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Singapore Thai Embassy

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i am in singapore now and was trying to get a double entry tourist visa, the lady told me now singapore does only

give single entry tourist visa, and also even for a single tourist visa they want a copy of your flight out of

thailand, i had to go to an internet cafe to book a cheap flight out of thailand. so dont go to singapore

if you want a double entry tourist visa


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Have Singapore or KL issued doubles in recent years?

Went there Feb last year and had been warned about the dragon woman - I didn't have a flight out but did have my Thai bank books which she (reluctantly) accepted as proof i could support myself and afford the flight out.

My Thai partner was with me, and horrified at the Singapore embassy woman's behaviour while speaking to people in the queue - supposedly to 'help' she asked for a my flight details then screamed 'no visa' before moving on to next person.

No manners whatsoever.

Apart from that experience, enjoyed our week in Singapore.

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Have Singapore or KL issued doubles in recent years?

Went there Feb last year and had been warned about the dragon woman - I didn't have a flight out but did have my Thai bank books which she (reluctantly) accepted as proof i could support myself and afford the flight out.

My Thai partner was with me, and horrified at the Singapore embassy woman's behaviour while speaking to people in the queue - supposedly to 'help' she asked for a my flight details then screamed 'no visa' before moving on to next person.

No manners whatsoever.

Apart from that experience, enjoyed our week in Singapore.

i agree she IS the dragon woman

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