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They met online ? Did I miss something ?

What is your "good info source" ? I know several successful visa applicants who met online, so I would be interested to learn what your source knows that others don't.

Good question.

The problem at all the embassies are the Thai staff. Applicaions get rejected by some officious bird who is purely and simply just plain jealous. Very often the white faces never see the applications unless you can get to speak to them direct.

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Mate that's pretty rough.

I met my X-tilac 2 years ago and when I went for the Tourist visa to Australia I had only known her for just on 6 months. Met her in April 09 during Songkran festival, came back in late August for 2 weeks and applied for a Tourist visa in BKK.

4 days after we submitted our application she received her Tourist visa in the mail and I had her in Australia for 3 months in October 09.

I would give it another try and put as much detail as possible about your relationship with her.



The problem at all the embassies are the Thai staff. Applicaions get rejected by some officious bird who is purely and simply just plain jealous. Very often the white faces never see the applications unless you can get to speak to them direct.

Is this based on first hand knowledge?



One extremely inappropriate post has been removed as well as an associated reply. Apologies to the member who had their reply removed. :jap:

Plus one more reply.


The problem at all the embassies are the Thai staff. Applicaions get rejected by some officious bird who is purely and simply just plain jealous. Very often the white faces never see the applications unless you can get to speak to them direct.

Is this based on first hand knowledge?

Obviously not as my wife was first interviewed by a very nice farang. Helped her calm down, talked to her very politely...she was so nervous she almost threw up! After the farang, a Thai guy helped her with the details of what to do upon arrival in the US. According to her, he was extremely nice also. Even upon arrival in the US, the immigration guy was great. Talked to me about living in Thailand, what was it like, how did we like it, etc.


The problem at all the embassies are the Thai staff. Applicaions get rejected by some officious bird who is purely and simply just plain jealous. Very often the white faces never see the applications unless you can get to speak to them direct.

Is this based on first hand knowledge?

I think it helps if the farang accompanies his gf/future missis to the Embassy to hand in the application and be with her while they ask questions.

Yes, I have heard that the embassy hires local Thai pooying to ask the hard and quite rude questions. (You know the saying, "more papist than the Pope"...well, the local Thai pooying are probably over the top in identifying with the farang masters.)

It would also help, I think, if you said you wanted her to travel to UK to experience the WEATHER. Most Thai pooying put on cardigans if the temp goes down from 35 to 28. So, it seems fair and rational to give her the chance to see what life in England is really like (fkn awful).


The problem at all the embassies are the Thai staff. Applicaions get rejected by some officious bird who is purely and simply just plain jealous. Very often the white faces never see the applications unless you can get to speak to them direct.

Is this based on first hand knowledge?

I think it helps if the farang accompanies his gf/future missis to the Embassy to hand in the application and be with her while they ask questions.

Yes, I have heard that the embassy hires local Thai pooying to ask the hard and quite rude questions. (You know the saying, "more papist than the Pope"...well, the local Thai pooying are probably over the top in identifying with the farang masters.)

It would also help, I think, if you said you wanted her to travel to UK to experience the WEATHER. Most Thai pooying put on cardigans if the temp goes down from 35 to 28. So, it seems fair and rational to give her the chance to see what life in England is really like (fkn awful).

When we went, which was several years ago, I was not able to be with her at the counter where the materials were reviewed and the interview took place. But I was able to be there for "moral" support.

I agree with you re:the weather. We moved to New York City...but wifey loved the weather. I did not...which is why we are here! ;)


If you can wait another 6 months and spend some more time together in Thailand or other Asean countries, you chances should be much better, since the reason given for refusal is only lack of maturity of the relationship. Take plenty of photos together. (The Oz embassy attempted to turn the frequent trips to farang countries my wife had made with me to her disadvantage by forcing her to provide them with a photo album from the trips. LOL.)

If you were married and she applied for a family visit visa and was refused, you would be entitled to appeal a refusal under current rules.


I met my gf online in July 2008. I made 2 visits to Thailand for about 2 weeks each in February and October 2009 with pictures of us visiting places and with her family. We had evidence of lots of emails and phone or Skype calls. She got a visa and came to the UK in May 2010 for 2 weeks. I must admit she is very meticulous about all this in a way that I could never be but that may have to do with her office experience working in local government. It may also be that her work may have helped as government documentation may may carry more weight than from a small business owner. As well as having a job to return to she also has a teenage daughter and a mother living with her and she owns some land as well. Also had sponsor letters from myself and my daughter who lives with me and evidence of the rental of a property in Scotland for a week containing the names of my mother, sister and brother in law.

The meeting online isn't necessarily a problem if the rest is strong. Trouble is I don't know what it was in the application carried the most weight or if it was just the general picture given by the well put together package. Just hope I can be as well organised when I apply for a visa to stay in LOS on a more permanent basis.

