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Naming Of Thailand On New US Terror Risk List Worrying

Lite Beer

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In the south there definitely are terrorists. Some tied to Al Qu'eda and J.I.

In Bangkok last year, there was much proof publicly of terrorist actions, home grown or not, politically un-involved people were attacked regularly, in what could only be called political contexts. Bombers blowing things up, and blowing themselves up. This is not simply about the Red Rally and it's closure, but many things happening all over, but especially Bangkok.

Add to that the charges of terrorism hanging over Red leaders,

and there is more than the typical amount of terrorist labeled activity.

This listing doesn't surprise a bit.

If things stay clam this fall and winter, this could easily change the rating, but I have little hope of this. Certainly the southern insurgents have no love of any Shinawatras by any name after Tak Bai and the other incidents on Thaksins watch.

And the Red Leaders court dates are still approaching only to be stalled with claims of 'post charges filed immunity from prosecution applying', and the usual legal wrangling. I can certainly see the USA saying; Allowing charged terrorists to become MP's and then have the charges dropped would be consistent with "Protecting' Terrorists.

I want to say, "I wish people ACTUALLY understood the meaning of the word 'terrorist'", but, I am thankful that most do not have to know. Still, those who don't, really need to be a bit more careful about using the term.

In my opinion, NOTHING the Red or Yellow shirts have done is even remotely terror. The Muslims in the south, definitely. The WTC bombings, definitely. Mumbai, Bali, trains in Spain, definitely.

The US (and her allies, including Thailand) have done a LOT to stem terrorism, both here, and abroad. Be thankful.

Don't imagine that your comment about 'understanding' applies to me....

To put terrorism and it's creation of a victims attitude into perspective:

I was 1 block from World Trade Center went it was bombed in '93.

I felt the blast knock me back. Sheik Abdel Rahman and friends got convicted.

Rahman for inciting them to do it, al la red leaders in Bangkok.

And some slightly farther connection with effects of the Omaha bombing 2 years later with Abdel Rahman being tried 1 block away. Till we knew who, why and had freedom to move to greater distance, it was still terrifying.

I was 15 minutes past a news stand trash can that

was blown up killing my news agent in '95 in Paris.

Later that summer I rode, 2 days before, on the train that got blown up with many killed.

My family was lucky to survive multiple bombings from terrorists early than that.

I fully understand the word.

Those that use randomized violence to get a political point across

via violent intimidation of the populace are terrorists.

I had the EXACT same feelings about being in Bangkok last year,

as I had in Paris and NYC. This is the effect of terrorist actions on people.

The random bombings and grenade attacks around Bangkok and the bomber who blew himself up, and the calls for bottles of gas to be thrown, all give the same sense of fear that an organized group is attacking random individuals to get their political point accepted or win power for their type of leadership.

Edited by animatic
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The ignorance in this forum is amazing. Cant hack it in the west so move to thaiand/asia to bash your homeland. Sad. Im sure your country is happy to be rid of you

Not even one quarter as happy as I am to be rid of it. The probability of getting killed by a mexican illegal back in the US is astronomically higher than terrorists emerging from Thailand. BTW, where was messico on that list? Or do they have that sewer on its on special list? Even if they do, however, one thing is certain: Obama and the cretins running ICE will be more than willing to give mex illegals a key to any city they desire before they inconvenience one them even slightly.

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Sorry, let's confine my question to the last 3 years. Does that help?

Sure, it's always helpful to the loser to change the rules.

In any case, I still have no idea what you're referring to. Convictions of whom? Terrorists in Thailand? Captured terrorists, convicted by the US? WHAT??

This thread started over a very badly reported piece of non-news by the non-newspaper, The Nation. No one has stated that Thailand is full of terrorists, although it may be. What was done by the US Department of Homeland Security was to add Thailand to a list of countries, the Specially Designated Countries list, whose travelers, when detained on customs or immigration matters in the US, will be subjected to a Third Agency Check, i.e., a check for wants by other jurisdictions (countries). No visa requirement changes, no impact on legal travelers to the US, whatsoever. Thailand was NOT added to the countries on the Terrorist Watch List.

