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Pattaya'S "Uncleanliness"


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--I just returned from visiting Chaing Mai and I was impressed with how clean the sidewalks and streets were. As I walked around the city I also saw many city employees sweeping the streets...even someone picking up the debris in the moats with a net. Chaing Mai also has many tourists; yet, is able to keep the place clean (and there are garbage bins around for tourists to place their finished carton, water bottles in). Why can't Pattaya City hire more people to clean up the streets and provide more bins? Westerners are basically trained to throw their garbage in bins, not place the unwanted items (bottles, food packages) along the road side or in plastic garbage bags.

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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

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This problem and most others are caused by the fact that no one cares about Pattaya because they don't come from here. Politicians, policemen, prostitutes all flock down here from Esarn to make as much money as possible and take it home. Probably the only residents who care about and try to take pride in this town are us foreigners who have chosen to try to live here.

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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

I'm surprised Mr "keep pattaya clean" man and his crew hasn't cleansed the city yet :)

You know, the guy, with those "keep pattaya clean" and "this is not an ashtray" signs plastered all over Jomtien beach.

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This problem and most others are caused by the fact that no one cares about Pattaya because they don't come from here. Politicians, policemen, prostitutes all flock down here from Esarn to make as much money as possible and take it home. Probably the only residents who care about and try to take pride in this town are us foreigners who have chosen to try to live here.

Exactly my thoughts, and the main reason I moved to Korat where the people are totally different then the people in Pattaya.

I lived in Pattaya for five years, and volunteered with the Pattaya and highway police. I've lived in Korat for three years now, and it's much more enjoyable, and livable.


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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

I'm surprised Mr "keep pattaya clean" man and his crew hasn't cleansed the city yet :)

You know, the guy, with those "keep pattaya clean" and "this is not an ashtray" signs plastered all over Jomtien beach.

This man is on a losing battle.....

Over the last few weeks I have seen Jomtien Beach more garbage strewn than at any time in the last 5 1/2 years I have been living here.

It is an appalling mess.

2 weeks ago it was so bad there were dead fish and I even saw a Turtle carcass at the South end.

Yesterday morning I saw 4 women in orange bibs half heartedly scraping up some the the plastic bags with rakes. It would need an army of them to really clean it up.

This past week-end has seen thousands of Thai tourists swamp the place and leave all their rubbish behind.

To compound the issue the poor of the Parish scrounge around in what few bins there are for plastic and glass....why they don't pick up the stuff on the beach as well beats me ???

Surely plastic and glass on the beach might be cleaner than in an ancient stinking unwashed green wheely bin !!! Maybe the beach is too dirty for them to venture on !!!!!!

The other odourous problem is the Soi Dogs crapping all over the beach and pissing on the deck chairs and tables that people pay 40 baht a day to use.

I also cannot understand why any one would even venture bare foot onto this beach let alone swim in the water. But I suppose if you come from some land locked village in Nackon Nowhere or the Steppes of the former soviet union you know no better.....Maybe all beaches in the world are like Jomtien and its perfectly "normal" to frolic in sewage, plastic food bags, dog ends, dog crap, dead fish and discarded uneaten food.

Should I call 1137 and Complain....or would it fall on deaf ears. Thais I talk to about it here all have the same attitude mentioned already on this post......they are from Isaan what the hell do they care, most of them never go on the beach anyway they are too busy selling tourist tat, food in plastic bags, working in a bar, salon or massage to be bothered about such trivia as pollution of an already crappy beach.......

Maybe .....one day the Real Estate people will get their act together and instead of touting the place as sea side haven on their brochures they could pay for legions of people to make it a sea side haven of golden sands and azure blue seas......but there will be squadrons of pigs flying over Pratamnak before that ever happens...........

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And every 5 meters there is a "flood control storm drain" which stinks to high heaven of raw sewage making eating in street side cafes or carts untenable for those with a functioning olfactory nerve. I have traveled a bit and lived in a few big cities including Bangkok but I have never encountered the constant wafting of toxic sewer gas at every corner like here in Patters.

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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Sadly I agree with you even if someone spent the money ,tomorrow it would have to be done again and I daresay Endlessly ,these people don,t see garbage and feel quite at home and unpreturbed living amongst all this sh..t and besides what do they say....." You tink too much" ..........SAD

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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

I'm surprised Mr "keep pattaya clean" man and his crew hasn't cleansed the city yet :)

You know, the guy, with those "keep pattaya clean" and "this is not an ashtray" signs plastered all over Jomtien beach.

This man is on a losing battle.....

Over the last few weeks I have seen Jomtien Beach more garbage strewn than at any time in the last 5 1/2 years I have been living here.

It is an appalling mess.