Best of luck anyway.


I think the OP's case is the sort of time someone should use a visa agent to assist them. His situtation was very sketchy but these agents provide their service for exactly these sorts of reasons and know the workarounds and could have helped the girl get her visa.

However once she got her visa the OP then stands the chance of the girl causing him all sorts of grief with the UK authorities should she do a runner, commit any crimes, resort to public funds etc, There is a valid reason she was not granted a visa and just because a visa agent could help you get around it does not mean the system was wrong. Let's face it, 2 weeks of each other's company is not any way to say you know everything about someone or what they are capable of in a totally foreign country.

Either really get to know this girl by coming to Thailand or meeting somewhere where you both can visit, i.e. anywhere in SE Asia for her, the holiday will also provide good proof of a real relationship between the two of you, or wait a few more months until you can apply again and get a visa agent to assist you so you can be sure you have enough evidence and paperwork for the visa.

The truth is if your situation is genuine then you will get a visa, if it's as sketchy as your relationship currently is then you won't.

Good luck for next time.


We still haven't seen the refusal notice yet, so it is unfair to say whether there were good reasons for refusal or not. I have said it before, but I am a great believer in visa applicants being interviewed. It is a fact that asking questions, and dealing with an applicant face to face, can reveal either the truth or lies. Looking at pieces of paper is an unfair way to decide if an application is genuine or not. Visa officers normally have a background of dealing with people ( usually from having worked as immigration officers in the UK ), and can often tell very quickly if a person is telling the truth or not.

Another suggestion - as UKBA say that it is resource intensive to interview applicants ( I guess that means too expensive ), and therefore allow only 8 - 10 minutes for a visa officer to make a decision on the papers submitted, why don't they introduce a "premium " service as they do for applications in the UK. Such a service could involve an interview, so if an applicant and sponsor are sure of their application but still have concerns that the visa officer will not agree with their own assessment, then let them pay for a 30 minute interview with a visa officer. UKBA like to make money, and are certainly treating visa applications as a business, so here is a proposal that could suit both sides.


6 months seem short to me. and only knowing a lady by email is not enough.

2years would be different, and living together for 6 months.

If you dated back home for 6 months and family didn't meet her, people would wonder!! 2 years? God, she is only visiting, not immigrating!!!


No way this scenario will get you a visa to the west and do not let any visa agent tell you otherwise. MAYBE some really wealthy guy posting a bond, working through lawyers not agents might pull it off. Used to be possible for the French and Scandinavians (Sweden is pretty liberal with visas for Thais).

Meeting a woman online

Chatting with her

Spending a few weeks with her

Chatting more with her


Will not equal a visa. No way, no how.


This was the initial sequence of events for the missus and me a few years ago. She wasn't wealthy and nor was (am) I. But, she successfully obtained 2 visitor visas, indefinite leave and has been a British Citizen for 2 years now. But then what do I know..


I don't think posting the rejection will help your case, if anything it might be detrimental for future applications, especially if it is viewed by people at the embassy.

I'm not sure how you made your submission, by yourselves or using a third party - a few years back myself and my then GF (now my wife) used one of these people at the Visa section to do our application and it was rejected as we had not satisfied them that she would return from the UK (despite she had already been across visiting her sister and we met up then too), so we had to wait 12 months before making our next application.

this time i prepared the package myself, and included answers to the rejection letter to demonstrate we could satisfy their requirements and received a 6 month visa, last year we applied for a 2 year visa and got a 6month one initially, but when i asked the question what were we missing to get the 2year one, it was reviewed, and replaced with a 2 year visa.

A lot of it depends on preparing the package and ensuring you have everything there, if you can't provide certain things say so and explain why you can't provide - any ECO worth their salt will take this into account.

As other posters have said, i think that the time spent with her is still too short for them to feel comfortable - is this right, probably not, but the chances of getting someone else within the Embassy to change that decision would be very difficult. Build your relationship in the meantime, get fotos of the two of you together lots of them in different places (make sure they are in prime locations, and not sitting in bars)....

Good luck for the future.


I don't think posting the rejection will help your case, if anything it might be detrimental for future applications, especially if it is viewed by people at the embassy.

I'm not sure how you made your submission, by yourselves or using a third party - a few years back myself and my then GF (now my wife) used one of these people at the Visa section to do our application and it was rejected as we had not satisfied them that she would return from the UK (despite she had already been across visiting her sister and we met up then too), so we had to wait 12 months before making our next application.

this time i prepared the package myself, and included answers to the rejection letter to demonstrate we could satisfy their requirements and received a 6 month visa, last year we applied for a 2 year visa and got a 6month one initially, but when i asked the question what were we missing to get the 2year one, it was reviewed, and replaced with a 2 year visa.