The inability to read critically, and to independently verify what you were able to read, has created four or five pages of mostly nonsense. Happy?

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I suspect my country Britain is also on that list, we have produced a number of home grown terrorists, Israel is on the list also. Naturally America should also be on the list, this is the usual shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

I think the most famous terrorist was the Scarlet Pimpernel :lol:

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Sorry, let's confine my question to the last 3 years. Does that help?

Sure, it's always helpful to the loser to change the rules.

In any case, I still have no idea what you're referring to. Convictions of whom? Terrorists in Thailand? Captured terrorists, convicted by the US? WHAT??

This thread started over a very badly reported piece of non-news by the non-newspaper, The Nation. No one has stated that Thailand is full of terrorists, although it may be. What was done by the US Department of Homeland Security was to add Thailand to a list of countries, the Specially Designated Countries list, whose travelers, when detained on customs or immigration matters in the US, will be subjected to a Third Agency Check, i.e., a check for wants by other jurisdictions (countries). No visa requirement changes, no impact on legal travelers to the US, whatsoever. Thailand was NOT added to the countries on the Terrorist Watch List.

The inability to read critically, and to independently verify what you were able to read, has created four or five pages of mostly nonsense. Happy?

Thats my point, there have been no convictions.

Heres a truthful "cut and paste" extract from another poster which explains everything. Please read it, its educational to the naive.

In the south there definitely are terrorists. Some tied to Al Qu'eda and J.I.

In Bangkok last year, there was much proof publicly of terrorist actions, home grown or not, politically un-involved people were attacked regularly, in what could only be called political contexts. Bombers blowing things up, and blowing themselves up. This is not simply about the Red Rally and it's closure, but many things happening all over, but especially Bangkok.

Add to that the charges of terrorism hanging over Red leaders,

and there is more than the typical amount of terrorist labeled activity.

:bah: lol

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I suspect my country Britain is also on that list, we have produced a number of home grown terrorists, Israel is on the list also. Naturally America should also be on the list, this is the usual shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

I think the most famous terrorist was the Scarlet Pimpernel :lol:

I thought it was Robin Hood who robbed the rich to give to the poor. Now that's really terrifying. ;)

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Sorry, let's confine my question to the last 3 years. Does that help?

Sure, it's always helpful to the loser to change the rules.

In any case, I still have no idea what you're referring to. Convictions of whom? Terrorists in Thailand? Captured terrorists, convicted by the US? WHAT??

This thread started over a very badly reported piece of non-news by the non-newspaper, The Nation. No one has stated that Thailand is full of terrorists, although it may be. What was done by the US Department of Homeland Security was to add Thailand to a list of countries, the Specially Designated Countries list, whose travelers, when detained on customs or immigration matters in the US, will be subjected to a Third Agency Check, i.e., a check for wants by other jurisdictions (countries). No visa requirement changes, no impact on legal travelers to the US, whatsoever. Thailand was NOT added to the countries on the Terrorist Watch List.

The inability to read critically, and to independently verify what you were able to read, has created four or five pages of mostly nonsense. Happy?

Thats my point, there have been no convictions.

Heres a truthful "cut and paste" extract from another poster which explains everything. Please read it, its educational to the naive.

In the south there definitely are terrorists. Some tied to Al Qu'eda and J.I.

In Bangkok last year, there was much proof publicly of terrorist actions, home grown or not, politically un-involved people were attacked regularly, in what could only be called political contexts. Bombers blowing things up, and blowing themselves up. This is not simply about the Red Rally and it's closure, but many things happening all over, but especially Bangkok.

Add to that the charges of terrorism hanging over Red leaders,

and there is more than the typical amount of terrorist labeled activity.

