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I like to walk on the sidewalk. However, it is quite an obstacle course with soo many obstructions like those I mentioned above. Many shops have also laid claim to the pavement to make the narrow sidewalk even narrower. While I am ranting here, has anyone of you walked along the sidewalk on a rainy day? Feels like walking on ice - especially on those where they have laide polished granite tiles. GRRRRRRR....

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Well... since the Little Duck road works were completed, we've needed to cast our gaze further afield to find something to complain about. :lol:


This again is where cofusion exists between foreigners and Thai .

In most of our home countries the sidewalk aka footpath is for walking on, maybe an odd pram or a wheelchair and maybe if you were from a real lawless country you would see a bicycle on the sidewalk aka footpath.

In Thailand a footpath aka sidewalk is for selling goods, extending your shop, parking motorcycles, growing trees, full time restaurants, part time restaurant, full time shops, part time shops , storing unused telephone kiosks,etc,etc

It is prime real estate and a great revenue source for the local corrupt officials.

So when you walk on the sidewalk aka footpath, please give way to these people.


This again is where cofusion exists between foreigners and Thai .

In most of our home countries the sidewalk aka footpath is for walking on, maybe an odd pram or a wheelchair and maybe if you were from a real lawless country you would see a bicycle on the sidewalk aka footpath.

In Thailand a footpath aka sidewalk is for selling goods, extending your shop, parking motorcycles, growing trees, full time restaurants, part time restaurant, full time shops, part time shops , storing unused telephone kiosks,etc,etc

It is prime real estate and a great revenue source for the local corrupt officials.

So when you walk on the sidewalk aka footpath, please give way to these people.

I agree absolutely but we're surrounded by people determined to have clear sidewalks, gutter that doesn't rust, beef that's properly aged and the perfect burger so they can create a little Dusseldorf/Newcastle (Australia or the UK)/Denver/Adelaide home away from home. B)


This again is where cofusion exists between foreigners and Thai .

In most of our home countries the sidewalk aka footpath is for walking on, maybe an odd pram or a wheelchair and maybe if you were from a real lawless country you would see a bicycle on the sidewalk aka footpath.

In Thailand a footpath aka sidewalk is for selling goods, extending your shop, parking motorcycles, growing trees, full time restaurants, part time restaurant, full time shops, part time shops , storing unused telephone kiosks,etc,etc

It is prime real estate and a great revenue source for the local corrupt officials.

So when you walk on the sidewalk aka footpath, please give way to these people.

I agree absolutely but we're surrounded by people determined to have clear sidewalks, gutter that doesn't rust, beef that's properly aged and the perfect burger so they can create a little Dusseldorf/Newcastle (Australia or the UK)/Denver/Adelaide home away from home. B)

You forgot the taco thing.


This again is where cofusion exists between foreigners and Thai .

In most of our home countries the sidewalk aka footpath is for walking on, maybe an odd pram or a wheelchair and maybe if you were from a real lawless country you would see a bicycle on the sidewalk aka footpath.

In Thailand a footpath aka sidewalk is for selling goods, extending your shop, parking motorcycles, growing trees, full time restaurants, part time restaurant, full time shops, part time shops , storing unused telephone kiosks,etc,etc

It is prime real estate and a great revenue source for the local corrupt officials.

So when you walk on the sidewalk aka footpath, please give way to these people.

I agree absolutely but we're surrounded by people determined to have clear sidewalks, gutter that doesn't rust, beef that's properly aged and the perfect burger so they can create a little Dusseldorf/Newcastle (Australia or the UK)/Denver/Adelaide home away from home. B)

Though I am used to navigating the sidewalk minefield, on the odd occasion the stealthily laid trip hazard does catch me unawares.

Never been to Dusseldorf, what's it like? :D


This again is where cofusion exists between foreigners and Thai .

In most of our home countries the sidewalk aka footpath is for walking on, maybe an odd pram or a wheelchair and maybe if you were from a real lawless country you would see a bicycle on the sidewalk aka footpath.

In Thailand a footpath aka sidewalk is for selling goods, extending your shop, parking motorcycles, growing trees, full time restaurants, part time restaurant, full time shops, part time shops , storing unused telephone kiosks,etc,etc

It is prime real estate and a great revenue source for the local corrupt officials.

So when you walk on the sidewalk aka footpath, please give way to these people.

I agree absolutely but we're surrounded by people determined to have clear sidewalks, gutter that doesn't rust, beef that's properly aged and the perfect burger so they can create a little Dusseldorf/Newcastle (Australia or the UK)/Denver/Adelaide home away from home. B)

Though I am used to navigating the sidewalk minefield, on the odd occasion the stealthily laid trip hazard does catch me unawares.

