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i bought a nice mitsu triton in thailand, we were planning on returning to thailand as i was working and we had enough money saved but now im unemployed ( reccession ) hindsight is a wonderfull thing rolleyes.gif anyway the car is parked up at my house in thailand, it is under a roof in my driveway, it is covered by a silver cover, i left the windows open about 1 cm to let air in. gates are all locked in the driveway and house i put around 5 big chains on the gate.

im hoping to get back home soon if even to sell the car or put it up country to the wifes sisters house where she can turn it over for me and take care of it ( she has done it before without any problems and no one else drove it ) but if i dont get back soon i will probably have to wait at least 8-9 months.

anyway will the car be ok , engine wise ? interior clothe seats etc im worried about the heat and humidity also.



Not a big prob. But your return, change oil etc. If you can put a fuel stabilizer in the tank, good. Tyres, well you must inspect on your return but really should pump up to max allowed to save flat spots or jack it up and put blocks under the axles to take pressure off the tyres.

Hope things pick up for you. T/A


I would try to get the silver cover taken off, to avoid mold in interior

and asT/A says, tyres should be 45psi, and change engine oil and filter when you come back

would also drain fuel tank and fuelfilter before starting engine, as thai fuel has no stabilizers and diesel especially biodiesel can develop bugs and the can harm your commonrail badly


Good advice above. I would also place a few large dehumidifiers in the car.

And don’t forget to disconnect the negative pole on the battery.


Oh My God.Just spotted the Post.Its Safe.?..Few years back a Norway Mate removed wheels Battery, and hid it in Bedroom, {Battery not Car}.So all locked in Garage,Gates Locked, Keys in Safe Keeping with that gadget called Mom in Law,he went home.3 Days later a Wingard N.V. passed me at 100+ on a wee road nearby.YES your all right, it was the Brother in Law. 18 years old, no licence.Pool Que Haircut, Tattoos,and a terrified expression as i pulled up alongside.Further comment would enter the realms of Thai Bashing. I said nothing, but he got into the House and put it all together, then when Unas came back he never realized.That is just one tale out of a regular occurance round here..So Mr Poster, Up To You. Im sure some of you out there know of similar tales.:o


Oh My God.Just spotted the Post.Its Safe.?..Few years back a Norway Mate removed wheels Battery, and hid it in Bedroom, {Battery not Car}.So all locked in Garage,Gates Locked, Keys in Safe Keeping with that gadget called Mom in Law,he went home.3 Days later a Wingard N.V. passed me at 100+ on a wee road nearby.YES your all right, it was the Brother in Law. 18 years old, no licence.Pool Que Haircut, Tattoos,and a terrified expression as i pulled up alongside.Further comment would enter the realms of Thai Bashing. I said nothing, but he got into the House and put it all together, then when Unas came back he never realized.That is just one tale out of a regular occurance round here..So Mr Poster, Up To You. Im sure some of you out there know of similar tales.:o

what to hell are you waffling about ? are you really serious annoyed.gif


Oh My God.Just spotted the Post.Its Safe.?..Few years back a Norway Mate removed wheels Battery, and hid it in Bedroom, {Battery not Car}.So all locked in Garage,Gates Locked, Keys in Safe Keeping with that gadget called Mom in Law,he went home.3 Days later a Wingard N.V. passed me at 100+ on a wee road nearby.YES your all right, it was the Brother in Law. 18 years old, no licence.Pool Que Haircut, Tattoos,and a terrified expression as i pulled up alongside.Further comment would enter the realms of Thai Bashing. I said nothing, but he got into the House and put it all together, then when Unas came back he never realized.That is just one tale out of a regular occurance round here..So Mr Poster, Up To You. Im sure some of you out there know of similar tales.:o

what to hell are you waffling about ? are you really serious annoyed.gif

I thought l was the only one that didn't understand it . :lol:


Leave a Car Here and the Natives use it, is that clear enough. They are smarter than ferangs, you never know they have abused you vehicle,are you Newbies here or Ostriches.Sell the Car if its not in a Friends Name.:bah:


Leave a Car Here and the Natives use it, is that clear enough. They are smarter than ferangs, you never know they have abused you vehicle,are you Newbies here or Ostriches.Sell the Car if its not in a Friends Name.:bah:

Indeed- I can recall a story here by another poster some time ago. He works "offshore" for extended periods in another country, and took his Thai wife with him when he is working. Figuring that there was no one around to drive the cars and they were home in the carport, he let the insurance lapse. Father in law decided to use the car, and got into an accident. With no coverage, the car was a total loss, and he got stuck for the third party damages because the father in law was a broke dick.

