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Yingluck's Real Journey Has Begun


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Yingluck's real journey has begun

By Tulsathit Taptim


So, Episode III here we come.

It has officially begun, with Yingluck Shinawatra vowing to bring back political peace and never to work for any particular person or group. If that sounds very familiar to you, it's because Abhisit Vejjajiva made exactly the same pledges in late 2008. Out he has limped and in she strides.

The transition was smooth. We have clear-cut election results to thank for that. Again, feeling déjà vu? That might be because the late Samak Sundaravej took the country's helm in similar manner in early 2008. There had been a coup, military rule, and widespread speculation after the Council for Nation Security "returned the power to the people" that a pro-Thaksin resurgence would be blocked at all costs. Against all odds, Samak did it, although what happened after he became prime minister was another story.

And here it goes for Yingluck. The much-taunted Thai democracy continues to display its funny side. Not only has a pro-Thaksin political movement resumed power, but his sister has become Thailand's first female prime minister, and the man "hiding" in exile has had to deny that he's the one setting up her first Cabinet. If he was really doing it as alleged, take it any way you like - a boost to democracy or an insult of dictatorship.

Old names and familiar tales are re-appearing. Thaksin's ex-wife Pojaman has managed to resurrect her presence through the headlines without necessarily having to appear in public. Thaksin's other siblings have been busy handling visitors scrambling for Cabinet posts. Revenue authorities are also right on cue regarding tax issues concerning the Shinawatras. Some top men in uniform or law enforcement big guns, the DSI chief in particular, are having sleepless nights.

What differentiates this from Episode I? Obviously, it is the deep division that was not yet there when Thaksin reigned and which was just developing during Samak's tenure. Like Abhisit, Yingluck inherited a country wrecked by detrimental partisan politics. She is torn between the urge or pressure to help her big brother and the knowledge that such an agenda could crush real reconciliation in the process.

In Episode I, it was all about "assets" or wealth. This time it could be a fight for pride and dignity, and various sources have confirmed that Thaksin's only wish remains that he is allowed to return home with his head high and without having to go straight to jail. We should not count his seized Bt46 billion out, though, simply because that's a lot of money.

Another difference from Episode I is that the yellow shirts, Thaksin's sworn enemies, have all but gone into hibernation. Unlike Samak, Yingluck will still be able to work at Government House come what may. But like Samak and Thaksin, she faces the temptation of interpreting the election mandate in favour of vested interests. With or without the yellow shirts, the alarm bell will scream if she falls into that trap.

In her acceptance speech, Yingluck said that she expected tough challenges and scrutiny as the first woman ever to lead Thailand. What was left unsaid was that the challenges and scrutiny would have more to do with the fact that she is Thaksin's sister. Yingluck touched upon this taboo only in passing, vowing that she would never exercise the voters' mandate in favour of any particular group or person.

As we can see, the stage is set for either a breakthrough, or a return to the vicious cycle. Confronted with the same circumstances that have proved risky or dangerous in the past, Yingluck can choose to cope with them using the old mindsets or new ones. Picking the right approach will be her best protection.

If Yingluck is looking vulnerable, it's not because she's a young woman and a political newcomer who reportedly needs someone to slip her a script every time a sensitive question is asked. If her status seems shaky, it's because we compare it with that of her apparently invincible brother in the early 2000s. For all its omnipresence and the relatively harmonious situation of Thailand during those days, his government could not survive.

On one hand, Yingluck is overseeing a dramatic political resurgence. On the other, she's starting off less powerful than her brother a decade ago in a country much more divided now than then. Old players in new, probably more dangerous circumstances, are marking the beginning of this new episode, in which she is the only fresh face. The loud cheers heard during her televised inauguration ushered her in and brought the curtain down on a fairy tale.

Reality, which has been a silent spectator, is waiting.


-- The Nation 2011-08-10

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Like her or not, Yingluck was democratically elected by the Thai people.

She embodies what the Thai people at large wants.

To call her names, put labels on her is not only unkind to the Thai people, but also infantile.

It is obvious that lack of maturity and/or character motivate those premature comments.

Wait until she starts to fail the Thai people. Until she blunders in another war with a neighboring country, wait until she orders crackdowns on protesters.

Wait until she proves deserving of true criticism. Otherwise it sound like sour grapes..

