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Common Curable Diseases Or Physical Conditions

Jonny B

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im looking to do some charity work and fundraising to help some less fortunate people here in thailand. Im interested in getting people help that may have a curable disease or physical condition that could be cured or fixed with some proper medical help at a reputable hospital or clinic which these people would never otherwise be able to afford.

could anyone give me some ideas as to where to start, what diseases or physical conditions are common here amongst pooorer people that could be cured. I was thinking like sensory problems, eyesight/hearing etc problems. To give someone sight that had never had it would be amazing.

im open to suggestions and where and how to contact people with such problems?


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Liver cancer rates in eastern Thailand are among the highest in the world.

The causes are various like parasites from uncooked fish and other foods and alcoholism.

Seems to be avoidable with education and some medical/herbal remediation.

HIV/Aids is the overall highest cause of death in Thailand.

Motor vehicle accidents death and injury rate in Thailand is among the highest rates in Asia.

Lots of opportunities to change behaviors but this is Thailand and change is slow at best.

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Liver cancer rates in eastern Thailand are among the highest in the world.

The causes are various like parasites from uncooked fish and other foods and alcoholism.

Seems to be avoidable with education and some medical/herbal remediation.

HIV/Aids is the overall highest cause of death in Thailand.

Motor vehicle accidents death and injury rate in Thailand is among the highest rates in Asia.

Lots of opportunities to change behaviors but this is Thailand and change is slow at best.

thanks. yeah behavioral illness are a bit hard to help with. i was looking for more the type of problems that people are living with because they are basically too poor to be able to fix. maybe like people with cataract problems that with surgery could see again and live a normal life, get employment etc and then help their family instead of being a burden on them. I was hoping could help someone like this then also provide some training or studying afterwards to help them get a job etc. Especially a child who could then get a proper education etc.

i guess the doctors or hospitals here could point me in the right direction. was hoping to hear from someone who has contacts or even has a family member that has had an injury/illness or defect fixed and now lives a normal, healthy life.

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Note that the Thai public health system provides free access to health care for almost anything that would fit your description. The things that are exceptions (e.g. transplants) are very, very costly and in most cases do not guarantee a cure.

Where there are some important "holes" in the universal health care provided to Thais is (1) only the health care is provided, the costs families may incur to travel for it are not, and for many things people in rural areas may have to travel quite far; and (2) while all the common drugs are covered, some expensive specialized medications imported from abroad are not. I am not current on which ones, perhaps some of the other members could advise.

Be aware that even charitable work on an unpaid basis requires a work permit if the work is performed in Thailand.

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