So- OP- suggest you maintain insurance coverage while you are gone.


Don't understand, i think you do quite well,so, its a case of Shoot the Messenger realy, if you mention Thai Dishonesy. Bino and Olaf seem to be able to walk and chew gum.:D .


If its going to be under a roof then I wouldnt bother with the cover, my mothers Mercedes gets parked in a carport sometimes for 6 months at a time (in Bangkok) and the paint has never faded or flaked in 15 years. Dont bother with the car cover with the humidity and heat it will strip the paint over a year.


One thing that could happen with a car that no one drives for a long time would be rats. They tend to like the engine compartment, air ducts to the fan etc. Have someone start the engine once in a while. :)


Oh My God.Just spotted the Post.Its Safe.?..Few years back a Norway Mate removed wheels Battery, and hid it in Bedroom, {Battery not Car}.So all locked in Garage,Gates Locked, Keys in Safe Keeping with that gadget called Mom in Law,he went home.3 Days later a Wingard N.V. passed me at 100+ on a wee road nearby.YES your all right, it was the Brother in Law. 18 years old, no licence.Pool Que Haircut, Tattoos,and a terrified expression as i pulled up alongside.Further comment would enter the realms of Thai Bashing. I said nothing, but he got into the House and put it all together, then when Unas came back he never realized.That is just one tale out of a regular occurance round here..So Mr Poster, Up To You. Im sure some of you out there know of similar tales.:o

What is a Wingard N.V ?

Is it anything like a Nissan Wingroad N.V ?


Oh My God.Just spotted the Post.Its Safe.?..Few years back a Norway Mate removed wheels Battery, and hid it in Bedroom, {Battery not Car}.So all locked in Garage,Gates Locked, Keys in Safe Keeping with that gadget called Mom in Law,he went home.3 Days later a Wingard N.V. passed me at 100+ on a wee road nearby.YES your all right, it was the Brother in Law. 18 years old, no licence.Pool Que Haircut, Tattoos,and a terrified expression as i pulled up alongside.Further comment would enter the realms of Thai Bashing. I said nothing, but he got into the House and put it all together, then when Unas came back he never realized.That is just one tale out of a regular occurance round here..So Mr Poster, Up To You. Im sure some of you out there know of similar tales.:o

What is a Wingard N.V ?

Is it anything like a Nissan Wingroad N.V ?

Might be, like a Bread Van, .Nice size in towns , nippy even with auto ,Wingtoads near enough :D


If its going to be under a roof then I wouldnt bother with the cover, my mothers Mercedes gets parked in a carport sometimes for 6 months at a time (in Bangkok) and the paint has never faded or flaked in 15 years. Dont bother with the car cover with the humidity and heat it will strip the paint over a year.

sreiously ? could the paint on the car get damaged if the cover was kept on ? advice please, i need to get the car up home to the wifes sister if that is the case. btw i trust my wifes sister, do not tar everyone with the same brush guys, it may have happened to you and i know all too well the stories of the in laws but my wifes family are good decent people . 100% cool.gif


If its going to be under a roof then I wouldnt bother with the cover, my mothers Mercedes gets parked in a carport sometimes for 6 months at a time (in Bangkok) and the paint has never faded or flaked in 15 years. Dont bother with the car cover with the humidity and heat it will strip the paint over a year.

sreiously ? could the paint on the car get damaged if the cover was kept on ? advice please, i need to get the car up home to the wifes sister if that is the case. btw i trust my wifes sister, do not tar everyone with the same brush guys, it may have happened to you and i know all too well the stories of the in laws but my wifes family are good decent people . 100% cool.gif

My brother left his car at his mum's house for a year with a cover on it, with the moisture having no where to escape it just stripped the paint in places. When he finally went to collect the car its paint was polka dots of paint and bare metal where the paint used to be.

The problem is the cover it doesnt let the moisture escape so it pools and eventually mixed with the heat strips the paint. Perhaps it depends on the type of cover letting it breathe but I can only go off my own experiences.

As I said in my previous post my mum's merc has sat there in a carport for years with no paintwork deterioration with no cover on. Although that could be because its a late 1970's Merc and those things are built to last.

Imo just leave it without the cover undercover it'll be fine.


I used the silver cover bought from Toyota for my Sport Rider for an 8 month storage. I found that it left a residue on the finish of the truck that had to be power polished out. If you want to cover it to protect against bird droppings and such I'd recommed a cloth cover.

Disconnect the battery, remove anything of value from the interior, keep insurance on it and CLOSE the windows. If you leave the window open even a bit for one year god only knows whats going to take up residence inside your vehicle.

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