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I Remember When This Forum Was About Pattaya

Big Tony

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is this going to go to fisty cuffs at soi 13, because i for one would love to see two fat pot bellied old farts fighting in the road , 6 foot ,yes in your lady boys high heels , have a good day

Very funny Poppa, I like it.

Would be a laugh to see one of the Zimmer boys in action.

Might get a bit messy with colostomy bags flying around

best to sit in the bar over the road and watch.


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All the major news organisations in Pattaya have their own web sites so folks really interested in the news in Pattaya are aware of these and go there. Therefore are the news post relevant - probably yes to newbie’s – the forum is for all and freedom of posting inside the rules of the forum should not be denigrated.

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Kayo, I believe Mr Pat Pong was serious and will ban you if you carry on, I for one will miss you anyway, but it is your own fault...

Halfwit. :o

Hmmm, refering to Kayo as a halfwitt is really not on, anyway getting back on subject, this evening I shall do a poll on here regarding which type of news us the readers and posters want on here, Ok we all enjoy a gory death or suicide, but those could all just go into one thread and be stickied on here, as for the rest of the supposedly called news, if it was that interesting it would be in the main news thread, I really feel that news of building a new shopping center is of little interest to most of us, but we shall see what happens with the poll.

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Time to get my 2 baht worth in.

Wow, pretty hot topic for a troll. 9 pages already !

I personally appreciate BritMaveric's news postings. When I'm not in Patters, I like to keep up with what is happening, be it news, lack of rain, or ANOTHER PARTY being planned in a bar that doesn't have "Blues" in the name.

I spend a lot of time reading news articles from papers around the world. Having Brit's local news posted here kills 2 birds with one stone (or post if you will).

Like most people here, if the topic doesn't interest me, I skip it. I also know how to click on those little numbers at the bottom of the page to get to Page 2, 3 ect (having problems counting higher than 3 right now :o )

On rare occasions, I may even POST A NEW TOPIC, like announcing ANOTHER PARTY in PATTAYA !

If that new topic looks like it's in danger of dropping off Page 1, respond to one of the replies, or post an update, just to keep it fresh.

Now if I could only stop replying to topics like these, I might actually have time to post a new topic myself, perhaps announcing ANOTHER PARTY in PATTAYA, or something like that :D

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Fat Tony, all those posts in a single thread and not one of them in the slightest bit funny, clever or in any way meaningful. You come across as an idiot and really should think before you type.

How can there be anything wrong with news about Pattaya being posted in a Pattaya forum?

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Tony good attempt at trying to promote your friends bloggs....but your attacks and comments are really boring.

Do you think that with your humourless pathetic comments that you can by yourself change the direction of this forum? ...If you do then you are just a dreamer..

I for one will not be listening to any bloggs that you wish to promote bcause like your utterrances I am sure that they will be boring as well.

Brit keep up the good work as all the non spammers reading this forum wish to know what is going on in Pattaya. :o

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Mr fox, I will persevere, I wish I could emulate such great and interesting posters such as yourself and Mr Bounder, But alas I fear that I shall never reach such great literary heights that you have so far achieved, I feel honoured to have my posts next to such a great poster such as yourself.

Anyway back to the main point of this topic, why not just stick a sticky at the top for Pattaya city spews and have done with it, then at least then we can discuss interesting stuff on here like the blues factory and all the gogo bars, with out having it knocked onto the secound page due to irrelevant and boring news?

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Please keep me informed about any possible fight which may occur, it will make a great news story. By the way, that audio blog site is extremely boring. Big Tony, you have obviously got too much time on your hands or spend too much time with your hand on your time piece.

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Fat Tony, all those posts in a single thread and not one of them in the slightest bit funny, clever or in any way meaningful.  You come across as an idiot and really should think before you type.

How can there be anything wrong with news about Pattaya being posted in a Pattaya forum?

Well bounder, I have read all your 16 posts and all I can say is you must be the most boring fok in the world, It must be quite sad to be as boring as you you halfwit.

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My goodness, leave you folks alone for a day and look what you have done? :o

Made quite a pile of meaningless posts I see Tig Bony! :D

Someone mentioned 141 posts by TB? Seems there has been some culling going on, because he's down to 120 posts, 90 of them in the past 24 hours! :D

BTW, is there any chance you could put off the big dust-up until NEXT SATURDAY when I'll be back in town? :D

"Very funny Poppa, I like it.

Would be a laugh to see one of the Zimmer boys in action.

Might get a bit messy with colostomy bags flying around

best to sit in the bar over the road and watch".

Actually, I was thinking they had TORN DOWN the bars across the street? About the same time as the Vientiene? But you may have been talking about the bar across Soi Yamato. And since the thai locals will want the beer concession, maybe I could nab onto the programs and souvenir market? :D

Keep on givin' 'er Brit! I know I appreciate your dedication and the PCN articles are often worth reading and comment.


OMG! He's posted FIVE MORE in the time I was posting one!!! hehehehehee.. :D:D

Edited by WISteve
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:D :D :cheesy

Edit: Oooops! I was no amused by Tig Bony utterly crap diatribe I realised I must be bored out of my skull.... I´m surprised that the 17 year olds on this forum are more eloquent, and intelligent than some bat fastard, presumably in Leicester, who is so crap... But enough must surely be enough.

Even the crappiest humour gets really old quick.

What say Mods...? I am but a humble user, but it´s about time to hit the button on this HickDead, no?

Or else,... (where´s the excitement without an ultimatum :o:D ) I´ll just have to get nasty. :D

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