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They seem OK now. It is a small office, not too bussy. Seems they had the scam of charging people to visit their home (first extension only )for an extension of stay based on marriage, but believe they have abolished that. We had a report they now charge for a home visit at Phitsanulok immigration.

For the rest only seen positive reports about Nan.



I had to pay 3000 bht for a home visit in December last year. We are in Uttaradit which is 200 kilos from Nan so I am at loss to understand why I cannot use the Phitsanulok office which is only 80 kilos away. Apart from the home visit fee the service at Nan is always good and there is very little waiting time. They also allow 90 day reporting by mail

Norfolk Boy



I had to pay 3000 bht for a home visit in December last year. We are in Uttaradit which is 200 kilos from Nan so I am at loss to understand why I cannot use the Phitsanulok office which is only 80 kilos away. Apart from the home visit fee the service at Nan is always good and there is very little waiting time. They also allow 90 day reporting by mail

Norfolk Boy

Because Immigration office is determined by province, as below, rather than shortest distance:

Immigration Division 5

1. Chiang Mai (เชียงใหม่) - - - Lamphun (ล าพูน) Lampang (ล าปาง)

2. Chiang Rai (เชียงราย) - - - Phayao (พะเยา)

3. Tak (ตาก) - - - Sukhothai (สุโขทัย)

4. Nan (น่าน) - - - Uttaradit (อุตรดิตถ์) Phrae (แพร่)

5. Phitsanulok (พิษณุโลก) - - - Phetchabun (เพชรบูรณ์) Phichit (พิจิตร)

6. Nakhon Sawan (นครสวรรค์) - - - Kamphaeng Phet (ก าแพงเพชร) Uthai Thani (อุทัยธานี)

7. Mae Hong Son (แม่ฮ่องสอน)

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