2 weeks ago it was so bad there were dead fish and I even saw a Turtle carcass at the South end.

Yesterday morning I saw 4 women in orange bibs half heartedly scraping up some the the plastic bags with rakes. It would need an army of them to really clean it up.

This past week-end has seen thousands of Thai tourists swamp the place and leave all their rubbish behind.

To compound the issue the poor of the Parish scrounge around in what few bins there are for plastic and glass....why they don't pick up the stuff on the beach as well beats me ???

Surely plastic and glass on the beach might be cleaner than in an ancient stinking unwashed green wheely bin !!! Maybe the beach is too dirty for them to venture on !!!!!!

The other odourous problem is the Soi Dogs crapping all over the beach and pissing on the deck chairs and tables that people pay 40 baht a day to use.

I also cannot understand why any one would even venture bare foot onto this beach let alone swim in the water. But I suppose if you come from some land locked village in Nackon Nowhere or the Steppes of the former soviet union you know no better.....Maybe all beaches in the world are like Jomtien and its perfectly "normal" to frolic in sewage, plastic food bags, dog ends, dog crap, dead fish and discarded uneaten food.

Should I call 1137 and Complain....or would it fall on deaf ears. Thais I talk to about it here all have the same attitude mentioned already on this post......they are from Isaan what the hell do they care, most of them never go on the beach anyway they are too busy selling tourist tat, food in plastic bags, working in a bar, salon or massage to be bothered about such trivia as pollution of an already crappy beach.......

Maybe .....one day the Real Estate people will get their act together and instead of touting the place as sea side haven on their brochures they could pay for legions of people to make it a sea side haven of golden sands and azure blue seas......but there will be squadrons of pigs flying over Pratamnak before that ever happens...........

Yes his efforts , totally a waste of time , poor bloke but you must respect his good intentions ....unfortunately hes outnumbered by the uneducated litterbugs about a million to one . Should see the new rubbish tip the.ve just opened on the side of a sidestreet behind Jomtien ,took photos and will post them later, the most unlikely of places right next to a lake which will fill up soon with the sh...t. But if you really want to see some MASSIVE Shi.tholes go down the very end of Jomtien and stick to the ocean till you get to the boat mooring place .. Hey I kid you not ...even 100 semi trailers couldn't take away the garbage there ,lots of it is the rottong food stuff in the green gargabe bags ,local kids play amonst it but the best part is its floating on tidal water and gets taken out to sea, We should take the clean up jomtein man there ,it would stop him in his tracks as this is the major cause to crap on Jomtien beach . So thick you can walk out over it . I couldn't believe my eyes and I know these good samaritan efforts that you and I have are FUTILE. Wake up and I,m so sorry to say but get out and smell the roses or plastic bags i should say for yourself ....you and I can't change this ....least not with our hands!!!

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City officials rent out public property to vendors and businesses that leave garbage everywhere.

The money for maintenance is probably stolen.

IMO, I think city officials make a lot of money by hiring private contractors that also make a lot of money on tax payer's expense and then look the other way. Plus, there's money to be made from the cleanliness campaigns also and they get a chance to be seen on TV with the other 70% of crao that's on tv anyways. Just my 2 satangs on the matter

Oh and let's not forget about the nice dog sized rats that you see running around everywhere :rolleyes:

Edited by alexth
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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Isn't it great how they cover the stormwater drains with old mats to stop the aromas wafting up to street level , and when it rains don't bother to remove them so the whole street floods .. and what eventually happens is the old mat starts to break up and goes down the stormwater drain in a detoriated state and out to seawith the leftover street vendors unsold muck .. brilliant technology and thinking ,and such little effort required. Really the best way to fight them is to join them at their game ,pollute and pollute more ,dump your garbage right in front of their ignorant noses help them wreck their living environment , stuff the tourism.. Sadly as we know the impact on nature most likely be irreversible, but hey they don't give a flying f...k about what you or I think. Sadly they just don't know what the result is of there dirty habits, and guess what,, few thais care!!! This problem has gone on for decades polluting is just same same as walking .Has anyone here ever ventured on the sewer canal transport in Bangkok!!! The waters thicker than soup of black stinkin efluent and I saw people swim in it!!! What a pity the rest of the world is trying desperately trying to save the planet!! If anyone cared wouldn't you expect by now some major effort from authorities be done.I am becoming to the belief this is Thailand ,part of the culture ,my farang voice and yours means NOTHING here FARANG. Why should it it is THEIR country, sadly OUR planet. This is a losing battle ! Sorry to the minority but I think the majoriy like it. Thinking of going home soon I,m sick of the stupidy ,I,ve never used that word in my life so much till I came here , Lovely people some yes but F ,No wonder its called third world.

