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Why Are You Here?!?


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What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?

Agree 100%. If the people on this forum were honest, they'd say the same back in their homeland. These sorts of threads always get hi-jacked by those who think it's their God-given right to insult Thais and Thailand. Criticizing specific issues and problems is one thing--nothing wrong with that. I think the OP is correctly targeting those who aren't giving "constructive criticism" but rather insulting all Thais in all manner of ways, including honesty, intelligence, work ethic....I can go on and on.

The Thais created Thailand for Thais. And if some foreigner has a problem with the way the Thais are running THEIR country, the best....no, the ONLY answer is to tell them to go the <deleted> back to where they came from. I would do the exact same thing in America.

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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

It was well said.

But, quite honestly.. in all of the things you've mentioned above these people are benefitting from this land be it financially, romantically or for whatever other reason.

So, shouldn't they pay this countries people and culture some respect?

You say they're running away from people like me? I post one thread questioning what fuels peoples negativity around here after reading 100s of posts from them over a 3 year span.. am I really the one that's out of line?

Sure you can say "if you don't like it then leave" but, there are some knowledgeable people on here that actually do have some insightful commentary on events that happen in this country that prove to be beneficial to read - which is the reason you'd think this forum was created in the first place.

What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?

This post isn't directed at everyone, if you're enjoying your life here - all the power to ya.

I wasn't meaning to offend anyone and re-reading the original post it was definitely a lil' over-the-top confrontational for which I apologize.

It just gets to become quite tiresome and I'm sure there are some people out there that would agree.

As for coming up with an intelligent thread in 3 years time, that'll be near impossible - every year I seem to get dumber, fatter and uglier...

The country is benefiting from the tourists / sexpats / expats too. So should the country not pay some respects ? Easy to turn the tables. Its not like the people who go here live on benefits like is the case of foreigners coming to our home countries.

I would not mind foreigners commenting on my country as i do the same. If people are right then they are right. (does not mean they always are). Maybe if you live here you will find out that not everything is perfect here. So you can always comment on the bad sides of Thailand. This is still a developing country that is really corrupt with a lot of nationalistic feelings. So yes people will comment on that. Commenting on something is normal everyone does it. (you did too)

I get tired of these posts, because people always assume your miserable when you comment or complain. There are many genuine complaints here. And complaining on one thing does not mean you don't like the total package.

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I get tired of these posts, because people always assume your miserable when you comment or complain. There are many genuine complaints here. And complaining on one thing does not mean you don't like the total package.

This is really a red herring and I think you know this. AGAIN, I think even those of us who tire of the constant whining are much more sympathetic to genuine complaints. It's the unsubstantiated, vicious, and typically racist attacks of ALL Thais and Thailand that becomes tiresome. And this goes on TV all day, every day. Surely you see the distinction.

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I worked here for a number of years. I have had a chance to watch Thailand grow and change from the late 60's to the present. Nothing particularly special about the land, culture or food except there used to be a lot more fish in the ocean. When I got here some of the ladies wore short skirts and had permed hair. Each of us I guess notices different things. It's a feminine place. Almost all of the women and a lot of the men are feminine. Even the very old women can turn girlie is a second. I like watching Thai women run. It is a girly style run with hands flailing about and short mincing little running steps in the rain. The ladies with their little dogs are very feminine. My GF got home after 12 hours work last night at 6 PM and apologized to me because I washed the dishes. She was a bit off because of some bad soup and I cleaned up after dinner. No big deal but it was cute that she thinks in addition to working and bringing in a considerable salary (by Thai standards) that she should also wash the dishes, do the laundry and clean the house; an endearing quality.

It is not only the feminine women here but the absence of the opposite kind of woman.

In another thread about the London riots someone mentioned the PC crowd had a lot to answer for. I agree, I think they have ruined the West. I am sure there are PC people in Thailand but TV is the only place I encounter them. The rest of real Thailand is blissfully without the PC crap.

And the other element of Thai society? The working girls don't really work and the pros aren't really professional. They are just nice people who took a wrong turn or made a misstep and are stuck for a bit, but having fun.

