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For The Love Of Dolphins: Ngos To Launch Heated Campaign In Phuket

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For the love of dolphins: NGOs to launch heated campaign in Phuket


Mr Berman (left) of the Earth Island Institute and Edwin Wiek of the WFFT hold up a copy of 'The Cove' at the Phuket Gazette offices this morning. Photo: Dean Noble

PHUKET: The heads of two non-government organizations were in Phuket this weekend to announce the start of a partnership campaign to halt plans to build a "dolphinarium" as part of a resort and tourism complex in Rawai.

Mark Berman of the US-based Earth Island Institute and Edwin Wiek of the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) stopped by the Phuket Gazette offices today to drop off a copy of the Academy Award-winning documentary The Cove, which they plan to translate into Thai and distribute among the local media, schools and government agencies.

The pair said their two groups would work together domestically and internationally to fight a plan by Canadian investor Daniel McDaniel to build a tourism attraction that would include a dolphin show.

Both men feel it is unethical to keep dolphins in captivity and that dolphin shows are dying out in the West as more people learn about how the mammals are captured in the wild, which is the subject of The Cove.

Mr Berman said he plans to return to Phuket with former dolphin trainer Ric O'Barry to encourage Thais to attend free showings of The Cove in order to raise local awareness of the issue.

Mr Wiek, a Dutchman who has lived in Thailand for over two decades and is fluent in Thai, will lead the fight locally in Phuket, preparing a version of the film with Thai subtitles and using the media to spread the message.

The development planned for Rawai is not the first time people have tried to import dolphins as part of a tourism related business, he said.

The first was about 12 or 13 years ago by an American man. Then, about three years ago, a Dutchwoman wanted to use dolphins for the treatment of autism in children.

"I understand that some people think that zoos and dolphinariums are still a thing of this time, but scientific research has not proven that it works. I don't know what this gentleman's argument is that it will be good for Phuket.

"From a financial point of view I am sure it could make a profit, especially with so many tourists coming in from Russia and China who love this sort of thing, but from an ethical point of view I don't think it's right to take animals from the wild and put them into tanks to entertain people," Mr Wiek said.

As for claims that as many as 1,000 jobs could be created, he said most of those would probably go to low-wage workers from Burma who build the project.

Mr Wiek emphasized that there was no basis for comparison between keeping domestic dogs and holding dolphins in captivity.

"Dogs are bred. They couldn't survive without people, and they aren't endangered either. These animals [dolphins] are in some cases highly endangered, and the way they are taken out of the wild is horrific," he said.

Mr Berman said he had already met with the Thai Food Processors Association's tuna group in Bangkok.

Association members told him they adhere to the Earth Island Institute dolphin-safe policy so they can export canned tuna.

"It's one of the top five industries in this country, a multi-billion dollar industry. We told them they face the wrath of a possible international boycott if they do this. They can't claim to be dolphin-safe if the government of Thailand is allowing trade in live dolphins. It doesn't work."

His group stopped a similar scheme to import dolphins to Thailand from the Solomon Islands in 2008 and was lining up support from other international NGOs for this latest campaign, he said.

When told that Mr McDaniel had already been given several chances to state his right of reply on why the project was good for Thailand, Mr Berman said:

"This man can sit in the shadows if he wants, because they know what they are doing is not acceptable. But we are going to challenge him to a public debate. All he wants to do is make money from this deal; that's all it is. There is nothing educational about captive dolphins. It has been proven behind Ric O'Barry's work."

Mr Berman said the Earth Island Institute would call for a boycott on Thai tourism as well if the import of dolphins is allowed.

Mr Wiek was less enthusiastic about this approach, saying such a call might be impractical and cast his group as obstructionist.

His group would rather work at the local level to raise awareness about the issues involved, he said.

"We want to see dolphins living free in the waters around Phuket, not on the island itself," he said.


-- Phuket Gazette 2011-07-16


I am against captive dolphin shows, however, I fail to see what the documentary "The Cove" has to do with the issue.

This film was secretely filmed in Japan and shows an annual slaughter of wild dolphins by local fishermen. They herd scores of the mammals into a bay, net them and then chop them up with knives and spears to obtain the meat. An entirely different matter to capture and training of the creatures.

This sort of over the top, misleading and dramatic arguement does not help their case against dolphin shows.


If my memory serves me correct, the film has something to do with the subject matter, as they were pointing out in the the fact that the biggest and healthiest dolphins that they would catch during the herding would actually be sold at huge costs to zoo's and dolphinariums around the world. Most likely in this case to the one that is going to be build in Phuket....

I am against captive dolphin shows, however, I fail to see what the documentary "The Cove" has to do with the issue.

This film was secretely filmed in Japan and shows an annual slaughter of wild dolphins by local fishermen. They herd scores of the mammals into a bay, net them and then chop them up with knives and spears to obtain the meat. An entirely different matter to capture and training of the creatures.

This sort of over the top, misleading and dramatic arguement does not help their case against dolphin shows.


I wish i could swim with dolphins but im still against this if it can be avoided.

I have had on very rare occasions dolphins swimming with me in my younger surfing days, both body & board surfing. Catch a wave & the next thing you have a dolphin streaking alongside you. It almost appears as if they are grinning with the enjoyment & cheekiness of their act. A truly wonderful experience sharing a wave in their natural habitat.


I am against captive dolphin shows, however, I fail to see what the documentary "The Cove" has to do with the issue.

This film was secretely filmed in Japan and shows an annual slaughter of wild dolphins by local fishermen. They herd scores of the mammals into a bay, net them and then chop them up with knives and spears to obtain the meat. An entirely different matter to capture and training of the creatures.

