe these guys enjoy "Stagnating." They may have everything close by, so why leave?

Maybe they cant leave? Do any of these guys have tags around their anckles? I saw a movie once where these people were forced to wear an anckle bracelet packed with explosives. If they ventured too far out of a certain area.......BANG.

I would not put it past some of these Thai ladies.

Nah, they are much more adept at cutting off appendages and feeding them to the ducks.

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"Anyway, old people shouldn't have sex. The very thought of it disgusts me."

Yo SC, <deleted> is that about? You are usually "spot on (I can't believe I'm using that expression)," but .....whats old, and why does it disgust you? I'll admit I have problems thinking about my parents having sex, but, other than that, if the glove fits, you must submit. Life (including love thy neighbor) is about enjoying it.

Anyway, .

I'm not actually bothered about old people having sex. Sorry, I got carried away there. But the thought of it does disgust me. Or the thought of open heart surgery, or cleaning sewer pipes. Or abatoirs. But rather than insist we all become vegetarians and stop producing stools, it is easier to avoid thinking about these things, and thus avoid being offended by them.


Yo SC, you're double-talking me. If it disgusts you, then it must bother you. What exactly disgusts you, and what will you do when you get old? Stagnate?

No, it really does not bother me unless I think about it. Same as lots of other things.

I expect when I am old I will change my standards. Anyway, I don't see why I should stop stagnating when I get old...


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"Anyway, old people shouldn't have sex. The very thought of it disgusts me."

Yo SC, <deleted> is that about? You are usually "spot on (I can't believe I'm using that expression)," but .....whats old, and why does it disgust you? I'll admit I have problems thinking about my parents having sex, but, other than that, if the glove fits, you must submit. Life (including love thy neighbor) is about enjoying it.

Anyway, .

I'm not actually bothered about old people having sex. Sorry, I got carried away there. But the thought of it does disgust me. Or the thought of open heart surgery, or cleaning sewer pipes. Or abatoirs. But rather than insist we all become vegetarians and stop producing stools, it is easier to avoid thinking about these things, and thus avoid being offended by them.


Yo SC, you're double-talking me. If it disgusts you, then it must bother you. What exactly disgusts you, and what will you do when you get old? Stagnate?

No, it really does not bother me unless I think about it. Same as lots of other things.

I expect when I am old I will change my standards. Anyway, I don't see why I should stop stagnating when I get old...


So, no sex after what age? What do standards have to do with sex, anyway? Other than, maybe, who you'll have sex with. Stay away from the stagnated women.

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Just to recap I'm NOT talking about people should up sticks hook line and sinker, move house etc all the time, I'm referring to people who sit in thh same bar in bkk or pattay 365 days a year without any trips at all. As I said I find that very sad, these people have seemingly given up on life.

You have any proof of your assertions?

So you know for a fact these "people" sit at the same bar 365 days a year?

You got proof that they never travel anywhere that you can't see them?

Or are you just blowing it out of your arse, trolling for a response? :annoyed:

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Can't speak for others but I came to Thailand 28 yrs ago after traveling the world as a backpacker. I think I made it to 84 countries (some for an hour, some for a year) and often wondered if I would do that for the rest of my life!

Upon arrival in Thailand, the desire to travel disappeared, like a cold. I guess I've seen enough of the world and I now realise that I was just looking for my Nirvana (which I eventually found)

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Been hanging around Pattaya for years. I try to make trips up north to try something new every now and then. Last time I stayed in Chiang Rai. Now I might stay in Udon Thani, Buriram, or Nong Khai for a few months to get away from the Pattaya scene. :jap:

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Can't speak for others but I came to Thailand 28 yrs ago after traveling the world as a backpacker. I think I made it to 84 countries (some for an hour, some for a year) and often wondered if I would do that for the rest of my life!

Upon arrival in Thailand, the desire to travel disappeared, like a cold. I guess I've seen enough of the world and I now realise that I was just looking for my Nirvana (which I eventually found)

Well done - but that would not be the norm. Not by a long shot.

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