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Riots and looting spreads to Greater Manchester on fourth day of violence


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Petition on Government website calling for looters to be evicted from council houses receives 83,000 signatures in 24 hours

  • Website crashed under the strain
  • Those convicted will lose their benefit entitlement

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UgaxJPo1

If you or someone you know is ordinarily resident in UK they can sign the petition here. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/7337)

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The authoritarians, keyboard facists, haters of their own country and simple minded are out in force. Events like this always seem to bring out the worst in everyone bar probably the father of one of the dead men and oddly enough all the drunken idiots singing "edl" and "engerland" down Eltham way would probably love to have him removed from the country for not being "British", which in their eyes equates to white and right wing

The spirit of 30s Europe is alive and well, unfortunately

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Petition on Government website calling for looters to be evicted from council houses receives 83,000 signatures in 24 hours

  • Website crashed under the strain
  • Those convicted will lose their benefit entitlement

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1UgaxJPo1

If you or someone you know is ordinarily resident in UK they can sign the petition here. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/7337)

I was born and bred in Manchester ,and have seen how deterioration has taken place in the last 3 decades,although I agree with what you write, not just in this thread but all the others you have added your opinion to, as you appear to be a person of the "old school" just like myself, never the less they can sign as many petitions as they like ,nothing positive will happen as the "little darlings" have the strength of the "human rights" act behind them, so foolishly I may add brought in by the Labour party ,after being warned much and more by the Tories they would open a can of worms they could NEVER close ,now legal firms are making millions out of legal aid taxpayers money to defend the "so called rights" of the worst elements that now reside in the former"Great Britain". Edited by Colin Yai
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Seen it on the BBC too, there is a warning given 'This video contains some disturbing images' and yes I must admit being a bit disturbed when the riot police stopped hitting the little scallies.

Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

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I went into a travel agent yesterday in Bangkok, and they are issuing warnings to holidaymakers not to travel to England at the moment. Isn't it ironic that just over a year ago, the UK (among other countries) was issuing the same warnings about travelling to Thailand during the red shirt problems.

From The Telegraph

However, more damaging to tourism and Britain's reputation abroad were widespread travel warnings yesterday from Britain's closest international partners warning their citizens to "take extreme care when venturing" to London.

European Union "partner" countries, such as France, Latvia, Italy, Sweden, Denmark and Finland, issued advice yesterday warning their holidaying citizens to be vigilant while visiting Britain.

"It is strongly recommended that French nationals stay away from the crowds that can form in urban centres and should exercise extreme caution in the city's nightlife," said advice from the French embassy yesterday (TUES).

Britain's closest international ally, the United States warned Americans that "the current situation remains fluid" after civil disturbances throughout the country.

"If you find yourself near any civil unrest, leave," the US "citizens' services" website warned. "Do not challenge debate or make unwise comments. This will only increase your chance of becoming a victim of violence."

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The authoritarians, keyboard facists, haters of their own country and simple minded are out in force. Events like this always seem to bring out the worst in everyone bar probably the father of one of the dead men and oddly enough all the drunken idiots singing "edl" and "engerland" down Eltham way would probably love to have him removed from the country for not being "British", which in their eyes equates to white and right wing

The spirit of 30s Europe is alive and well, unfortunately

<deleted>, The haters of their own Country are the ones who have been running it for the last few decades when a bloated nanny state has rotted it's finances and morality to the core. You are seeing the average man in the street finally having enough of these parasites and in time we will no doubt end up with a far more authoritarian government, but it's the leftards who have caused this.

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The authoritarians, keyboard facists, haters of their own country and simple minded are out in force. Events like this always seem to bring out the worst in everyone bar probably the father of one of the dead men and oddly enough all the drunken idiots singing "edl" and "engerland" down Eltham way would probably love to have him removed from the country for not being "British", which in their eyes equates to white and right wing

The spirit of 30s Europe is alive and well, unfortunately

<deleted>, The haters of their own Country are the ones who have been running it for the last few decades when a bloated nanny state has rotted it's finances and morality to the core. You are seeing the average man in the street finally having enough of these parasites and in time we will no doubt end up with a far more authoritarian government, but it's the leftards who have caused this.

I would have to disagree.

It is those who support a woman's right to have children on her own without the ability to support those children on her own who I blame.

(Either after a divorce or for those who never bothered to have a regular partner)

Children need live-in Fathers!

or to be more politically correct, children need two parents co-habiting!

Edited by ludditeman
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Devatsar hit the nail on the head, the justice system does not punish those found guilty of such crime severely enough. Even when punished with a sentance, I somewhat feel that justice is not being done. There is a lot to be said for the many countries that dish out the punishment equivalent to that of the nature of the crime.

