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Flood Warnings 2011


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Looks like Chiang Mai dodged the flood bullet. River is dropping slowly and most of the heavy rain is currently south and west of us.

Not up in the San Sai area. Lots of flooding in moo baans Saun Nong Si, Tanawan, Land and home and others. Just drive up Maejo Rd. Locals say it's worse then the big one in 2006.

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Land & Houses in San Sai is flooded. Especially in Cholada - waves of water every time a truck passes by. Cars are not able to make it down the main sois.

So much for a higher end development..

It is a bit strange though, because the water level is well below the level at which the hydro site says it will flood (for San Sai). Is this flooding from the Ping river? I guess San Sai is a pretty big district, but still.

L&H flooded because of the release of dam water; everything else is icing on the cake, such as possible farmer's mains pipe bursting and localized rain water. The canal (stream) through the middle burst both banks, though luckily the main, faster flowing canal runs along the western perimeter and bursts over the paddies. Both canals are still well up and free flowing. In the floods of 2005, when the city was inundated, it came up here but didn't even clear the curb; yesterday, road out front up to knee level, neighbour's house screwed and many cars kaput. There was talk of the run-off being ramped up again if the rain persisted in the catchment area.

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Land & Houses in San Sai is flooded. Especially in Cholada - waves of water every time a truck passes by. Cars are not able to make it down the main sois.

So much for a higher end development..

It is a bit strange though, because the water level is well below the level at which the hydro site says it will flood (for San Sai). Is this flooding from the Ping river? I guess San Sai is a pretty big district, but still.

L&H flooded because of the release of dam water; everything else is icing on the cake, such as possible farmer's mains pipe bursting and localized rain water. The canal (stream) through the middle burst both banks, though luckily the main, faster flowing canal runs along the western perimeter and bursts over the paddies. Both canals are still well up and free flowing. In the floods of 2005, when the city was inundated, it came up here but didn't even clear the curb; yesterday, road out front up to knee level, neighbour's house screwed and many cars kaput. There was talk of the run-off being ramped up again if the rain persisted in the catchment area.

Which Dam released water, and wouldnt the water have come from the Ping?

Is it possible that to stop the river flooding in town, and as the canal road 'canal' was full, the authorities allowed the river to flood the paddy fields upstream of town?

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L&H flooded because of the release of dam water;

How do you know this? Dam release water would have to enter the canal system far far north and come down it that canal system wouldn't it? Dam release water into the Ping would not come up out of the Ping anywhere near Mae Joe would it?

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L&H flooded because of the release of dam water;

How do you know this? Dam release water would have to enter the canal system far far north and come down it that canal system wouldn't it? Dam release water into the Ping would not come up out of the Ping anywhere near Mae Joe would it?

It's what L&H has been telling its residents. They've also been told that if it keeps raining, the dam's gates will be opened again. I don't know what dam either.

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Not to make light of a serious subject...a cubit is roughly 18 to 22 inchs...a measue taken from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger....Thanks for those who put up the flood map. I'm thinking of renting in CM for the first time and it's necessary advice... Mike

Just a short while ago the river did crest the riverbank here in front of The Pun Pun

At the rate of river rising it should be in the lower back yard in an hour or two......

Now where did I park the ark....



How many cubits? and btw.... what ever is a cubit ?

A cubit is a itsy bitsy teeny weenie ice cube that comes from Cuba......

I thought everyone knew that.... :)

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L&H flooded because of the release of dam water;

How do you know this? Dam release water would have to enter the canal system far far north and come down it that canal system wouldn't it? Dam release water into the Ping would not come up out of the Ping anywhere near Mae Joe would it?

The Ping is the largest river in CM, but certainly far from being the only river. And not the only river with dams on it. The water level in the Mae Khaaw is the highest I have ever known it, reportedly because of a dam failure in Mae Jo. This river is causing current flooding in the Sansai area and this or one of the other rivers may be responsible for the problems at L&H.

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L&H flooded because of the release of dam water;

How do you know this? Dam release water would have to enter the canal system far far north and come down it that canal system wouldn't it? Dam release water into the Ping would not come up out of the Ping anywhere near Mae Joe would it?

