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Why Are You Here?!?


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Andrewbkk, I don't care anything about you personally nor do I care how old you are. But you classified everyone else in Thailand as genuine expats, failures, born losers, criminals, mentally ill or sexpats, which are you?

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Why am i here, ? I lived in London, the advantages here so far outweight the disadvantages (so far) if this changes who knows whats going to happen, at the moment its fine!!

Would you go back to London!!!

nuff said


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Andrewbkk, I don't care anything about you personally nor do I care how old you are. But you classified everyone else in Thailand as genuine expats, failures, born losers, criminals, mentally ill or sexpats, which are you?

Read post number 24.

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Andrewbkk, I don't care anything about you personally nor do I care how old you are. But you classified everyone else in Thailand as genuine expats, failures, born losers, criminals, mentally ill or sexpats, which are you?

Read post number 24.

I read it. Sorry Andrew I missed it before. Thanks for pointing it out.

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Andrewbkk, I don't care anything about you personally nor do I care how old you are. But you classified everyone else in Thailand as genuine expats, failures, born losers, criminals, mentally ill or sexpats, which are you?

Read post number 24.

I read it. Sorry Andrew I missed it before. Thanks for pointing it out.

You're welcome. Have a nice evening.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

There is another category- those that came as a stopover, or on a holiday, and liked it so much, that they decided to stay. Not failures, not mentally ill, not criminal, not sexpats. They just like LOS better than where they came from, and that's not hard to do these days, given the levels to which the west has sunk with government incompetence and venality, over regulation and excessive PC.

If they were successful in their own country, they would not have stayed. They would have gone back to their career and/or their wives and children.

They stayed because they had nothing to go back to.

As per the categories I have outlined above, such people are either failures or born losers.

I don't mean this maliciously, by the way. There is no shame in coming to Thailand in order to start a new life. I've met many men who failed in their own country and then re-invented themselves here in Thailand.

Sorry, but that's just not true.

I was a qualified mechanic and after that a registered nurse. I could have had a good job in either of those occupations had I so wished.

I left my country because I wanted more than to be in a rut, and travelled the world. When I came to Thailand, I found a place that I actually enjoyed being in, unlike the overly regulated and PC place I left behind.

So, by coming to live in Thailand, I moved up, not down.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

I would add another category - the successful relocator.

I had a top job in corporate banking in the UK, I didn't like the way I could see the banking industry, or the UK in general heading so retired at the age of 33 and relocated to Thailand - that was nearly 6 years ago. After a few years of partying I decided to re-qualify, I am now a senior manager for a Thai company working in the oil and gas industry. I travel globally and earn more than I could possibly spend.

I still have property assets in the UK and now some here. I am paid in Thai Baht so have no currency concerns, in fact I am heading home for a holiday next month and will be paying around 35% less for everything than a few years ago :D

So am I a failure, a loser, or just mentally ill?

Edit// Forgot to mention I never had a wife or kids in the UK, which I guess makes a big difference.

Any chance of fixing me up with a job ? im a maintenance technician in a mechanical disipline :)

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I'm still not sure why senior managers who live here temporarily are "Genuine Expats" while us losers who have lived here many years are just "Failures".

I always think that the real failures are the ones who are still working. I can think of better things to do.

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I'm still not sure why senior managers who live here temporarily are "Genuine Expats" while us losers who have lived here many years are just "Failures".

I always think that the real failures are the ones who are still working. I can think of better things to do.

Especially the ones that win the lottery, and GO BACK TO WORK!

I'd have hated to be one of them that worked till pension age, only to be so knackered that you couldn't enjoy it.

Best decision I ever made was to retire early.

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Man, you guys just don't see it. Try attacking any nationality on these forums and you'll see how sensitive people can be. Whether Americans, Brits, Russians...whatever. But it's ok to attack the Thais because....what exactly?

But you are defendinfthe Thai honor, You are being sensitive about it. Frre speech is about ait=ring your view, no matter how negative Free speech is not about attacking others for their view, no matter if you agree or not. Attacking them as deficient isn't discourse.