:bah: lol

I don't need a conviction to know something is happening.

Neither does the state department.

Convictions are for courts, common sense observation can tell you plenty,

without a prosecutor and judge officially connecting the dots for you.

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More Obama's administration's idiocy. :crazy:

Thailand is a place where westerners come in large numbers. If i were a potential terrorist/separatist living in the south in Yala ,i would've thought targeting western tourists somewhere like Phuket--a la Kuta beach in Bali, might be worthwhile for bringing attention to my cause.

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OK, now please tell us what YOUR country has done for the world. Are you a product of its educational system? Well, it's ok, there must be SOMETHING that went well for you. Since you use the word 'Yanks', I presume you are a British subject. Pray, tell us of the great contributions from 'over there'. Or, failing that, as you must, tell us what YOU have done to improve the world we live in.

Your venom just gives you away. You are a loser, seeking refuge in a more forgiving land, all the while spewing to feel as though you have some control of your destiny.


Your postings set new levels of hatred, arrogance and contempt for others. Now you throw in your Anglophobic tendency. You are no student of history if you have to ask what the UK has given to the World. Perhaps, since the US has no history of its own, it isn't a subject taught in your schools. As for your contention that the US saved Europe from the jackbooted hordes the suggestion is risible.

It appears to many that having been late in attending two World Wars, the paranoid US has to date made every effort to be really early for the next one.

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This piece of 'reportage' by The Nation, and by extension, by ThaiVisa is irresponsible and potentially inflammatory.

The actual document, if any of the 'reporters' would care to, or be able to, read it says:

"ICE provided this list of specially designated countries. ICE

policy requires officers to perform a TAC for
aliens from

these countries. "
Italics mine.

There is no reference to a "Third Agency Check" for visa applicants, or other legal travelers to the USA.

Since I hear how difficult it is for Thais to travel to the US, and that 'fact' is used as a justification for the byzantine Thai Immigration procedures so frequently, this kind of disinformation merely provides grist for the mill of xenophobia.

And as for the geniuses who keep referring to the possibility that the US is aiming at Red Shirts with this policy: are you even conscious? Have you heard of Muslim separatists in the South, killing Buddhist monks, teachers, and beheading folks? The appear as yet unaligned with JI or Al Qaeda, but they are terrorists, pure and simple. For the US to be interested, we are not talking about dirty Thai politics, which, although it appears new to newbies, has been going on for decades. I'm sure, other than the effect on global markets (read, nil), the US DHS doesn't even know the Reds exist.

Honestly, what a yellow rag The Nation has become. Unfortunately, most here are too lazy or too stupid to look past it.

What does Thai immigration have to do with people getting visas to travel to the US?

If the new listing is related to the south, why did it take so long? Is it just a coincidence that the listing comes so soon after an election that puts alleged terrorists in the government?

What's your big hangup with the reds winning the election? Just get over it.

The US of A is a country I would NEVER EVER want to visit again. They may currently be the world's economic power but her days are numbered. How I wish that Thailand would implement visa requirements for citizens of that country coming here. After all, most posters on this forum are in favour of equality, right?

How will we sleep? No more visits?laugh.gif

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Let's keep the discussion civil or formal warnings will be issued along with suspension of posting privileges. References to posters are losers, idiots etc. are not acceptable. In some cases they may be true, but they still aren't permissible.

Your opinion on the topic is welcomed. Your opinion on the intelligence of other posters is not.

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What a remarkable thread. It'd be funny -- if it ween't so ugly...

And so little of it is actually related to the facts in the OP.

(But jam-packed with an array of distortions and bigotry from all sides. Partisanship and inflamed rhetoric. Strained efforts to connect it to Thaksin or the Democrats. Ant-US and US chauvinism...And more!)

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countries that are known to "promote, produce or protect terrorist organisations or their members".

Could this be reference to red shirt leaders that are now in government?

