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Personally given the Choice id prefer a Full Harness than a standard Seat Belt + Airbag.. NASCAR and Super V8 don't have Airbags either.This obviously doesn't Detract from the Value to Passenger Safety, but i see many occasions where a basic seat belt doest even fit the Passenger and the Bags don't trigger.. Any Opinions

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When I bought my car, 2 airbags was a must. Thankfully never used but you never know when the day comes (maybe never but you never know).

Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.


When I bought my car, 2 airbags was a must. Thankfully never used but you never know when the day comes (maybe never but you never know).

Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.

For a Family Car not to have airbags isn't wise admittedly.It often made me wonder why the Diagonal and Lapstrap belt ever got the O.K. To me its a bit like a cheap crash helmet..


Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.

Cept when the poor little infants get decapitated by them.


Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.

Cept when the poor little infants get decapitated by them.

What are the poor little infants doing in the front seat? Should be in child seats in the back.


Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.

Cept when the poor little infants get decapitated by them.

What are the poor little infants doing in the front seat? Should be in child seats in the back.

My boy sits in the rear, in his own seat with a full harness on.


Someone wants to know,but wont ask, so i will.! Why did Spoonman Remove the Wheel Bag. First one with the correct answer gets a ride in a Cruze :D

cause SM wanted a more sporty steering wheel :P maybelai about the cruze, looks good (civic copy) but doesnt steer, handle or brake accordingly

4 point harness in a proper seat beats anything. However slightly unpractical stopping at 7/eleven, and takes a while to adjust to different drivers.

I am not going to say how many cars we have crashed and no airbags popping out, but more than 10% do not blow up. and sometimes they blow up cause you drive to hard :ermm:

aibags are fine, as an addition to crash/deformation zones and strong cage, but choosing between smaller car with airbags and larger car no airbags, I go large.

Size does matter :)


Kata wins the ride, yes I removed it for a smaller sports wheel, I would not do this in a monocoque sedan but on a chassised pick-up I doubt there will be any ill consequences.


I asked my Talking Hairbag if the smaller engine Accord she bough from Ubon Rat had as many bags as the old one."Didnt know the other had any, I never asked". I have no interest in going into Showrooms with Women. Why are all Steering Wheels so in big these days of power steering.?.Mi rides got 3 Tons of crap buttons ive never used apart from the Horn. I had an Irvin Airshute Belt i changed from car to car as a Pup, loved it. So, back to Bags not popping. Hello Kitty, our waking Gismo, and Shag Me Shoes receptionist rear ended a Bus. The Tuna Bags didn't POP.Her Husband came to see it and was real happy they didn't. .No insurance,Me have to Pay, Bags expensive. As for Child Seats, Thais piss me of not having them.Too Expensive they say.<deleted> say I, the Flash Mags and Nokia come first, not the Child.Just Look around next time your at Lotus,


Are you the same folks who piss and moan about how 'The West' is a PC controlled hell where you all are expected to conform to the Politically Correct way the West works but the minute you arrive in FREE FREE Thailand you can't cope with the fact that airbags are an optional extra for your iddy widdy kiddies? Shame on you hypocrites! :lol:


Are you the same folks who piss and moan about how 'The West' is a PC controlled hell where you all are expected to conform to the Politically Correct way the West works but the minute you arrive in FREE FREE Thailand you can't cope with the fact that airbags are an optional extra for your iddy widdy kiddies? Shame on you hypocrites! :lol:

And My English is Bad.:cheesy:


Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.

Cept when the poor little infants get decapitated by them.

What are the poor little infants doing in the front seat? Should be in child seats in the back.

Well we agree on that one......

The only problem I have with airbags is that the car is also shut off when they deploy so that you have no control to avoid any further out of control impacts by continuing on well past the initial impact if your initial one was relatively minor and that second one maybe the killer with the bags now deflating/deflated. This is done because when the bags deploy you are un-sighted initially and maybe for some time as they deflate and the talcum powder used for lubrication is also a hindrance to vision when it gets in your eyes and clouds of it are floating around. Of course they don't tell you any of this and more to the point they do everything to cover it up with the idea that it's better to have them, then not and ignorance is bliss, but it is a reality, it's that government "protecting us from ourselves" policy.

It's certain this phenomena contributed heavily in the princesses crash too but of course they had to cover that or world wide outcry would have required changes and it may well have been the end of Mercedes with billions in sales lost..


Are you the same folks who piss and moan about how 'The West' is a PC controlled hell where you all are expected to conform to the Politically Correct way the West works but the minute you arrive in FREE FREE Thailand you can't cope with the fact that airbags are an optional extra for your iddy widdy kiddies? Shame on you hypocrites! :lol:

And My English is Bad.:cheesy:



Airbags have proved again and again to save lives, so my next car will also have min 2 airbags.

Cept when the poor little infants get decapitated by them.

What are the poor little infants doing in the front seat? Should be in child seats in the back.