Last year I spent a total of 25 minutes with Thai immigration, they have greased the wheels for old guys with a little cash and a pension and that's what I am. I have been extremely lucky to catch a couple of moments in history that have been kind to me. I was a young man with a pocket full of money during the 60's and caught the sexual revolution when the pill was new. If you are not roughly my age now you missed the apex. Getting to Thailand 10 to 20 years ago you also caught an apex of sorts. The GF experience was in full bloom as was the free wheeling go go style. Things change. I've adapted, got out of Bangkok as my spoken Thai got better.

So what am I? A genuine expat? Was I a failure in my own country? As far as marriages go, roger that. A born loser? Well I am not Bill Gates, are you? Mentally ill? I still date beautiful women on occasion, you'd think I'd learn. A sexpat? Only a couple times a week I am getting better.

I'm just an old soldier, not a hero, not a Rambo, who came back to Thailand because his country and family grew tired of him and he grew tired of them.

But the question that rings loud and clear is what is our arbitrator of morals and all things Thai Andrewbkk?

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I think so many "expats" in Thailand over analyse their situations (and often those of others) when for 90% of people here, we remain for the one reason - quality of life.

Even the humble and much maligned TEFL set on their "modest" salaries still have a far higher standard of living than they would have in the West.

I am lucky enough to have a good salary, an easy job and a good employer who looks after me well and always has done yet I have found that the majority of others here who don't have those things are also equally as happy as I am and fair play to them.

The only sector who seem to be permanently malcontent are those who came here with high expectations and found the realities of their surroundings harsher than they thought they would be.

They then tend to get stuck in a teaching post or grubbing around for a living, all the while yearning for greater things and then only display bitterness to the more fortunate. The good thing is that such types never last too long here.

I have trouble understanding what a "sexpat" is. If it is an expatriate who has sex then last Sunday after celebrating Man United's victory in the Charity Shield and plying the wife with Singapore Slings, I was a sexpat.....twice!!! rolleyes.gif

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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I get tired of these posts, because people always assume your miserable when you comment or complain. There are many genuine complaints here. And complaining on one thing does not mean you don't like the total package.

This is really a red herring and I think you know this. AGAIN, I think even those of us who tire of the constant whining are much more sympathetic to genuine complaints. It's the unsubstantiated, vicious, and typically racist attacks of ALL Thais and Thailand that becomes tiresome. And this goes on TV all day, every day. Surely you see the distinction.

I see the distinction, but you must understand there are enough people here who wear tinted spectacles thinking all things Thai are good. I just think its a nice country to live but its not perfect. So i complain about the things i don't like.

I have enough gripes with Thailand but there are even more things here that i like. I make a nice living here got most of the time no problems at all. But sometimes it seems that some people don't want you to say anything negative.

There are just 2 extremes here the people who think Thais are perfect and the people who whine all the time. I am the middle and both extremes attack me.

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every year I seem to get dumber

You aren't getting dumber, but just more aware of the sum of knowledge you will never know.

I really like that!

How many times have we seen some young bagpackers wandering around like they know everything, and chuckled to ourselves.

Unfortunately, as we age, not only do we realise how much we will never know, but we forget most of what we did know. If we're lucky, we die before we don't know that we know nothing at all.

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I get tired of these posts, because people always assume your miserable when you comment or complain. There are many genuine complaints here. And complaining on one thing does not mean you don't like the total package.

This is really a red herring and I think you know this. AGAIN, I think even those of us who tire of the constant whining are much more sympathetic to genuine complaints. It's the unsubstantiated, vicious, and typically racist attacks of ALL Thais and Thailand that becomes tiresome. And this goes on TV all day, every day. Surely you see the distinction.

I see the distinction, but you must understand there are enough people here who wear tinted spectacles thinking all things Thai are good. I just think its a nice country to live but its not perfect. So i complain about the things i don't like.

I have enough gripes with Thailand but there are even more things here that i like. I make a nice living here got most of the time no problems at all. But sometimes it seems that some people don't want you to say anything negative.

