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Impressed: Nai Harn Cleanup


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So, we've had many discussions on here about how to cleanup the litter around the island (and all of Thailand)

I was always one to believe it has to start with education.

So, this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to see about 50-60 school kids, in uniform, going around Nai Harn lake and cleaning up every scrap of litter.

I stopped to thank the leaders (who didn't seem to understand English) so, I thanked a bunch of the students anyway. (They understood)

Some of you may not agree that it's right to use school kids to pick up litter, and maybe convicts or the lowest laborers would be better.

But, I see it as a learning process and if the kids pick up enough litter, they will be more likely to think before throwing out the next batch.

I couldn't make out which school it was as I can't read Thai at all but, Kudos to their leader.

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I think it's a great idea to let the schoolkids do this. Hopefully they will get a sense of achievement when they see the results of their work and pass on the lesson to their own kids later in life. Education is the key to many of Thailand's problems. The same applies to most countries.

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Whatever the reason for the clean up, it's still a good thing for the kids and the environment.

No bubbles burst here. Do try to be less negative Stuandchris.

Have you picked up any beach litter lately?

Seconded Chainsaw, and good post FH.

No matter the reason, raising litter awareness here is positive.

I was leaving Nai Harn beach last week when I saw a Chang soda water bottle, left where my friends and I gather for sunset drinks at times. Whoops, I realized I had probably left that, saw a plastic bag, picked it and the bottle, plus decided to fill the bag while I was at it, get it to the bin. One of the older beach chair ladies there was looking at me like I was some kind of looney..........................

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