An eye for eye is the only way, The UK lost the plot decades ago.

UK has nowhere to lock them up, that's why so many suspended sentences are given out. The jails are full of E. Europeans, Nigerians etc let alone our own natives.

Few years back my mate had a bunch of yobs, juveniles, ransacked his shop with him in it, we new who they were, and they were rounded up. They all appeared in court and were fined 5 pounds. :angry:

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The authoritarians, keyboard facists, haters of their own country and simple minded are out in force. Events like this always seem to bring out the worst in everyone bar probably the father of one of the dead men and oddly enough all the drunken idiots singing "edl" and "engerland" down Eltham way would probably love to have him removed from the country for not being "British", which in their eyes equates to white and right wing

The spirit of 30s Europe is alive and well, unfortunately

<deleted>, The haters of their own Country are the ones who have been running it for the last few decades when a bloated nanny state has rotted it's finances and morality to the core. You are seeing the average man in the street finally having enough of these parasites and in time we will no doubt end up with a far more authoritarian government, but it's the leftards who have caused this.

MMmmmm so back to the good old victorian days or some other time period it is then. Nah they had riots then and before and after. Probably the most riot free time was after the war when the welfare state was set up. It has been more with the dismantling of it that riots have seen a big return. Plenty in the 80s too. The haters of the country are the ones telling others in it what they should do, be and who can live in it like the edl and bnp. We aint going nowhere as country by peddling hate and fear. The problems of the coutnry need to be addressed by all in a positive way that is inclusive. Exclusion creates social disharmony and rioting. Of course the bnp and edl know this and love it as without the fear, rioting and disharmony they are politically irrelevant so they need it and sowing seeds of hatred based on colour of skin or ethnicity or not being "English" ie even being white and liking multiculturalism

Parasites. Hmm I think you have to look at the upper echelons of British society if you want to find parasitical role models. Plenty of them not paying tax while donating shed loads of dosh to the Tories and telling Cameron and his muckers what policies they are allowed and not allowed to implement. I doubt a bunch of dole scroungers as annoying as they may seem have quite the same ability to screw up the country as the parasites at the top.

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Yep the Brits really set a new lower standard for civil behavior in that part of the world, makes the yellow/red/blue-shirts here look like a well behaved kindergarten....but good to see that the police is doing their job, well done

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I just look at what is happening in the UK and know that unless the politicians in my own country stop pandering to the do gooders I will see the same thing in my backyard in about 10 years.

I know we had the Cronulla riots but that was the aussies taking back the streets for aussies. Multiculturalism, just for the sake of it, clearly isn't working. Lack of discipline on the young folk, clearly isn't working.

It's time some of these little sh*ts learn a bit about being a community and that there is a price to pay for unsocial activities and civil disobedience.

I heard on the news this morning that the British PM is basically allowing the police to use whatever they like, however they like. Go get em lads.

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Devatsar hit the nail on the head, the justice system does not punish those found guilty of such crime severely enough. Even when punished with a sentance, I somewhat feel that justice is not being done. There is a lot to be said for the many countries that dish out the punishment equivalent to that of the nature of the crime.

An eye for eye is the only way, The UK lost the plot decades ago.

UK has nowhere to lock them up, that's why so many suspended sentences are given out. The jails are full of E. Europeans, Nigerians etc let alone our own natives.

Few years back my mate had a bunch of yobs, juveniles, ransacked his shop with him in it, we new who they were, and they were rounded up. They all appeared in court and were fined 5 pounds. :angry:

Good job he didnt attack these youths in his shop or he would be banged up and fined thousands........................sums it all up eh :realangry:

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MMmmmm so back to the good old victorian days or some other time period it is then. Nah they had riots then and before and after. Probably the most riot free time was after the war when the welfare state was set up. It has been more with the dismantling of it that riots have seen a big return. Plenty in the 80s too. The haters of the country are the ones telling others in it what they should do, be and who can live in it like the edl and bnp. We aint going nowhere as country by peddling hate and fear. The problems of the coutnry need to be addressed by all in a positive way that is inclusive. Exclusion creates social disharmony and rioting. Of course the bnp and edl know this and love it as without the fear, rioting and disharmony they are politically irrelevant so they need it and sowing seeds of hatred based on colour of skin or ethnicity or not being "English" ie even being white and liking multiculturalism

Parasites. Hmm I think you have to look at the upper echelons of British society if you want to find parasitical role models. Plenty of them not paying tax while donating shed loads of dosh to the Tories and telling Cameron and his muckers what policies they are allowed and not allowed to implement. I doubt a bunch of dole scroungers as annoying as they may seem have quite the same ability to screw up the country as the parasites at the top.