There are just 2 extremes here the people who think Thais are perfect and the people who whine all the time. I am the middle and both extremes attack me.

Perhaps you're still not getting my point, but I'll let it pass. Thailand is not perfect. I can certainly complain about the corruption, the line-cutting, the power outages, the double-parking....the list is quite long. But I can complain all day and not even mention the "Thais." There are "people" that would do annoying things, and sometimes they're Thai, sometimes not. But the vast majority of Thais are certainly not as bad as most here paint them out to be. That's my point. The fact is, the Thais created a society that I find so appealing that I was willing to relocate here. That's no small feat. They built it, I came. Most of the knuckle-heads on TV can't even admit just that. Present company excepted, of course.

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I prefer living in Thailand, for now, why? Well for one the Thai government and establishment is,in my opinion far less oppressive, (for me) than back in fortress Europe.

Europe, in my opinion is fast becoming, (if not there yet) a digitally re-enhanced living version of the film 1984 by George Orwell………….In HD.

My countries government……..The EU is run by white collar crooks. Why am I here, Have you seen what's going on in the UK? The governments of Europe should be in the dock with the rioters…………….Rant over!

Why am Ihere? I like Thailand, I honestly do, but does that mean I have to bear all that happens with good grace, like a smacked-up hippy…….I consider myself to be laid back, but a realist. I reserve the right to have a good drip, when I see fit. If the OP gets away with living in a bubble, self-exposed utopia. Then good for him, just don't tell me I have too.

I don't think the OP gets what 'Thaivisa' is all about, sure it a good source of info, but just as important it's a vent hole, somewhere to unload…..and it helps ifyou bring a sense of humor. One thing is for sure, if you can't accept criticism, well-meaning or sarcastic……………………..Don't post, go back to siting in the viewing gallery, clucking and whining about the contents and quality of the posts. :whistling:

Oh, you put it so well!

Don't the "if you don't like it, go home" crowd get up your nose? Show me a man who's 100% happy with wherever he's at and I'll show you someone in a coma.

I think there must be a psychiatric disorder that applies to people that come on a thread, don't like what someone says, but instead of clicking off, and going to another thread they absolutely MUST tell everyone that that person is wrong or mad, whatever. In the old days, they'd have called it gossip, I guess, but now that we communicate with unseen and unknown people I'm pickin' that it's the cyber version of "sticking your nose in where it's not wanted".

Don't like what you read- then naff off, to quote a certain lady.

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I get tired of these posts, because people always assume your miserable when you comment or complain. There are many genuine complaints here. And complaining on one thing does not mean you don't like the total package.

This is really a red herring and I think you know this. AGAIN, I think even those of us who tire of the constant whining are much more sympathetic to genuine complaints. It's the unsubstantiated, vicious, and typically racist attacks of ALL Thais and Thailand that becomes tiresome. And this goes on TV all day, every day. Surely you see the distinction.

I see the distinction, but you must understand there are enough people here who wear tinted spectacles thinking all things Thai are good. I just think its a nice country to live but its not perfect. So i complain about the things i don't like.

I have enough gripes with Thailand but there are even more things here that i like. I make a nice living here got most of the time no problems at all. But sometimes it seems that some people don't want you to say anything negative.

There are just 2 extremes here the people who think Thais are perfect and the people who whine all the time. I am the middle and both extremes attack me.

Perhaps you're still not getting my point, but I'll let it pass. Thailand is not perfect. I can certainly complain about the corruption, the line-cutting, the power outages, the double-parking....the list is quite long. But I can complain all day and not even mention the "Thais." There are "people" that would do annoying things, and sometimes they're Thai, sometimes not. But the vast majority of Thais are certainly not as bad as most here paint them out to be. That's my point. The fact is, the Thais created a society that I find so appealing that I was willing to relocate here. That's no small feat. They built it, I came. Most of the knuckle-heads on TV can't even admit just that. Present company excepted, of course.

So you can complain all day about people doing things like corruption, line cutting, power outages, double parking, but not mention "Thai". How extraordinary, given that those are all things that THAIS are responsible for.