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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

new threads and posts on here wont make the slightest bit of difference, they are mostly brought up in extreme povety and throwing rubbish on the side is the way it is. have to accept its a dump or move on elsewhere as its always going to by dirty sh*t hole. i dont think many visitors memeories of pattaya will be of how dirty the steets were but how dirty the hookers were.

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I think at this point it is only right to post a reminder of the following Thai Visa rule:

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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Pattaya will never need to change. it is what it is. we need places like Pattaya in this world to keep sane people from going insane. and well... a place for the insane to live and not bother the rest of the upstanding citizens of this world.

i like it just the way it is. where it doesn't compete with any other city in the world.

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Pattaya will never need to change. it is what it is. we need places like Pattaya in this world to keep sane people from going insane. and well... a place for the insane to live and not bother the rest of the upstanding citizens of this world.

i like it just the way it is. where it doesn't compete with any other city in the world.

Spot on, agree 100%.....


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I think we should start a thread highlighting some of the disgusting unclean areas of Pattaya.

Right off Soi Buakhao there is a dirt lot where consruction equipment and buses park. The lot is strewn with garbage and the buses release their toilet waste which flows right over the street into a drain; I've almost puked crossing it. I'll take some pics and start a new thread tomorrow.

I'm surprised Mr "keep pattaya clean" man and his crew hasn't cleansed the city yet :)

You know, the guy, with those "keep pattaya clean" and "this is not an ashtray" signs plastered all over Jomtien beach.

This man is on a losing battle.....

Over the last few weeks I have seen Jomtien Beach more garbage strewn than at any time in the last 5 1/2 years I have been living here.

It is an appalling mess.

2 weeks ago it was so bad there were dead fish and I even saw a Turtle carcass at the South end.

Yesterday morning I saw 4 women in orange bibs half heartedly scraping up some the the plastic bags with rakes. It would need an army of them to really clean it up.

This past week-end has seen thousands of Thai tourists swamp the place and leave all their rubbish behind.

To compound the issue the poor of the Parish scrounge around in what few bins there are for plastic and glass....why they don't pick up the stuff on the beach as well beats me ???

Surely plastic and glass on the beach might be cleaner than in an ancient stinking unwashed green wheely bin !!! Maybe the beach is too dirty for them to venture on !!!!!!

The other odourous problem is the Soi Dogs crapping all over the beach and pissing on the deck chairs and tables that people pay 40 baht a day to use.

I also cannot understand why any one would even venture bare foot onto this beach let alone swim in the water. But I suppose if you come from some land locked village in Nackon Nowhere or the Steppes of the former soviet union you know no better.....Maybe all beaches in the world are like Jomtien and its perfectly "normal" to frolic in sewage, plastic food bags, dog ends, dog crap, dead fish and discarded uneaten food.

Should I call 1137 and Complain....or would it fall on deaf ears. Thais I talk to about it here all have the same attitude mentioned already on this post......they are from Isaan what the hell do they care, most of them never go on the beach anyway they are too busy selling tourist tat, food in plastic bags, working in a bar, salon or massage to be bothered about such trivia as pollution of an already crappy beach.......

Maybe .....one day the Real Estate people will get their act together and instead of touting the place as sea side haven on their brochures they could pay for legions of people to make it a sea side haven of golden sands and azure blue seas......but there will be squadrons of pigs flying over Pratamnak before that ever happens...........

Yes his efforts , totally a waste of time , poor bloke but you must respect his good intentions ....unfortunately hes outnumbered by the uneducated litterbugs about a million to one . Should see the new rubbish tip the.ve just opened on the side of a sidestreet behind Jomtien ,took photos and will post them later, the most unlikely of places right next to a lake which will fill up soon with the sh...t. But if you really want to see some MASSIVE Shi.tholes go down the very end of Jomtien and stick to the ocean till you get to the boat mooring place .. Hey I kid you not ...even 100 semi trailers couldn't take away the garbage there ,lots of it is the rottong food stuff in the green gargabe bags ,local kids play amonst it but the best part is its floating on tidal water and gets taken out to sea, We should take the clean up jomtein man there ,it would stop him in his tracks as this is the major cause to crap on Jomtien beach . So thick you can walk out over it . I couldn't believe my eyes and I know these good samaritan efforts that you and I have are FUTILE. Wake up and I,m so sorry to say but get out and smell the roses or plastic bags i should say for yourself ....you and I can't change this ....least not with our hands!!!


And that is the problem most of you lazy educated Farangs are to busy making yourselves happy with young ladies and stories, that you could care less about the voiceless, Children, Wildlife and Waterways.