You are correct, in a way - it appears that, amongst other factors, the americans base this watch list on "evidence" of terrorists being arrested in the country. As Abhisit and Co. were so keen on labelling every red shirt and his dog as a "terrorist", and despite there being no convictions, Thailand is now reaping the "benefit" and has become a Terror Risk. Just one more example of the "democrats" looking after the interests of the country.

I'm sure that was the plan of the Dem's when the city was burning. They were thinking "hey, lets call everyone in the redshirts terrorists, so that way, in a year when we lose elections, it will look bad." Now that's conspiracy paranoia at it's finest!!!!!!

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Thailand should reciprocate by putting the US on a similar list. Surely the US has been doing much more than Thailand in order to "promote, produce, or protect terrorists" But greed for the green dollar will - for the time being - stop them from doing so, i presume ;-)

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Thailand should reciprocate by putting the US on a similar list. Surely the US has been doing much more than Thailand in order to "promote, produce, or protect terrorists" But greed for the green dollar will - for the time being - stop them from doing so, i presume ;-)

Thailand is already flushing it's reputation down the proverbial toilet, I'm sure doing that would just make people laugh even harder at Thai politics!!! Plus, who would take any kind of terrorist warning from Thailand serious???? After all, the brother of the PM, possible Trade Ambassador, and apparent number one political consultant is wanted on a domestic terrorism charge, and he doesn't even have a Thai passport!!!!

So, while I agree with you that money will motivate them not to do it, I will push to you that embarrassment is possibly a bigger factor. If Thai's understood hypocrisy, I would say that would be the number one reason!

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Some are here saying this is due to the problems in the South, some say it's about alleged terrorists in government, some say the yellows and some say the reds. Personally I think that the US wants to keep things friendly with the current govt so I doubt it's anything other than the problems with the South.

But then, as whybother has asked several times... why now? The problems in the South have been going on for nearly a decade... however, it's been less than a week since Peua Thai won! If one observes this, it does raise a question.

Of course, it could even be because the US is planning an "intervention" - painting a negative image of their targets has been the first step of all of their interventions since WW2 - but that's a bit far out in my opinion. There are more obvious targets, although wars there might be harder to win than merely three restive provinces in a 77-province country. The US maybe feels it needs a victory for a change.

As to whether the Red Shirt movement and the Yellow Shirt movements are terrorist organisations, they're not... nothing has been proven. However, there were terrorist elements in both.

Just to add, that Sateev person got out of bed on the wrong side this morning, didn't he? There's something derogatory or overly defensive in almost every one of his posts (and quite a few with more than one!). I do hope he realises the error of his ways, for his own personal advancement.

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In the south there definitely are terrorists. Some tied to Al Qu'eda and J.I.

In Bangkok last year, there was much proof publicly of terrorist actions, home grown or not, politically un-involved people were attacked regularly, in what could only be called political contexts. Bombers blowing things up, and blowing themselves up. This is not simply about the Red Rally and it's closure, but many things happening all over, but especially Bangkok.

Add to that the charges of terrorism hanging over Red leaders,

and there is more than the typical amount of terrorist labeled activity.

This listing doesn't surprise a bit.

If things stay clam this fall and winter, this could easily change the rating, but I have little hope of this. Certainly the southern insurgents have no love of any Shinawatras by any name after Tak Bai and the other incidents on Thaksins watch.

And the Red Leaders court dates are still approaching only to be stalled with claims of 'post charges filed immunity from prosecution applying', and the usual legal wrangling. I can certainly see the USA saying; Allowing charged terrorists to become MP's and then have the charges dropped would be consistent with "Protecting' Terrorists.

I want to say, "I wish people ACTUALLY understood the meaning of the word 'terrorist'", but, I am thankful that most do not have to know. Still, those who don't, really need to be a bit more careful about using the term.

In my opinion, NOTHING the Red or Yellow shirts have done is even remotely terror. The Muslims in the south, definitely. The WTC bombings, definitely. Mumbai, Bali, trains in Spain, definitely.

