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Why Are You Here?!?


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To be fair to the OP, he's not the only one who thinks as he does.

This from the BBC's cricket commentary

"Aggers, it would help if the fielders didn't have their hands in their pockets. It's not that cold. They need to look interested and show some desire. If you don't want to be here go home."


Quote from the Aussie rules football last weekend.

'He looked left, looked right - and decided to go by himself"

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I think most retirees don't fit into those categories. I think most are here because overall they like Thailand, the visa rules are easy, and it is affordable. While many might not be wealthy by western standards, I don't think it's fair to label most of them as losers.

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Foreigners in Thailand according to andrewbkk:

Sexpats, failures, born losers, criminals, and the mentally ill

Andrew, do you get out of bars much? I mean do you go anywhere else besides, ahem, bars?

I have farang friends that are here because they went to school here, grew up in Bangkok. Where do they fit in on the above list?

Sexpats, Failures, Criminals, Born Losers and the Mentally Ill who happened to go to school and grew up in Thailand ?

Great aint it?

Difficult to be a sexpat if you haven't had sex and didn't decide to leave the country of your origin when you were like, nine years old.. No such thing as a born loser apart from the loser that posted that there is. Mental illness is actually very rare amongst farang people living here simply because they cannot get the support that they require here. Burn out pretty fast.

But the bars tell a different story. Oho. The bars! All the wisdom of the bars!

I moved to Thailand when I was young, settled in real fast. The guys I know that grew up here are the most happy people that I have ever met. But let's get cynical about that - happiness.

I feel like I am supporting the OP's original post when I felt that he was naive for posting it. Who's the sucker?

I don't care. I love Bangkok.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

So, if you're not a senior manager, then you are here because you are an emotionally immature social misfit?

Apparently, if some of us can comfortably retire here at 50 from a major metropolitan police department, I'd have to say that none of your categories are applicable.

Yes, I think you overlooked a few categories.

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Wh i am i here?, easy one really, the advantages outweigh the disvantages, i lived in london for 50 years, enough said ?? Would you go back to all the crap thats going on, AND it will only gets worse !


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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

So, if you're not a senior manager, then you are here because you are an emotionally immature social misfit?

Apparently, if some of us can comfortably retire here at 50 from a major metropolitan police department, I'd have to say that none of your categories are applicable.

Yes, I think you overlooked a few categories.

So ..... why are YOU here. Would you be here if all the women wore veils? Would you be here if sex between foreigners and local women was a massive no?

PLEASE ........ do not tell me that you are here because you love the culture or the history or the architecture or the cuisine.

If you are a successful American retiree .......... why didn't you stay in the States? The answer is simple. You were disillusioned with your country. You doubted your ability to form a meaningful relationship with a woman in your country. You were attracted to Thailand because of cheap and readily available sex.

You can argue as much as you want. You may fool yourself, but you won't fool anyone else.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

Are we going to have a competition to see who can meet most criteria?

I came here because I'm uniquely fond of generalisations and arbitrary judgement of strangers


I can't even remember what it was I came here to get away from.

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you forgot Number 7....."All of the above"


I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

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So where do all of you who slag off "the bars" go for a drink?

That's actually a good question.

I still got to "the bars" and I enjoy the company.

But after a while you kind of move on and do different stuff.

Normal Thai places (which are basically shit holes) are sometimes okay. Prices are not much different, but the girls seem a bit nicer and bit cleaner.

Problem is ............ the bogs are usually disgusting and I've noticed that Thai guys often take a peek when you're having a slash.

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heheh I am here for all the right reasons. I am old ,fat, ugly and have the personality of a rock. But here I am a hansom man the sex is easy and I am a rich man here. I like the cheap booze sang som suits me just fine and when I am in Bangkok I can have sex anytime of the day after 1100 in the morning when the bars open. So if these reasons are not up to your standards to bad. heheheeheheh

Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer

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1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

I like this. It's very observant.

Which are you Andrew?


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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

Well said

+1, and another +1. :)

I'll go along with that. Well said.

Wow! Here's four losers already and the debate not even one page yet.

I came here for the pussy originally.

Nothing changes much.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

I would add another category - the successful relocator.

I had a top job in corporate banking in the UK, I didn't like the way I could see the banking industry, or the UK in general heading so retired at the age of 33 and relocated to Thailand - that was nearly 6 years ago. After a few years of partying I decided to re-qualify, I am now a senior manager for a Thai company working in the oil and gas industry. I travel globally and earn more than I could possibly spend.

I still have property assets in the UK and now some here. I am paid in Thai Baht so have no currency concerns, in fact I am heading home for a holiday next month and will be paying around 35% less for everything than a few years ago :D

So am I a failure, a loser, or just mentally ill?