Well we agree on that one......

The only problem I have with airbags is that the car is also shut off when they deploy so that you have no control to avoid any further out of control impacts by continuing on well past the initial impact if your initial one was relatively minor and that second one maybe the killer with the bags now deflating/deflated. This is done because when the bags deploy you are un-sighted initially and maybe for some time as they deflate and the talcum powder used for lubrication is also a hindrance to vision when it gets in your eyes and clouds of it are floating around. Of course they don't tell you any of this and more to the point they do everything to cover it up with the idea that it's better to have them, then not and ignorance is bliss, but it is a reality, it's that government "protecting us from ourselves" policy.

It's certain this phenomena contributed heavily in the princesses crash too but of course they had to cover that or world wide outcry would have required changes and it may well have been the end of Mercedes with billions in sales lost..

Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too. Asked around, and like me, non of the folks have been in a bump where they deployed, so the Office Ladies don't know if the Talk is their brand.As for .Ci think its a nice idea to protect a Child so that he can attain an age where they can see P.C. Cowards for Theirself .Those Kiddy Seats must have saved more lives than Airbags. Then you can go into the realms of Better Dead than being mamed


Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too.

Really, wonder why it had a standard laminated windscreen in it ?

Armoured by a Thai Company suppose. Airbags didnt help much did they.



Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too.

Really, wonder why it had a standard laminated windscreen in it ?

Armoured by a Thai Company suppose. Airbags didnt help much did they.


In other words your talking shit, you say it was armoured well tell me why in the BBC vids I watched today it clearly had a standard OEM laminated windscreen, as for airbags, did that model merc have them, I did not see any in the back seat area deployed.


Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too.

Really, wonder why it had a standard laminated windscreen in it ?

Armoured by a Thai Company suppose. Airbags didnt help much did they.


In other words your talking shit, you say it was armoured well tell me why in the BBC vids I watched today it clearly had a standard OEM laminated windscreen, as for airbags, did that model merc have them, I did not see any in the back seat area deployed.

Your right. The car was standard. NOT a Royal ride, a Harrods ride. :huh:


Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too.

Really, wonder why it had a standard laminated windscreen in it ?

Armoured by a Thai Company suppose. Airbags didnt help much did they.


In other words your talking shit, you say it was armoured well tell me why in the BBC vids I watched today it clearly had a standard OEM laminated windscreen, as for airbags, did that model merc have them, I did not see any in the back seat area deployed.

Did have airbags in the front, can be seen clearly here:


Not sure what all that white material is the back seat either? Could it be airbags?? Maybe?


Interesting points.Dians Benz was Armored too.

Really, wonder why it had a standard laminated windscreen in it ?

Armoured by a Thai Company suppose. Airbags didnt help much did they.


Not when they're deflating already on impact, only effective if they're inflating while your moving forward to impact them..


Good Point. Warpy. So you have a bump just hard enough to activate, then spin out in front of oncoming traffic without protection cause they gone flat. So now should we have an emergency back up.?.:o


Good Point. Warpy. So you have a bump just hard enough to activate, then spin out in front of oncoming traffic without protection cause they gone flat. So now should we have an emergency back up.?.:o

Yes, it is a very realistic scenario that I believe has been played out more times then we hear about.. As I said I believe that based on all the evidence I've seen of the accident and an innate understanding of the handling G forces and reaction etc. coupled with the route taken, the driver is merely a scapegoat. It also accounts for Rees-Jones injuries and potential survival in that he hit the windshield even with the bags inflated and why he was so battered but not killed as the bags were deflating when he hit them so it slowed him but didn't stop his full forward momentous.

The bags were set off by coming over a very steep drop off at approximately 100MPH that was engineered for much lower speeds and the front end contacting the ground hard enough to trigger them (investigation estimated the impact was between 60 and 70 MPH after many meters of scrubbing off speed with brakes and tire scrub etc. should have been a survivable impact if bags were effective, though not in the back necessarily with no belts on, again pretty foolish of the body guard who should have been in charge) and suddenly a very heavy car moving at speed now had no power steering, no power brakes, out of control with a blinded, impaired driver with drug and alcohol slowed reactions trying to control it. IMO though, he wasn't "drunk" as mentioned, as that would indicate that 3 adults, one of whom was charged with protecting the other 2's lives and safety all would have been remiss in allowing a "drunk" chauffeur to drive them when they knew they'd be taking evasive action from paparazzi's, might as well give the driver a loaded gun, what's the diffrence?

A "drunk" person shows numerous signs of impairment such as slurred speech, slowed movements, maybe staggering or unsteady on their feet and if the body guard in charge noticed any of this (as a trained body guard should) then he should have taken the keys from him and driven himself or had another driver located, that was his job, to guard their lives whether from an assailant or a drunk, either way if not he was completely neglect of his duties as much as the driver.. Again Henri Paul may have been impaired and not fully up to snuff but "drunk" no way, he negotiated numerous turns, narrow alleyways with parked cars and a host of other obstacles at speed for many K's prior to crashing on a straight stretch of road, entering a tunnel, on roads he was supposed to be familiar with?? Nonsense!