The US (and her allies, including Thailand) have done a LOT to stem terrorism, both here, and abroad. Be thankful.

Don't imagine that your comment about 'understanding' applies to me....

To put terrorism and it's creation of a victims attitude into perspective:

I was 1 block from World Trade Center went it was bombed in '93.

I felt the blast knock me back. Sheik Abdel Rahman and friends got convicted.

Rahman for inciting them to do it, al la red leaders in Bangkok.

And some slightly farther connection with effects of the Omaha bombing 2 years later with Abdel Rahman being tried 1 block away. Till we knew who, why and had freedom to move to greater distance, it was still terrifying.

I was 15 minutes past a news stand trash can that

was blown up killing my news agent in '95 in Paris.

Later that summer I rode, 2 days before, on the train that got blown up with many killed.

My family was lucky to survive multiple bombings from terrorists early than that.

I fully understand the word.

Those that use randomized violence to get a political point across

via violent intimidation of the populace are terrorists.

I had the EXACT same feelings about being in Bangkok last year,

as I had in Paris and NYC. This is the effect of terrorist actions on people.

The random bombings and grenade attacks around Bangkok and the bomber who blew himself up, and the calls for bottles of gas to be thrown, all give the same sense of fear that an organized group is attacking random individuals to get their political point accepted or win power for their type of leadership.

To be clear, I definitely wasn't applying it to you. But the word has been bandied about so carelessly, that only people have begun to equate the airport closure with terrorism. And while it's enlightening that you have been so closely touched by it, the perpetrators of the random acts in Bangkok can be condemned, but not accused of terrorism, simply because they were not identified, nor associated positively with a specific cause. I can appreciate that those acts were evocative for you, and they mayhave fFELT the same as the truly terrorist acts you have witnessed, but they were NOT the same.

In any case, since the topic was the American response to terrorism, even if those bombs in Bangkok were set by terrorists (who took no responsibility, nor made any demands, they do not affect America.

Sorry I seemed to call your cred into question - it wasn't aimed at you.

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Honestly, what a yellow rag The Nation has become. Unfortunately, most here are too lazy or too stupid to look past it.

It's part of the incessant drumbeat against Thaksin: Every story must have an anti-Thaksin slant. This situation has nothing to do with red shirts or yellow shirts, etc.

The danger with Thailand is the incompetence and corruption that together allow it to be home a whole range of foreign criminals, including terrorists. How many are actually stopped on entry? It seems virtually nil judging by the numbers of really bad people arrested at the behest of foreign police agencies. Before foreign agencies identify these criminals and lead the Thai police to them, they are happily living the good life, sometimes for a decade.

Ya, I wouldn't trust people flying in from Thailand either, and I would do my best to keep an eye out for terrorists living in the country. You can be certain they are here.

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OK, now please tell us what YOUR country has done for the world. Are you a product of its educational system? Well, it's ok, there must be SOMETHING that went well for you. Since you use the word 'Yanks', I presume you are a British subject. Pray, tell us of the great contributions from 'over there'. Or, failing that, as you must, tell us what YOU have done to improve the world we live in.

Your venom just gives you away. You are a loser, seeking refuge in a more forgiving land, all the while spewing to feel as though you have some control of your destiny.


Your postings set new levels of hatred, arrogance and contempt for others. Now you throw in your Anglophobic tendency. You are no student of history if you have to ask what the UK has given to the World. Perhaps, since the US has no history of its own, it isn't a subject taught in your schools. As for your contention that the US saved Europe from the jackbooted hordes the suggestion is risible.

It appears to many that having been late in attending two World Wars, the paranoid US has to date made every effort to be really early for the next one.

Other than to answer the charge of Anglophobia, I won't dignify the rest with a rebuttal.