Edit// Forgot to mention I never had a wife or kids in the UK, which I guess makes a big difference.

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My wife reads this forum and asked me a similar question "Why do so many of the posters stay here if they complain so much?"

I pointed out that many people have more positive than negative experiences and more positive than negative opinions, but that does not make for good reading....

I also pointed out that she and lots of Thai's also complain about taxi's, the traffic, Thai politics, the ineffectiveness of the police force - but at the same time they enjoy living here.

There is nothing wrong with having an opinion and expressing it, especially on a forum which is designed just for that.

OR - should we have a 'nice forum' or a 'rose tinted glasses forum'... Some posters always reply 'if you don't like it go home' - This is one of the most unintelligent responses I witness on Thai Visa.com.

Other posters point out that as we are not Thai citizens we don't have the right to an opinion here. I disagree - by living here and witnessing events we have as much right to an opinion as anyone else, the only difference is our right to vote.

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Op, all you do is perpetuate any negativity with dross like this. Stop wasting bandwidth!

Yes OP. Stop asking questions and using up bandwidth which could otherwise be consumed by someone else. Save the bandwidth no more questions OK - only positive reinforcement permitted !! :whistling:

14 posts in 3 years is clearly using too much bandwidth... besides, on TV you are only allowed to ask questions once you've exceeded 5000 posts... (hmmm.. who's really using up the bandwidth I wonder !).....

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Not many other countries will take me at the moment ........

Hehe. I know the feeling.

But "at the moment" suggests that they may let you in later. Do you expect to become more desirable, or will they become less picky?

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Perhaps there is another group of expats who work overseas and live in Thailand....

In some industries work is offered overseas tax free - Some call this an expat package, however for some it is simply consulting work.

There are many Oil and Gas consultants who have chosen not to work in their home countries and avoid the 40-50% tax they'd have to pay. By not working in Thailand and hence having no work permit they are not required to pay tax in Thailand. The companies they do work for pay their tax in the country in which they work.

The only question remaining is Why Thailand and not some other country with similar loopholes....

For some Thailand is their regional base for working in the international Oil and Gas industry - some live in Malaysia, its for some and not for others, as is Vietnam and Jakarta. Singapore is very expensive, but thats a base for others....

Thailand is not the only choice for expats and foreigners to live and I suspect similar questions are being asked in forums for Costa Rica, Venezuela, Brazil, Vietnam, Cambodia etc... The common denominator for all these countries is that the standard of living is relatively cheap (or has been in the past)....

Women might be they easy answer for most - but I suspect there are many factors beyond this...

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Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

/\ This

With the rest of the world falling apart economically business people are looking to emerging markets like Thailand in order to maintain their investments high rate of return that is all but impossible in the West under the current conditions.

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So what got you so riled up all of a sudden? You've been a member apparently for more than 3 years and a total of 13 posts?

So why are you here?

He probably has a life to live and enjoy unlike some people.

Yeah, 3-year lurker. He seems such a hands-on guy; I imagine he can steer you to some nifty porn sites.

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This is a pretty safe and reliable troll topic, isn't it?

Can one of our members with time on their hands do a search on previous threads on the same topic, to provide some comparison?

Usually its about page four that it tends to degenerate into a slagging match between one or two posters, though I see some have attempted that by drawing offence from andrewbkk's generalisations; I suppose they just don't like to feel like an exception, and feel they must fit into one category or other; and then take offence all the categories offered differ from their own self-image.

I assume, since they are so good at taking offence when none was offered, that they must be scousers or gypsies


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I prefer living in Thailand, for now, why? Well for one the Thai government and establishment is,in my opinion far less oppressive, (for me) than back in fortress Europe.

Europe, in my opinion is fast becoming, (if not there yet) a digitally re-enhanced living version of the film 1984 by George Orwell………….In HD.

My countries government……..The EU is run by white collar crooks. Why am I here, Have you seen what's going on in the UK? The governments of Europe should be in the dock with the rioters…………….Rant over!

Why am Ihere? I like Thailand, I honestly do, but does that mean I have to bear all that happens with good grace, like a smacked-up hippy…….I consider myself to be laid back, but a realist. I reserve the right to have a good drip, when I see fit. If the OP gets away with living in a bubble, self-exposed utopia. Then good for him, just don't tell me I have too.

I don't think the OP gets what 'Thaivisa' is all about, sure it a good source of info, but just as important it's a vent hole, somewhere to unload…..and it helps ifyou bring a sense of humor. One thing is for sure, if you can't accept criticism, well-meaning or sarcastic……………………..Don't post, go back to siting in the viewing gallery, clucking and whining about the contents and quality of the posts. :whistling:

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