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Compulsive Possessive Thai Girlfriend


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I have this Thai girl for about 4 years, now she is sick to the bone jealous, I have made clear I'm sick and tired of this and to leave me the f.... alone.

However this fall I'm travelling back home to Chiang Mai to spend the winter in Thailand. I'm sure she will be standing behind me as soon as I sit my ass on the first bar stool I come across, enyoing a cold, well earned Leo. In the past she's waited out for me, after i have been out with the guys for some beers and chased me with a butcher' s knife, my luck was that the security guard was awake to stop her from doing any serious damage.

Sombody had the same experience?? and what can I best do; don't want to bring a lot of trouble on her.


Thanks for your time,


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Sounds like you have a minder/jailer. I guess she lives in CM, you told her you were returning, you stay together, and you foresee this will be a repeat of the past.

I went with a lady for about half a dozen times, who had similar traits, as your girl friend, I left on the night train and never darkened her door again. Knife, and stalking aside, sounds like she has you by the short hairs. Hundreds of places to hide out in/around Chiang Mai. What would you do if this was a big old hairy legged boy who was harassing you?

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Get rid of all scissors in the house. Make sure you disable the microwave and food processor before you go to sleep. It might be worth disabling the toilet flush as well. It might be a good advice to lock up all valuables. If you happen to own geese or dogs, make sure they are not the least hungry.


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Send her an email and tell her that you are so sick and tired of her 'issues', that you are going to spend your time in Phuket in the company of other Thai women who are far sexier than her and ten times better in bed.

In fact, you should tell her that you will be Bangla Road, Patong every night betwenn 10pm and 1am, especially at the Aussie Bar, Rock City etc etc.

If nothing else, she will waste a fortune in time and money as she searches the Patong bars for you


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If you have to go to Chiang Mai please do not tell her you are coming. Stalkers are the worst even in the states. My ex-girlfriend had a female stalker, this woman had been a patient and just took it to serious. Left underwear on the poarch of the business, filled up the answering machine at the business and of personal phone. The ex finally got a lawyer to write a letter to stop and it worked,months later the stalker was admitted to mental health hospital.

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you know what you have to do,if you cant work it out your doomed :annoyed:

Exactly, the OP needs to do what any other normal farang would do.

Very simply ................ he needs to marry her.

No more jealousy; no more stalking. A life of bliss!

Edited by andrewbkk
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you know what you have to do,if you cant work it out your doomed :annoyed:

Exactly, the OP needs to do what any other normal farang would do.

Very simply ................ he needs to marry her.

No more jealousy; no more stalking. A life of bliss!

Hahaha its all bliss until he orders a drink from a female waitress and she thinks he's cheating cuts his dick off.

I dont really see the issue here, just cut off all contact problem solved.

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Chiangmai is a big place, but if you insist on drinking in the same area this girl works, what do you expect? I bet your still talking to her, via email or phone, if you are your just fueling the fire. Does she know your coming to CM?

It's not hard to avoid someone in a city, there are lots of places to drink in CM. OK, it's easy just stop all contact with her now and when you get here, just stay outside a 300m radios from where she lives or works……..Job done. But, why do I think you will go in to the bar where she works on the first night back! Some people just love to star in their own soap……..Are you one of them?

Edited by Tonto21
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if the op doesnt take the advice given he could end up like a drinking buddy i had in the eighties,evey 6months he would visit his tgf in patts.and she was a sycho,he bought her a house,1year later he married her,on that day he left me to go and see were is new wife was,she was in bed with her so called brother,came back to were i was and told me,i did warn him before but wouldnt listen,10min later she came in the bar and stabbed him luck was on his side the knife went into his belt and she cut her hand,last i knew he was still paying for the house. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

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Love is freedom! If you love someone; and he wants to leave you – let him go; and if he comes back to you later and you want him back then enjoy him, but only for the period of time that he would enjoy being with you and you with him. She has no ideal what is Love but she has a ideal what is a possession. More often than not, when we use the word love with respect to others, we actually mean love for ourselves. In other words, we love what that person does for us, the way he or she makes us feel. The bottom line is that we do not really love others, rather, we love ourselves. What we often feel as love for others is actually just an extension of our love for ourselves.

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Another"2-poster" (whose been here 4, count'm-four years) with a serious girlfriend problem.

If you are not a Troll, please tell all of us how guys like you get involved with nuts like her? Booze, maybe?

Okay, forget Chiang Mai. It's finished for you, bud. You need new haunts where you can attempt to behave in an intelligent, sober and mature manner and find a real nice girl.

Please report back.

Edited by happyrobert
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A lot of these guys probably have had missing or incomplete relationships with their mothers. For the women, it's a pretty good bet that a missing or sub par father figure in the past plays a role in producing this type of behavior.


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I had a GF like that, only one in Thailand, it was my first experience with Thai women, used to get very violent after a few Singhas.

I knocked her out one day after she attacked me with a Kitchen knife, went to the police and paid them to tell her to frig off, and she did, thing is, I still found myself seeking her out at times! :blink:

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A lot of these guys probably have had missing or incomplete relationships with their mothers. For the women, it's a pretty good bet that a missing or sub par father figure in the past plays a role in producing this type of behavior.

That's a really good post.

Way too many foreign men here in Thailand are emotionally needy.

And very many Thai women are jealous and controlling.

Like attracts like.

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You have been banging the same woman for 4 years and now you want out citing her behaviour? Her behaviour came out of the blues after 4 years?


I have this Thai girl for about 4 years, now she is sick to the bone jealous, I have made clear I'm sick and tired of this and to leave me the f.... alone.

However this fall I'm travelling back home to Chiang Mai to spend the winter in Thailand. I'm sure she will be standing behind me as soon as I sit my ass on the first bar stool I come across, enyoing a cold, well earned Leo. In the past she's waited out for me, after i have been out with the guys for some beers and chased me with a butcher' s knife, my luck was that the security guard was awake to stop her from doing any serious damage.

Sombody had the same experience?? and what can I best do; don't want to bring a lot of trouble on her.


Thanks for your time,


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Find a big rough looking lady boy who likes beer and football. You will have a drinking mate and bodyguard. Problem solved.

HAHAHA, you certainly know how to come up with a practical solution :D

Probably safer to join the legion, though

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be careful mate. You know the saying. Hell hath no fury....

Also life is cheap. Some guy from the sticks can be paid to pop you for a few thousand baht. Happens all the time in Phuket.

God knows there's too many motorbikes to be watching out for. That is if she doesnt flip out and do it her self thinking:

If I can't have him then nobody can....

Move somewhere else!

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I had a GF like that, only one in Thailand, it was my first experience with Thai women, used to get very violent after a few Singhas.

I knocked her out one day after she attacked me with a Kitchen knife, went to the police and paid them to tell her to frig off, and she did, thing is, I still found myself seeking her out at times! :blink:

Obviously an incurable romantic ;)

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