While you like a Thai society, I like the country, but could quite happily live here even if I never saw another Thai ( apart from my wife ). There's more to Thailand than the people, but that's just me.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

There is another category- those that came as a stopover, or on a holiday, and liked it so much, that they decided to stay. Not failures, not mentally ill, not criminal, not sexpats. They just like LOS better than where they came from, and that's not hard to do these days, given the levels to which the west has sunk with government incompetence and venality, over regulation and excessive PC.

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1. I believe in the power of Thaksin. Under his august leadership, Thailand will ascend to its rightful place as boss of SE Asia.. When I am i Thailand, I sense his presence and love. Thailand is the land that nurtured him and made him him the gentle kind hearted man so loved by the people.

2. The ability of Thais to live in harmony with the land. I really admire those Thais that will stack the hogs 5 high on the back of a pick up truck to drive them where they need to be. No one in the west would take their hogs with them that way.

3. I like to watch people and there is always something interesting going on. I have never seen so many innovative ways to pick a nose or to rupture a pimple.

4. The fashions. Where else can I see last year's styles so that I can relive the splendour except maybe Bulgaria and India.

5. The beggers. I really get a hoot at watching the beggers beg. I have often wanted to get some of the severely crippled ones that crawl down Silom to have a race, but sadly, each crippled begger has a specific begging zone.

6. I love a good riddle. guessing who is a girl and who is a ladyboy is a fun diversion.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

So, if you're not a senior manager, then you are here because you are an emotionally immature social misfit?

Apparently, if some of us can comfortably retire here at 50 from a major metropolitan police department, I'd have to say that none of your categories are applicable.

Yes, I think you overlooked a few categories.

So ..... why are YOU here. Would you be here if all the women wore veils? Would you be here if sex between foreigners and local women was a massive no?

PLEASE ........ do not tell me that you are here because you love the culture or the history or the architecture or the cuisine.

If you are a successful American retiree .......... why didn't you stay in the States? The answer is simple. You were disillusioned with your country. You doubted your ability to form a meaningful relationship with a woman in your country. You were attracted to Thailand because of cheap and readily available sex.

You can argue as much as you want. You may fool yourself, but you won't fool anyone else.

In recent months, I have made an attempt to tone down my replies to posters such as yourself. But, for you, I will make an exception as you are exceptionally ignorant and rude.

I am not here because I love the culture, the history, the architecture or the cuisine. I don't. I did not stay in the States because I had planned for quite a few years to come here to write my first novel, which is set in SE Asia. So I needed to study the culture, the history, the architecture, and the cuisine.

I am also here because my retirement was due me and my beloved wife--with whom I had a meaningful relationship for 27 years--was killed by a drunk driver on her way home from her work to my retirement party. She herself was going to retire seven months later and we were both going to come to Thailand together. I stayed in the States another four years before coming here.

Your accusation about the cheap and available sex is presumptuous, childish and indicative of a low level of intelligence and empathy for your fellow man.

What a sad life you must lead. Don't try to drag me into it.

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I worked here for a number of years. I have had a chance to watch Thailand grow and change from the late 60's to the present. Nothing particularly special about the land, culture or food except there used to be a lot more fish in the ocean. When I got here some of the ladies wore short skirts and had permed hair. Each of us I guess notices different things. It's a feminine place. Almost all of the women and a lot of the men are feminine. Even the very old women can turn girlie is a second. I like watching Thai women run. It is a girly style run with hands flailing about and short mincing little running steps in the rain. The ladies with their little dogs are very feminine. My GF got home after 12 hours work last night at 6 PM and apologized to me because I washed the dishes. She was a bit off because of some bad soup and I cleaned up after dinner. No big deal but it was cute that she thinks in addition to working and bringing in a considerable salary (by Thai standards) that she should also wash the dishes, do the laundry and clean the house; an endearing quality.

It is not only the feminine women here but the absence of the opposite kind of woman.

