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Let'S Be Nice To Each Other


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All the time I read the threads on this forum I feel thatthere is so much more

of the positive input that is never posted. However, thereis always plenty of

the forum members who wish to throw cold water on sensitivetopics or posts that

moderators maybe sometimes should control a bit moreaggressively. Because

on here there are so many members that we should make asmuch as we can of

thaivisa.com and use it for our benefit rather than slageach other off. Most of us

are people who live here and there are quite a few who visitregularly, plus a few

w*nkers who just come on the forums to diss other memberswith negative comments

and corrections of the odd English grammar or spellingmistakes. We shouldn’t act like

Nazis who insist on everything being perfect. This is anopen forum for all the members

who feel that they have opinions or want to ask a questionor help other members who

have queries to discuss. There are so many of ushow and so many sub-forums that

no matter what topics we start, there should only be constructiveadvice like that from our

friends in the real world and normal societies. This forumis fantastic for giving advice

and answering each others’ problems. I feel that as soon assomeone posts there are

too many members who want to jump on the negative bandwagonand criticise others too

much. What we all need to do is think carefully about whatwe write and post and take the

time to proof read our inputs and think carefully about howour posts might have an effect

on the feelings of other thaivisa members. The members hereshould all treat the rest like

their real friends and not like children or enemies. Sorry torant, but I don’t want to dirty my

hands with the negativity that is so unnecessarily prevalenton this wonderful forum.

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I do agree with OP.Any Thai with education and read english good must think we are such pathetic loosers with all arguments and flaming go on here.Especially so many know it all about Thai poitics and while farang cannot even vote.Thai people must laugh at you

I do start to read Thai lately and see many forums from Thai talking to each other.no flaming or bad word, actualty very poite and friendle in manner. To bad we do not see here :rolleyes:

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Grammar and spelling is not here to make us squabble, but to make things clearer and easier to read.

With less misunderstandings, which is my pet peeve as there is just as much who fall short in comprehension or speed read without attempting to properly digest the info within which causes as many tiffs as there is using poor grammar..

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I do agree with OP.Any Thai with education and read english good must think we are such pathetic loosers with all arguments and flaming go on here.Especially so many know it all about Thai poitics and while farang cannot even vote.Thai people must laugh at you

I do start to read Thai lately and see many forums from Thai talking to each other.no flaming or bad word, actualty very poite and friendle in manner. To bad we do not see here :rolleyes:

Different cultures different means of expression ... It's like trying to compare a spoon and a fork ...

Buddhism culture hate confrontation ... western culture thrive on philosophical debates and Hegelian argumentation.

No wrong no right, just 2 different cultures.

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What we all need to do is think carefully about whatwe write and post and take the

time to proof read our input

Sorry to be the bearer of the bad news,but taking just a quick look at the OP,you clearly failed on that one.

Edited by janverbeem
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I agree. This and other forums are supposed to be used as an information source to assist others politely and responsibly. I have read threads on TV on and off for 3 to 4 years now and only recently decided to engage in some. But I see why I will mostly watch from the cheap seats. To some, this has become a playground of sorts bringing limited value. The General Topics is the worst. I also wish people would use the search function a lot more to avoid rehashing the endless debates.

I too wish the moderators would warn people that are drifting off tangent from the OP inquiry with personal digs at people. If you think the person is a troll, then simply do not respond. They will go away.

On a side note, I will admit that I have read some funny bantering but sadly they seldom last as people soon make it personal.

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Yes it would be nice if everyone could behave, stay on topic, answer informatively and helpfully but sadly that is not the case and every troll with a computer is out there on the internet posting away.

That said, if you see threads that veer far off course, contain abuse or nastiness, then the best and simplest method to help this forum remain a helpful place for all is to use the report button.

Additionally, you can try starting topics of interest that don't appear to be complaints or trolls, you can choose to not respond to those who do, you can choose to make this place the positive place you want it to be rather than sit from the sidelines and complain because the moderators aren't fixing it for you.

And now that you've had your dig at the mods and everyone else, this topic is closed. I would highly suggest that for those of you who want a better place, that you seriously consider what it is that YOU can do to make it so.

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