It's what L&H has been telling its residents. They've also been told that if it keeps raining, the dam's gates will be opened again. I don't know what dam either.

Not actually; L&H never told us anything. Guess the other river had some bearing, but after having called Mae Ngat Dam and them telling us they were releasing up until the 31/1st (and the fact that the canals going through L&H connect with the spillway there, L&H flooded Monday night) it's not taxing to connect the dots. If it were solely the Ping, folks along Chang Khlan would be inundated. Mae Jo is higher and the big flood of 05 only put a few inches in the sois here. Paddies being filled up prior to this flood also wouldn't have helped... tougher for high canals to lose water.

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L&H flooded because of the release of dam water;

How do you know this? Dam release water would have to enter the canal system far far north and come down it that canal system wouldn't it? Dam release water into the Ping would not come up out of the Ping anywhere near Mae Joe would it?

It's what L&H has been telling its residents. They've also been told that if it keeps raining, the dam's gates will be opened again. I don't know what dam either.

Not actually; L&H never told us anything. Guess the other river had some bearing, but after having called Mae Ngat Dam and them telling us they were releasing up until the 31/1st (and the fact that the canals going through L&H connect with the spillway there, L&H flooded Monday night) it's not taxing to connect the dots. If it were solely the Ping, folks along Chang Khlan would be inundated. Mae Jo is higher and the big flood of 05 only put a few inches in the sois here. Paddies being filled up prior to this flood also wouldn't have helped... tougher for high canals to lose water.

Thanks. What "other river"(not the Mae Ping)?

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Took a ride to Mae Ngat today, 4 August. The water level in the reservoir is so low there's no way they could release water down their spillway. I'm guessing the level would have to rise at least another meter for water to even reach the concrete apron of the spillway. We then rode over the the Mae Taeng water project and witnessed a lot of water flowing over their spillway which leads to the Ping. The project diverts water down the canal that runs parallel to Canal Rd. here in Chiang Mai. It was flowing in a very controlled way through the gates. Has anyone been over to the Mae Kuang dam recently?

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EDIT: Come to think of it, my daughter is in a school in an area that did actually flood in the past, AND I've had some water in/around the house a couple years ago, but you don't see me getting all neurotic about it. You'd think this is the last days of Pompei.

More like 'Up Pompei', for those of us who take life less-seriously ! :lol:

Hope that everyone comes through this relatively-OK, but it is only the start of August, with a long way to go yet.

We had a minor-flood due to a village-irrigation klong getting blocked where it goes under-the-road, and this caused back-up onto our land & fish-ponds. Driving up the Mae-Jo road after lunch, still widespread flooding on both sides North of Mee Chock Plaza, and lots of locals out with their plastic-pipe crossbows ... has anyone ever seen them catch anything with those ?

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Took a ride to Mae Ngat today, 4 August. The water level in the reservoir is so low there's no way they could release water down their spillway. I'm guessing the level would have to rise at least another meter for water to even reach the concrete apron of the spillway. We then rode over the the Mae Taeng water project and witnessed a lot of water flowing over their spillway which leads to the Ping. The project diverts water down the canal that runs parallel to Canal Rd. here in Chiang Mai. It was flowing in a very controlled way through the gates. Has anyone been over to the Mae Kuang dam recently?

It's that low because they've been releasing it. ;) Sluice gates being low down, of course, or there'd be no way to control the depth. Haven't been to Mae Kuang for couple weeks so will take a ride out and have a butcher's, but pretty sure the run-off goes southwest to the south of town.

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EDIT: Come to think of it, my daughter is in a school in an area that did actually flood in the past, AND I've had some water in/around the house a couple years ago, but you don't see me getting all neurotic about it. You'd think this is the last days of Pompei.

More like 'Up Pompei', for those of us who take life less-seriously ! :lol:

Hope that everyone comes through this relatively-OK, but it is only the start of August, with a long way to go yet.

We had a minor-flood due to a village-irrigation klong getting blocked where it goes under-the-road, and this caused back-up onto our land & fish-ponds. Driving up the Mae-Jo road after lunch, still widespread flooding on both sides North of Mee Chock Plaza, and lots of locals out with their plastic-pipe crossbows ... has anyone ever seen them catch anything with those ?