If we are to consider the pot calling the kettle black an affirmative defense, then you are right, I'm an Anglophobe. If I had a baht for every sniveling little keyboard warrior who leaves no post unmined for a chance at a slur toward America, I could afford to buy Thaivisa.

Actually, I like most Brits I meet; it's just the seemingly compulsive anti-American twerps I can't abide.

Thanks for sharing.

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Very interesting and lively comments from some.

However it is somewhat amusing to read that America is putting Thailand down as a terrorist risk area, yet America openly harboured and let I.R.A. terrorist collect funds for the terrorist attacks in Northern Ireland for a good many years and many civilian and military and police casualties and deaths resulted due to the turning of a blind eye to the I.R.A..

America has a number of home grown terrorists organisations and individuals (Timothy Mc'veigh springs to mind) that should be the focus of the American administration prior to meddling in the affairs of sovereign states and international affairs.



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...it is somewhat amusing to read that America is putting Thailand down as a terrorist risk area, yet America openly harboured and let I.R.A. terrorist collect funds for the terrorist attacks in Northern Ireland for a good many years and many civilian and military and police casualties and deaths resulted due to the turning of a blind eye to the I.R.A..

America has a number of home grown terrorists organisations ans individuals (Timothy Mc'veigh springs to mind) that should be the focus of the American administration prior to meddling in international affairs.



1) So because the arguably US did the wrong thing then, they should never object to anyone doing it ever?

2) They executed McVeigh. How much more should they focus on him?

Who else should they focus on and can you show how they aren't focusing on them or that this list is an indication that they are not?

3) The creation and maintaining of this list is "meddling in international affairs", is it? Do other countries take any formal positions on things done outside their country? Are they blameless of any wrongdoing, ever, when they do?

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A very quick google search found the following:

Police arrested seven people in Spain and three in Thailand in an international operation against a group suspected of forging passports for an al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorist group, the Spanish Interior Ministry said Wednesday.

The detainees formed part of a group based in Thailand and linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based terror group blamed for the 2008 Mumbai, India, attacks that killed 166 people, the ministry said in a statement.

The arrests in Spain took place late Tuesday and early Wednesday in the northeastern city of Barcelona, the ministry said.

The detainees included six Pakistanis and one Nigerian. The ministry said the group stole passports, mostly from tourists in the Barcelona area, and sent them to Thailand to be doctored and later distributed to groups linked to al Qaeda.

The ministry said the passports allowed members of the terror groups to enter European and other countries.

The group was run by one of the three people--two Pakistanis and one Thai citizen--arrested in Thailand.

The statement said that in the Spanish raids police seized passports ready to be sent to Thailand,computer and mobile telephone equipment.

-- Cracked by Spanish Police

In the war against terror, especially after the Bali bombings of October 2002, both Malaysia and Indonesia exerted pressure on the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) activists on their soil. As a result, it was believed the operational leadership of JI fled to Thailand.

Arrests made in June 2003 of three men plotting to bomb western embassies in Bangkok during a regional summit brought to light the existence and movement of terrorists in Thailand much to the embarrassment of the government.

Later the Thai police also nabbed a school teacher who was trying to sell the ingredients for a "dirty bomb". When Hambali, the mastermind behind the Bali bombings and operational chief of JI was arrested in Thailand in August 2003, the Thai government realized that terrorists are also functioning in their backyard.

-- Hambali found by US CIA living in Ayuthaya

A Russian arms dealer thought to have inspired the lead character in the blockbuster film Lord of War was arrested in Bangkok today.

Viktor Bout, 41, was detained while allegedly attempting to buy weapons for Colombian rebels.

Dubbed "the merchant of death", he has been accused of breaking UN embargoes since the early 1990s by selling arms to conflict-torn regions in Africa and around the world.

Thai police said today that Mr Bout had been arrested in a Bangkok hotel. "He was attempting to procure weapons for Colombia's FARC rebels", the arrest report said.