Never been to Dusseldorf, what's it like? :D

I don't know any Thais who complain about the obstacle course part of the sidewalks. But I know enough who complain about the way the sidewalks are constructed and collapse into the storm drains a short time after they are built and then left in disrepair for years. The complaint there is the wasted tax money and the hazard.


This again is where confusion exists between foreigners and Thai .

In most of our home countries the sidewalk aka footpath is for walking on, maybe an odd pram or a wheelchair and maybe if you were from a real lawless country you would see a bicycle on the sidewalk aka footpath.

In Thailand a footpath aka sidewalk is for selling goods, extending your shop, parking motorcycles, growing trees, full time restaurants, part time restaurant, full time shops, part time shops , storing unused telephone kiosks,etc,etc

It is prime real estate and a great revenue source for the local corrupt officials.

So when you walk on the sidewalk aka footpath, please give way to these people.

I agree absolutely but we're surrounded by people determined to have clear sidewalks, gutter that doesn't rust, beef that's properly aged and the perfect burger so they can create a little Düsseldorf/Newcastle (Australia or the UK)/Denver/Adelaide home away from home. B)

Though I am used to navigating the sidewalk minefield, on the odd occasion the stealthily laid trip hazard does catch me unawares.

Never been to Düsseldorf, what's it like? :D

I don't know any Thais who complain about the obstacle course part of the sidewalks. But I know enough who complain about the way the sidewalks are constructed and collapse into the storm drains a short time after they are built and then left in disrepair for years. The complaint there is the wasted tax money and the hazard.

Now that you brought it up. I was going to mention that its fine for the locals who probably meander along that very route every day selling their wears or buying their daily meal. It's just the irregular pedestrian not aware of all the ups, downs and pitfalls of these well trodden pathways, who get caught out at times. I swear that I am getting Chameleon eyes trying to ensure that I dodge umbrellas, awnings, ground obstacles and still be able to keep up with my wife who seems to have built in avoidance radar for the hazards. :D :jap:


Yes, and while you're watching where your feet are landing, don't forget the steel traffic signs that are at the correct height to earn you ten stitches in your forehead if you don't see them in time.

Sometimes, when the wife and I are walking at night and are passing one of those, I will reach up and slap it hard with my hand and then grab my head. After her heart attack about thinking I have hurt my head, she then lays into me about what is funny and what is not. Either way, I laugh for about the next two blocks. I know funny when I see it.


Some photos of Chiang Rai sidewalks (?).

Please tell me where the wheelchair ramp is in the second photo.....surely it must go somewhere? :rolleyes:


I was talking about this earlier with my wife.... Car's parked on the pavements...

I have to check over my shoulder before turning left into my soi to ensure that motor bikes are not driving down the pavement.

So you see... The ramps are not for wheel chairs, they're for motorbikes...

Yikes... Some people, they think the pavement is for walking on... Why would you walk? there are bikes and cars !


I had to chuckle to myself this morning when I parked my Motorbike on the pavement. I did notice perhaps millions of Motorcycles parked on the pavement too. Never see anyone walking here unless its the few metres from the motorbike to 7-11 or something. Except for Tourists ofcourse :)

maybe its just a more efficient use of the space :unsure:

Indeed , where would they park the motorbikes if not on the Pavement :)


late Tuesday nite a expat tried to park his Blue Honda Wave licence # 13 in the Store Window of the 7-11 near the Nite Baizzare...... :o

So much for foreigners respecting the sidewalks :rolleyes:

Edit to include the video


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Kimomax. Any chance of a version that will play in FireFox 5?

Mr YouTube wants me to downgrade to V4 :(

Ah, Scad's link works :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Car parked on the sidewalk (pavement), obstructions such as billboards (e.g. parking area), overgrown with weeds and vegetation.





late Tuesday nite a expat tried to park his Blue Honda Wave licence # 13 in the Store Window of the 7-11 near the Nite Baizzare...... :o

So much for foreigners respecting the sidewalks :rolleyes:

Edit to include the video

thats progress I guess !

Drive thru 7-11's ..... its only a matter of time.

that few meters between pavement/sidewalk and the counter , and in some form of pedestrian mode is a bind; especially if your only after another Bottle of Chang :(


Car parked on the sidewalk (pavement), obstructions such as billboards (e.g. parking area), overgrown with weeds and vegetation.