Firstly the riots are not about poverty, they are about a misplaced sense of entitlement, incidentally if there were few riots in the post war period it was probably more down to people rolling their sleeves up and rebuilding the Country rather than the setting up of the welfare state.

This is not about race, it's about a mentally and morally deficient underclass that span all ethnicity. Incidentally you also lump the EDL and BNP into the same basket no doubt without even bothering to have read the EDL manifesto, which is explicitly not anti any race, but anti militant Islam, they even have Jewish groups and gay groups in their number, but such minorities obviously don't pass the left wing sniff test.

Finally, in case you have been in a coma for the last decade let me point out that the Orwellian Sith lord, Blair and the even more repugnant Brown presided over the ruination of UK finances going from a surplus inherited from the last Tory government to a massive deficit. During said period the public sector swelled from 39% of the economy to 53%, armies of social workers, legal aid, community liason officers and a whole tier of hangers on became themselves dependent on the newly created constituency of the benefits underclass breeding like flies and ruining the Country from within.

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Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

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MMmmmm so back to the good old victorian days or some other time period it is then. Nah they had riots then and before and after. Probably the most riot free time was after the war when the welfare state was set up. It has been more with the dismantling of it that riots have seen a big return. Plenty in the 80s too. The haters of the country are the ones telling others in it what they should do, be and who can live in it like the edl and bnp. We aint going nowhere as country by peddling hate and fear. The problems of the coutnry need to be addressed by all in a positive way that is inclusive. Exclusion creates social disharmony and rioting. Of course the bnp and edl know this and love it as without the fear, rioting and disharmony they are politically irrelevant so they need it and sowing seeds of hatred based on colour of skin or ethnicity or not being "English" ie even being white and liking multiculturalism

Parasites. Hmm I think you have to look at the upper echelons of British society if you want to find parasitical role models. Plenty of them not paying tax while donating shed loads of dosh to the Tories and telling Cameron and his muckers what policies they are allowed and not allowed to implement. I doubt a bunch of dole scroungers as annoying as they may seem have quite the same ability to screw up the country as the parasites at the top.

Firstly the riots are not about poverty, they are about a misplaced sense of entitlement, incidentally if there were few riots in the post war period it was probably more down to people rolling their sleeves up and rebuilding the Country rather than the setting up of the welfare state.

This is not about race, it's about a mentally and morally deficient underclass that span all ethnicity. Incidentally you also lump the EDL and BNP into the same basket no doubt without even bothering to have read the EDL manifesto, which is explicitly not anti any race, but anti militant Islam, they even have Jewish groups and gay groups in their number, but such minorities obviously don't pass the left wing sniff test.

Finally, in case you have been in a coma for the last decade let me point out that the Orwellian Sith lord, Blair and the even more repugnant Brown presided over the ruination of UK finances going from a surplus inherited from the last Tory government to a massive deficit. During said period the public sector swelled from 39% of the economy to 53%, armies of social workers, legal aid, community liason officers and a whole tier of hangers on became themselves dependent on the newly created constituency of the benefits underclass breeding like flies and ruining the Country from within.

Poverty has a lot to do with it, without poverty they wouldn't have much of a reason to riot. You will also find that the lack of riots after the wars was because the country was united against an outside enemy, there was a sense of unity. Today the only unity from the low economic society is their hatred of the government that has done nothing to close the gap between rich and poor. When there is a large gap there is always unrest. Add in a bit of multiculturalism and bobs your uncle for a nice little riot every now and again.

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Here's an intelligent analysis of what's happening in England.


First let me say well done to the Manchester Police. :clap2:

Rick Bradford, that is a very interesting post, although I must admit I did not read it all, sorry.

I was going to add a post using just one word FRUSTRATION. All of this was a time bomb just waiting to go off.

Governments future and present need to take note. It is time for them to act for the people.

Obviously just my own personal opinion. For what it is worth.


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Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

Good folk have never relied on guns in the UK.


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Funny how many people here are knocking these rioters but supported the red shirts while they were burning down Bangkok and looting here.

Personally I can better understand this one. At least this one was the organic result of years of bigotry and injustice, just like we saw in Watts here in the States. Unlike the red shirts being paid off to revolt.

Heh, I bet a bunch of British are wishing they didn't let their govt take their guns away now!

Explain how ' Bigotry and Injustice ' relates to UK <deleted> acting like a pack of dogs to steal and destroy property. ? .

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Made my day, cheered me up a bit. The rest of the UK, GET YOUR FINGER OUT, crack heads, then perhaps they will think twice.