A lot of it depends on preparing the package and ensuring you have everything there, if you can't provide certain things say so and explain why you can't provide - any ECO worth their salt will take this into account.

As other posters have said, i think that the time spent with her is still too short for them to feel comfortable - is this right, probably not, but the chances of getting someone else within the Embassy to change that decision would be very difficult. Build your relationship in the meantime, get fotos of the two of you together lots of them in different places (make sure they are in prime locations, and not sitting in bars)....

Good luck for the future.

I think there may be a few points that need clearing up in your post. Firstly, what people at the Visa section are you talking about ? The visa section is at the Britsish Embassy, and they do not assist in completing visa applications.

Secondly, why did you have to wait 12 months before making a new application ?

Thirdly, you are right that we have not seen the refusal letter, but you are not right to say that seeing it will not help the OP. It may not, but if there has been a procedural or factual error in the processing or refusal, then the decision might be overturned. Just as, if your claim is correct, you got the Embassy to review the fact that they should have issued a 2 year visa and not a 6 month visa.


I'll add to VP's comments that posting a refusal notice here will certainly not be detrimental to anyone's case.

Before posting it, one should remove all names and other identifying features, such as reference numbers. Refusal notices follow a standard, set format using standard, set wording. So even if any ECOs do read this, it would be difficult to identify the person with any certainty. Unless there was something outstandingly memorable about the application and wording of the refusal notice!

More importantly, there is no reason why any one who has been refused a UK visa should not seek advice on how to proceed; either in order to overturn the refusal or how to ensure success next time.

Why anyone would think that seeking such advice "might be detrimental for future applications" is beyond me.


Hi Stanaris. Did your wife have any problem passing the Cambridge A1 English test. My wife and I have been married 7 years now and have a 6 year old daughter. I want to go back to live in UK but my wife doesn't think her English is good enough to pass this ridiculous test. I think her spoken English is good but maybe the writing bit would fail her ????


Hi Stanaris. Did your wife have any problem passing the Cambridge A1 English test. My wife and I have been married 7 years now and have a 6 year old daughter. I want to go back to live in UK but my wife doesn't think her English is good enough to pass this ridiculous test. I think her spoken English is good but maybe the writing bit would fail her ????

when my wife took her test about 2 months ago, she only did listening and talking. she may have had to answer some multiple choice questions, but that is all.



As I already said, OP next time you apply use an agent to help you. Yours is the type of case where you could use the help of someone who knows the system to make sure you have everything in order.

Also, if you are not in Thailand at the time of applying then you should probably use one of the UK based agents as most of the correspondence wil be coming from you and it will just make things so much easier. Using an expat based agent basically means it will cost about the same for the agent's fee as the flight and the visa costs together but if you really want to make sure your tirac gets her 6 month visit visa then this is probably the route you will have to take, unless you have a friend who is experienced with the process who can help you fill in the application form and make sure you have all paperwork in order. I think now you have a failed application it makes it slighly more difficult for your re-application so if I was you I would use an agent. If I really was you I would be spending my time in Thailand with her and not tyring to bring her to the UK, but courses for horses.

Just for the record, we applied for my gf's UK visa after just 6 months of being together the whole time in Thailand using a Bangkok based visa agent. After we saw how simple the process was concerning our situation we did the next visa ourselves a year later. Same visa, same apllication time, we just saved on the agent's fee and cruised through the application process by ourselves.

Again, good luck.


Hi Stanaris. Did your wife have any problem passing the Cambridge A1 English test. My wife and I have been married 7 years now and have a 6 year old daughter. I want to go back to live in UK but my wife doesn't think her English is good enough to pass this ridiculous test. I think her spoken English is good but maybe the writing bit would fail her ????

1) This is a topic about a visit visa refusal, not settlement. The A1 English requirement is for settlement, not visits.

2) The requirement is for speaking and listening only; reading and writing are not required.

3) If your wife's English is good enough to hold a simple, basic conversation with you; then it is good enough to pass this test.


6 months seem short to me. and only knowing a lady by email is not enough.

2years would be different, and living together for 6 months.

Spot on...i have been in a relationship now for 2 years living together for about 6 months and she is a teacher in the local University ..

She also owns land and owns her own house and car ETC..

They need to know that they have some thing worth while to return to Thailand .

We just recently applied for a visa to the uk and we were successful and got the visa stamp and it was all done and dusted in 7 days rolleyes.gif


I think it's important to clarify that under the immigration rules there is no requirement for a visitor to have a sponsor at all.

If they do have a sponsor, there is no requirement for them and their sponsor to have known each other for any minimum period; nor is their any requirement for visitor and sponsor to have actually met.