I can't see what's wrong with any of these photos. I mean if you want everything to be like where you come from, it just isn't going to happen.

So you like to walk down the sidewalk. Well you can't, it's Thailand, there's stuff all over the sidewalk.

Walk around the stuff or bump into it. Those are pretty much your only two choices.

Wandering around like some kind of mobile neighbourhood watch taking photos of what's 'wrong' with the place is, in my not particularly humble opinion, what could be regarded as a waste of a wonderful opportunity to actually enjoy where you are and be thankful that you are there.

Still, it is, as they say, up to you, and I look forward to the successful culmination of your 'more room on the sidewalk because that's what I like' campaign.

Good luck with it and be sure and let us know how you get on :)


Ain't that the Truth Biff.

I guess your both right in your own ways.

I would suggest a Bussman's Holiday or something. Biff & toybits swap lifes for a few months.

It would be interesting to see if biff after a few months starts to complain about sidewalk access and if Toybit's manages to survive a few months without an array of fines for trying to be an upstanding citizen but failing miseraby like the rest of us :)

My money will be on Biff, but I've been wrong many many times.

I'm just contemplating a short return to Biffs domicile and wondering how many parking fines, Fixed penalty tickets for running red lights and parking my bike in the window of 7-11 I can expect within a few short months. B)

I know that last time I was there some BIB jumped from behind a bush at 4am in the morning whilst I was in my opinion doing a reasonable speed at such an hour . It was unfortunately going to be a court appearance but luckily it didn't materialise. I did suffer the stress of waiting for the summons for the several months though. Sleepless nights and the rest. I still suffer from paranoia and nightmares because of my Sins.

I guess I need to repent my Sins and find some sort of contentment


Sidewalks are more of a buffer zone here than a place to advance along the streets without walking in the street. We usually just walk in the street. It is faster. I do notice in CM that certain areas obviously have some enforcement about keeping the walkways clear. But I wouldn't trade this place for that place. I would rather walk in the street in CR than on the sidewalks of CM.

CM is a bit more advanced, in some respects. And even then, in CM, when they first started allowing all of the evening food vendors to set up in front of the main entrance doors of the Kaed Suan Kaew (Central) Mall (about 65 vendors with booths and cooking apparatuses, (one year ago?) they locked all but one door there to funnel pedestrians right through the center of the vendors. There as no walkway. You had to negotiate your way, left and right, zig and zag, through them all, to get to the steps that lead you to the street. Right in front of the open door was a huge gas fired cooking vat full hot oil and there were many others crammed, crammed in all around that one and of course, there were charcoal fired grills all over the place. Had there been a fire or any other event in the mall that required a mass exodus, it would have been a really bad scene. I noticed on a return visit about six months later that they had pushed the vendors back from the doors just a little and some of the other doors were unlocked but they had set big potted plants in front of them to help direct traffic through the center door.

Things are going to be this way in Thailand for a long time to come. A person just has to pay attention and have a back-up plan with his/her own and family safety in mind. And, be thankful that we all do recognize the hazards because if we do, we stand a better chance. I think most people here do not recognize so many of these things and they don't think it is important if you point it out to them. I always identify the way out of hotels I stay in and try to remember how many doors from my room the stairwell is, just in case I have to leave in a hurry when I cannot see anything. And I always observe the conditions outside the window of the room, to familiarize myself with the best way down, should it come to that. And in big restaurants I find myself judging the window glass and identifying something heavy that would break the glass, for a way out. I really never even consider leaving by the doors in an emergency if the place is crowded. I don't want to fight people to get out, I just want to get out.


the dog <deleted> is really bad. I used to walk the entire inside of the moat (along the water) and it was pretty nice, but walking to take care of errands is usually annoying, but might be better if you stop for a beer in a plastic chair every km or so.


Hey Dorothy, check with Toto, but I don't think you're in Kansas anymore.

I also despair of things in LOS that seem crazy. Catch myself saying "well in Australia..." Then I remember how much I am loving my experience here - warts and all.

I reckon the shared footpath thing works well. As a rider, a pedestrian and as a diner at footpath stalls it rarely seems a problem. Rain is a bugger granted.

Mate, we all need a grumble sometimes, but get back to jai yen asap. Not much is gunna change here in the next millenia or 2.

Reason for edit: can't spell!


If there is no sidewalk, just a dirt verge at the side of the road, where do u walk?

I like the crowded sidewalks and lack of sidewalk etiquette all over Thailand... A small reminder of the overbearing rules here in Australia and why i want to spend my time in thailand rolleyes.gif

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