We elders should "all" be involved in giving back to Mother Earth, Educating the Unknowing or Setting Examples by Walking the Walk, not Talking the Talk.

We see some of you wearing your expensive walking or running shoes, side stepping dangers to children, wildlife and waterways, thinking! I didn't do it! Not my problem!

or riding your bike, looking in the mirror at Tony's gym. It is your problem, leaving behind things that you know could hurt, kill or contaminate, is as bad as the litter-bug that left it behind, because you know better.

One needs to get over this Me, Me thing, and reach out for the We, We. If lazy overweight Farangs could only realize the priceless rewards of inner-wealth from Waster-Sizing.

Bending at the Waist to pick up the Waste and getting rid of both, your not only making it a tad safer for the voiceless, your also getting your exercise, a win, win.

I have many people that reach out and help, most are Thai on holiday and some Farangs on holiday. (What's wrong with the people that live and feed off of this place)

I have no idea where most of you were raised, but I'm quite sure your parents didn't raise you to be un-giving, uncaring old men.

NOW is the only time there is to make a difference no matter how big or small, every man made danger that I remove, is 1 less thing that "could" be ingested by a child, wildlife or waterway.

I'm quite sure that I have made more of a difference in removing dangers in 1 week then "most" of you have in a life-time. Walk a mile or 10 in my 73 year old bare feet, before you judge or say we can't change it with our hands. The only waste of time is the waste of skin that does nothing but take up space and bitch.

Far from being a poor bloke, I am a man that is giving back and love every minute of it, my inner-wealth, exercise, outlook and health is from giving back, I count my blessings daily. Heaven and Hell is here on Earth and I found my Heaven (Making a difference by setting examples, shaking hands and leaving only footprints behind.

Being only as good as our last performance, I find the best thing about giving is you don't have to, and you get more back in return.

Gerry Rasmus aka KOTO

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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Isn't it great how they cover the stormwater drains with old mats to stop the aromas wafting up to street level , and when it rains don't bother to remove them so the whole street floods .. and what eventually happens is the old mat starts to break up and goes down the stormwater drain in a detoriated state and out to seawith the leftover street vendors unsold muck .. brilliant technology and thinking ,and such little effort required. Really the best way to fight them is to join them at their game ,pollute and pollute more ,dump your garbage right in front of their ignorant noses help them wreck their living environment , stuff the tourism.. Sadly as we know the impact on nature most likely be irreversible, but hey they don't give a flying f...k about what you or I think. Sadly they just don't know what the result is of there dirty habits, and guess what,, few thais care!!! This problem has gone on for decades polluting is just same same as walking .Has anyone here ever ventured on the sewer canal transport in Bangkok!!! The waters thicker than soup of black stinkin efluent and I saw people swim in it!!! What a pity the rest of the world is trying desperately trying to save the planet!! If anyone cared wouldn't you expect by now some major effort from authorities be done.I am becoming to the belief this is Thailand ,part of the culture ,my farang voice and yours means NOTHING here FARANG. Why should it it is THEIR country, sadly OUR planet. This is a losing battle ! Sorry to the minority but I think the majoriy like it. Thinking of going home soon I,m sick of the stupidy ,I,ve never used that word in my life so much till I came here , Lovely people some yes but F ,No wonder its called third world.

It's not what you think! It's what you do! So you say join the unknowing or uncaring, Talk about giving up, it is true one needs some backbone, drive and caring for the voiceless to take on what looks like an impossible task and maybe is. People like you will be the ones to let any chance, go down the storm drain with the rest of the garbage, because you think it can't be turned around, I have never heard so many lazy, willing to give up. NOW is the time to take on the job, nobody said it would be easy, what a bunch of cream-puffs.

They sure don't make-em like they used too.

I find that I mostly walk the walk alone due to lazy, overweight self-serving, grumpy old men.

The Farang brought the plastic, disposable lighters, cigarette filters, junk-food, coke, foam and other things that are destroying the Earth and then we blame the Thai the used to eat off a leaf and then let it go back into the soil, mirror, mirror on the wall, we flood them with non-biodegradable shit and walk away. (GOOD JOB FARANGS) we are so educated and wise.

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There is some valid thought in thinking Pattaya is so full of "outsiders" trying to make a baht; that they do not care about the garbage they leave around; meanwhile you go to Sri Racha a few kilometers away and it is a very tidy town. Even up in Isaan (where many of the Pattaya work force comes from) the villages and cities are taken care of. I was in Roi-et last year and was amazed that the public park had garbabe bins (that the locals used) and the public park did NOT allow smoking. No garbage dropped on the sidewalks there. So, there is a "unique" pollution issue in Pattaya; yet the city could do more in providing street sweepers, garbage bins, and an advertising campaign. Many of my friends that have come to Pattaya from Bangkok always comment how dirty the city is (and tourists also). You think the city officials would find this negative image embarassing and try to improve it. (Forget the monthly festivals and put the $$$ into cleaning up the city.)

