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Going Back To The Uk


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Its a good time to return to the UK., The land of riots, arson, looting and football thugs who have found another occupation,

destroying decent peoples lifestyle and work places, doesn't the country have enough problems

Have to agree. Whilst I can understand why some of us 'foreigners' get to the point where they have to leave, England doesn't sound like a good option at the moment.

I read the UK internet papers most mornings (and have heard from friends there) that things are likely to get worse before they (hopefully) get better.

Rioting for 3 nights now in places. Reminds me of the 70's/80's?

I will never understand though why they destroy THEIR OWN backyard!

Things are bad there and 'the final straw' was lit for some - which gave others the courage they needed to join in. Meanwhile of course, yet others took the opportunity to start looting...

I think it happened too soon, the underclass is not happy but has no idea how much wider the gap between them and the rich will become in a year or so's time. If they think its bad now, its going to get a lot worse!

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I think it happened too soon, the underclass is not happy but has no idea how much wider the gap between them and the rich will become in a year or so's time. If they think its bad now, its going to get a lot worse!

And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.

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I think it happened too soon, the underclass is not happy but has no idea how much wider the gap between them and the rich will become in a year or so's time. If they think its bad now, its going to get a lot worse!

And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.

Yes, I'm suprised it happened in the UK first - Brits are normally v apathetic.

But, the shooting (by police) of a local guy and the police ignoring his relatives provided the 'spark' that ignited the first riot...

I find it v frightening for the future in first world countries as the underclass are going to get desperate and are just looking for someone to start trouble so that they can happily join in.

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Hee, hee, no problem GOM, it's just cuddly old Woo Hoo trying, but failing miserably, to improve his grammar and spelling skills.:boring:

I believe WOOHOO was one word and in capital letters. ;)

I don't have an agenda. I have my personal opinion based on my own experiences. Most of the things in the OP, I don't and have never had problems with. Until someonebody else feels the need to share their misserable existance with the world, and paint it as the norm, I have no burning desire to share my experiences. Calling that an agenda, is like calling someone violent, who beats up someone that was mugging them.

People like yourself Billy take a lack of logic to a different level. You have had a couple of holidays to Patong in the past, yet you've never been able to let Phuket go have you. You still go on a forum to be negative about a place you've been on holiday to a couple of times. Reeks of inadequacy and jelousy to me. :(

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My reasons for leaving:

deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers.

the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

Not where I live.

high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

Phuket isn't a great place to live if you need to count pennies. Having said that, property, utilities, fuel etc, are all vastly cheaper than the West, as is food and drink.

visas and work permits (don't get me started)

Every three months get to go on a family trip to explore a different country. Fantastic.

xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

Xenophobia is everywhere you look. In general, English people are highly racist and xenophobic, and are getting more so by the day with the influx of immigrants.

lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

Don't need them. Can own everything I want in my wifes name.

corruption pervades every fabric of this society

Give me some examples of how that affects your daily life. It doesn't mine.

murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)drugs

Never had as much as heated argument with a Thai on Phuket, let alone come close to being murdered.

pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

Outside of Patong I don't find it that bad.


Who by? Who do you associate with regularly that's dishonest? You must be gullible.

lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

You've only known stupid people. Whos fault is that.

a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I have good friendly neighbours, always there to lend a hand. Especially the Thais. You obviously lived in the wrong place.

Your Phuket and other peoples Phuket aren't one and the same. Everything you have pointed out, is your interpretation of Phuket, nothing more. Why the desire to share it with everybody. Therapy?

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Hee, hee, no problem GOM, it's just cuddly old Woo Hoo trying, but failing miserably, to improve his grammar and spelling skills.:boring:

I believe WOOHOO was one word and in capital letters. ;)

I don't have an agenda. I have my personal opinion based on my own experiences. Most of the things in the OP, I don't and have never had problems with. Until someonebody else feels the need to share their misserable existance with the world, and paint it as the norm, I have no burning desire to share my experiences. Calling that an agenda, is like calling someone violent, who beats up someone that was mugging them.

People like yourself Billy take a lack of logic to a different level. You have had a couple of holidays to Patong in the past, yet you've never been able to let Phuket go have you. You still go on a forum to be negative about a place you've been on holiday to a couple of times. Reeks of inadequacy and jelousy to me. :(

Still failing to make a valid or coherent statement in any post....business as usual . :guitar:

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I think it happened too soon, the underclass is not happy but has no idea how much wider the gap between them and the rich will become in a year or so's time. If they think its bad now, its going to get a lot worse!

