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Going Back To The Uk


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The simple fact is the OP got something right .... "Asia isn't for everyone". though it does seem that he never did manage to meet any regular, average, Thai people... oh well. That does happen in tourist destinations the world over :)

"he never did manage to meet any regular, average, Thai people" - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, last time I looked, Phuket is in Thailand. Not many "average" Thai people in Phuket. They are all here for one thing, and one thing only - MONEY. That's what's wrecked the place. Tuk-tuk and jet ski scams aside, there is over development and a "rape and pillage" attitude from locals, and local authorities.

"Asia" is not just Phuket. The whole world does not revolve around Phuket. In years gone by, many moved from Pattaya to Phuket because Pattaya was, "too full on." Phuket has fast caught up to Pattaya, if not overtaken. It has become a place that many expats are now considering moving away from.

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All depends..

Mortgage paid Off...so.MPrai

Travel.Freedom Pass

Local Pub..pint of Ruddles (prefer lager however)1.60 Pint@ 75 Bt.

Local supermarket- Crusty Bread- 60 pence..@ 30Bt

12 large Eggs- 80 pence..@ 40Bt

1 Kilo of Bacon..1.50...@ 75Bt....................BLT...sarnies

and that not even counting the 99 p shops which are now expanding to Europe

Crime...agree somebody dropped some litter outside the house a couple of weeks ago....quick call to Council who dealt with it.

Drugs ...was offered some grass down in Islington about 3 years ago.

Racism...Wifee is Thai...

Work...if you want it.......

Weather....Today is beautiful...Blue sky and sunny...spot of gardening methinks..

Ticket to Bangkok...Special with OMAN-RJ air from around 399 quid R/T although now with Etti Sivercard will go upmarket @ 470 RT.Can use their Business Lounges at Heathrow and Abu D plus Royal Orchid in Suwanna....custy

and not forgetting ..

Ce Soir-Boys night out to the Great British Beer Festival at Earls Court.....with a final swally/nightcap at a wee pub I frequent near Kings X station which is open until 3-30 am....rough..init :D

Nice post! Just the weather mucks it up for me...But good old Blighty is still rocking if can still look on the bright side...i'd like a holiday over there but the prices of airfares puts me off...

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Phuket has changed for the worse, but only in the eyes of the people there to see it change.

For first timers they think its paradise.

I am sure all tourist areas of the world and their long staying expats have seen changes that they dont like.

But many of the stated problems are everywhere in the world.

Wherever makes you happy is where you should be.

Excellent post.

For 6 years i went to Phuket 3 times a year but for all the usual reasons I now give it a wide berth! Pattaya is a lot cheaper and welcoming and I find the locals and expats no problem..Phuket sucks big time.. But I do not live their either...

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The simple fact is the OP got something right .... "Asia isn't for everyone". though it does seem that he never did manage to meet any regular, average, Thai people... oh well. That does happen in tourist destinations the world over :)

"he never did manage to meet any regular, average, Thai people" - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, last time I looked, Phuket is in Thailand. Not many "average" Thai people in Phuket. They are all here for one thing, and one thing only - MONEY. That's what's wrecked the place. Tuk-tuk and jet ski scams aside, there is over development and a "rape and pillage" attitude from locals, and local authorities.

"Asia" is not just Phuket. The whole world does not revolve around Phuket. In years gone by, many moved from Pattaya to Phuket because Pattaya was, "too full on." Phuket has fast caught up to Pattaya, if not overtaken. It has become a place that many expats are now considering moving away from.

I was about to second Jdinasia's post, when I noticed NKM's. There are plenty of Thais on the island who can offer intellectually stimulating conversation, and there are also plenty of Thais who are honest, friendly and good company. If you haven't found them, you are either avoiding them or don't get around much. Sure, there is an overrepresentation of fast-money cheats, double pricing merchants and thugs who are clearly drawn by the opportunities that tourist areas bring, but in my experience, that is a pheonomenon associated with tourist areas worldwide. Good luck to the OP, but I would not be surprised to see him back here in the not too distant future.

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live in a tourist area you will be treated like one,you can only list 13reasons why your leaving,i could list a dam sight more why i wont leave after almost 30years,you wont need tinted glasses back in the uk,just a pen to sign on,a good thick jkt.long trs,thick socks an umberella and the ability to speak many languages,i could go on and on and on but i have to clean the pool,oh darling pass me a can.good luck you will need it. PS YOU CAN ALWAYS COME BACK TO ISAAN.

