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Why Are You Here?!?


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With all the absolute negativity on this forum towards Thailand and its culture... the real question that remains to be asked is....


Not only will this quench my curiousity as to why - but it may help you people re-evaluate what brought you to Thailand and whether you should even stay...

Not all Thais hate farangs - and if you believe that to be untrue - then you're one of the hated ones that are giving the rest of us a bad name over here.

So, either get happy or go home - please!! Nobody is asking you to stay!!

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Hmmmmmmmmmmm, OP, total twoddle. Many come here for different reasons, Me, two reasons BUT dealing with day to day stuff is a nightmare cos nothing works, sooooooooooo you get some negative stuff here and it's noooo problem.

In my own house hold l don't understand a lot of stuff and could rip my hair out, except l have none so really l don't know where your coming from. ;)

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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

Well said

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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

Well said

+1, and another +1. :)

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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

Well said

+1, and another +1. :)

I'll go along with that. Well said.

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Not many other countries will take me at the moment and I don't fancy moving back to the US.

Also, I do like Thai food, monotonous as it gets here.

Is there some kind of law that we have to be silly ecstatic to have the justification to stay here? If so, I guess I'm cheating. That pleases me actually.

Next ...

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There's not been one of these threads for....oooh....let me seen now...all of a month...

I got sent here merely because I was married to a Thai woman and "knew the country" i.e. I'd been here once on my honeymoon and no bugger else wanted to come.

That was 21 years ago and I've loved every minute - even the spells back in the UK we've had as I've always known we'd be coming back.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

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We, let's see, some are here because their companies told them to come here.

Some are here because they are businessmen/women and have financial interests here.

Some are here because they teach young people a new language.

Some are here because they truly love their wives/husbands and unselfishly wish for them to be happy and near family.

Some are here because, contrary to what to you unsupportedly presume and contend are the majority, most like it here, even if they are sometimes a bit put off or dismayed by the customs.

Some are here to get away from fellows like you in their home countries and here you are stalking them.

What makes your judging them different from their judging Thais? Hmmm?

If you don't like the few who exercise their right to voice their opinion, why don't you go home? Nobdy is asking you to stay.

Wait three more years then try to post something original and intelligent.

It was well said.

But, quite honestly.. in all of the things you've mentioned above these people are benefitting from this land be it financially, romantically or for whatever other reason.

So, shouldn't they pay this countries people and culture some respect?

You say they're running away from people like me? I post one thread questioning what fuels peoples negativity around here after reading 100s of posts from them over a 3 year span.. am I really the one that's out of line?

Sure you can say "if you don't like it then leave" but, there are some knowledgeable people on here that actually do have some insightful commentary on events that happen in this country that prove to be beneficial to read - which is the reason you'd think this forum was created in the first place.

What would you think of a population of foreigners that came to your country, operated on a forum that constantly questioned your countries people, culture and policies?? Would you not suggest to these people to simply go home?

This post isn't directed at everyone, if you're enjoying your life here - all the power to ya.

I wasn't meaning to offend anyone and re-reading the original post it was definitely a lil' over-the-top confrontational for which I apologize.

It just gets to become quite tiresome and I'm sure there are some people out there that would agree.

As for coming up with an intelligent thread in 3 years time, that'll be near impossible - every year I seem to get dumber, fatter and uglier...

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1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

I like this. It's very observant.

Which are you Andrew?

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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So what got you so riled up all of a sudden? You've been a member apparently for more than 3 years and a total of 13 posts?

So why are you here?

Obviously the user isn't frittering and wasting the hours away on the forum.

Actually this forum is pretty mild. I seen another where the slings and arrows are quite severe.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

Are we going to have a competition to see who can meet most criteria?

I came here because I'm uniquely fond of generalisations and arbitrary judgement of strangers


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So what got you so riled up all of a sudden? You've been a member apparently for more than 3 years and a total of 13 posts?

So why are you here?

Obviously the user isn't frittering and wasting the hours away on the forum.

Actually this forum is pretty mild. I seen another where the slings and arrows are quite severe.

Should be sticks and stones. The slings and arrows belong to outrageous fortune. You may be thinking of barbs and jibes, but that's a bit of a mixed bag of metaphors

"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune

in stoic manly silence

or to grizzle and moan to one's fellow till the very soup of his life curdles"


Shakespeare wrote the first line of that...

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As for coming up with an intelligent thread in 3 years time, that'll be near impossible - every year I seem to get dumber, fatter and uglier...

Some people will go to any lengths to fit in. You don't need to! Its an anonymous forum - we can't see you.

To be fair, you could only be claiming to get older, uglier and fatter to try and win some respect from your fellows.

I suppose, if you don't like the constant grizzling, yo could stop reading that sort of thread; I think they are fairly easy to identify.

Or you could complain and try to get people to stop posting such threads. King Canute's advisers would have recommended this, had the internet been available at the time...

or perhaps you could try to cheer those posters up and help highlight the many joys in their lives in Thailand.

Personally, I try to sprinkle my posts with obscure references, to encourage people to read up on British history and geography, because I get commission from wikipedia


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1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

I like this. It's very observant.

Which are you Andrew?

I am the FAILURE. I used to have a top job in England. Everything was great. But one day I was made redundant. And after that ..... it's very surprising how quickly the downward spiral kicks in.

So I came here to forget everything. On my first night I met a girl called Da in Soi Cowboy. That was 12 years ago. And we spent an amazing five weeks together.

I have long since re-invented myself, and I do well. I openly admit that I don't speak too much Thai, but I love Thai food, I love going to temples, and I love playing checkers with those drunken bums who sit outside my local 7-11 every night.

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every year I seem to get dumber

You aren't getting dumber, but just more aware of the sum of knowledge you will never know.

I suppose you're entitled to your own opinion, but I think I'll go along with the OP's opinion. He's better placed to notice, and presumably he's making that judgement based on more than one person's opinion voiced on an anonymous forum.


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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

Foreigners in Bangkok:

Sexpats, failures, born losers, criminals, and the mentally ill

Andrew, do get out of bars much?


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I'm American. I'm here for the free national healthcare.

I'm here for the easy working rules and liberal ownership.

I'm not any of the above but object with the definition of expat as paid manager types. I think working at not making money is an equal endeavor and retirement also validates residents on a permanent basis.

I guess folks just get a little frustrated. A lot lost in translation,. being alienated. Cultures think one another are stupid all over the world. Maybe they all are.

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Foreigners in Thailand according to andrewbkk:

Sexpats, failures, born losers, criminals, and the mentally ill

Andrew, do you get out of bars much? I mean do you go anywhere else besides, ahem, bars?

I have farang friends that are here because they went to school here, grew up in Bangkok. Where do they fit in on the above list?

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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To be fair to the OP, he's not the only one who thinks as he does.

This from the BBC's cricket commentary

"Aggers, it would help if the fielders didn't have their hands in their pockets. It's not that cold. They need to look interested and show some desire. If you don't want to be here go home."


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Foreigners in Thailand according to andrewbkk:

Sexpats, failures, born losers, criminals, and the mentally ill

Andrew, do you get out of bars much? I mean do you go anywhere else besides, ahem, bars?

I have farang friends that are here because they went to school here, grew up in Bangkok. Where do they fit in on the above list?

Sexpats, Failures, Criminals, Born Losers and the Mentally Ill who happened to go to school and grew up in Thailand ?

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