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What To Do Or Where To Go In Phuket?


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I'm a 25 year old Thai girl who lives in the US and will be going on vacation to Thailand in Feb. I will be staying in Phuket for 2 weeks and was wondering where to go and good places to eat/hang out. I prefer someplace not too crowded with the "dirty old men" trying to pick up young girls. Any suggestions or tips will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Hi Thaigirl,

My gf and I visited Karon beach (March 2003). The beach there is amazing and the water much clearer than at patong. We were 2 of a handful of people on the beach at that time of year and it was like your very own (almost) deserted beach There were a few bars and restaraunts but nothing like patong for the crowds. A trip to patong only takes 5 minutes if you need the nightlife side of things. We heard of a couple of nice beaches further north from patong which are supposed to be lovely too. Prices tend to be a lot lot cheaper away from patong for drinks and thai meals you will have the added bonus of your money going a lot further too.


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Phuket Town - Jammin, timber hut, jammin 3 - clubs with Thais and farangs, but not the same sort as Patong.

Restaurants aplenty, every budget, every style - Phuket view in sarm kong, good view and food - pure Thai food at ok prices. To many to list!

If you are intetested I have a few Thai friends educated overseas in the early 30s in Phuket, we go out once a week, you surely can tag along if you like - PM me if interested and Ill give you my number (dont worry I am not hitting on you).

These guys know all the great restaurants and places you would probably like.

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"Dirty young men" would be allright?


I don't think is a matter of age, is it?

I agree with Karon beach which is quiet, more nightlife but without Patong's excess there is Kata southward.

Then you should consider two-three days on Phi Phi island.

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Are you interested in Architecture?

If so, phuket town is excellent example of Chino-Potuguese house style, area near soi Rommanee ( which was the red light district in the past decades).

Last time i was in Phuket i walked around for a couple hours, it was quite nice. :o

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Hi, I've been living here in Phuket now for 18 months so I may be able to offer some help.

Karen beach is okay, its one of the bigger beaches although it is rather crowded at the moment and will be until March. The water is fairly clear but a little boring if you plan to do any snorkelling. The area around Karen currently looks like a construction site with a lot of new building going up. Personally I find the town a little on the seedy side especially at night, it seems to have a large concentration of ladyboys that hang on the street corners in the small hours. There are also a number of girlie bars.

Kata just south of Karen is nicer with a lovely beach although the town is quite commercial with a lot of gift shops and restaurant prices are nothing like Patong. I live in a small place called Nai Harn which is south of Kata, more or less extreme southern Phuket. The beach is without doubt one of the best on the island although maybe a little quiet with very few signs of commerce. Also next to it is Ao Sane beach which is a tiny beach that not many people know about. It has a nice little bar/restaurant right on the beach (rare because now building near the beach is illegal) here the snorkelling is excellent, also the winds are the best for windsurfing.

The village of Nai Harn is quiet with some nice cheap bungalows to stay in. The next town to Nai Harn is Rawai this is very Thai orientated with whole beach area covered in Seafood barbecue stalls, also its a good place to get a boat ride to thge other islands.

As already mentioned by someone else Phuket Town is worth a look with some interesting buildings, quaint little streets and some excellent local restaurant and nightlife.

Phuket Fantasea maybe worth a nightout, its a giant showcase of Thai culture in the small town of Kamala north of Patong. Shop around for tickets because prices can vary.

On the subject of costs be wary of Tuk Tuk drivers, they can be pretty bad here in the high season. Don't go anywhere they recommend because you will be paying through the nose. Make sure you let everyone know you are Thai because dual pricing is getting very common here. I recently went to nice little restaurant in Phuket down with the wife(Thai) and we were given different menus (mine English hers Thai not unusual), but the prices one hers were approximately half. So we ordered from hers.

Phuket is quite big and there is a lot to see so I would recommend some form of transport. The roads are good, but the driving standard is low. A lot of people hire motorbikes because they are cheap, that's okay if you feel confident on one. You must always wear a helmet because the police here now are strict. Renting a small car or jeep is probably the best way to see the island, these can be had for around 600-1000 baht per day. I have driven all over the island and south Thailand, and there is a lot to see once away from the tourist areas.