And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.

Apart from the expected bluster about what is currently occurring in the UK at present, LiK, says “And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.” – this the reality check I agree with.

Edited by LivinginKata
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"Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers."

If only it was that simple!

I'm always looking out for what drivers/motorcyclists in front of me might do, but was taken unawares yesterday when I had just started overtaking a motorbike only to have him turn right into my path! The motorcyclist was an old farang, obviously lived here. I can only assume that he hadn't bothered checking or I was in his 'blind' spot.

Having lived here for 5 years it was the first time I screamed out loud - honestly thinking I was going to die...

I've said for the past 3 years that I trust the locals on motorbikes far more than I trust the tourists. I found out yesterday that some of the expats are even worse than the tourists.

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I think it happened too soon, the underclass is not happy but has no idea how much wider the gap between them and the rich will become in a year or so's time. If they think its bad now, its going to get a lot worse!

And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.

Apart from the expected bluster about what is currently occurring in the UK at present, LiK, says “And not only the UK, expect in many other so called first world countries.” – this the reality check I agree with.

And in the U.S. the underclass, overclass and every in between class has access to several hundred million guns. :ph34r:

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My reasons for leaving:

deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers.

the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

Not where I live.

high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

Phuket isn't a great place to live if you need to count pennies. Having said that, property, utilities, fuel etc, are all vastly cheaper than the West, as is food and drink.

visas and work permits (don't get me started)

Every three months get to go on a family trip to explore a different country. Fantastic.

xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

Xenophobia is everywhere you look. In general, English people are highly racist and xenophobic, and are getting more so by the day with the influx of immigrants.

lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

Don't need them. Can own everything I want in my wifes name.

corruption pervades every fabric of this society

Give me some examples of how that affects your daily life. It doesn't mine.

murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)drugs

Never had as much as heated argument with a Thai on Phuket, let alone come close to being murdered.

pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

Outside of Patong I don't find it that bad.


Who by? Who do you associate with regularly that's dishonest? You must be gullible.

lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

You've only known stupid people. Whos fault is that.

a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I have good friendly neighbours, always there to lend a hand. Especially the Thais. You obviously lived in the wrong place.

Your Phuket and other peoples Phuket aren't one and the same. Everything you have pointed out, is your interpretation of Phuket, nothing more. Why the desire to share it with everybody. Therapy?

Agree with pretty much all of that..

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Still failing to make a valid or coherent statement in any post....business as usual . :guitar:

I can mangae to make posts that don't get edited or deleted these days though. I see you still can't. ;)

Your reply is a typical one, of someone who doesn't have the ability to argue the point like a grown up. :(

Like you say, business as usual. :D

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"Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers."

If only it was that simple!

I'm always looking out for what drivers/motorcyclists in front of me might do, but was taken unawares yesterday when I had just started overtaking a motorbike only to have him turn right into my path! The motorcyclist was an old farang, obviously lived here. I can only assume that he hadn't bothered checking or I was in his 'blind' spot.

Having lived here for 5 years it was the first time I screamed out loud - honestly thinking I was going to die...

I've said for the past 3 years that I trust the locals on motorbikes far more than I trust the tourists. I found out yesterday that some of the expats are even worse than the tourists.

I wouldn't argue against Farang being worse than Thais. Like I said, Thais are predictable in their bad driving. You can second guess them easily. Farang, who aren't used to the driving in Phuket are far more random and unpredictable. Phuket driving to me, is organised chaos. Once you understand it, you shouldn't have too many problems, or if you do, like in your case, it wouldn't be your fault anyway.

By the way, if he was on a bike and you were in a car, I think it would have been him who may have died, not you. :)

P.S A Thai may have hit his horn, just before he passed the bike, stopping him from pulling out. I don't do a lot of that myself, I'm just saying that it's a habit that unexperienced drivers wouldn't have in their arsenal.

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If anyone should be next out the door it's you NKM. :whistling:

The poster you quoted also said: That does happen in tourist destinations the world over :) Do you know of many tourist destinastions that aren't expensive, and the locals are cashing in big time?