However, if the whole basis of the visit is the relationship between visitor and sponsor then obviously the ECO will have to be satisfied that the relationship is genuine; and the longer the relationship has been extant the easier this will be.

But each case is judged on it's own individual merits. Whilst members' experiences are useful and of interest, it must be remembered that because A could do X does not mean that B will be able to as well (and vice versa); each case is different.


I think it's important to clarify that under the immigration rules there is no requirement for a visitor to have a sponsor at all.

If they do have a sponsor, there is no requirement for them and their sponsor to have known each other for any minimum period; nor is their any requirement for visitor and sponsor to have actually met.

However, if the whole basis of the visit is the relationship between visitor and sponsor then obviously the ECO will have to be satisfied that the relationship is genuine; and the longer the relationship has been extant the easier this will be.

But each case is judged on it's own individual merits. Whilst members' experiences are useful and of interest, it must be remembered that because A could do X does not mean that B will be able to as well (and vice versa); each case is different.

All very valid points 7by7, the OP, who doesn't seem to have responded, unless I missed it, thought they had covered all the points including reasons to return. He did indicate that reasons to return included "accomodation etc" if that was the only reason to return, then it could very well have been the crux of the problem.



Hi there as I've read your post here I would like to give some advise well I'm a Thai girl from chonburi but living and working here in Bangkok 4th months for now. But my experience before about uk visa is I met my ex boyfriend through the online thing as your it was on 2007 or 2008 I can't remember lol we used to talk on chat and on the phone almost everyday then we fight and stop contact for awhile then later we back to be together again and he visit me in Thailand on 2009 we met only a day in a person and that was only 6hours or so as I remember XD and he has to leave to go back to uk and when he back he asked me to visit him in England so I say yes and then filled the visa application form for me include his 6 months bank statement, work and resident permit as he wasn't an english man and some docs that he has own property in England such house, car etc and his copy passport both with picture and stamp showed the date he came here to see me, invitation letter said as he came here for a holiday to see me I've been his host by took him to many place in Bangkok chonburi blah blah whilst he was here he has so much fun and happy to be with me here and now he would like to thanks me by inviting me to visit him on the uk and seeing many new things in there as I was dream about going to the uk to visit the places I would like to see such as London eye, tower of London, the king palace blahh and he will be my host to pay for all expense such like food, accommodation etc. And said he is a full time employee has his own house car and living on his own his house have got many room and there are enough space for me to stay and if I would like to go somewhere there are quite far that's not a problem because he got a car also took the pictures of his house and car and inside house and sent to me and he wrote in a letter to uk embassy that he would like to make my dream come true. So please see all documents and details that it. So I only prepare for some of my document but there wasn't alot because I had no job that time and also didn't study aswell because I just finished college and some of my picture and his picture but didn't take together but our picture were took at the same place. Some email he sent to me I print them out. And for the reason to return back to Thailand ermm I can't remember but it seems like I put as I'm not going to stay or work there because my family are here and I have to support them that is what I remember lol and then I go to apply visa and wait like 2 weeks or so and I got a SMS to go get a passport I was so excited and I didn't expected that I will get a visa :) hope my post could help you somehow in this case. Good luck man ;)


Well I seem to have started a big thread!! Just to clarify a few things, we met through one of the main online dating sites online at the beginning of feburary, chatted and emailed onine for 2 months and then I flew out to Thailand for 2 weeks, There was an instant and genuine attarction for both of us and the time flew by, we were both heartbroken when it was time for me to come back to the UK. and since then we phone and skype most days and email every day without fail.We did use an agent, one who another member of her family had used successfully for both visit and later settlement visas.

We have both now accepted the decision and I am planning another trip toThailand in September, so I wont post the notice, we will go to her agent then and talk to him about things, Thanks again guys



We have both now accepted the decision and I am planning another trip toThailand in September, so I wont post the notice, we will go to her agent then and talk to him about things, Thanks again guys

Good idea. You might find that you want to spend your time in Thailand in the future anyways! :)

What did you mean by the last bit, did you use an agent the first time round for the failed application or you mean you will use one next time?


See this where these Visa applications and the way they are dealt are total shight.

The OP has made the declaration that he wants to have the chance to get to know his lady in his own country for the reason everyone reading this thread knows-to see if she'll like it overseas in a foreign country.

You shouldn't be denied on that basis-period.

I had the same garbage from David McNaught in 1999. Refused to speak to me in Embassy after declining visitors visa, so I declined to leave.

Asked him what I should do ensure Visa success-his response "Marry her-then I cant stop you"

So we did and next visa application interview (may be different now) lasted 2 minutes with visa granted.

Total joke and ended in divorce.Would never have happened if the clowns hadn't declined in first place for the very reason the OP makes in wanting to get to know his lady in different enviroment.

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