In another thread about the London riots someone mentioned the PC crowd had a lot to answer for. I agree, I think they have ruined the West. I am sure there are PC people in Thailand but TV is the only place I encounter them. The rest of real Thailand is blissfully without the PC crap.

And the other element of Thai society? The working girls don't really work and the pros aren't really professional. They are just nice people who took a wrong turn or made a misstep and are stuck for a bit, but having fun.

Last year I spent a total of 25 minutes with Thai immigration, they have greased the wheels for old guys with a little cash and a pension and that's what I am. I have been extremely lucky to catch a couple of moments in history that have been kind to me. I was a young man with a pocket full of money during the 60's and caught the sexual revolution when the pill was new. If you are not roughly my age now you missed the apex. Getting to Thailand 10 to 20 years ago you also caught an apex of sorts. The GF experience was in full bloom as was the free wheeling go go style. Things change. I've adapted, got out of Bangkok as my spoken Thai got better.

So what am I? A genuine expat? Was I a failure in my own country? As far as marriages go, roger that. A born loser? Well I am not Bill Gates, are you? Mentally ill? I still date beautiful women on occasion, you'd think I'd learn. A sexpat? Only a couple times a week I am getting better.

I'm just an old soldier, not a hero, not a Rambo, who came back to Thailand because his country and family grew tired of him and he grew tired of them.

But the question that rings loud and clear is what is our arbitrator of morals and all things Thai Andrewbkk?

Nice post and well put. It will no doubt anger some of the rabid western feminists (or is western feminist an oxymoron?) and PC brigade that resent western men being happy, especially in SE Asia.

It does make for amusement however reading posts by the know it all recent arrivals to Thailand; is there nothing they do not know?

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One other good point, there no State Handouts to Bums. Immigration Laws don't make it easy to stay.Thais hate P.C. People.The T.V. is that Bad you cant become a Couch Potato.You can Speed everywhere for a small Fine.They pass all these Law, that just get ignored.My Fav is the Booze Time Regs,cant serve you, so you go next doo to Mom n Pops.The Classic for Me was Thaksin on the T.V. Smoking his Pipe at a Banquet at the Oriental .Its still a Bit Dodge City here.I Love It.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

There is another category- those that came as a stopover, or on a holiday, and liked it so much, that they decided to stay. Not failures, not mentally ill, not criminal, not sexpats. They just like LOS better than where they came from, and that's not hard to do these days, given the levels to which the west has sunk with government incompetence and venality, over regulation and excessive PC.

If they were successful in their own country, they would not have stayed. They would have gone back to their career and/or their wives and children.

They stayed because they had nothing to go back to.

As per the categories I have outlined above, such people are either failures or born losers.

I don't mean this maliciously, by the way. There is no shame in coming to Thailand in order to start a new life. I've met many men who failed in their own country and then re-invented themselves here in Thailand.

Edited by andrewbkk
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If they were successful in their own country, they would not have stayed. They would have gone back to their career and/or their wives and children.

They stayed because they had nothing to go back to.

As per the categories I have outlined above, such people are either failures or born losers.

I don't mean this maliciously, by the way. There is no shame in coming to Thailand in order to start a new life. I've met many men who failed in their own country and then re-invented themselves here in Thailand.

I'll just talk about a couple of friends. Friend one, he owns 5 seafood restaurants in the US and has for years. They make good money (fast food seafood). When the economy goes bad he makes more money because his places are cheap. His managers have all been with him for a long time. He has no financial problems. He lives in Pattaya because he likes going to Go go clubs every night. I would get bored but he likes it. Friend two, has a government job that he has been doing for 40 years. He checks shipments of equipment when it arrives to make sure everything is OK. He works in Thailand and other parts of Asia. He lives in Thailand because he has a giant mansion. He can afford it here but not in the US. He would never leave. He has a big house and a big staff and a big car and he likes it. He does not like his wife and kids in the States. He gives them money but does not like to spend time with them.

Not everyone is like you. Some people don't like wives and children.

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One other good point, there no State Handouts to Bums.

Immigration Laws don't make it easy to stay.

Its still a Bit Dodge City here.I Love It.