Edited by toenail
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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Isn't it great how they cover the stormwater drains with old mats to stop the aromas wafting up to street level , and when it rains don't bother to remove them so the whole street floods .. and what eventually happens is the old mat starts to break up and goes down the stormwater drain in a detoriated state and out to seawith the leftover street vendors unsold muck .. brilliant technology and thinking ,and such little effort required. Really the best way to fight them is to join them at their game ,pollute and pollute more ,dump your garbage right in front of their ignorant noses help them wreck their living environment , stuff the tourism.. Sadly as we know the impact on nature most likely be irreversible, but hey they don't give a flying f...k about what you or I think. Sadly they just don't know what the result is of there dirty habits, and guess what,, few thais care!!! This problem has gone on for decades polluting is just same same as walking .Has anyone here ever ventured on the sewer canal transport in Bangkok!!! The waters thicker than soup of black stinkin efluent and I saw people swim in it!!! What a pity the rest of the world is trying desperately trying to save the planet!! If anyone cared wouldn't you expect by now some major effort from authorities be done.I am becoming to the belief this is Thailand ,part of the culture ,my farang voice and yours means NOTHING here FARANG. Why should it it is THEIR country, sadly OUR planet. This is a losing battle ! Sorry to the minority but I think the majoriy like it. Thinking of going home soon I,m sick of the stupidy ,I,ve never used that word in my life so much till I came here , Lovely people some yes but F ,No wonder its called third world.

It's not what you think! It's what you do! So you say join the unknowing or uncaring, Talk about giving up, it is true one needs some backbone, drive and caring for the voiceless to take on what looks like an impossible task and maybe is. People like you will be the ones to let any chance, go down the storm drain with the rest of the garbage, because you think it can't be turned around, I have never heard so many lazy, willing to give up. NOW is the time to take on the job, nobody said it would be easy, what a bunch of cream-puffs.

They sure don't make-em like they used too.

I find that I mostly walk the walk alone due to lazy, overweight self-serving, grumpy old men.

The Farang brought the plastic, disposable lighters, cigarette filters, junk-food, coke, foam and other things that are destroying the Earth and then we blame the Thai the used to eat off a leaf and then let it go back into the soil, mirror, mirror on the wall, we flood them with non-biodegradable shit and walk away. (GOOD JOB FARANGS) we are so educated and wise.


Sorry, but most tourist that I see in Pattaya are NOT throwing their garbage on the beach or along the street. They are like me looking for a garbage bin to place it in. I see the locals leaving their foam food containers and plastic bags laying around; I see hotels and restaurants placing their bags of garbage along the street at night (not in bins) for the rats to attack before the garbage truck arrives; I have seen the motor boat employees just dump their garbage from the boats into the sea instead of retuning it to shore and placing it in a bin. It is ridiculous for us to think that we are going to eat off a banana leaf or biogradable bamboo in modern times. But all of us are responsible for placing our garbage in an appropriate place -- not just anywhere. There are countries that do a wonderful job in taking care of their litter and recycling in the year 2011. Switzerland recycles 51% of their litter; Austria 49% ; the Scandanavian countries around 45%; Japan 42%... A community (which Pattaya is for some of us) can improve itself before waiting for "big goverment" to enforce laws (of course, would they be inforced???). It needs to educate its visitors, Thai and foreign, to not litter; meanwhile being more responsible in keeping this "international" city clean and more appealing to the eye.

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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Isn't it great how they cover the stormwater drains with old mats to stop the aromas wafting up to street level , and when it rains don't bother to remove them so the whole street floods .. and what eventually happens is the old mat starts to break up and goes down the stormwater drain in a detoriated state and out to seawith the leftover street vendors unsold muck .. brilliant technology and thinking ,and such little effort required. Really the best way to fight them is to join them at their game ,pollute and pollute more ,dump your garbage right in front of their ignorant noses help them wreck their living environment , stuff the tourism.. Sadly as we know the impact on nature most likely be irreversible, but hey they don't give a flying f...k about what you or I think. Sadly they just don't know what the result is of there dirty habits, and guess what,, few thais care!!! This problem has gone on for decades polluting is just same same as walking .Has anyone here ever ventured on the sewer canal transport in Bangkok!!! The waters thicker than soup of black stinkin efluent and I saw people swim in it!!! What a pity the rest of the world is trying desperately trying to save the planet!! If anyone cared wouldn't you expect by now some major effort from authorities be done.I am becoming to the belief this is Thailand ,part of the culture ,my farang voice and yours means NOTHING here FARANG. Why should it it is THEIR country, sadly OUR planet. This is a losing battle ! Sorry to the minority but I think the majoriy like it. Thinking of going home soon I,m sick of the stupidy ,I,ve never used that word in my life so much till I came here , Lovely people some yes but F ,No wonder its called third world.

