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Obama Announces Deal To Raise Debt Limit, Cut Spending


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This is why we, tea parity patriots do not need to reason with libs we need to steamroll them. They are beyond talking to.

Schumer sends out the lib talking points every morning & they get repeated by MSNBC & by one esteemed member of this board.

I do not wish to negotiate with libs, I want to see them crushed.

Your post exactly illustrates the problem I have with the majority of Tea Partiers. You spout rhetoric and show your reticence to work together to solve a problem.

And your post illustrates why there can be no compromise.

I remember a vote on a bill at midnight on Christmas eve.

The left have rammed their Marxist agenda down the throats of the American people.

We need to pass the bill to find out what's in the bill.

So the time for playing patty cake is over.

Schumer wants to play hard ball. Fine with me.

He gets his marching orders from the community organizer. One party rule really sucked. It will take decades to undo the mess caused by Obama & the radical nut jobs he surrounds himself with. But top of the list is Obamacare. Then we can straighten out EPA NRLB FCC & the rest of the garbage.

I am frankly a little sick of Obama's politburo style of government.

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I am frankly a little sick of Obama's politburo style of government.

I prefer coffee.

Tea party -- a minority with no right to dictate without compromise to the majority.

Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party movement, or not?

Yes 18

No 73

The numbers suggest the Tea Party is rapidly sliding back into fringe status — yet its disproportionate influence over the political conversation is as strong as ever. It’s yet another way that the Congressional debate is way to the right of public opinion.

Maybe someday soon we can say the Party is over. They may have peaked!


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Well, I will admit ignorance on this. I thought the Tea Party was about fiscal responsibility. I didn't know they had official positions on gay rights, global warming, etc. Do you happen to have a link to where I can read more about it?

No, they are deeply linked in now with the noxious social issues of the right wing.


Silly me. I expected a link to a Tea Party site stating their position on various issues but instead get directed to a leftist whacko site. And you're the guy going off about "objective perspective" :D

Btw, if I post a link to a right wingnut site "proving" Obama is from Kenya does that make it true?

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This is what we are up against.

This tax dodger pseudo Brahmin self styled aristocrat tells the media that tea parties do not deserve equal time. HYPOCRITE. And this is the debate. Who gets to hog the microphone.

Man libs are all about fairness aren't they?

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Well, I will admit ignorance on this. I thought the Tea Party was about fiscal responsibility. I didn't know they had official positions on gay rights, global warming, etc. Do you happen to have a link to where I can read more about it?

No, they are deeply linked in now with the noxious social issues of the right wing.


Silly me. I expected a link to a Tea Party site stating their position on various issues but instead get directed to a leftist whacko site. And you're the guy going off about "objective perspective" :D

Btw, if I post a link to a right wingnut site "proving" Obama is from Kenya does that make it true?

The link refers to a long quote from a tea party leader. It's not about the link, it's about the CONTENT on the link. Really, you are hopelessly out of touch if you don't see the connection also between tea party front leading candidate for republican president Bachman and her closet case homophobe hubby, their support of oppression of gays. No surprise as the tea party is obviously a totally fascist movement. But I guess gays don't matter to you, they are third class citizens anyway, disposable for the sake of the right wing revolution.

Here's another good one --


Among the epithets shouted at Frank were “faggot” and “Homo Communist,” and one protester told him to “go homo to Massachusetts.”

Frank told the Hill this weekend, “Any movement in which the intellectual leader is Michele Bachmann is obviously going to be problematic.”

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This is what we are up against.

This tax dodger pseudo Brahmin self styled aristocrat tells the media that tea parties do not deserve equal time. HYPOCRITE. And this is the debate. Who gets to hog the microphone.

Tea party. 18 percent support it. They hold a portion of new seats in the congress. A few in the senate. None in the presidency or supreme court. I would say they deserve a voice like any citizen. Equal time? Huh? Equal to what.

Actually, a big problem is that they have dominated the political debate WAY in excess of their actual percentage of support. Their outrageous terror action in the recent debt ceiling farce did not go unnoticed. They won the battle sure, but America is now awake to what they are really dealing with in the tea party. It isn't funny.

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Although I'm not interested in US politics (or any politics for that matter) I always enjoy reading the Punch and Judy shows that you lot put on. One thing that really makes me laugh is when you start throwing the leftist/Marxist/radical socialist/Communist labels around. There are two kinds of politicians in the US. There are politicians that are right-wing and there are politicians that are even more right-wing. You wouldn't recognise a real socialist if one crept up behind you and bit you on the arse :lol:

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No, they are deeply linked in now with the noxious social issues of the right wing.