One of my Thai brother in-laws recently was taken to the Doctor because he is unable to work, he is ' law khaw ' addicted.

Once the Doctor has confirmed this the Thai government pays money every month, absolutely jing jing.:lol:

Immigration I found is fine and no problem at all you just have to check with them before you go to see if anything has changed.:)

Like the Dodge City comment ! I also see it like that and love it too.B)

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I came here working for a multi-national. Not in some golden expat package, just found myself single, had traveled the world for business and wanted to live in Thailand. The life here fits me fine. After a few years I decided to stay and have my own business.

Many of my expat friends are just the same, they either work for companies in middle-type management, making nice salaries but not in all-company-paid expat style. They get paid in baht, probably a bit less than they’d make in the west, but balanced for cost of living it works out fine. Others like me own their own businesses and are just like hard working entrepreneurs everywhere, just here. These are all people who were successful in their west life, perhaps there was an inflection point, divorce in my case, that makes one think it’s a good time for a change, but none of my friends were running from failure.

I have 10 under 30 year old expats working for me. There’s a vibrant community of young people who want international experience here. Bangkok’s fun for a young person, a modest salary gives them a comfortable and interesting lifestyle. Things are tough in the US for college grads, they go home and come back happy to have this opportunity. Some will be here a year, some might be up to 5 years, and perhaps 1 or 2 might end up settling down here. They are not failures, they are the best and the brightest who want to get out, work hard, be successful and see the world.

My bottom line is there are a lot of hard working, successful expats here. I meet them because that’s my circle here – business. They came for different reasons. Thailand is attractive to stay for different reasons. I find them an interesting and stimulating group of people.

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But the question that rings loud and clear is what is our arbitrator of morals and all things Thai Andrewbkk?

You seem unusually curious to learn more about me. I wonder why that is.

I've told you before that you are a troll. I can see now that you are that other guy, Mark45.

You and he are exactly the same. Both have been here since the sixties. Both had a couple of trophy wives back in the States. Both are interested in learning Thai. Both believe they are aging romeos. And both are surprisingly sensitive.

But why do you do it? Why don't you just use your real name? What do you feel you gain?

So ......... this is me, http://www.thaifrien.../andrewthailand

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If they were successful in their own country, they would not have stayed. They would have gone back to their career and/or their wives and children


I know many people here who were/are successful at home - myself included - but are lucky enough/rich enough to be able to choose between the twain and have chosen to remain here.

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One other good point, there no State Handouts to Bums.

Immigration Laws don't make it easy to stay.

Its still a Bit Dodge City here.I Love It.

One of my Thai brother in-laws recently was taken to the Doctor because he is unable to work, he is ' law khaw ' addicted.

Once the Doctor has confirmed this the Thai government pays money every month, absolutely jing jing.:lol:

Immigration I found is fine and no problem at all you just have to check with them before you go to see if anything has changed.:)

Like the Dodge City comment ! I also see it like that and love it too.B)

That handouts not the same as rolling in from Bongo Bongo Land with 10 Kids and getting a better house free than yer Gradads nocked his nackers off to save and buy. You cant stay here bust can you.Another nice thing, ive stayed here without seeing Alians bumming off Thais.Just nice folks in their own Nation. :o

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You say they're running away from people like me? I post one thread questioning what fuels peoples negativity around here after reading 100s of posts from them over a 3 year span.. am I really the one that's out of line?

You are more than welcome to invoke your right not to read B)

What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?

Many of us come from a country where foreigners (legal and illegal aliens included)are not only allowed to voice their unhappiness with our country as well as "question our people, culture and policies (and do) but are encouraged to do so as well as having their rights protected in this regard by the country itself (the ones who are here legally anyway).

In addition, in most states, police are not even allowed to question whether their status is legal or illegal.

Compared to that country; foreigners in Thailand have nothing even close to those rights (and have to fight for the ones we do have and wade through all the misinformation).

And you are here bashing those who complain about things on a forum, telling them to leave if they don't "get happy."