If you are saying there aren't any nice normal Thai people in Phuket NKM, especially outside of Patong, then you are a bufoon. :(

Maybe you should travel a little more BTB, then you would see that Phuket is not all it's cracked up to be. I'd be interested in knowing just how many other places you have been to in Thailand and SE Asia.

I like the way you say, "outside of Patong" - Patong is part of Phuket which is part of Thailand. Stop making excuses for the place. We all know it's problems and the reasons why those problems exist. I like it here, but at least I am not blind to the negatives mentioned by the OP. You would be the bufoon if you didn't agree with most of his list.

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Maybe you should travel a little more BTB, then you would see that Phuket is not all it's cracked up to be. I'd be interested in knowing just how many other places you have been to in Thailand and SE Asia.

I like the way you say, "outside of Patong" - Patong is part of Phuket which is part of Thailand. Stop making excuses for the place. We all know it's problems and the reasons why those problems exist. I like it here, but at least I am not blind to the negatives mentioned by the OP. You would be the bufoon if you didn't agree with most of his list.

In my mind the suggestion is that these things all exist in Phuket and by leaving and going back to the UK it will be a solution. Yes some of the things on the list do happen here but they also happen in the UK to pretty much the same degree. An example of which is pretty clear on the television right now.

In your specific case I think you dont like Thai people ( or else you wouldnt make comments like They are all here for one thing, and one thing only - MONEY) and Thai people don't like you hence why you are always getting scammed and are so aware of the so called problems.

For me I work with great Thai people, get on with nearly everyone in my community and have great Thai friends. I don't experience any of the problems that have been suggested and most the Farang that I know who have businesses here would agree.

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I don't experience any of the problems that have been suggested and most the Farang that I know who have businesses here would agree.

They are all biased in the Iceman's opinion, just because they can't afford to say otherwise.

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I don't experience any of the problems that have been suggested and most the Farang that I know who have businesses here would agree.

They are all biased in the Iceman's opinion, just because they can't afford to say otherwise.

Gee, do you think the posters on here that own businesses have a conflict of interest? Eg. "the need to talk the place up" Sometimes you guys sound as bad as used car salesman, real estate salesman, lawyers, insurance brokers and bargirls telling a customer they are handsome. :) :) :) :)

I can afford to live here, and quite well. I've never sent money to Issan for sick buffalo. I've never bought property. I've had the odd scam - extra beer put on bill, pump not reset for petrol etc - but nothing major and I defy any poster who can say it's never happened to them.

I'm simply saying that many of the things on the OP's list is true, and if it isn't already, it will, effect tourism and also the amount of expats living here. I already know a few that have left Phuket, but not Thailand, and they are a lot happier elsewhere.

With the direction Phuket is heading, and I've been coming here for years, and living here in more recent times, I can see the day when I will move on as well. I have no anomosity towards those who love the place here and wish everyone the best of luck, BUT, when someone, for example, mentions how bad the tuk-tuk situation (transport) is on the island, sure, one solution is buy a bike or a car, but there is nothing wrong in recognising, and admitting, the island has a problem with the tuk-tuks cartel and therefore public transport. To say it doesn't exist because you own a car is burying your ead in the sand.

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Gee, do you think the posters on here that own businesses have a conflict of interest? Eg. "the need to talk the place up" Sometimes you guys sound as bad as used car salesman, real estate salesman, lawyers, insurance brokers and bargirls telling a customer they are handsome. :) :) :) :)

Told you Pete, there really is no point in any discussion with him.

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Its a good time to return to the UK., The land of riots, arson, looting and football thugs who have found another occupation,

destroying decent peoples lifestyle and work places, doesn't the country have enough problems

i think the op has changed his mind,he is now going to bagdad.

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To say it doesn't exist because you own a car is burying your ead in the sand.

If you read my long post, you will see that I don't deny everything exists, but say that the things the OP mention don't bother me, because of where and how I llive. Why is it you refuse to belive that's the truth?

You mention petrol and an extra beer being put on the tab. Are you telling me you don't have the ability to stop those things happening, by checking the pump and checking the bill? And then not using places again that you catch doing it?

Other than those two examples, I would be interested to hear all the other examples, of how on a regular basis you get scammed, interact with dishonest people, are affected by corruption, affected by murders, etc etc. I tell you those things don't affect me, and refuse to believe it, so give me plenty of examples please, of how they affect you.

