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I bet the age was not 3 to 5 and I am not a gambling man either, but i also bet that they were not fighting for money in front of a large crowd.

Would it have been ok if they'd been fighting for free in front of a large crowd?

I did not say that so stop trying to manipulate. I don't agree with any kids at the age of 3 to 5 boxing. What makes it worse is that the parents and other adults openly encourage it, as do certain members on this board.

Maybe you should write a letter to a newspaper? :)

Thailand is what it is. The US has kids under 10 fighting.

Again I have seen young kids training at muay thai camps. I have seen younger than 15 (I am thinking your statement is wrong about ages -- I think you have to be 15 to "turn Pro") fighting at matches in Thailand. I haven't seen little kids fighting but ....

If they are fighting for money they are pro are they not?

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I didn't say you can't criticise but your post is phrased such that you believe it only happens in Thailand.

Now you move the goal posts and say of course it happens everywhere? How can you think that yet still be "boggled"?

And what do you mean different forms? Kickboxing is kickboxing, for money is for money. Kids are kids no matter what the country I don't understand you.

Your post is critical of Thailand for it. I'm pointing out to you it happens in other places too.

Have you taken one too many to the head or what?

Kiddie kickboxers in Australia too, fighting for prize money.

Well that makes it OK then?

We can't criticise Thailand can we. Of course it happens in different forms around the world, but the documentary highlighted kick boxing in Thailand. Just because it happens in other places does not make it right..


I bet the age was not 3 to 5 and I am not a gambling man either, but i also bet that they were not fighting for money in front of a large crowd.

Would it have been ok if they'd been fighting for free in front of a large crowd?

I did not say that so stop trying to manipulate. I don't agree with any kids at the age of 3 to 5 boxing. What makes it worse is that the parents and other adults openly encourage it, as do certain members on this board.

I wasn't talking about the Thai kids. The part of your post that I've highlighted was in reply to a post by Kerryk talking about his daughters fighting in public - presumably at a legal age. I'm just wondering whether you're more approving of legal fights where the participants are unpaid rather than paid?


Your post is critical of Thailand for it. I'm pointing out to you it happens in other places too.

Have you taken one too many to the head or what?

Kiddie kickboxers in Australia too, fighting for prize money.

Well that makes it OK then?

We can't criticise Thailand can we. Of course it happens in different forms around the world, but the documentary highlighted kick boxing in Thailand. Just because it happens in other places does not make it right..

Just because it happens in Thailand and other places doesn't make it wrong either ..... while in some places what happens in Jr Golden Gloves would be considered child abuse (nanny states) the reality on the ground in Thailand is far different ... and kids all over fight (doesn't make them professional boxers etc) .. do I think 3 is too young? yes. 5? I am not sure. 8? ---- whatever you pick as an age some people will still condemn it. PeeWee football probably has more serious injuries than muay thai with kids ... but hey .... ;)

Just read your last statement about fighting for money ... ummm no.


No goal posts moved. Muay Thai is a Thai sport is it not. So I am referring to Thailand. different forms of abusing children (child labour). Why is that hard to understand?


I really can not believe that I am having to defend the wrong of 3 year old children fighting for money while their parents look on and even bet on them. Did you all leave your brains at whatever airport you left when coming to Thailand.


I really can not believe that I am having to defend the wrong of 3 year old children fighting for money while their parents look on and even bet on them. Did you all leave your brains at whatever airport you left when coming to Thailand.

You aren't having to do anything ... You think it is wrong and are taking a stand on something that is a value judgement. Again, if they were not doing it for money would it be OK?

BTW -- Muay Thai is an international sport. The ancient Thai forms of the boxing were even more brutal. Times change ...... Maybe you should write to a newspaper!


I really can not believe that I am having to defend the wrong of 3 year old children fighting for money while their parents look on and even bet on them. Did you all leave your brains at whatever airport you left when coming to Thailand.

You aren't having to do anything ... You think it is wrong and are taking a stand on something that is a value judgement. Again, if they were not doing it for money would it be OK?

BTW -- Muay Thai is an international sport. The ancient Thai forms of the boxing were even more brutal. Times change ...... Maybe you should write to a newspaper!

It is not right in any way shape or form. The money is the motivation for the parents to do this as you well know. The kids don't have a choice and to me that is child abuse.

I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.


I really can not believe that I am having to defend the wrong of 3 year old children fighting for money while their parents look on and even bet on them. Did you all leave your brains at whatever airport you left when coming to Thailand.