-- Arrested in US FBI sting operation

(…to be continued no doubt)

Edited by Scott
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A very quick google search found the following:

Police arrested seven people in Spain and three in Thailand in an international operation against a group suspected of forging passports for an al Qaeda-linked Islamic terrorist group, the Spanish Interior Ministry said Wednesday.

The detainees formed part of a group based in Thailand and linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based terror group blamed for the 2008 Mumbai, India, attacks that killed 166 people, the ministry said in a statement.

The arrests in Spain took place late Tuesday and early Wednesday in the northeastern city of Barcelona, the ministry said.

The detainees included six Pakistanis and one Nigerian. The ministry said the group stole passports, mostly from tourists in the Barcelona area, and sent them to Thailand to be doctored and later distributed to groups linked to al Qaeda.

The ministry said the passports allowed members of the terror groups to enter European and other countries.

The group was run by one of the three people--two Pakistanis and one Thai citizen--arrested in Thailand.

The statement said that in the Spanish raids police seized passports ready to be sent to Thailand,computer and mobile telephone equipment.

-- Cracked by Spanish Police

In the war against terror, especially after the Bali bombings of October 2002, both Malaysia and Indonesia exerted pressure on the Jemaah Islamiah (JI) activists on their soil. As a result, it was believed the operational leadership of JI fled to Thailand.

Arrests made in June 2003 of three men plotting to bomb western embassies in Bangkok during a regional summit brought to light the existence and movement of terrorists in Thailand much to the embarrassment of the government.

Later the Thai police also nabbed a school teacher who was trying to sell the ingredients for a "dirty bomb". When Hambali, the mastermind behind the Bali bombings and operational chief of JI was arrested in Thailand in August 2003, the Thai government realized that terrorists are also functioning in their backyard.

-- Hambali found by US CIA living in Ayuthaya

A Russian arms dealer thought to have inspired the lead character in the blockbuster film Lord of War was arrested in Bangkok today.

Viktor Bout, 41, was detained while allegedly attempting to buy weapons for Colombian rebels.

Dubbed "the merchant of death", he has been accused of breaking UN embargoes since the early 1990s by selling arms to conflict-torn regions in Africa and around the world.

Thai police said today that Mr Bout had been arrested in a Bangkok hotel. "He was attempting to procure weapons for Colombia's FARC rebels", the arrest report said.

-- Arrested in US FBI sting operation

(…to be continued no doubt)

Finally someone did what I was too lazy to do.

I was writing quite a lot -- on another board -- 5 years ago about the role Thailand has played (unwittingly or not and/or complicit to whatever degree) in international terrorism. I confess I haven't bothered to read up on this latest development in the OP but I was baffled and amused that people immediately tried to link it to current domestic Thai politics -- an then all sorts of other silliness...

Edited by Scott
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Stepping back from all the rhetoric, demagoguery and invective, I'd like to remind everyone what the original topic was:

The Nation posted an editorial, which expressed the opinion that Thailand's inclusion in the Specially Designated Countries list would mean that "Citizens from countries on this list who wish to travel to the US will be required to submit to a new "Third Agency Check". In real terms, it could very well mean additional security check or possibly stricter rules for Thai citizens requesting visas to the US."

Further, The Nation attributed "surprise" to Foreign Ministry spokesman Thani Thongphakdi, who arguably should know better.

In referencing the ORIGINAL document, on the Homeland Security website, it was pointed out, by me, that legitimate applicants for visas, and holders of visas would incur no such additional security checks or stricter rules, and that the Nation post was hopelessly inaccurate and irresponsible.. The list applies ONLY to DHS detainees, who must suffer the indignity of having their names checked for wants in other jurisdictions. And, Whybother, the reason it only applies to detainees in the US, is because the DHS doesn't have any jurisdiction OUTSIDE the US, and therefore doesn't detain anyone outside the US.