P.S Where abouts in Phuket do you live NKM?

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Maybe you should travel a little more BTB, then you would see that Phuket is not all it's cracked up to be. I'd be interested in knowing just how many other places you have been to in Thailand and SE Asia.

I don't understand this post at all NKM. What difference would it make if I had been every where in the world? I would either like other places more than Phuket, or like Phuket more than other places. How would my opinion of Phuket change exactly?

I like the way you say, "outside of Patong" - Patong is part of Phuket which is part of Thailand. Stop making excuses for the place. We all know it's problems and the reasons why those problems exist. I like it here, but at least I am not blind to the negatives mentioned by the OP. You would be the bufoon if you didn't agree with most of his list.

Apart from stating the very, very obvious, what was the point of that statement? Of course Patong is part of Phuket, what's wrong with discussing it seperately? It's like talking about London and not being able to discuss the difference between Mayfair and Soho, and peckham and Brixton.

The OP said about polution. In Patong it will obviously be higher, as that is where the main centre for tourism is, but what has that got to do with polution in Ao Por, Cherng Telay, Pak Lok, Nai yang etc etc etc.? Go on to Google earth and familiarise yourself with Phuket. It starts when you cross the bridge.

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My reasons for leaving:

deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers.

the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

Not where I live.

high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

Phuket isn't a great place to live if you need to count pennies. Having said that, property, utilities, fuel etc, are all vastly cheaper than the West, as is food and drink.

visas and work permits (don't get me started)

Every three months get to go on a family trip to explore a different country. Fantastic.

xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

Xenophobia is everywhere you look. In general, English people are highly racist and xenophobic, and are getting more so by the day with the influx of immigrants.

lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

Don't need them. Can own everything I want in my wifes name.

corruption pervades every fabric of this society

Give me some examples of how that affects your daily life. It doesn't mine.

murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)drugs

Never had as much as heated argument with a Thai on Phuket, let alone come close to being murdered.

pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

Outside of Patong I don't find it that bad.


Who by? Who do you associate with regularly that's dishonest? You must be gullible.

lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

You've only known stupid people. Whos fault is that.

a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I have good friendly neighbours, always there to lend a hand. Especially the Thais. You obviously lived in the wrong place.

Your Phuket and other peoples Phuket aren't one and the same. Everything you have pointed out, is your interpretation of Phuket, nothing more. Why the desire to share it with everybody. Therapy?

Agree with pretty much all of that..

Me too. I don't find the driving that bad. I do agree with "the amount of traffic gets worse each year" - Bars, prostitutes, rip offs, dishonest people, stupid people ... I mean, just sounds like the OP was associating with a right dodgy crowd. While I can't say I have never met a stupid Thai, or never had to pay a bribe, none of that stuff affects me in the slightest. Murders and drugs. Not my scene. Pollution - I don't like to see garbage by the roadside, but where I live is not dirty.

So often I see moans and groans and think "so get out of Patong!" - I don't like Patong and rarely go there. Phuket is a big island and Patong is I guess about 2% of the total area of Phuket, and don't forget you can drive to Phang Nga or Krabi.... take a boat to Koh Lanta or Phi Phi, or fly to Bangkok in 80 minutes .... Phuket offers a lot more than people realise, even long term residents often don't really get out and see Phuket. How many on this forum have ever been to Koh Yao Noi for example? Or Khao Sok National Park? Great place to live, Phuket. Nowhere is perfect, but a positive person will look for the positives.

(climbs off soapbox)

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Me too. I don't find the driving that bad. I do agree with "the amount of traffic gets worse each year" - Bars, prostitutes, rip offs, dishonest people, stupid people ... I mean, just sounds like the OP was associating with a right dodgy crowd. While I can't say I have never met a stupid Thai, or never had to pay a bribe, none of that stuff affects me in the slightest. Murders and drugs. Not my scene. Pollution - I don't like to see garbage by the roadside, but where I live is not dirty.

