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Swedish Slashers Confess To Phuket Police


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I am confused. Didn't the news articles a day ago say something like "in full view of witnesses 12 thai men"? Did I misunderstand or am I missing up the articles? How did we get from 2 to 12? Maybe it was a simple typo error in the older article where 2 was entered as 12? Perhaps some sensationalism journalism?

That was going to be my next post!!! How can the so called witnesses confuse 2 Swedes with 12 Thai's. Bizzare to say the least.

If the police had been told to look for a gang of 12 Thai men in Phuket then perhaps if the 2 Swedes had been a bit more savvy then they could have got out of Thailand before being suspected of this murder!! That brings me to the second point - I just wonder what lead put them onto the 2 Swedes as they were apprehended pretty quickly. I imagine that maybe someone spotted blood on the floor somewhere in the hotel they were staying (over the road from the murder scene) or perhaps one of the hotel staff wondering why the normally blue water in the swimming pool was now a red colour and with a sharp object lieing at the bottom of the pool!!!

Losers definitely, with their lives heading only one way and that is down to the bottomless pit!!!:huh:

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I once commented that thai police can be pretty good if they want to but someone commented "Did you just step off a f.@ck#n plane?"

As a thai I feel the police pay more attention to cases involving farangs because they know they will get more heat from the embassies, Foreign Ministry, Tourism ministry etc due to the bad publicity. Double standards but I can live with it because as hosts we all have a duty to treat our guests the best we can and ensure their safety (unless they do something stupid like hang out in the wee hours of the mornings in seedy places or act cocky with local toughies).

I've noticed that most of the "white collar" internet scams, boiler rooms etc originate from foreign criminal elements white the thais prefer the blue collar scams like extortion, stealing, cheating etc. Its like all the scumbags in Thailand have a turf agreement!

Out of all this tragedy there is a light at the end of the tunnel. You kill somebody, the chances are you will get caught and pay for your misdeeds. Karma works in mysterious ways. Have a nice day at the Bangkok Hilton.

"Tommy was in the group we arrested [in February], but we didn't catch Johan.

Tommy ?

Johan ?

Why are the police on first name terms with the killers ??

I would think in the press conf, they would have had trouble pronouncing, Soderlund and Ljung. Would be kind of a tongue twister for the BIB and make them look foolish on one of the few efficient busts they have made.

Just had to bash the Thai police heh ?

Couldn't leave it alone - even though they catch a killing duo within 24 hours of the murder.

I for one think they are highly efficient when we are talking murders of foreigners.

I dont want to mention details, as some people would still miss their loved ones.

But at least 3 murder cases within the last year or so springs to mind.

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and who was the police that let mr Tommy go in pattaya when he should be deported?that a_hole shoulde be charged for corruption, greed and all kinds of legal shit but that will never happends.He should get a knife in his head.

That kind of justice was used by westerners too.

The wild wild west springs to mind.

We however moved away from presuming guilt and invented what is know as the legal system.

Here a court of law has to find you guilty.

Lets say this case about selling fake / crap goods online did take place in a western country.

Do they actually have jurisdiction in that country ?

What if they operated in say the US ( not trying to make fun of Americans - just using this as an example )

Their webhost is / was based in Poland.

They never sold any of their products in the US.

Now, ok they did not have a valid work permit then for the US.

However they had a valid visa.

I think this is not and open and shut case at all in terms of putting them to justice for that.

Someone in some country would have to file criminal charges against them.

What if there was 3 different people in 3 different countries, all 3 having lost 250$ US on these scammers, all filing criminal charges against these men.

So where to prosecute ?

What has jurisdiction ?

Will anyone go to jail for individual cases in different countries ?

Hard to say, but at least they would be out on bail in any country that does have a legal system, while international lawmakers work out the where / how / when.

Implies that the International law on scammers and scamming is a complete mess and ambiguous to put it mildy.