You aren't having to do anything ... You think it is wrong and are taking a stand on something that is a value judgement. Again, if they were not doing it for money would it be OK?

BTW -- Muay Thai is an international sport. The ancient Thai forms of the boxing were even more brutal. Times change ...... Maybe you should write to a newspaper!

It is not right in any way shape or form. The money is the motivation for the parents to do this as you well know. The kids don't have a choice and to me that is child abuse.

I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.

There ya go!!!! ..... morality isn't related to culture or tradition? Thanks for that update! I will let every social anthropologist know that they have it all wrong!

The only thing you seem to get right is when you add "and to me that is ....", you hit the nail on the head right there ... it is your opinion.


I really can not believe that I am having to defend the wrong of 3 year old children fighting for money while their parents look on and even bet on them. Did you all leave your brains at whatever airport you left when coming to Thailand.

You aren't having to do anything ... You think it is wrong and are taking a stand on something that is a value judgement. Again, if they were not doing it for money would it be OK?

BTW -- Muay Thai is an international sport. The ancient Thai forms of the boxing were even more brutal. Times change ...... Maybe you should write to a newspaper!

It is not right in any way shape or form. The money is the motivation for the parents to do this as you well know. The kids don't have a choice and to me that is child abuse.

I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.

There ya go!!!! ..... morality isn't related to culture or tradition? Thanks for that update! I will let every social anthropologist know that they have it all wrong!

The only thing you seem to get right is when you add "and to me that is ....", you hit the nail on the head right there ... it is your opinion.

Your opinion is what.? As usual you skirt around the issues.


Why did OP watch it then? If he feels really strongly about it, why not start a political movement to have it banned, and if it is still really affecting his psyche visit a therapist.

I personally find women’s figure skating to be extremely violent and offensive. I mean, remember when that one chick broke the other chick’s knee with the steel bar…..positively barbarian I say! But I have learned to live with my inner existential angst. Anyway, who am I to try to civilize these whirling hussies on ice?

Now let me get back to my beer, I think Jerry Springer might be coming on soon.


Which issue is it that concerns you?



Child labour / no free will?

No goal posts moved. Muay Thai is a Thai sport is it not. So I am referring to Thailand. different forms of abusing children (child labour). Why is that hard to understand?


Which issue is it that concerns you?



Child labour / no free will?

No goal posts moved. Muay Thai is a Thai sport is it not. So I am referring to Thailand. different forms of abusing children (child labour). Why is that hard to understand?

All three in this context.


Why did OP watch it then? If he feels really strongly about it, why not start a political movement to have it banned, and if it is still really affecting his psyche visit a therapist.

I personally find women's figure skating to be extremely violent and offensive. I mean, remember when that one chick broke the other chick's knee with the steel bar…..positively barbarian I say! But I have learned to live with my inner existential angst. Anyway, who am I to try to civilize these whirling hussies on ice?

Now let me get back to my beer, I think Jerry Springer might be coming on soon.

I really hope that you don't get to your 15th post yawn.


It is not right in any way shape or form. The money is the motivation for the parents to do this as you well know. The kids don't have a choice and to me that is child abuse.

I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.

There ya go!!!! ..... morality isn't related to culture or tradition? Thanks for that update! I will let every social anthropologist know that they have it all wrong!

The only thing you seem to get right is when you add "and to me that is ....", you hit the nail on the head right there ... it is your opinion.

Your opinion is what.? As usual you skirt around the issues.

My opinion is not material nor germane to your claim that your

1)Understanding of morality and/or culture is superior

2)That the concept of what is moral is not determined by culture.

(I gave my opinion above and have not skirted around anything --- in fact I confront your claim to moral superiority quite directly :) ) Your value judgements don't actually interest me very much, but your feigned moral outrage is interesting.


Why did OP watch it then?

So he could complain about Thais on the internet.

There are kid boxing tournaments in the US too. If you don't like it don't sign your kids up for it.


I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.

Why? So you can spread the moral outrage?


And in the other examples cited?

Which issue is it that concerns you?



Child labour / no free will?

No goal posts moved. Muay Thai is a Thai sport is it not. So I am referring to Thailand. different forms of abusing children (child labour). Why is that hard to understand?

All three in this context.


man up with some content son or stand down....you really seem to be a total wuss!

I really hope that you don't get to your 15th post yawn.


It is not right in any way shape or form. The money is the motivation for the parents to do this as you well know. The kids don't have a choice and to me that is child abuse.

I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.