It's not what you think! It's what you do! So you say join the unknowing or uncaring, Talk about giving up, it is true one needs some backbone, drive and caring for the voiceless to take on what looks like an impossible task and maybe is. People like you will be the ones to let any chance, go down the storm drain with the rest of the garbage, because you think it can't be turned around, I have never heard so many lazy, willing to give up. NOW is the time to take on the job, nobody said it would be easy, what a bunch of cream-puffs.

They sure don't make-em like they used too.

I find that I mostly walk the walk alone due to lazy, overweight self-serving, grumpy old men.

The Farang brought the plastic, disposable lighters, cigarette filters, junk-food, coke, foam and other things that are destroying the Earth and then we blame the Thai the used to eat off a leaf and then let it go back into the soil, mirror, mirror on the wall, we flood them with non-biodegradable shit and walk away. (GOOD JOB FARANGS) we are so educated and wise.


Sorry, but most tourist that I see in Pattaya are NOT throwing their garbage on the beach or along the street. They are like me looking for a garbage bin to place it in. I see the locals leaving their foam food containers and plastic bags laying around; I see hotels and restaurants placing their bags of garbage along the street at night (not in bins) for the rats to attack before the garbage truck arrives; I have seen the motor boat employees just dump their garbage from the boats into the sea instead of retuning it to shore and placing it in a bin. It is ridiculous for us to think that we are going to eat off a banana leaf or biogradable bamboo in modern times. But all of us are responsible for placing our garbage in an appropriate place -- not just anywhere. There are countries that do a wonderful job in taking care of their litter and recycling in the year 2011. Switzerland recycles 51% of their litter; Austria 49% ; the Scandanavian countries around 45%; Japan 42%... A community (which Pattaya is for some of us) can improve itself before waiting for "big goverment" to enforce laws (of course, would they be inforced???). It needs to educate its visitors, Thai and foreign, to not litter; meanwhile being more responsible in keeping this "international" city clean and more appealing to the eye.


Imposing fines and more garbage cans would solve much of the problem, when one must pay, one thinks, Pattaya City Hall needs to take control, yesterday.

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Discarding your waste in a proper way and then collecting it is one thing,

not to generate it in the first place is far superior. You think it can't be done??

Look at China: Bang, - one crackdown from the central government, and from

one day to the next no more free plastic bags at Tesco, Carrefour and Walmart,

not even at the corner store!!!

They give you bags made from cloth or other degradable materials, and you pay

a Yuan for 'em.

Will any Thai central government EVER have the guts for such a sensible legislation???

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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Isn't it great how they cover the stormwater drains with old mats to stop the aromas wafting up to street level , and when it rains don't bother to remove them so the whole street floods .. and what eventually happens is the old mat starts to break up and goes down the stormwater drain in a detoriated state and out to seawith the leftover street vendors unsold muck .. brilliant technology and thinking ,and such little effort required. Really the best way to fight them is to join them at their game ,pollute and pollute more ,dump your garbage right in front of their ignorant noses help them wreck their living environment , stuff the tourism.. Sadly as we know the impact on nature most likely be irreversible, but hey they don't give a flying f...k about what you or I think. Sadly they just don't know what the result is of there dirty habits, and guess what,, few thais care!!! This problem has gone on for decades polluting is just same same as walking .Has anyone here ever ventured on the sewer canal transport in Bangkok!!! The waters thicker than soup of black stinkin efluent and I saw people swim in it!!! What a pity the rest of the world is trying desperately trying to save the planet!! If anyone cared wouldn't you expect by now some major effort from authorities be done.I am becoming to the belief this is Thailand ,part of the culture ,my farang voice and yours means NOTHING here FARANG. Why should it it is THEIR country, sadly OUR planet. This is a losing battle ! Sorry to the minority but I think the majoriy like it. Thinking of going home soon I,m sick of the stupidy ,I,ve never used that word in my life so much till I came here , Lovely people some yes but F ,No wonder its called third world.

It's not what you think! It's what you do! So you say join the unknowing or uncaring, Talk about giving up, it is true one needs some backbone, drive and caring for the voiceless to take on what looks like an impossible task and maybe is. People like you will be the ones to let any chance, go down the storm drain with the rest of the garbage, because you think it can't be turned around, I have never heard so many lazy, willing to give up. NOW is the time to take on the job, nobody said it would be easy, what a bunch of cream-puffs.