Hope I don't upset the party but:

1. It was the police, not ordinary Mancunians that did something we like here. The police could have been from anywhere in the UK.

2. The video of the shop being torched in Manchester city centre shows a single guy lighting the match - every other Mancunian stood by and just watched or took pics.

There are few examples, eg. where the Malaysian kid got beat up and robbed and everybody around stood by and didn't even help him when all the sewer rats had gone away, where the UK population did anything worthwhile. I'm not saying there are not examples but I don't see much at all that we can be proud of here. So please, no congratulations where it is not fitting, as it just makes us look even more stupid.

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Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

HERE HERE! The acts of hooliganism by the police on these young youths is sickening. This is the reason why it has got out of control the Police using brute force like cavemen it is UNACCEPTABLE and i hope the police in the video are bought to justice, sacked from the Police force and made to walk the streets apologising to the ethnic communities what disgusting animals they have been.

Edited by PCWORLD
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Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

HERE HERE! The acts of hooliganism by the police on these young youths is sickening. This is the reason why it has got out of control the Police using brute force like cavemen it is UNACCEPTABLE and i hope the police in the video are bought to justice, sacked from the Police force and made to walk the streets apologising to the ethnic communities what disgusting animals they have been.


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Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

HERE HERE! The acts of hooliganism by the police on these young youths is sickening. This is the reason why it has got out of control the Police using brute force like cavemen it is UNACCEPTABLE and i hope the police in the video are bought to justice, sacked from the Police force and made to walk the streets apologising to the ethnic communities what disgusting animals they have been.

While I totally disagree with what you are saying.

Do you work for PC World?

I worked for Dixons Currys PC World for 18yrs until 2007

Edited by kevkev1888
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What are you talking about?

The only animals on the streets are the thugs looting shops and burning buildings.

Fancy your mother tackling that lot on the rampage? No you bloody don't!

How would you like it if that mob beat you up and mugged you of your money? I suppose you'd send them to Rio for rehabilitation.

Every Thai I speak to hates their police force - but they have good reason, because the police here are a corrupt mafia organisation. However we have no reason to hate our police force, who are trying to do their jobs under difficult circumstances.

The police need to stop being soft and gain some respect!

Wake up mate, our PC world isn't working!

Hopefully the police will be identifiable by shoulder numbers.

They must be caught and punished for their illegal actions.

HERE HERE! The acts of hooliganism by the police on these young youths is sickening. This is the reason why it has got out of control the Police using brute force like cavemen it is UNACCEPTABLE and i hope the police in the video are bought to justice, sacked from the Police force and made to walk the streets apologising to the ethnic communities what disgusting animals they have been.

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British Riots - UK Riots - or English Riots?

a lengthy thread elsewhere about being English or British; what would you rather be now?

England riots: Alex Salmond angry as 'UK' headlines sweep Scotland into fray

Scotland's leader fears copycat riots and damage to tourism as media portrays unrest with broad brush.

Alex Salmond, Scotland's first minister, has complained about broadcasters headlining coverage of urban unrest as "UK riots". Salmond said he was not complacent but claimed Scottish society was different from that in England, and that similar riots were much less likely in Scotland.

By referring to the riots as being UK-wide, he said, the risk was increased of copycat riots in Scotland and damage to Scotland's reputation as a tourism destination.

Speaking on BBC Radio Scotland, he said: "We know we have a different society in Scotland, and one of my frustrations was to see this being described on BBC television and Sky as riots in the UK. Well, until such time as we do have a riot in Scotland, then we've seen riots in London and across English cities. It's actually unhelpful to see them inaccurately presented, because one of the dangers we face in Scotland is copycat action."

His stance was backed by Scottish National party MSPs, as well as bloggers, who claimed that Welsh and Northern Irish citizens would share the irritation.


The Scotch whingeing again. We're all in this together or do you want to ask the French for help like you have always done in the past? They complain when things are referred to as 'English' then when there is bad news they want it all described as 'English'. They can't have thier miserable oats and eat them too. The sooner they get independence, end up being a poor society on the margins of Europe, pay the bills for the RBS and stop scrounging off the English taxpayer the better.

Edited by Card
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Poverty has a lot to do with it, without poverty they wouldn't have much of a reason to riot. You will also find that the lack of riots after the wars was because the country was united against an outside enemy, there was a sense of unity. Today the only unity from the low economic society is their hatred of the government that has done nothing to close the gap between rich and poor. When there is a large gap there is always unrest. Add in a bit of multiculturalism and bobs your uncle for a nice little riot every now and again.

I don't know what the political rhetoric is like in England, but in the USA one side is constantly trying to ignite class warfare just for votes. You can't keep putting BS like that in the minds of people and not expect something to erupt.

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