There should be more co-operation and conformity on illegal matters such as this between the nations, as these distasteful "excuses for human beings" will find out what countries are lax on this crime and base their operations there knowing that they cannot be arrested for that particular aspect of what they are doing!!! Not clever, really!! (as my wife likes to say):D

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Yes swedes in a scam my god why would they bother - nickel and dime scams in Thailand they liable to pocket a whole 3000 Baht lol = what dickheads i thought swedes had more brains ? - gee things must be tough in Sweden to have to race to Thailand kill for ''ice scream money '' what a joke lol lol - but of course expected look at there ages!! that tells all !!! they are from the ''crap generation'' -born in last 30 years ? - they'd need a circuit diagram to tie up a shoelace! so really if your to let the brain dead in--------------- well))))))))) -your going to get this type of thing !

These two would be that dumb, they'd think ''eggs benadict'' is an Italian gangster lol lol !

"Tommy was in the group we arrested [in February], but we didn't catch Johan.

Tommy ?

Johan ?

Why are the police on first name terms with the killers ??

It is a normal Thai/Asian thing when they refer to any farang it is normally Mr Steve, Mr George etc, They very rarely call you Mr Jones , Mr Smith.

Did you ever apologise for bashing Thais on the other thread. And as a side note what ever happened to the English kick boxer who killed the American

Edited by moe666
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Just had to bash the Thai police heh ?

Couldn't leave it alone - even though they catch a killing duo within 24 hours of the murder.

I for one think they are highly efficient when we are talking murders of foreigners.

I dont want to mention details, as some people would still miss their loved ones.

But at least 3 murder cases within the last year or so springs to mind.

They can be efficient if they want to. You seem to ignore the fact that the murder suspect was caught by the police months back for working without a work permit. This would require them to be deported. Had the police and other agencies done their job and deported the suspect, the victim might possibly be alive today. That was not done for whatever reason.

Ever wonder if their urgency in apprehending the suspects was more due to the fact that one of their brethren in Pattaya had unscrupulously let this guy go instead of deporting him. More so that the burning desire to see swift justice. Plus the suspects were not really bright, they were one step short of wearing a neon "I killed him" sign on their head.

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Just had to bash the Thai police heh ?

Couldn't leave it alone - even though they catch a killing duo within 24 hours of the murder.

I for one think they are highly efficient when we are talking murders of foreigners.

I dont want to mention details, as some people would still miss their loved ones.

But at least 3 murder cases within the last year or so springs to mind.

They can be efficient if they want to. You seem to ignore the fact that the murder suspect was caught by the police months back for working without a work permit. This would require them to be deported. Had the police and other agencies done their job and deported the suspect, the victim might possibly be alive today. That was not done for whatever reason.

Ever wonder if their urgency in apprehending the suspects was more due to the fact that one of their brethren in Pattaya had unscrupulously let this guy go instead of deporting him. More so that the burning desire to see swift justice. Plus the suspects were not really bright, they were one step short of wearing a neon "I killed him" sign on their head.

And in this case they where very efficient.

Give credit where credit is due.

And in our position we are not able to determine if they should have been deported previously.

We are not a court of law, if I may remind you of that.

You are speculating on the outcome, if they had been deported. How can you ?

Whos to say what would have happened if they where put on the same plane back to Sweden ?

Their urgency was more likely based on the fact, that they had 1 or 2 killers running loose, a potential threat to the public.

Edited by peterdk
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I cant keep up with it. Yesterday it was 12 Thai men that Thais witnessed whilst standing by and saw it , then its two of his ex mates what did it.

This kind of journalism is new to me. Now hes not Swede but of Russian descent???

I heard his hamster attacked him and his friends went to help.

Im going to wait at least a week before commenting on this stuff in the future,--- if at all.

I mean someone --a complete stranger rings up with a scoop and its printed word for word without question. Ever heard of liable and slander.

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<br />
<br />"Tommy was in the group we arrested [in February], but we didn't catch Johan.<br /><br /><i><font size="3"><font color="#FF0000">Tommy ?<br />Johan ?<br /><br />Why are the police on first name terms with the killers ??</font></font></i><br />
<br /><br />That they have referred to them by their first names, does not mean they  are "on first name terms" with them.You really want to make the police  look bad.<br /> <br /> I will say, from what we now know, there was obviously some pretty good  police work done to apprehend these two so quickly. And that all three  are off them streets, these two and the dead one. <br /><br />If Tommy and Johan were sentenced in Norway, they'd <i>maybe</i> get 21 years max in a very comfortable 'prison', but walk in half that time or less, for being good little boys and eating their dinner without making a mess. I'd say these guys will be away for the long haul, in a real prison. .. well, let's hope.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

I agree, the BiB did a good job and deserve credit. Let hope the courts do the same.