I then attempted to convey my experience with the Thai Immigration ambiguities and intransigence, wherein they are often justified by drawing a comparison with the procedures for a Thai to enter the US, in the form of, "It's hard for Thais to get a visa to the US. Why shouldn't we make it just as hard for you to stay here (in Thailand). Whether or not it actually IS hard to stay here is irrelevant. The irresponsible statement that "Citizens from countries on this list who wish to travel to the US will be required to submit to a new "Third Agency Check". In real terms, it could very well mean additional security check or possibly stricter rules for Thai citizens requesting visas to the US." is likely to add fuel to the already xenophobic Immigration apparatus here in Thailand.

From there, the comprehensionally-challenged ignored the actual document from DHS, and began to argue whether or not Reds and Yellows are terrorists, with the discussion quickly devolving.

I take exception to the rampant America-bashing that seizes every opportunity for a cheap shot. Perhaps my mistake was to engage such detritus directly.

For that I apologize.

People who want to argue whether there are terrorists in the Red Shirts and Yellow Shirts, and whether or not the airport closure and Ratchaprasong were terrorist acts, will have to do so without me. Take cheap shots at America and Americans, and try as I might to avoid it, you MAY get an answer you won't like to hear.

If you want to discuss US policy in a mature manner, and back it up with facts, I might be interested, and you might find we have more in common than you thought.

'nuff said.

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Probably the American way to prepare for the intervention of the American military as the idea of Democracy in Thailand isn't in line with the views of the American military and business leaders.

Don't worry chaps, we'll all be liberated (at a cost ) when the Americans return. overtly to the scene rather than covertly.

What a typically ignorant, opportunistic, and utterly poisonous comment. So many pathetic little pipsqueaks taking potshots, hoping for the like-minded to '+1' their moronic spewing.

While I'm no fan of what has happened in the US since 2001, nor of it's current direction, it would be good to remember that many of the whining little losers would be marching in line with their comrade's boot in their a**, both here, and in Europe, if not for the US. Whether it will weather the current storm or not, if you don't like melamine in your milk, or MiG flybys of your fishing boats, you had better hope it does. Learning Mandarin won't be enough.

I'm truly sorry for those so embittered by their own plight, that the only way they can feel better is to bite the hand that has so generously fed them. Fortunately, throughout history, Americans have generally NOT taken their marbles, and left the game.


Your reply Just shows the atitude of most americans when dealing with the rest of the world, You Yanks actualy think you own it all, of all the condisending comments "biting the hand that feeds us" After the world wars we had Vietnam, 2 Iraqi wars where there were no WMD (must save the oil) Pakistan and Afganistan, where it took you 10 years to find and Kill Bin Laden supposedly! Oh I'm Sorry I forgot the Bush and Binladen families were doing business together!

Fair to say America has been the cause of most of it's own problems over the past few decades. You have had to topple the very leaders you placed in power in various countries.

OK, now please tell us what YOUR country has done for the world. Are you a product of its educational system? Well, it's ok, there must be SOMETHING that went well for you. Since you use the word 'Yanks', I presume you are a British subject. Pray, tell us of the great contributions from 'over there'. Or, failing that, as you must, tell us what YOU have done to improve the world we live in.

Your venom just gives you away. You are a loser, seeking refuge in a more forgiving land, all the while spewing to feel as though you have some control of your destiny.


There is no venom in my remarks, or don't you like to hear the truth? Or maybe correct me where I have made an error in fact! Are you trying to suggest that because of America we live in a better world? So I should have to justify to you what I have done to make the world a better place to live?

I wonder who the real loser is? Me for living in a country of my choice, most certainly not in refuge or hiding from anything. What are you hiding from I wonder? As for spewing, if you check how many posts or responses to posts I have made on TV, You will see I have spewed a lot less than yourself. In fact I try not to respond to most dross I read on Thai Visa, that is untill I read pomp assed remarks such as you have made regarding what America has done for the world??

All you are able to do is make snide remarks about myself, rather than actually trying to prove what I have said is wrong. Your the loser my man.

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