They sure don't make-em like they used too.

I find that I mostly walk the walk alone due to lazy, overweight self-serving, grumpy old men.

The Farang brought the plastic, disposable lighters, cigarette filters, junk-food, coke, foam and other things that are destroying the Earth and then we blame the Thai the used to eat off a leaf and then let it go back into the soil, mirror, mirror on the wall, we flood them with non-biodegradable shit and walk away. (GOOD JOB FARANGS) we are so educated and wise.

Dear Koto

Few things if I gave up or didn.t care I wouldn.t even be botherd to participate in this discussion . I am not an overweight ,lazy self serving old man as you may refer me to , in fact I also have taken the inititive to get off my motorbike and fill a garbage bag and drive to the next soi and see this goes on forever and I also have and still do pick up and dispose of my litter and others on the way to a bin.Went down to Bang Saray beach to enjoy a picnic with family on the weekend spent most of the time picking up rubbish enought to fill a large green garbage bag ,the missus and onlookers thought I was mad , and I AM.

What I have observed is whist I,m or you are picking it up there are thousands still littering making our efforts miniscule or absolutlly futile. I am furious but what can I do .........what keep picking it up for the rest of my life ....you got to be off your rocker!!!!! ...or look for a BIGGER solution. Hey I am on YOUR SIDE buddy but I.m so Sorry "Your wasting your time" especially when you go around and see first hand the amount of F....k...g garbage which has just been dumped at the back road of Jomtien on a side street sadly this is only one place of many . You and I could not or would never have collected that amount in a whole year !. What I mentioned before was a place near the boat moorings , on tidal water , chances are thats part of the washup you collect , but/.... if you go see the cause or whats to come and the SIZE of whats getting flushed out to sea mabey you,ll agree with me that another idea to achieve the same result needs to be addressed and worked out thats why I post because its gets discussion flowing and ideas . Unless you want to keep doing things the hard way ,for the rest of your life or until your physically unable. I am 100% in favour and respect of what you,ve done and are doing to try to achieve a result, and I am sorry to direct any word of disrespect to your plight , but know also I hate the filth and I also make efforts to clean mine and others garbage but I,ll say again we are on a LOSING BATTLE because the amounts of garbage thats getting littered each and every day makes fools of our efforts . We are not giving up !!!! Whos got a tractor with a BIG front SCOOP bucket and a Big tip truck to load all the shit onto and take it to the Whereisit Dump ?? Thats what we need . Who can we see or talk to so FINES can be ENFORSED to stop big time littering. Lets invite more discussion to identify the dumping hotspots around the place, behind tesco on the way to Naklua is a classic. Would someone identify an official from city hall who will help or provide don't litter signs or manpower?? Are the radio or TV stations willing to broadcast free community announcements to make aware penalities if caught?

You see Koto these are just a few ideas which spring to mind which will by far impact more than just our early morning walk whilst working on a sun tan, or sadly to say group effort gathering on the beach.I posted a topic similar to this before when I saw broadcasted International clean up Pattaya day!!! A absolute joke collectively only got a mere 10 or so bags full. I went to the TV station concerned in person to complain only to be told "this is Pattaya don't be so serious".

OK so lets keep treating the effects and not address the cause.. Sorry there does come a time when this becomes TOO MUCH!

P.S Yes I will keep picking up my and others rubbish in sight least one thing I am the wiser!

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The wonderful aromas of Pattaya......yep it is a disgrace really.

Even a simple thing like when you get off the songtaew just before walking st there is nowhere really to walk without risking life and limb with the traffic and treading over those smelly drains.

Soi Boukow area is also dirty,dusty and smelly and the area around Tutkom is pretty horrendous as well.

It wouldn't take much to clean these things just a bit but nobody cares and nobody is willing to spend the money on the improvement.

Isn't it great how they cover the stormwater drains with old mats to stop the aromas wafting up to street level , and when it rains don't bother to remove them so the whole street floods .. and what eventually happens is the old mat starts to break up and goes down the stormwater drain in a detoriated state and out to seawith the leftover street vendors unsold muck .. brilliant technology and thinking ,and such little effort required. Really the best way to fight them is to join them at their game ,pollute and pollute more ,dump your garbage right in front of their ignorant noses help them wreck their living environment , stuff the tourism.. Sadly as we know the impact on nature most likely be irreversible, but hey they don't give a flying f...k about what you or I think. Sadly they just don't know what the result is of there dirty habits, and guess what,, few thais care!!! This problem has gone on for decades polluting is just same same as walking .Has anyone here ever ventured on the sewer canal transport in Bangkok!!! The waters thicker than soup of black stinkin efluent and I saw people swim in it!!! What a pity the rest of the world is trying desperately trying to save the planet!! If anyone cared wouldn't you expect by now some major effort from authorities be done.I am becoming to the belief this is Thailand ,part of the culture ,my farang voice and yours means NOTHING here FARANG. Why should it it is THEIR country, sadly OUR planet. This is a losing battle ! Sorry to the minority but I think the majoriy like it. Thinking of going home soon I,m sick of the stupidy ,I,ve never used that word in my life so much till I came here , Lovely people some yes but F ,No wonder its called third world.