So often I see moans and groans and think "so get out of Patong!" - I don't like Patong and rarely go there. Phuket is a big island and Patong is I guess about 2% of the total area of Phuket, and don't forget you can drive to Phang Nga or Krabi.... take a boat to Koh Lanta or Phi Phi, or fly to Bangkok in 80 minutes .... Phuket offers a lot more than people realise, even long term residents often don't really get out and see Phuket. How many on this forum have ever been to Koh Yao Noi for example? Or Khao Sok National Park? Great place to live, Phuket. Nowhere is perfect, but a positive person will look for the positives.

(climbs off soapbox)

Good post. Completely agree with you. And I have been to Koh Yao Noi, Khao Sok Park, Lanta, Phi Phi, and many other local places. Take the cheap direct flights to Vietnam, Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, Udon, Chiang Mai, etc for short breaks. Phuket has much to offer.

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Me too. I don't find the driving that bad. I do agree with "the amount of traffic gets worse each year" - Bars, prostitutes, rip offs, dishonest people, stupid people ... I mean, just sounds like the OP was associating with a right dodgy crowd. While I can't say I have never met a stupid Thai, or never had to pay a bribe, none of that stuff affects me in the slightest. Murders and drugs. Not my scene. Pollution - I don't like to see garbage by the roadside, but where I live is not dirty.

So often I see moans and groans and think "so get out of Patong!" - I don't like Patong and rarely go there. Phuket is a big island and Patong is I guess about 2% of the total area of Phuket, and don't forget you can drive to Phang Nga or Krabi.... take a boat to Koh Lanta or Phi Phi, or fly to Bangkok in 80 minutes .... Phuket offers a lot more than people realise, even long term residents often don't really get out and see Phuket. How many on this forum have ever been to Koh Yao Noi for example? Or Khao Sok National Park? Great place to live, Phuket. Nowhere is perfect, but a positive person will look for the positives.

(climbs off soapbox)

Good post. Completely agree with you. And I have been to Koh Yao Noi, Khao Sok Park, Lanta, Phi Phi, and many other local places. Take the cheap direct flights to Vietnam, Bali, Hong Kong, Singapore, Udon, Chiang Mai, etc for short breaks. Phuket has much to offer.

Don't know if you guys remember the Monty Python Film "Life of Brian" where the whole movie is based on people mistakenly naming the main character (Eric Idle) "the Messiah", but in the very end as Brian is being crucified he and the others being crucified start up a song "look on the bright side of life, do-do, do-do, do-do-do-do".

Maybe the OP needs a good crucifixtion to shape up his perspective.

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Don't know if you guys remember the Monty Python Film "Life of Brian" where the whole movie is based on people mistakenly naming the main character (Eric Idle) "the Messiah", but in the very end as Brian is being crucified he and the others being crucified start up a song "look on the bright side of life, do-do, do-do, do-do-do-do".

It wasn't Eric Idle who played Brian, it was Graham Chapman.

C'mon, get it right Big-Nose.

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Within the province of Phuket, you have what is quite a good standard of goods and services available, from supermarkets with western products, international or local quality restaurants, medical care, etc etc. In fact, there is very little that you can't obtain here that you could in the UK (albeit at a higher price on occasion).

However, life is not always about the shopping and services, it's about general quality, housing and infrastructure etc. I think the original post in this thread painted a picture of Phuket which is alien to a great many of us. There is a large core of expats who don't live in the environs of Patong or it's satellites (Kata, Karon etc etc), so the problems of bars V prostitution really isn't any form of concern to us. Again, having your own transport (preferably 4 wheels), you don't get grief, other than the 'rush hour' syndrome that affects any urban society.

I think many of us do a regular mental evaluation of where we are, what are our options, pluses and minuses etc. Everything comes down to the individual and the lifestyle that you seek. Phuket, for it's relatively small size, has something for everyone. However, in my opinion, key to contentment in this environment is to determine the lifestyle that you want, don't try and live like a 24/7/365 tourist, and treat everyone that you meet with respect. Oh, have met some very pleasant Thais here also, who whilst language is always a barrier, manners and humour will always overcome.