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Like her or not, Yingluck was democratically elected by the Thai people.

She embodies what the Thai people at large wants.

To call her names, put labels on her is not only unkind to the Thai people, but also infantile.

It is obvious that lack of maturity and/or character motivate those premature comments.

Wait until she starts to fail the Thai people. Until she blunders in another war with a neighboring country, wait until she orders crackdowns on protesters.

Wait until she proves deserving of true criticism. Otherwise it sound like sour grapes..

I call conspiring to defraud the Thai people of billions in tax, and perjuring myself in court failing the Thai people, not to mention an ethics evaluation.

War? A couple of border clashes, IMHO instigated by Hun Sen to destabilise the govt as a favour to his mate Takki - hardly a war!

Crackdown on protesters? Those that were offered what they demanded, but still refused to leave, attacked RTA troops, and fired grenades indiscriminately around the city? those protesters?

I'd rather eat sour grapes than drink the Happy-Ade.

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She is torn between the urge or pressure to help her big brother and the knowledge that such an agenda could crush real reconciliation in the process.

I'm sure she's very torn between restoring the 76 billion in family assets and 'reconciliation'

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Like her or not, Yingluck was democratically elected by the Thai people.

She embodies what the Thai people at large wants.

To call her names, put labels on her is not only unkind to the Thai people, but also infantile.

It is obvious that lack of maturity and/or character motivate those premature comments.

Wait until she starts to fail the Thai people. Until she blunders in another war with a neighboring country, wait until she orders crackdowns on protesters.

Wait until she proves deserving of true criticism. Otherwise it sound like sour grapes..

Actually She was not elected by the Thai people at all.

She is a party list MP and represents no constituency at all.

Having said that I am all for giving her the chance as long as she expects to be treated like any other MP or Prime Minister.

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Like her or not, Yingluck was democratically elected by the Thai people.

She embodies what the Thai people at large wants.

To call her names, put labels on her is not only unkind to the Thai people, but also infantile.

It is obvious that lack of maturity and/or character motivate those premature comments.

Wait until she starts to fail the Thai people. Until she blunders in another war with a neighboring country, wait until she orders crackdowns on protesters.

Wait until she proves deserving of true criticism. Otherwise it sound like sour grapes..

Actually She was not elected by the Thai people at all.

She is a party list MP and represents no constituency at all.

Having said that I am all for giving her the chance as long as she expects to be treated like any other MP or Prime Minister.

Then if there are problems that she cannot deal with should people start to criticise.

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Like her or not, Yingluck was democratically elected by the Thai people.

She embodies what the Thai people at large wants.

To call her names, put labels on her is not only unkind to the Thai people, but also infantile.

It is obvious that lack of maturity and/or character motivate those premature comments.

Wait until she starts to fail the Thai people. Until she blunders in another war with a neighboring country, wait until she orders crackdowns on protesters.

Wait until she proves deserving of true criticism. Otherwise it sound like sour grapes..

No immaturity or sour grapes on my part pisico, simply an understanding of who this woman truly represents and all that entails.

Not sure what you mean "another war with a neighbouring country", unless you mean the rather childish skirmishes between the Thai and Cambodian military forces over an ancient Khmer temple? But I will wait until she deserves true criticism, not long now I feel.

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Perhaps the "Fairy Tale" is Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatters PT Party?

Have to agree, but I see Yingluk as the Cheshire cat - all smile and no substance, and after a while just fading away.

in that case, how long before we hear "off with their heads" ?

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Like her or not, Yingluck was democratically elected by the Thai people.

She embodies what the Thai people at large wants.

For better or worse, she and her party did win the election and thus the right to govern the country...

But, as regards to her as an individual, it's kind of hard for anyone to ignore the fact that there's no way in the world she ever would have become prime minister of Thailand were she not Thaksin's sister, and he really needed someone to serve as his proxy/clone amid his absence.

That's not exactly the usual kind of qualification for office that a country's prime minister brings to the job...

I must say....if she and her government end up choosing reconciliation and impartiality and the rule of law over self-interest and many billions of baht into the family's coffers, there will be a whole lot of people around these parts with their jaws hitting the floor... :rolleyes:

That unlikely prospect kind of reminds me of that old phrase from the original "Star Trek" TV series.... "to go where no man (in Thailand) has gone before..."

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