I don't know about the crossbows but they are fishing in the flooded sois around my house, both with fishing rods and nets. The stench of dead fish (and other animals) is getting really bad at my house. There is standing water everywhere. Mosquitoes by the millions. It's a bad situation.

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We had a minor-flood due to a village-irrigation klong getting blocked where it goes under-the-road, and this caused back-up onto our land & fish-ponds. Driving up the Mae-Jo road after lunch, still widespread flooding on both sides North of Mee Chock Plaza, and lots of locals out with their plastic-pipe crossbows ... has anyone ever seen them catch anything with those ?

Caught some of the ex residents of you fish pond I guess? ;)

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Land & Houses in San Sai is flooded. Especially in Cholada - waves of water every time a truck passes by. Cars are not able to make it down the main sois.

So much for a higher end development..

It is a bit strange though, because the water level is well below the level at which the hydro site says it will flood (for San Sai). Is this flooding from the Ping river? I guess San Sai is a pretty big district, but still.

L&H flooded because of the release of dam water; everything else is icing on the cake, such as possible farmer's mains pipe bursting and localized rain water. The canal (stream) through the middle burst both banks, though luckily the main, faster flowing canal runs along the western perimeter and bursts over the paddies. Both canals are still well up and free flowing. In the floods of 2005, when the city was inundated, it came up here but didn't even clear the curb; yesterday, road out front up to knee level, neighbour's house screwed and many cars kaput. There was talk of the run-off being ramped up again if the rain persisted in the catchment area.

I suspect the dam excuse is a bit overstated. In the past 6 years (since the last big floods in the area) there have been lots of new housing developments going in. And with each of these there is extensive in-filling of the paddy fields to build up the land to the level of the Mae Jo Rd or the Ring roads. All that in-filling has taken up a lot of space where water could be released or pumped into. And there are likely spots where the older developments (like L & H) have found themselves downhill from newer developments. So, when there's too much rain in a short period of time there's nowhere for the water to go (especially when the river and canal levels are already high).

For example, the streets of my old neighborhood north of Mae Jo and west of the Ring Road frequently floods when there is a heavy rain that goes on for an extended period of time. Some of the oldest houses in the neighborhood are built at street level. The house I rented and more of the 'newer'' ones (15 years old) were built up about 1 foot from street level, so only the streets would flood, not the houses. I imagine there is still a lot of standing water around there at the moment.

So, for Mike, you need to pay attention to the hight of the land that the house is on in relation to the neighborhood and potential sources of run off, like the main roads.

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I suspect the dam excuse is a bit overstated. In the past 6 years (since the last big floods in the area) there have been lots of new housing developments going in. And with each of these there is extensive in-filling of the paddy fields to build up the land to the level of the Mae Jo Rd or the Ring roads. All that in-filling has taken up a lot of space where water could be released or pumped into. And there are likely spots where the older developments (like L & H) have found themselves downhill from newer developments. So, when there's too much rain in a short period of time there's nowhere for the water to go (especially when the river and canal levels are already high).

That's not it. There have been times when we've had torrential rainfall in the hills and not a peep from the canals going through here. A few new housing developments along Mae Jo road wouldn't cause the heavy flow and banks to burst... and bearing in mind there are many many square miles of paddies all around here. The L&H canals came up very quickly (like someone turned on a tap).

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I suspect the dam excuse is a bit overstated. In the past 6 years (since the last big floods in the area) there have been lots of new housing developments going in. And with each of these there is extensive in-filling of the paddy fields to build up the land to the level of the Mae Jo Rd or the Ring roads. All that in-filling has taken up a lot of space where water could be released or pumped into. And there are likely spots where the older developments (like L & H) have found themselves downhill from newer developments. So, when there's too much rain in a short period of time there's nowhere for the water to go (especially when the river and canal levels are already high).

That's not it. There have been times when we've had torrential rainfall in the hills and not a peep from the canals going through here. A few new housing developments along Mae Jo road wouldn't cause the heavy flow and banks to burst... and bearing in mind there are many many square miles of paddies all around here. The L&H canals came up very quickly (like someone turned on a tap).