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I'm curious what you mean about the "pollution", presume that for Phuket you refer mainly to the water, since my impression is that the air is very good (at least outside parts of Patong)? Or is the growing traffic starting to take its toll in other parts of the island?

Untreated sewage pumped into the ocean, burning of rubbish and plastics, garbage everywhere (except for high end tourist areas), soi dogs and their crap everywhere, Phuket produces 200 tons more refuse per day than it can safely dispose of and has for as long as I have lived here. Phang Nga Bay and Phi Phi have garbage washing up on the shore and just a general run down, untidy look of the place. Open your eyes! It's amazing what you get can used to seeing all the time that you just don't notice it anymore. And it smells bad!!!


It is inexcusable that this poisoning goes on.

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Phuket has changed for the worse, but only in the eyes of the people there to see it change.

For first timers they think its paradise.

I am sure all tourist areas of the world and their long staying expats have seen changes that they dont like.

But many of the stated problems are everywhere in the world.

Wherever makes you happy is where you should be.

Excellent post.

For 6 years i went to Phuket 3 times a year but for all the usual reasons I now give it a wide berth! Pattaya is a lot cheaper and welcoming and I find the locals and expats no problem..Phuket sucks big time.. But I do not live their either...

I lived and worked in Phuket and the south for 3 years. I have some great friends and i can differenciate between the money hungry ones who are;

Tuk tuks and vendors hom are not Phuket natives.

I moved to BKK because I need more of the citry life and better work options.

Where i live i have thai neighbours om are good friends, invite me over to eat & drink, bring me food to my home and never ask me for anything.

If you make an effort to adapt to the county yo are living in and adapt to the culture things work quite fine.

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After 8 years in Phuket, I've almost completed selling my hotel business. I then have a choice as to where I establish a new hotel.

Phuket has definitely deteriorated over the past few years, (in terms of quality of life), but then so have many other popular tourist destinations.

Although Laos is a very attractive option for me (think eco-lodge etc), the lure of regular (and increasing) business income in Phuket means that I will probably stay in Phuket and build here.

But I can say that if I were single/no family etc, then I would definitely go for the challenge of building in Laos!


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I think the Op is the type of person who's glass is always half empty instead of half full

Going back to the UK after over 5 years here he has a few shocks coming and will be unhappy there to

On the contrary, I think the OP is realistic and Phuket just isn't what it used to be or what it holds itself out to be. There is no planning and with the uncontrolled development the situation will only get worse. There are indeed many beautiful places in Thailand, but sadly, Phuket is falling down the list with each year, slowly killing itself, much like a drug addict does.

Despite the naysayers. the UK is doing just fine and will sort itself out. Whatever problems the UK may have, there will always be an England, a land of hope and glory. (And really bad heating systems and plumbing.)

..... "there will always be an England, a land of hope and glory......" - with the express emphasis on HOPE ! ! !

Mate; Europe (& the UK) are not the same places which we left so many years ago: Viz., Amsterdam: of all registered inhabitants of this, hithereto magnificent city, 51% are individuals of non-Dutch origin ! ! ! ! Believe me; it's the same all over Europe and I'm afraid our Yacht-Captain from Phuket will be in for a very nasty surprise. Also; after just only 5 years in Thailand, he will start missing this place within a week of arrival in that Land of Hope and "long-since-dissipated" GLORY ! ! Mark my words !

Myself; I have lived in TH for 19 years; working and being married to my brilliant Thai wife AND I am out there saling on my yacht often and I know the true meaning of "Hope & Glory" (I'm always living in HOPE to go out on the waves - and when I am there it's pure GLORY !

The trick is to get away from Phuket (been there a number of times and found the place over-priced; un-pleasant and not particularly "Thai" at all.




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Have a good life.

Hope you won't find your dark tinted glasses elsewhere, but I'm afraid for you you will. But I hope for you you'll find your luck elsewhere.

Thanks Stevenl, I guess Asia just isn't for me!


Everything has a season and you're doing the right thing foryourself.

Who cares what a few blinkered old codgers think?

Good luck Sir, the game is afoot...enjoy.:thumbsup:

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post-105390-0-88615300-1312655289_thumb.Thanks for the posts of encouragement and the ones against leaving as it gives me perspective. I am not going back to a big city in England but a small island on the west coast of Scotland (which is like going back in time to a simpler way of life). The sun is shining and it is a nice 18°C today. On the ferry across to the Isle of Bute, it was a great homecoming. post-105390-0-49208800-1312655246_thumb. Edited by pmgthailand
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To OP: Best of luck back in the UK.