This sort of over the top, misleading and dramatic arguement does not help their case against dolphin shows.

The documentary "The Cove" reference is relevant to the Phuket project discussion since the Japanese operation spotlighted in the movie takes the most visually suitable dolphins and sells them worldwide for USD $100k to $150k each prior to killing the rest of the animals. The movie also said, I believe, that the vast majority of the world's entertainment park dolphins/porpoises are caught in japan.


I wish i could swim with dolphins but im still against this if it can be avoided.

I have had on very rare occasions dolphins swimming with me in my younger surfing days, both body & board surfing. Catch a wave & the next thing you have a dolphin streaking alongside you. It almost appears as if they are grinning with the enjoyment & cheekiness of their act. A truly wonderful experience sharing a wave in their natural habitat.

I have had the experience numerous times while working in Egypt, and it really is an awesome experience, every time again.

But it is their choice to come to us and interact, and it should be that way IMO. I hope they succeed in their project and stop the dolphinarium from coming to Phuket.


I am against captive dolphin shows, however, I fail to see what the documentary "The Cove" has to do with the issue.

This film was secretely filmed in Japan and shows an annual slaughter of wild dolphins by local fishermen. They herd scores of the mammals into a bay, net them and then chop them up with knives and spears to obtain the meat. An entirely different matter to capture and training of the creatures.

This sort of over the top, misleading and dramatic arguement does not help their case against dolphin shows.

The documentary "The Cove" reference is relevant to the Phuket project discussion since the Japanese operation spotlighted in the movie takes the most visually suitable dolphins and sells them worldwide for USD $100k to $150k each prior to killing the rest of the animals. The movie also said, I believe, that the vast majority of the world's entertainment park dolphins/porpoises are caught in japan.

An alternative view, from Wiki:

Sea World spokesperson Fred Jacobs has responded by saying that, "We think we're being unfairly criticized for something we're opposed to."[55] He adds that, "SeaWorld opposes the dolphin hunts documented in The Cove. We do not purchase any animals from these hunts. More than 80 percent of the marine mammals in our care were born in our parks. We haven't collected a dolphin from the wild in decades."[56] O'Barry has thus been criticized for emphasizing that dolphinariums are a large contributing factor to the economic success of the dolphin slaughter in Taiji and for encouraging boycotts of dolphin shows to protest the dolphin slaughter. The scene in The Cove that displays a map consisting of arrows emanating from Taiji and pointing to countries with dolphinariums has been said to be misleading since the majority of those countries do not currently have dolphins of Japanese origin. In the United States it is currently illegal to import dolphins obtained from a drive, including the drive hunt at Taiji, as it is considered an inhumane method.[55] Since 1993 there have been no permits issued to facilities in the United States to import dolphins acquired through drive hunt methods.[57] Marilee Menard, the executive director of the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums, has also stated that she believes that the filmmakers are "misrepresenting that the majority of zoos and aquariums with dolphins around the world are taking these animals."[55]


NGO with no work permit, so not let come in Thailand!

Mr Wiek, a Dutchman who has lived in Thailand for over two decades and is fluent in Thai, will lead the fight locally in Phuket

His group would rather work at the local level to raise awareness about the issues involved, he said.

Also does this foreigner who admit work in Thailand have work permit for dolphin campaign?

If not arrest and deport IMHO.


Cant believe some people.. Who cares if they are misrepresenting? Sometimes you gotta exaggerate and SHOCK to get some result. As with thais, if they dont lose face they never learn.

Cant believe people are playing devil's advocate just because of some small lawyer type bs argument. Even dogs shouldnt be allowed in this country, thais have no love for animals.. All the zoos i have seen here are concrete crap hole where animals are tortured daily. Dogs are threated like garbage, thrown on the street. Most owned dogs look like starving African children with hair disease.

whatever it takes to keep more animals away from thailand is GOOD


Cant believe some people.. Who cares if they are misrepresenting? Sometimes you gotta exaggerate and SHOCK to get some result. As with thais, if they dont lose face they never learn.

Cant believe people are playing devil's advocate just because of some small lawyer type bs argument. Even dogs shouldnt be allowed in this country, thais have no love for animals.. All the zoos i have seen here are concrete crap hole where animals are tortured daily. Dogs are threated like garbage, thrown on the street. Most owned dogs look like starving African children with hair disease.

whatever it takes to keep more animals away from thailand is GOOD

I'm sure more than just myself care if people are lying to push their arguements on others. To shock, through misrepresentation, for the sake of it is where the bs really lies.

And speaking of which, for an impassioned vegan who believes Thais shouldn't have access to animals, arn't you the guy who started your career on this forum by seeking a supply, and espousing the qualities, of, a particular type of Thai hybrid beef?

Repeating, I am against captive dolphins, bull shillers, NGO parasites and hypocrites.


NGO with no work permit, so not let come in Thailand!

Mr Wiek, a Dutchman who has lived in Thailand for over two decades and is fluent in Thai, will lead the fight locally in Phuket

His group would rather work at the local level to raise awareness about the issues involved, he said.

Also does this foreigner who admit work in Thailand have work permit for dolphin campaign?

If not arrest and deport IMHO.

You are ill informed and unfair to Mr Weik, He is already well known for work with orangutans and has a legal foundation that would afford him a work permit, I'm sure.


You are ill informed and unfair to Mr Weik, He is already well known for work with orangutans and has a legal foundation that would afford him a work permit, I'm sure.

But is he well known to Immigration?

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