I have been in L&H for over 3 years. During the worst rains over the years, never have I seen even standing water on any of the streets. This was a first. Sure would like to know if it could happen again and if there are any precautions being put into place.

Edited by venturalaw
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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah... the river be high right now. Depends what kind of rains we get and how much fall up to our north and int he Chiang Dao area - or so say most locals.

If you follow just the root weblink to hydro-1 only and then scroll down to those little flashing bars, the 3rd one - the maroon red one - will give you the new daily totals each day. So for this past day here you go, a fresh one http://hydro-1.com/index.php?id=61&rivercode=0602

And I followed a few other links to see what I could see. Have a look at this super-simplified version of all Ping tributaries beginning up above Chiang Dao and then on down all the way to where it enters the Jao Prayah. Quite interesting to see it laid out so simply. http://model.haii.or.th/app/report/chaopraya_chart/ping.php

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Living beside the river I am beginning to get a bit alarmed by the rate of rise.My estimate is that it has risen three to four feet in the past 48hrs.

You might be correct, but I would say in less than 24 hrs....

On the brighter side, it does seem to be slowing down now, but that is why I like to constantly watch the flood chart that seems to be in the closet until some time when it is not needed.

One can get a good idea on what to move to higher ground from watching and figuring the chart. But maybe the program has been cut to save money of the new wage increase yet to come.

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Well it seems to have only risen by 1/4 m since midnight at Nawarat. But that's still pretty high. And the Sansai level is lower now by a tiny bit.

And Gonzo... why isn't it working for you ? Do like I said n just go to the root website - even if you have to retype or copy n paste this into your address bar: http://hydro-1.com Then go to that block of five small rectangles in the middle of the page that have a rotating highlight rolling thru them. TOday they've changed the color of the 3rd one to Gray-Green, but never mind, it's the 3rd one down, and it ends with the Thai word for hour ชั่วโมง. Look for that tall 3rd to the last letter (o) and then the mng โมง(Yep, that's how Thai works, 'o' first). The link still works for me. Today we get a combined Thai n hydrology lesson !

Hope everyone's safe. I might ride down to the sandbag site by the school n police box to see the level myself - that's the site of those previously posted pix.

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Well it seems to have only risen by 1/4 m since midnight at Nawarat. But that's still pretty high. And the Sansai level is lower now by a tiny bit.

And Gonzo... why isn't it working for you ? Do like I said n just go to the root website - even if you have to retype or copy n paste this into your address bar: http://hydro-1.com Then go to that block of five small rectangles in the middle of the page that have a rotating highlight rolling thru them. TOday they've changed the color of the 3rd one to Gray-Green, but never mind, it's the 3rd one down, and it ends with the Thai word for hour ชั่วโมง. Look for that tall 3rd to the last letter (o) and then the mng โมง(Yep, that's how Thai works, 'o' first). The link still works for me. Today we get a combined Thai n hydrology lesson !

Hope everyone's safe. I might ride down to the sandbag site by the school n police box to see the level myself - that's the site of those previously posted pix.

Tried as you suggest

clicked on your typed link in your post

Site opened

Clicked on the 3rd one down

Screen blinked and this is what I got:

" Not Found

The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Apache 2.0.59 Secured Server at www.hydro-1.net Port 80 "

now I will try google to translate that response



Other links & sites open, so don't ko jai

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It must really not like you Gonzo ! I think the link has worked for 1-2 others who responded to it. Hmmmm. Maybe it's your computer's settings ? If the 3rd didn't work, try all 5 of them and see if any of them work. Oh, and also, if you get the error msg, sometimes you can still hit the refresh arrow and it does a relook at the address and it all works out ok. Try that a couple times too. Or maybe even time to just do a reboot n say a prayer - why not ?

It seems to have just dropped now anyway by .01m, and the rate has slowed too: 3.56 and 419 respectively. What they call crisis levels and rates are 3.7m and 440 cubic meters flow.

3rd time's a charm, Grandma told me http://hydro-1.com/index.php?id=61&rivercode=0602

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