What gives you the right??? Typical Thai apologist :bah:

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What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?
Many of my friends in the US aren't Americans. They have lots to criticize about America because they are intelligent people. There are expat forums in the US and I reckon there is lots of criticism of Americans. A typical one I hear is that we are lazy compared to them, and they have a point. What would I think? I would think I am happy they feel free to express themselves and wish them well in whatever choice they make as far as where they want to live.
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What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?

Agree 100%. If the people on this forum were honest, they'd say the same back in their homeland. These sorts of threads always get hi-jacked by those who think it's their God-given right to insult Thais and Thailand. Criticizing specific issues and problems is one thing--nothing wrong with that. I think the OP is correctly targeting those who aren't giving "constructive criticism" but rather insulting all Thais in all manner of ways, including honesty, intelligence, work ethic....I can go on and on.

The Thais created Thailand for Thais. And if some foreigner has a problem with the way the Thais are running THEIR country, the best....no, the ONLY answer is to tell them to go the <deleted> back to where they came from. I would do the exact same thing in America.

Just one comment here:

Thailand was not created for the Thais, it was created by some ruler hundreds of years ago, for whatever reason they had back then.

Thailand is not a very good democracy to say the least... and 95% of the Thais have almost zero effect on what's happening in Thailand.

We come from countries with free speech, so we feel free to post our opinions online. I suspect most Thais do not feel free to do so.

In my country, people complain about the government, prime minister, parliament members, mayors or anybody else that makes them angry. Nobody sees it as a problem, it's part of being a democracy.

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What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?

Agree 100%. If the people on this forum were honest, they'd say the same back in their homeland. These sorts of threads always get hi-jacked by those who think it's their God-given right to insult Thais and Thailand. Criticizing specific issues and problems is one thing--nothing wrong with that. I think the OP is correctly targeting those who aren't giving "constructive criticism" but rather insulting all Thais in all manner of ways, including honesty, intelligence, work ethic....I can go on and on.

The Thais created Thailand for Thais. And if some foreigner has a problem with the way the Thais are running THEIR country, the best....no, the ONLY answer is to tell them to go the <deleted> back to where they came from. I would do the exact same thing in America.

Just one comment here:

Thailand was not created for the Thais, it was created by some ruler hundreds of years ago, for whatever reason they had back then.

Thailand is not a very good democracy to say the least... and 95% of the Thais have almost zero effect on what's happening in Thailand.

We come from countries with free speech, so we feel free to post our opinions online. I suspect most Thais do not feel free to do so.

In my country, people complain about the government, prime minister, parliament members, mayors or anybody else that makes them angry. Nobody sees it as a problem, it's part of being a democracy.

I liked my reply…….But your is better, Soomak


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If they were successful in their own country, they would not have stayed. They would have gone back to their career and/or their wives and children


I know many people here who were/are successful at home - myself included - but are lucky enough/rich enough to be able to choose between the twain and have chosen to remain here.

Spot on...

Real success is when you know that it's time to enjoy its profit , instead of becoming a slave of it.

In my case, let say that I am still here because more than a decade ago, I decided -on purpose- to miss my connecting flight. cool.gif

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What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?
Many of my friends in the US aren't Americans. They have lots to criticize about America because they are intelligent people. There are expat forums in the US and I reckon there is lots of criticism of Americans. A typical one I hear is that we are lazy compared to them, and they have a point. What would I think? I would think I am happy they feel free to express themselves and wish them well in whatever choice they make as far as where they want to live.

JT I'm surprised at you. Firstly, we're not talking about "friends." Secondly, if foreigners were to come to America and complain about certain aspects of the USA (and there's a lot they could complain about), I'd probably nod my head in agreement. HOWEVER, if they were to start ranting about how Americans are stupid, lazy, corrupt, dishonest, morally inferior, and so on, I'd tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. Then I'd tell them to go the <deleted> back to where they came from.

Man, you guys just don't see it. Try attacking any nationality on these forums and you'll see how sensitive people can be. Whether Americans, Brits, Russians...whatever. But it's ok to attack the Thais because....what exactly?

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