I agree with most of your reasons, but I would rate the food, climate and extremely interesting mix of people in Phuket as reasons to stay...but that's just me...STill I suspect your view of the island will change when your new reality involves grey skies, greasy food and the constant whingeing that goes on back in the UK.

Perhaps you should consider that Phuket is just a microcosm of a world that is going downhill in general...you seem to have a sufficiently pessimistic outlook to kick it up to the next level in that regard.

Anyway, why don't you put a mark in your calendar and report back in a year's time?


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post-105390-0-88615300-1312655289_thumb.Thanks for the posts of encouragement and the ones against leaving as it gives me perspective. I am not going back to a big city in England but a small island on the west coast of Scotland (which is like going back in time to a simpler way of life). The sun is shining and it is a nice 18°C today. On the ferry across to the Isle of Bute, it was a great homecoming. post-105390-0-49208800-1312655246_thumb.

well this is not england or the uk,its a diff.part of the world,myself i would rather isle of sky but bute will do,is there any good fishing on there.

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I'm curious what you mean about the "pollution", presume that for Phuket you refer mainly to the water, since my impression is that the air is very good (at least outside parts of Patong)? Or is the growing traffic starting to take its toll in other parts of the island?

Untreated sewage pumped into the ocean, burning of rubbish and plastics, garbage everywhere (except for high end tourist areas), soi dogs and their crap everywhere, Phuket produces 200 tons more refuse per day than it can safely dispose of and has for as long as I have lived here. Phang Nga Bay and Phi Phi have garbage washing up on the shore and just a general run down, untidy look of the place. Open your eyes! It's amazing what you get can used to seeing all the time that you just don't notice it anymore. And it smells bad!!!

It does smell really bad in places here! All the stupid building going on is driving me a bit crazy and the drivers here, urg! I was just at my house in Santa Cruz California for two months, after not being there for 17 months and I liked it! Clean nicely paved roads without so many insane drivers! Planing and environmental concerns between the two places are polar opposites! The fresh local produce was outstanding! Gasoline is way cheaper and a lot of food is too. I'm thinking about going back for a while. There are things I miss about Phuket when I'm there and things I miss about there when I'm here. Best of luck to you and I hope you will be happier!

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It does smell really bad in places here! All the stupid building going on is driving me a bit crazy and the drivers here, urg! I was just at my house in Santa Cruz California for two months, after not being there for 17 months and I liked it! Clean nicely paved roads without so many insane drivers! Planing and environmental concerns between the two places are polar opposites! The fresh local produce was outstanding! Gasoline is way cheaper and a lot of food is too. I'm thinking about going back for a while. There are things I miss about Phuket when I'm there and things I miss about there when I'm here. Best of luck to you and I hope you will be happier!

I agree,its good to visit your hometown and make comparisons and choices...but one thing is for sure

..you got to do what makes ..you... HAPPY.. and i hope the OP finds it..hes certainly trying, at least his ACTIONS speak louder than his words,more than i can say for a lot of posters on thai visa..

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My biggest complaint, (which I air regularly on the other forums), is how greed is destroying the local environment and beaches. Again, this is not unique to Phuket or Thailand. Greed and selfishness come naturally to many people - it takes effort and hard work to be considerate of others and unselfish, and many are too lazy to make the effort.

My local beach - NaiYang - is rapidly turning into a cesspit of rubbish and illegal, ugly buildings that encroach on the beach. I very rarely make the effort to visit that beach (400 metres from my hotel), because the 'magic' of walking on golden, peaceful sands has gone.

I wish the Chinese policy of 'shoot/hang those who are found guilty of corruption' was implemented in Thailand. The 'mai bpen rai' attitude and total lack of individual responsibility is ruining this country.

When was the last time you heard a Thai say 'Sorry, it was me and I was wrong'?


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I think the Op is the type of person who's glass is always half empty instead of half full

Going back to the UK after over 5 years here he has a few shocks coming and will be unhappy there to

On the contrary, I think the OP is realistic and Phuket just isn't what it used to be or what it holds itself out to be. There is no planning and with the uncontrolled development the situation will only get worse. There are indeed many beautiful places in Thailand, but sadly, Phuket is falling down the list with each year, slowly killing itself, much like a drug addict does.