Silly me. I expected a link to a Tea Party site stating their position on various issues but instead get directed to a leftist whacko site. And you're the guy going off about "objective perspective" :D

Btw, if I post a link to a right wingnut site "proving" Obama is from Kenya does that make it true?

The link refers to a long quote from a tea party leader. It's not about the link, it's about the CONTENT on the link. Really, you are hopelessly out of touch if you don't see the connection also between tea party front leading candidate for republican president Bachman and her closet case homophobe hubby, their support of oppression of gays. No surprise as the tea party is obviously a totally fascist movement. But I guess gays don't matter to you, they are third class citizens anyway, disposable for the sake of the right wing revolution.

Here's another good one --


Among the epithets shouted at Frank were "faggot" and "Homo Communist," and one protester told him to "go homo to Massachusetts."

Frank told the Hill this weekend, "Any movement in which the intellectual leader is Michele Bachmann is obviously going to be problematic."

The topic is the US debt. The debt affects 100% of Americans (and a good chunk of the world), not just 5-10%. I would not be willing to sacrifice the future of the country because of a handful of stupid quotes from people on the street that are irrelevant to the main issue at hand. Besides, I couldn't care less if a politician was gay friendly if his/her fiscal policies would bankrupt the country. I guess everyone has their own priorities though and you have made yours clear.

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You wouldn't recognise a real socialist if one crept up behind you and bit you on the arse :lol:

I would. My mother grew up in an AMERICAN school which sung The Internationale every morning. We aren't all as stupid as you think. Also, political debate these days is extremely ideological. I agree the US is a conservative country.

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The topic is the US debt. The debt affects 100% of Americans (and a good chunk of the world), not just 5-10%. I would not be willing to sacrifice the future of the country because of a handful of stupid quotes from people on the street that are irrelevant to the main issue at hand. Besides, I couldn't care less if a politician was gay friendly if his/her fiscal policies would bankrupt the country. I guess everyone has their own priorities though and you have made yours clear.

You are avoiding the point. The tea party is about MUCH MORE than their idiotic simplistic economic agenda and desire to gut all US social programs. It also about the same old same old divisive wedge social issues, anti-gay, anti-abortion rights, pro-theocracy. Don't you dare act like the tea party leaders are PURELY about economics. That may have been an intention of some of the early leaders, but it has been taken over by the usual far right suspects and their intolerant hate agenda.

You said this --

I thought the Tea Party was about fiscal responsibility.

You were misinformed. It has become about much more.

Next ...

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Just because some supporters might hold certain private views you can't paint the entire political group they are part of with that brush. If you could, then all Democrats would be accused rapists and perjurers just like Bill Clinton. Well, OK, I see your point.;)

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How do you negotiate with people who are fundamentally dishonest? Even after the budget deal was signed you have the president saying "We avoided default" huh? That is is false & he knows it.

There was never any chance we were not going to pay the interest on our government bonds. What we faced was a partial government shut-down. But the president is locked into using scare tactics, class warfare & lying to get his way. Kerry says "we avoided default" Henry Blodget on yahoo finance says "we avoided default" If you get enough idiots repeating the same lie I guess you get the feeble minded to believe you.

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I welcome class warfare. You act like it's a bad thing. The rich won the war long ago, but there's always hope. However first, the lower and middle classes need to realize their chance of ever becoming wealthy in the US is remote, even worse odds than in western Europe. If people just identified with their ACTUAL class rather than their delusional aspirational class, the republicans (who represent a tiny wealthy elite) would have been crispy toast ages ago. Fox News etc. like to push the idea that class doesn't matter in America, or even that class doesn't exist in America. Talk about repeating the same lies ...

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I am writing about the Tea Partiers here because in this case, I think they were the biggest obstacles to a solution. And while I have to concede your point about some liberal or other conservative followers also being mindless sheep, I still hold that the leaders, those running for and gaining office, are far less cognizant about their own group's platform than those from just about any other group, be they Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Greens, whatever.

That might be because they are not really a "party" and they do not have a platform. They are a movement of concerned citizens trying to bring the US around to financial responsibility, but have a variety of opinions on other issues. Unlike real political parties, they do not pretend to speak with one voice.

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I realize it's difficult to separate many of the social issues, such as gay-rights, abortion rights and others from the debt crisis, but let's try and at least keep the thread on the topic at hand.