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My reasons for leaving:

deadly driving practices here and just the amount of traffic gets worse each year ( 8 people I know have been killed in RTA's here in Phuket)

Never had an accident here. If you are a good driver, you adapt to the driving style here, and know what reckless thing the driver in front is going to do, before he even knows himself. Driving here is not for the faint hearted, or people who aren't very confident experienced drivers.

the proliferation of bar girls and beer bars selling sex is spreading on the island

Not where I live.

high cost of living in comparison to the service or guarantees you get for your money

Phuket isn't a great place to live if you need to count pennies. Having said that, property, utilities, fuel etc, are all vastly cheaper than the West, as is food and drink.

visas and work permits (don't get me started)

Every three months get to go on a family trip to explore a different country. Fantastic.

xenophobic Thais and their open dislike of foreigners

Xenophobia is everywhere you look. In general, English people are highly racist and xenophobic, and are getting more so by the day with the influx of immigrants.

lack of basic rights (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

Don't need them. Can own everything I want in my wifes name.

corruption pervades every fabric of this society

Give me some examples of how that affects your daily life. It doesn't mine.

murders (the amount of execution type murders is on the rise)drugs

Never had as much as heated argument with a Thai on Phuket, let alone come close to being murdered.

pollution - I find Phuket and Thailand to be filthy

Outside of Patong I don't find it that bad.


Who by? Who do you associate with regularly that's dishonest? You must be gullible.

lack of intellectual stimulus with any Thai that I have known

You've only known stupid people. Whos fault is that.

a general "what's in it for me" attitude and no sense of community

I have good friendly neighbours, always there to lend a hand. Especially the Thais. You obviously lived in the wrong place.

Your Phuket and other peoples Phuket aren't one and the same. Everything you have pointed out, is your interpretation of Phuket, nothing more. Why the desire to share it with everybody. Therapy?

lack of basis rights - (as a foreigner we don't really have any in Thailand)

"Don't need them. I can own anything I want in my wifes name." :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

So, please tell me, at Thai Law, who REALLY does own "YOUR" assets????????

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Just for clarification NKM. Are you definately saying, that there are no decent, nice, friendly Thai people on Phuket at all? Is that definately what you are saying?

Of course there are many decent, nice and friendly Thai people on Phuket. Are you saying there are no Thai criminals, drug addicts, prostitutes, scammers, hit men, thugs, corrupt officials, con men, pick pockets, liars, cheats and petty theives on Phuket? Oh, that's right, they are only in Patong, and, Patong is not actually Phuket, it's like, a different country. We can't say Patong is on Phuket because it will wreck the Phuket's image. :) :) :) :)

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Maybe you should travel a little more BTB, then you would see that Phuket is not all it's cracked up to be. I'd be interested in knowing just how many other places you have been to in Thailand and SE Asia.

I don't understand this post at all NKM. What difference would it make if I had been every where in the world? I would either like other places more than Phuket, or like Phuket more than other places. How would my opinion of Phuket change exactly?

I like the way you say, "outside of Patong" - Patong is part of Phuket which is part of Thailand. Stop making excuses for the place. We all know it's problems and the reasons why those problems exist. I like it here, but at least I am not blind to the negatives mentioned by the OP. You would be the bufoon if you didn't agree with most of his list.

Apart from stating the very, very obvious, what was the point of that statement? Of course Patong is part of Phuket, what's wrong with discussing it seperately? It's like talking about London and not being able to discuss the difference between Mayfair and Soho, and peckham and Brixton.

The OP said about polution. In Patong it will obviously be higher, as that is where the main centre for tourism is, but what has that got to do with polution in Ao Por, Cherng Telay, Pak Lok, Nai yang etc etc etc.? Go on to Google earth and familiarise yourself with Phuket. It starts when you cross the bridge.

Just as I suspected. Came year years ago on a holiday, loved the place, moved here and never left. Never traveled. You have nothing to compare Phuket to. Many of us have traveled and can compare what Phuket has become, to other places in Thailand, and in SE Asia.

I have no problem with your love of the place, good luck to you. You have found your little "patch" in the world, BUT, for others who constantly evaluate their happiness here, like the OP, why shoot them down in flames?

There is no way I would ever live in England - full stop. I don't like the climate. However, if there is some old fella who used to ride a motorbike who, with age, his balance is going and he can't afford 1000 baht a day in tuk-tuk rides, so, he moves to Pattaya to regain his freedom by using the baht bus, what's wrong with saying the lack of transport here has caused an expat to move? (this is not my situation but that of someone I know)

I've read your long list that addresses the OP's long list. You talk about yourself. Why don't you start thinking about others and how that list might effect most readers, not just your very insulated self.

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