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Bombardment in Sudan's Southern Kordofan continues - UN


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Bombardment in Sudan's Southern Kordofan continues - UN

2011-07-13 05:10:20 GMT+7 (ICT)

UNITED NATIONS (BNO NEWS) -- Heavy bombardment has continued in Sudan's Southern Kordofan state and the situation remains serious, the United Nations (UN) reported on Tuesday.

The ongoing bombing has mainly occurred in and around the main town, Kadugli, and in a second one to the north-east. In the town of Delami alone, bombings have displaced more than 2,000 people.

Elisabeth Byrs, spokesperson for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), said preliminary results of an assessment undertaken in Kadugli town indicated that the most urgent humanitarian needs are food, water, medical services and shelter for those displaced.

In addition, aid workers have reported that key access roads and bridges require immediate repair, and that mine clearance is critical. Byrs also said that only 34 percent of the $620 million appeal for humanitarian operations in South Sudan has been funded, but it will be revised on July 20.

In recent weeks, troops from Sudan have clashed with armed groups aligned with South Sudan in South Kordofan, sparking a humanitarian crisis as thousands of people fled from the fighting in and around the town of Kadugli.

According to the Sudanese Government's Humanitarian Aid Commission, the number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in Southern Kordofan has decreased significantly from 73,000, but Byrs said OCHA had no information on how many people remained displaced.

On June 28, the Governments of Sudan and South Sudan, which became an independent nation on Saturday, signed an agreement in Ethiopia on border security and a joint political and security arrangement for Southern Kordofan.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-07-13

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Man, you take the most miserable place for humans to try to eke out a living, and as if that's not bad enough, you bomb the wretches. Even without bombing, there are hordes of destitute people aimlessly* roaming those deserts, with no possessions, other than a baby or two strapped to them. People dropping like dead tree branches on the hot sands. If anyone wants to know what overpopulation looks like, take a look at Sudan and Somalia and that region. Free birth control should be handed out, along with clinics for free operations for any man or woman who choose to have their tubes tied. That should be worldwide, but particularly in uninhabitable regions like Sudan.

* ok, they're not completely aimless in their roaming. They're all headed for UN and do-good western organizations who hand out little bits of water and nourishment, and perhaps offer a tent to stay. What is China doing to help? Nothing. The only Chinese in the vicinity are those looking for mineral/metal deposits to exploit. Ditto for the Saudis, who are rich and are a one hour flight away.

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