I know staying strictly on topic is a little like getting salt out of sea water, but if possible...

Endure is right by the way, most Americans wouldn't know a socialist if he bit them in the behind.

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Having watched the stock markets for years I get a feel for the market mood and I can see clear as day that the market stability (fixing) function which the dealing desks of Goldman Sachs performed with your future money given them by the Fed appears to have ceased completely.

Now the market is showing what was hidden all along, it is so unstable it can fall apart at any moment, which is how it should be if the market truly reflects the wider economy.

As an outsider I would observe the following about the Tea party: When your mainstream parties completely fail to represent either the wishes or the best interests of their citizens a rapid rise in new supposedly radical parties often results. See Holland, Belgium and France for details, however much mud is slung in their direction they represent the will of the people.

Finally, the UK kicked out their socialists last year, but in my opinion the traditional right wing party has been so diluted from their original ideals that the UK could use a Tea party style movement too.

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You wouldn't recognise a real socialist if one crept up behind you and bit you on the arse :lol:

I would. My mother grew up in an AMERICAN school which sung The Internationale every morning.

So your Mom grew up in a school that sings songs? Singing songs doesn't make you a Socialist (or anything else). Claiming so may make you a hyperbolista but it doesn't make you a socialist.

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However first, the lower and middle classes need to realize their chance of ever becoming wealthy in the US is remote

Since when is being wealthy a right? This kind of thinking is what has ruined the economy. The common citizen in the US has one of the highest living standards in the world and that is not too shabby.

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However first, the lower and middle classes need to realize their chance of ever becoming wealthy in the US is remote

Since when is being wealthy a right? This kind of thinking is what has ruined the economy. The common citizen in the US has one of the highest living standards in the world and that is not too shabby.

Spot on UG. Unfortunately, so many have sullied the very concepts upon which America was built; rugged individualism, the right to take RISK to become successful - not to be entitled to be a burden upon those who have taken risks and earned success. A prime example in recent history was the housing debacle. The left promoted the concept that it was everyone's inalienable right to own a home. They pushed through the well known, failed concept of socialism, decreeing that everyone was entitled to have a mortgage - whether they were able to afford it or not. As a result, everyone lost - big! There are so many examples. Socialism never works. What is fair is everyone having the opportunity to succeed, not the guaranty of success by stealing from those whose risks have resulted in success.

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I would observe the following about the Tea party: When your mainstream parties completely fail to represent either the wishes or the best interests of their citizens a rapid rise in new supposedly radical parties often results.

Exactly....& BTW...Lest they forget.....No Taxation Without Representation

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However first, the lower and middle classes need to realize their chance of ever becoming wealthy in the US is remote

Since when is being wealthy a right? This kind of thinking is what has ruined the economy. The common citizen in the US has one of the highest living standards in the world and that is not too shabby.

The U.S became wealthy through hard work, innovation and plowing back some profits into research and development for the future. Champagne socialism is the belief that no further sacrifice is needed to maintain what was built, so they dry hump the entitlements cash cow until it's dead.

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I was waiting for President Grant to show up. Nicely said my man.

The problem the moronic libs are gonna have is that the TEA parties are a grass roots backlash against obama & co. There are many many factions & they have no "leaders".

We just object to out of control spending as practiced by this president. The esteemed poster might wish Michelle Bachman was the titular head but he doesn't grasp the nature of the beast.

Remember Comrade Pelosi's famous "astroturf" comment? Well Nancy this is what you have never seen before even in Haight Ashbury in the sixties.

Nancy you are a dinosaur whose time is over. Ditto Mitch McConnel & the rest of the appeasers.


That might be because they are not really a "party" and they do not have a platform. They are a movement of concerned citizens trying to bring the US around to financial responsibility, but have a variety of opinions on other issues. Unlike real political parties, they do not pretend to speak with one voice.

Could not have said it better myself.

You know when you have semi illiterates like Biden calling you "terrorist" you can be sure you have hit a nerve.

Biden was in the Senate when Nixon was President. Dinosaur.

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This is what we are up against.

This tax dodger pseudo Brahmin self styled aristocrat tells the media that tea parties do not deserve equal time. HYPOCRITE. And this is the debate. Who gets to hog the microphone.

Tea party. 18 percent support it. They hold a portion of new seats in the congress. A few in the senate. None in the presidency or supreme court. I would say they deserve a voice like any citizen. Equal time? Huh? Equal to what.