Lastly Patong !! Patong to me is a good night out, the wife and I often head over the hills to the discos of Patong and have a very good time. Its not a place for a lone female to go to, but if your in a group it can be good fun. Prices are not so bad and it can be very lively.

Anyway I hope this helps and have a good trip.


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Very good summary Phuket Mike. I live down here now and couldn't have spelled it out better. From a real estate investment point of view, however, my impression is that prices seem to climbing faster in the areas north of Patong instead of those areas to the south. It apparently has to do with proximity to the airport and golf clubs. Of course, Patong Beach itself is not a very good place to roost, unless you are just here for the night life.

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Your comments are accurate and thorough Mike, i would just add one more thing about the Motorbikes, before deciding to hire one, just take a look around at the number of people wearing bandages.

No prizes for guessing what caused the injuries and they are the lucky ones. Well thats the way it used to be a couple of years ago. :o

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Kamala Beach, (10km north of Patong) is usually very quiet and clean, with a good seafood restaurant right by the beach.

If you like animals why not visit the Gibbon sanctuary near Bang Pae waterfall (on the 4027 road). These are rescued animals that are being released back into the wild. If you stay on this road until you reach the village of Bang rong and then branch off for Ao Po, you can take a small ferry across to some of the small islands just offshore. Very tranquil.

Have a good trip


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Hi there,

I went to Phuket in 2002 with my partner. We stayed at Kata Thani hotel and it was REALLY niceeeeeee..... :o We loved it there and are saving up to go back.

We like quieter, more exclusive area and were told by someone from Phuket that Kata beach is probably the place for us.

I also find that renting a car for your holiday is a lot cheaper than relying on local transports. May be we were unlucky then but we got ripped off pretty badly every time we took a taxi or a bus into town. Once, a taxi charged us 100 bath for a very short distance (about 10 mins drive). The downside of being in Kata Thani was that it was pretty dark and a bit far to walk into the nearest entertainment area.

We went sea canoeing and that was really nice. We used Tourismo Thai to sort things out for us at that time & they were brilliant. We also went to see 'Phuket Fantasea'. It's a giggle but I would say it is a bit 'overrated' in my opinion. We had a good time though. The buffet there was huge!!! Heheheh that was the highlight of the evening for a piggie like me!

That was just our experience anyway. Hope you have a good time! :D:D

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We also went to see 'Phuket Fantasea'. It's a giggle but I would say it is a bit 'overrated' in my opinion. We had a good time though. The buffet there was huge!!! Heheheh that was the highlight of the evening for a piggie like me!

I have been in Phuket about 6 years now D80 and I have never been to Fantasea - i have heard so many different reports. I have had people say it was better than vegas, the buffet was a let down and I have also so heard the same as you have written.. I think I better go although low season might be better - less people more food..

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Oooh.... I wouldn't go so far as to compare it to Vegas really, gentleman... I mean it is quite grand and all but I don't think it is quite the same standard. My hubby actually fell asleep during the show :D hehehehe Probably due to us stuffing our faces before we went to the show! It was fun but I find it a bit confusing...

I think if you approach it as a bit of a giggle then you can't be disappointed. I had a good time anyway. :o

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Hi all just to put my 3 baht in I went to Fantasea on the 15th dec ( Im from New Zealand) and over here we get a lot of cultural shows from our local natives :o So to say the least I have seen a few shows. I have alos been to Vagus quite a few times to. Any how I and my Thai gf guide who drove me in her car all the way from Bangkok enjoyed the show. There is alot of variety, so go too it. If you want to save money shop around for tickets get the golden seats( there the best) and eat before you go not at the show. The food is much cheaper out side. Give yourself time to look around the grounds before or after the show its very nice. Oh and do not take a camera no shots allowed they take your camera off you and you have to wait for it after with 1000 of others.

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