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I find the possible Russian connection interesting. The scam these fellows were involved in appears to be the same scam that I have seen other Russians run in America. Having had to deal with such gangs back in the States I would think that these young fellows are just the mid to low level members of a much larger Russian run organization operating here in Thailand.

Members of these types of Russian organized crime do not easily give confessions unless they are ordered to by their higher ups so as to end investigations and to keep the police off the upper management of the organization. If I were a Thai cop I would be looking for the connection to who is really pulling the strings, find out who is paying for the suspect's attorneys, who is paying their bond (if there is any), who is coming to visit them.

There are other signs the Thai police should look for such as tattoos, do any of these fellows have similar tattoos which would indicate an organized Russian crime family?

In summary, it is possible that these fellows were ordered to punish the victim and if they got caught they followed the standing order to admit they did it and to deny any affiliation with the crime family that they are members of. In the end these fellows will be compensated by their bosses or they will be terminated as being too great of a risk.

You saw too many TV series also if you seriously tell us about "similar tattoos of an organized Russian crime gang", cause there's no such a thing. It's all Italian or whatever tradition, not Russian one.

I've noticed many Thai families have a "clan tattoo". Whether they could be considered a "crime gang" is another matter.

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Must be easy for foreigners to get a gun in Phuket.

..not just in Phuket.. ;-)

you see i was right , with that i say it was a farang neighbore, but thaivisa clear my post yesterday !!!!

Edited by aechzen
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Must be easy for foreigners to get a gun in Phuket.

i was right when i post yesterday it was a farang killer , but thaivisa clear my post yesterday


you are in thailand , you get everything easyly

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I cant keep up with it. Yesterday it was 12 Thai men that Thais witnessed whilst standing by and saw it , then its two of his ex mates what did it.

This kind of journalism is new to me. Now hes not Swede but of Russian descent???

I heard his hamster attacked him and his friends went to help.

Im going to wait at least a week before commenting on this stuff in the future,--- if at all.

I mean someone --a complete stranger rings up with a scoop and its printed word for word without question. Ever heard of liable and slander.

Ever read "The news of the world"????

If you haven't, you never will, and I wouldn't try contacting them because I understand that they were having some kind of phone problems!!!

On the subject of libel and slander just WHO is going to sue WHO on WHAT in this case???

I'm thinking of claiming that my wife was one of those people amongst the 12 that was accused initially in those malicious reports - that she is not a man and wasn't in Phuket at the time is incidental and irrelevant. Furthermore, I think it's a disgrace and the defamation of character in being potrayed as a cowardly killer has caused her no end of sleepness nights and nightmares. I'm not sure if she will fully recover from this traumatic episode!!!:o

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I cant keep up with it. Yesterday it was 12 Thai men that Thais witnessed whilst standing by and saw it , then its two of his ex mates what did it.

This kind of journalism is new to me. Now hes not Swede but of Russian descent???

I heard his hamster attacked him and his friends went to help.

Im going to wait at least a week before commenting on this stuff in the future,--- if at all.

I mean someone --a complete stranger rings up with a scoop and its printed word for word without question. Ever heard of liable and slander.

So what does that make Thaksin - Not Thai but of Chinese descent???;)

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Isn't it amazing at how they can solve this case involving foreigners so quickly? With so many involving politicians never getting solved?

Spare me the conspiracy theories! They admitted guilt so case solved. If you feel persecuted as a foreigner then go home!

Wow. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? A bit angry, aren't we?

Please read the article:

Police said they caught Tommy Viktor Soderlund, 26, and Johan Sebastian Ljung, 25, hiding out at Surin Sweet Hotel on Surin Beach where they had recently rented a room.

The police investigated the case and found where these guys were hiding. They arrested them and with the usual interrogation techniques here, got them to confess. It's not like in your home country where you get to talk with a lawyer before having to say anything to the police.

My point was, they were found quickly. Not always the case, for example the doctor who got hit in Bangkok??? The police chief there got sacked for not solving the case quickly enough.

And no, I don't feel persecuted, so not anxious to leave.