Despite the naysayers. the UK is doing just fine and will sort itself out. Whatever problems the UK may have, there will always be an England, a land of hope and glory. (And really bad heating systems and plumbing.)

When I go back to the UK, as I do every 2 months for a couple of weeks, I find the cities depressing. But you only have to spend some time in the countryside to remember what a great country the UK can be if you can bear the weather.

Went camping in rural Somerset last time around. Walking and biking amongst some great pubs - marvellous. Beer now £3 a pint even in the shires - ouch! No wonder they are closing at the rate of 25 a week.

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I guess Asia just isn't for me!


Why not just say that, instead of all the melodramatics?

At least do everybody a favour, and don't keep coming back like a demented moth to a light bulb, to tell us how much you hate Phuket, for years to come. Move on, and put the past behind you, otherwise you're nothing but an obsessed wierdo.

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As I've wandered around the world, the longest embassy lines I've seen are 1. USA, and 2. UK.

And plenty of folks are voting with their feet and trying to get in.

You need to look at which countries they are coming from, and then the mystery sa to why they are coming, is no longer a mystery.

Not to mention the fact that people like the Poles, are going home in record numbers, having had their fill of the promised land.

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(unlike the usual idiotic comments from other on this board)

Coming on a forum to constantly tell everyone how unhappy you are, and that you hate where you live, is far from idiotic of course. Just a normal, healthy way to spend your day.

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Phuket has changed for the worse, but only in the eyes of the people there to see it change.

For first timers they think its paradise.

I am sure all tourist areas of the world and their long staying expats have seen changes that they dont like.

But many of the stated problems are everywhere in the world.

Wherever makes you happy is where you should be.

Good post. Change for the worse is a world wide phenomenon. The village I grew up in, which was surrounded by countryside and orchards, is now a mini town with new build housing estates, as far as the eye can see. People who live in most places in the UK are constantly talking about how things have changed for the worse.

The OP was never truly happy here, and has a case of the other mans grass being greener. The way Phuket has changed can't be blamed entirely for his decision to leave.

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The simple fact is the OP got something right .... "Asia isn't for everyone". though it does seem that he never did manage to meet any regular, average, Thai people... oh well. That does happen in tourist destinations the world over :)

"he never did manage to meet any regular, average, Thai people" - ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, last time I looked, Phuket is in Thailand. Not many "average" Thai people in Phuket. They are all here for one thing, and one thing only - MONEY. That's what's wrecked the place. Tuk-tuk and jet ski scams aside, there is over development and a "rape and pillage" attitude from locals, and local authorities.

"Asia" is not just Phuket. The whole world does not revolve around Phuket. In years gone by, many moved from Pattaya to Phuket because Pattaya was, "too full on." Phuket has fast caught up to Pattaya, if not overtaken. It has become a place that many expats are now considering moving away from.

If anyone should be next out the door it's you NKM. :whistling:

The poster you quoted also said: That does happen in tourist destinations the world over :) Do you know of many tourist destinastions that aren't expensive, and the locals are cashing in big time?

If you are saying there aren't any nice normal Thai people in Phuket NKM, especially outside of Patong, then you are a bufoon. :(

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Everything has a season and you're doing the right thing foryourself.

Who cares what a few blinkered old codgers think?

Good luck Sir, the game is afoot...enjoy.:thumbsup:

And constant negative contributions to a forum, couldn't be considered as being blinkered of course? :whistling:

I find it highly amusing when people critisise bias and agenda, when they quite cleary have their own.

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Everything has a season and you're doing the right thing foryourself.

Who cares what a few blinkered old codgers think?

Good luck Sir, the game is afoot...enjoy.:thumbsup:

I find it highly amusing when people critisise bias and agenda, when they quite cleary have their own.

Way to call the kettle black BTB !

Six posts in a row on the same thread(?).........................yeeeeeesh

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Everything has a season and you're doing the right thing foryourself.

Who cares what a few blinkered old codgers think?

Good luck Sir, the game is afoot...enjoy.:thumbsup:

I find it highly amusing when people critisise bias and agenda, when they quite cleary have their own.

Way to call the kettle black BTB !

Six posts in a row on the same thread(?).........................yeeeeeesh

Hee, hee, no problem GOM, it's just cuddly old Woo Hoo trying, but failing miserably, to improve his grammar and spelling skills.:boring:

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