It's not what you think! It's what you do! So you say join the unknowing or uncaring, Talk about giving up, it is true one needs some backbone, drive and caring for the voiceless to take on what looks like an impossible task and maybe is. People like you will be the ones to let any chance, go down the storm drain with the rest of the garbage, because you think it can't be turned around, I have never heard so many lazy, willing to give up. NOW is the time to take on the job, nobody said it would be easy, what a bunch of cream-puffs.

They sure don't make-em like they used too.

I find that I mostly walk the walk alone due to lazy, overweight self-serving, grumpy old men.

The Farang brought the plastic, disposable lighters, cigarette filters, junk-food, coke, foam and other things that are destroying the Earth and then we blame the Thai the used to eat off a leaf and then let it go back into the soil, mirror, mirror on the wall, we flood them with non-biodegradable shit and walk away. (GOOD JOB FARANGS) we are so educated and wise.

Dear Koto

Few things if I gave up or didn.t care I wouldn.t even be botherd to participate in this discussion . I am not an overweight ,lazy self serving old man as you may refer me to , in fact I also have taken the inititive to get off my motorbike and fill a garbage bag and drive to the next soi and see this goes on forever and I also have and still do pick up and dispose of my litter and others on the way to a bin.Went down to Bang Saray beach to enjoy a picnic with family on the weekend spent most of the time picking up rubbish enought to fill a large green garbage bag ,the missus and onlookers thought I was mad , and I AM.

What I have observed is whist I,m or you are picking it up there are thousands still littering making our efforts miniscule or absolutlly futile. I am furious but what can I do .........what keep picking it up for the rest of my life ....you got to be off your rocker!!!!! ...or look for a BIGGER solution. Hey I am on YOUR SIDE buddy but I.m so Sorry "Your wasting your time" especially when you go around and see first hand the amount of F....k...g garbage which has just been dumped at the back road of Jomtien on a side street sadly this is only one place of many . You and I could not or would never have collected that amount in a whole year !. What I mentioned before was a place near the boat moorings , on tidal water , chances are thats part of the washup you collect , but/.... if you go see the cause or whats to come and the SIZE of whats getting flushed out to sea mabey you,ll agree with me that another idea to achieve the same result needs to be addressed and worked out thats why I post because its gets discussion flowing and ideas . Unless you want to keep doing things the hard way ,for the rest of your life or until your physically unable. I am 100% in favour and respect of what you,ve done and are doing to try to achieve a result, and I am sorry to direct any word of disrespect to your plight , but know also I hate the filth and I also make efforts to clean mine and others garbage but I,ll say again we are on a LOSING BATTLE because the amounts of garbage thats getting littered each and every day makes fools of our efforts . We are not giving up !!!! Whos got a tractor with a BIG front SCOOP bucket and a Big tip truck to load all the shit onto and take it to the Whereisit Dump ?? Thats what we need . Who can we see or talk to so FINES can be ENFORSED to stop big time littering. Lets invite more discussion to identify the dumping hotspots around the place, behind tesco on the way to Naklua is a classic. Would someone identify an official from city hall who will help or provide don't litter signs or manpower?? Are the radio or TV stations willing to broadcast free community announcements to make aware penalities if caught?

You see Koto these are just a few ideas which spring to mind which will by far impact more than just our early morning walk whilst working on a sun tan, or sadly to say group effort gathering on the beach.I posted a topic similar to this before when I saw broadcasted International clean up Pattaya day!!! A absolute joke collectively only got a mere 10 or so bags full. I went to the TV station concerned in person to complain only to be told "this is Pattaya don't be so serious".

OK so lets keep treating the effects and not address the cause.. Sorry there does come a time when this becomes TOO MUCH!

P.S Yes I will keep picking up my and others rubbish in sight least one thing I am the wiser!

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How is it the streets in Bangsaen are immaculate and Pattaya so dirty, when we all live in Chonburi

I've never seen many farang in Bangsaen so maybe the Thais only want to make a good impression for non tourists

Right, and to take this farther, most Thais in Pattaya dislike foreigners and go out of their way to do things that will upset them.

Like throwing garbage all over the place.

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