There ya go!!!! ..... morality isn't related to culture or tradition? Thanks for that update! I will let every social anthropologist know that they have it all wrong!

The only thing you seem to get right is when you add "and to me that is ....", you hit the nail on the head right there ... it is your opinion.

Your opinion is what.? As usual you skirt around the issues.

My opinion is not material nor germane to your claim that your

1)Understanding of morality and/or culture is superior

2)That the concept of what is moral is not determined by culture.

(I gave my opinion above and have not skirted around anything --- in fact I confront your claim to moral superiority quite directly :) ) Your value judgements don't actually interest me very much, but your feigned moral outrage is interesting.

I do not claim moral superiority, but don't agree with using one's kids for income purposes and certainly not in a boxing ring. My outrage as you call it is certainly not feigned.


Why did OP watch it then?

So he could complain about Thais on the internet.

There are kid boxing tournaments in the US too. If you don't like it don't sign your kids up for it.

Kids in the US fighting for money at the age of 3? You must be very proud to be a yank.


You are being culturally insensitive. Change your name to NiceWesternnannystaterick.

This has nothing to do with Thai culture. It is about Money and you know that. It always amazes me how supposedly educated Westerners from 1st world countries, who move to Thailand immediately go into retard mode. The West always talks about human right issues in Asia, but the Westerners condone this kind of child abuse. Double standards in my book.

I won't reply to you infantile remark about my screen name because that is not what this topic is about.

It has everything to do with Thai culture and your insistence that your Western culture is superior.

I am not a retard; I have adapted to my new culture.

Some parts of Thai culture are violent and immoral when judged by Western standards.

You are from a nanny state and grew up thinking your nanny morals and ways were universal. I grew up in Asia 40 years ago and don't have the same values.

You have been so brainwashed by your culture that you can't see there may be other value systems so you call me a retard.

As a young man I had an opportunity to observe Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Australian and American cultures reaction to violence. The Americans came out last because most could not adapt quickly. The Americans who adapted quicker had a higher rate of survival. I adapted and am still alive.

I watched Thai boxing 40 years ago in bars in Thailand. It didn't upset me then and it doesn't upset me now.

I get along easily with Thai people because I accept the good along with the bad and ugly. I didn't come to Thailand to make it a better place to live. I came here to live in Thailand as it is.


I bet the age was not 3 to 5 and I am not a gambling man either, but i also bet that they were not fighting for money in front of a large crowd.

Would it have been ok if they'd been fighting for free in front of a large crowd?

I did not say that so stop trying to manipulate. I don't agree with any kids at the age of 3 to 5 boxing. What makes it worse is that the parents and other adults openly encourage it, as do certain members on this board.

Well, they encourage their doughters to prostitution. Anything that makes money to the family. :(


I have posted this on most of the social networks and it's amazing the different responses that come back compared to the replies on here. It's a question of morality not culture or tradition.

Why? So you can spread the moral outrage?

JD recommended that I write to a newspaper. Social networks easier and get more coverage.


You are being culturally insensitive. Change your name to NiceWesternnannystaterick.

This has nothing to do with Thai culture. It is about Money and you know that. It always amazes me how supposedly educated Westerners from 1st world countries, who move to Thailand immediately go into retard mode. The West always talks about human right issues in Asia, but the Westerners condone this kind of child abuse. Double standards in my book.

I won't reply to you infantile remark about my screen name because that is not what this topic is about.

It has everything to do with Thai culture and your insistence that your Western culture is superior.

I am not a retard; I have adapted to my new culture.

Some parts of Thai culture are violent and immoral when judged by Western standards.

You are from a nanny state and grew up thinking your nanny morals and ways were universal. I grew up in Asia 40 years ago and don't have the same values.

You have been so brainwashed by your culture that you can't see there may be other value systems so you call me a retard.

As a young man I had an opportunity to observe Thai, Vietnamese, Korean, Australian and American cultures reaction to violence. The Americans came out last because most could not adapt quickly. The Americans who adapted quicker had a higher rate of survival. I adapted and am still alive.

I watched Thai boxing 40 years ago in bars in Thailand. It didn't upset me then and it doesn't upset me now.

I get along easily with Thai people because I accept the good along with the bad and ugly. I didn't come to Thailand to make it a better place to live. I came here to live in Thailand as it is.

Well that's all very honorable of you, so you came from a 1st world country and adapted to 3rd world standards. I believe the word 'retard' s' applicable here and it was a general comment not just aimed at you.

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