Actually, a big problem is that they have dominated the political debate WAY in excess of their actual percentage of support. Their outrageous terror action in the recent debt ceiling farce did not go unnoticed. They won the battle sure, but America is now awake to what they are really dealing with in the tea party. It isn't funny.

I would say they should have at least, if not more, equal time when compared to the nation's liberal population.

The latest Gallup Poll says there are more Tea Party supporters than those that profess to be liberals.

Politics are changing rapidly, JT. You might want to check sources other than Pelosi, Biden, Reid, Klugman, Zakaria et al;.


Tea Party Movement as Large as Nation’s Entire Liberal Population, Say Gallup Polls

Friday, August 05, 2011

By Terence P. Jeffrey

(CNSNews.com) - The percentage of Americans who expressly state that they are supporters of the Tea Party movement is currently about as large at 22 percent of the population as the 21 percent who say they are liberals, according to recent but separate Gallup polls.

Meanwhile, at 41 percent of the population, according to Gallup, self-described conservatives outnumber both Tea Party movement supporters and liberals by nearly 2-to-1.

In separate polls done on July 27 and August 2, 23 and 22 percent of respondents told Gallup they considered themselves supporters of the Tea Party movement. These polls (each of which was conducted in one day) had a margin of error of +/-4 points, and Gallup warned that polls conducted in one day “are subject to additional error or bias not found in polls conducted over several days.”


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Right chuck plus we are a moving target.

Esteemed member think we will be an easy kill.

Call us "terrorists" "hostage takers" "baby killers (Kerry)" "Holding the nation to ransom" Makes me laugh.

We are fired up.

Let's examine the folks that elected BHO. Youngsters, Blacks, Latinos. They are gonna stay home next time. We on the other hand are fired up. Tired of being used to finance the latest Marxist clap-trap. Sick of MSM cheer-leading this president.

And RINOS are far from safe. Coburn - you are gone = Lamar Alexander - the clock is ticking , Enzi all you fake repubs that want to play golf with the community organizer. The clock is ticking for you.

We want wholesale change, just like the freshman class.

Mike Lee. Rand Paul. You are my heroes. Like to ditch the 2 libs Senators from Colorado & go back to being like out neighbors Utah & OK - staunch core values Conservatives. Lets send the propeller heads back to wherever. We can defund NPR & Planned Parenthood today. That endowment for the Arts too. That's fine when you are swimming in dough. Unfortunately our leaders in Washington have spent us into the poor house.

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You wouldn't recognise a real socialist if one crept up behind you and bit you on the arse :lol:

I would. My mother grew up in an AMERICAN school which sung The Internationale every morning.

So your Mom grew up in a school that sings songs? Singing songs doesn't make you a Socialist (or anything else). Claiming so may make you a hyperbolista but it doesn't make you a socialist.

I never said that I am a socialist and I don't appreciate your twisty games here. I happen not to be socialist. But I know what it is in many of its forms and I understand many socialists come from an idealistic place, such as the Israeli kibbutz movement historically. However, America DOES have socialists and also communists (real ones, Whoopee!), and yes they are a small minority. You insulted Americans implying we don't generally know what a socialist is. Yes, the extremist republicans/tea people call Obama a socialist and they are obviously very uneducated. Do you seriously think most Americans actually think Obama is a real socialist? Well, they don't. I called Obama center left and OBVIOUSLY I was talking from an objective AMERICAN context, with the implicit assumption that people understand these terms are nationally relative as the baseline for the US is being a majority right center country. Obviously, educated Americans totally get that an American leftist is to the right of a European leftist. As you may have gathered, many Americans consider me a wild lefty because I have supported universal health care all my adult life, when of course that is totally mainstream, status quo, in Europe, Canada, etc.

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The vast majority of Americans are CENTER RIGHT. Not tea party and not liberal. Don't assume the center right is supporting the radical right wing extremist nihilist tea party! That is a huge stretch and simply false.

Hopefully it will be good news that the tea party has come out of the closet as a movement that will use extremely ruthless "negotiating tactics" (in other words, NO negotiating, do it our way 100 percent or we'll blow the world economy up!) and the majority of Americans will take notice and get passionate about stopping this dangerous faction. It would be better if the people could get passionate about taking defined POSITIVE action, instead of just being against an obviously toxic destructive force. I am not at all optimistic this will happen. Right now, the best the tea party opposition can do is to say reelect Obama, which almost nobody is passionate about anymore, because he will at least be better than being taken over by right wing radicals.

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