As we have an obligation to not offend. So should we strive to also not be offended.

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I would add another category - the successful relocator.

I had a top job in corporate banking in the UK, I didn't like the way I could see the banking industry, or the UK in general heading so retired at the age of 33 and relocated to Thailand - that was nearly 6 years ago. After a few years of partying I decided to re-qualify, I am now a senior manager for a Thai company working in the oil and gas industry. I travel globally and earn more than I could possibly spend.

I still have property assets in the UK and now some here. I am paid in Thai Baht so have no currency concerns, in fact I am heading home for a holiday next month and will be paying around 35% less for everything than a few years ago :D

So am I a failure, a loser, or just mentally ill?

Edit// Forgot to mention I never had a wife or kids in the UK, which I guess makes a big difference.

Hmm, reading that description, I think you owe me a beer QED!

I moved here 3 years ago for hot weather and girls. Settled down now with one girl and no plans to leave.

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I'm still not sure why senior managers who live here temporarily are "Genuine Expats" while us losers who have lived here many years are just "Failures".

I always think that the real failures are the ones who are still working. I can think of better things to do.

You got me thinking :(. Like you, I decided that early retirement was the way to go as I loathed having to work.... But, there are people that enjoy working.

Neither types of people are 'failures' - as long as one is doing what one want to do, they are successful in their life.

Edited by F1fanatic
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I'm still not sure why senior managers who live here temporarily are "Genuine Expats" while us losers who have lived here many years are just "Failures".

I always think that the real failures are the ones who are still working. I can think of better things to do.

You got me thinking :(. Like you, I decided that early retirement was the way to go as I loathed having to work.... But, there are people that enjoy working.

Neither types of people are 'failures' - as long as one is doing what one want to do, they are successful in their life.

This whole post although entertaining is just reduced to basics something for the OP to view as a device to make himself feel superior in an ironic way to others. It would save a lot of time for him to just google Jerry Springer and then watch reruns on the web.

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I thought about this a long time ago. And I think the answer is quite simple. Problem is ........ for many people the truth is hard to accept.

Think about it this way. Imagine you're back home in London or NYC or LA or Sydney. Imagine you've got a great job. Imagine prospects for promotion are looming. Imagine you love the wife and the kids are doing great at school. Imagine the house repayments are going well, and in only another year or so the car will be completely paid off.

In this situation, are you going to wake up one morning and decide to scrap everything so that you can come and live in Thailand?

I think people here in Thailand can be classified as follows ................

1. Genuine expats. These people are the senior managers who have been transferred here. They usually stay for a year or two. They live in expensive rented accommodation and enjoy massive benefits. Their children go to the top international schools.

2. Failures. These are people who lost their jobs or their wives (or both) and became disillusioned with their own countries. They came to Thailand for a kind of sex vacation, and then decided to stay. Many failures re-invent themselves and start new lives here. Some become successful and blend in well with the local culture

3. Born losers. These are the mis-fits that never made it in their own countries and will never make it here in Thailand. Many born losers are surprisingly nice people. Many are educated and intelligent. Many teach English at government schools.

4. Criminals. There are many criminals here in Thailand. Some operate boiler room scams; others get invloved with drugs, pornography and prostitution.

5. The mentally ill. I have met many men over the years who quite clearly were mentally ill. I think they receive some kind of disability pension from their own country and then come here to live modestly and enjoy the warm weather and friendly people. Many mentally ill people I've met were Americans suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

6. Sexpats. These men are usually low-budget retirees who come here for sex. They often meet their wives or girlfriends online, and then live here in cheap or rented accommodation. Many of these men are very happy with their lives in Thailand, and some of them make great drinking buddies.

Maybe there are other categories I've overlooked, but I've been here long enough to know that what I've just written describes the majority of foreign men here in Thailand.

You left out quite a few obvious categories and classifications, Andrew.

Obvious to some, yet not to others.

I consider the source.

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