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Do Thai's Read?


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A few random thoughts and generalizations:

  • Reading is a solitary activity. Thais in general are much more group-oriented than most western cultures. To be seeking out time and a place away from others is not regarded as normal, if one can even find a place.
  • Schools (other than private schools) do not emphasize reading early on--or ever, for that matter. The love of reading is not valued. Book-reading competitions don't exist. Book reports are not required. Research papers, such as they are, are written with the teacher's telling the students the exact book, page and paragraph to copy. No thought or research expected.
  • As for Thai language being "primitive," as was mentioned earlier: this is dubious. It is certainly complete and adequate for Thai people, just as every language is valid for its speakers all across the 6,000+ world of languages. The Thai language is not the source of inadequacies in thinking or appreciating reading. The superstructures in Bangkok and throughout the country were constructed using Thai, not another language. The language works for Thai people.
  • And, perhaps even the hierarchical system that is in the culture contributes to the poor education and lack of reading among the masses. It is a long-established fact that the less the people know, the less power they have. Or: keeping the people ignorant will enable the powerful to remain in power. Additionally, one is not encouraged (or most of the time, not even allowed) to question authority, be they teachers or other government employees.

Thanks Mr Brad.

This part you wrote """"It is a long-established fact that the less the people know, the less power they have. Or: keeping the people ignorant will enable the powerful to remain in power"""" very good point. But do you think thailand is like this or? I am very interested to know your thoughts..

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A few random thoughts and generalizations:

  • Reading is a solitary activity. Thais in general are much more group-oriented than most western cultures. To be seeking out time and a place away from others is not regarded as normal, if one can even find a place.
  • Schools (other than private schools) do not emphasize reading early on--or ever, for that matter. The love of reading is not valued. Book-reading competitions don't exist. Book reports are not required. Research papers, such as they are, are written with the teacher's telling the students the exact book, page and paragraph to copy. No thought or research expected.
  • As for Thai language being "primitive," as was mentioned earlier: this is dubious. It is certainly complete and adequate for Thai people, just as every language is valid for its speakers all across the 6,000+ world of languages. The Thai language is not the source of inadequacies in thinking or appreciating reading. The superstructures in Bangkok and throughout the country were constructed using Thai, not another language. The language works for Thai people.
  • And, perhaps even the hierarchical system that is in the culture contributes to the poor education and lack of reading among the masses. It is a long-established fact that the less the people know, the less power they have. Or: keeping the people ignorant will enable the powerful to remain in power. Additionally, one is not encouraged (or most of the time, not even allowed) to question authority, be they teachers or other government employees.

Thanks Mr Brad.

This part you wrote """"It is a long-established fact that the less the people know, the less power they have. Or: keeping the people ignorant will enable the powerful to remain in power"""" very good point. But do you think thailand is like this or? I am very interested to know your thoughts..

Yes, I do think that Thailand continues to operate in this manner, that is, not wanting the masses to get too much (good) education. [The kids of the politicians and other higher-ranking officials get an excellent education, be it here or abroad.] But those in control here are not alone in their ways. It seems to me that that those in power in the vast majority of countries in the world--including my own USA--employ the same maneuver to varying degrees to remain at the top of the heap. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" ~Nelson Mandela. Some like it the way it is.

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All the Thais I've ever known (except two) only read magazines and comics. The two who did like to read a real book, did so in English.

To my woman's credit, she reads a lot online and really makes an effort to learn about things and whatever it may be I'm talking about that week. She's been reading up on the US debt ceiling issue this past week trying to wrap her head around it. But she won't read a book.

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I can't believe this topic has stayed open this long.

What's next a topic called "do thais speak thai", of course supplemented by input from our local tv thai language experts who will chime in with infinite wisdom-filled posts like "well actually, they constanstly mis-pronounce xxxx according to the manuel I read at whalen."

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