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You saw too many TV series also if you seriously tell us about "similar tattoos of an organized Russian crime gang", cause there's no such a thing. It's all Italian or whatever tradition, not Russian one.

I've noticed many Thai families have a "clan tattoo". Whether they could be considered a "crime gang" is another matter.

Yeah, it may be a pretty oriental tradition, too, like Chinese triades or something.

But not Russian, like, ever. Russians got their tattoos in jail for other reasons like "how much time I've spent in jail" or "Death to police" or whatsoever.

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Isn't it amazing at how they can solve this case involving foreigners so quickly? With so many involving politicians never getting solved?

Spare me the conspiracy theories! They admitted guilt so case solved. If you feel persecuted as a foreigner then go home!

Wow. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? A bit angry, aren't we?

Please read the article:

Police said they caught Tommy Viktor Soderlund, 26, and Johan Sebastian Ljung, 25, hiding out at Surin Sweet Hotel on Surin Beach where they had recently rented a room.

The police investigated the case and found where these guys were hiding. They arrested them and with the usual interrogation techniques here, got them to confess. It's not like in your home country where you get to talk with a lawyer before having to say anything to the police.

My point was, they were found quickly. Not always the case, for example the doctor who got hit in Bangkok??? The police chief there got sacked for not solving the case quickly enough.

And no, I don't feel persecuted, so not anxious to leave.

Don't you think that the fact they found a bloodied shirt (with the dead mans blood on it) in the swimming pool with the murder weapon at the bottom of the pool outside the room they were staying in might just have speeded up the process of implicating them of the crime!!!

By booking the hotel opposite the murder scene they were not exactly on the run from the law were they!! Can you imagine the conversation with a jail mate - "how far did you get"??? 'Well, to the hotel on the other side of the road".

I am not a policeman or forensic detective but I think that I could have solved this crime in my dinner time with the assistance of my dead poodle!!!

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So "Around 12 Thai men" turns into 2 farang.

Smells fishy to me.....

I'm surprised that soo many of you have jumped onto the bandwagon of instantly condemning them, even though the details are soo inconsistent with yesterdays article.

Take into account how quickly the police found and tracked them down, in comparison to similar cases, and I'm thinking there's definitely something fishy going on

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. In just 24 hours 12 Thai men (as seen by several witnesses) become 2 Farrhangs. And those 2 Farrhangs are so dumb they leave a perfect trail of clues and perfetly preserved evidence to lead the BiB straight to they're door! Every coppers dream case!

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So "Around 12 Thai men" turns into 2 farang.

Smells fishy to me.....

I'm surprised that soo many of you have jumped onto the bandwagon of instantly condemning them, even though the details are soo inconsistent with yesterdays article.

Take into account how quickly the police found and tracked them down, in comparison to similar cases, and I'm thinking there's definitely something fishy going on

Yeah, my thoughts exactly. In just 24 hours 12 Thai men (as seen by several witnesses) become 2 Farrhangs. And those 2 Farrhangs are so dumb they leave a perfect trail of clues and perfetly preserved evidence to lead the BiB straight to they're door! Every coppers dream case!

Could you ****** get out of this thread? You have nothing of value to add and are arguing a false fact reported by an too eager 'journalist' that misunderstood what had happened - how on earth is that any facts of value that you are building a conspiracy case from?

Please, can we have an auto-delete of all posts containing the number '12' in this thread?

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So it was nothing to do with a love triangle, purely murder because he reported thier criminal activity. A complete waiste of life for purely acting like any decent citizen. I hope these two get life in a dirty cockroach/rat infested prison.

I recall reading it was a gang of 12 Thai men, or is this a different incident?

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So it was nothing to do with a love triangle, purely murder because he reported thier criminal activity. A complete waiste of life for purely acting like any decent citizen. I hope these two get life in a dirty cockroach/rat infested prison.

I recall reading it was a gang of 12 Thai men, or is this a different incident?


Jesus christ, why does everyone work their hardest to confirm that all expats are failed losers that cannot read and understand what is written infront of their nose?

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I've read many stories like this over the years both here and abroad. Someone grasses someone up for a minor crime and in revenge for this minor slight they then decide to commit the most serious crime possible - murder and they pretty much always get caught.

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