If you're lucky enough to get to see some pictures of the tunnel entrance before the accident you'll see that it had a veeerry steep drop off in the transition from road to tunnel not unlike many around here. It was only after the crash that it has been completely redone and is now a much more even and smooth transition, I wonder why?? It's very hard to find those photos now I haven't seen them after much searching but I remember them clearly, in the video below it doesn't show the actual transition but still look at how sharp it is from tunnel ground level.

The above vid shows a ground level shot at about 14seconds in, imagine that rise @ 100MPH and driving off of it? It's WRC stuff! This investigators theory is also good but for it to have happened as he suggests the Fiat would have had to been notified by phone or something and intercepted them coming into the tunnel as there is no way the POS they showed would have kept up and passed the Mercedes not even with Micheal Schumacher driving it and a half competent driver in the Merc so that's a stretch. IMO as the car entered the tunnel they noticed the car ahead but too late and then they made impact with the ground which disabled the car when he took evasive action to avoid hitting it and caused him to lose control in that process.. Though it could have still contributed in more then one way too, if the video scenario is true, it does not discount my perspective but rather may add to it.

Take a ride on 7 to Pattaya from Bangkok and drive over one of those transitions at even 70 MPH and see what happens to your car? No! On second thought don't! :o You know the ones we're talking about. Those are relatively benign in comparison to the transition that was at the entrance to this tunnel prior to the accident. This also explains the curiosity every one has about the cars exhaust being detached from the bottom of the car in a frontal impact instead of just being crushed, it came unhinged with a serious downward impact from slamming down on the pavement after being airborne and it also explains the numerous scrapes reported on the pavement prior to the actual impact..

Conclusion: It was a series of small incidental but significant events, mistakes and failures along with at least 3 major contributing factors being the driver impairment, the speed being traveled and the premature air bag deployment that led to this tragedy as with so many such similarly tragic accidents have in the past, there is never just one contributing factor.. But can you imagine the fallout if this safety feature was reported as the primary catalyst for Princess Di's death? Arguably one of the most popular and loved people on the planet? Of course it couldn't come out, it had to be a drunk martyr..

So how do you avoid such a thing in the future? It's a major unpublicized draw back of air bags.. Some sort of 2 stage bags is all I can think of but wow! At how much extra cost??


Good Point. Warpy. So you have a bump just hard enough to activate, then spin out in front of oncoming traffic without protection cause they gone flat. So now should we have an emergency back up.?.:o

Yes, it is a very realistic scenario that I believe has been played out more times then we hear about.. As I said I believe that based on all the evidence I've seen of the accident and an innate understanding of the handling G forces and reaction etc. coupled with the route taken, the driver is merely a scapegoat. It also accounts for Rees-Jones injuries and potential survival in that he hit the windshield even with the bags inflated and why he was so battered but not killed as the bags were deflating when he hit them so it slowed him but didn't stop his full forward momentous.

The bags were set off by coming over a very steep drop off at approximately 100MPH that was engineered for much lower speeds and the front end contacting the ground hard enough to trigger them (investigation estimated the impact was between 60 and 70 MPH after many meters of scrubbing off speed with brakes and tire scrub etc. should have been a survivable impact if bags were effective, though not in the back necessarily with no belts on, again pretty foolish of the body guard who should have been in charge) and suddenly a very heavy car moving at speed now had no power steering, no power brakes, out of control with a blinded, impaired driver with drug and alcohol slowed reactions trying to control it. IMO though, he wasn't "drunk" as mentioned, as that would indicate that 3 adults, one of whom was charged with protecting the other 2's lives and safety all would have been remiss in allowing a "drunk" chauffeur to drive them when they knew they'd be taking evasive action from paparazzi's, might as well give the driver a loaded gun, what's the diffrence?

A "drunk" person shows numerous signs of impairment such as slurred speech, slowed movements, maybe staggering or unsteady on their feet and if the body guard in charge noticed any of this (as a trained body guard should) then he should have taken the keys from him and driven himself or had another driver located, that was his job, to guard their lives whether from an assailant or a drunk, either way if not he was completely neglect of his duties as much as the driver.. Again Henri Paul may have been impaired and not fully up to snuff but "drunk" no way, he negotiated numerous turns, narrow alleyways with parked cars and a host of other obstacles at speed for many K's prior to crashing on a straight stretch of road, entering a tunnel, on roads he was supposed to be familiar with?? Nonsense!

If you're lucky enough to get to see some pictures of the tunnel entrance before the accident you'll see that it had a veeerry steep drop off in the transition from road to tunnel not unlike many around here. It was only after the crash that it has been completely redone and is now a much more even and smooth transition, I wonder why?? It's very hard to find those photos now I haven't seen them after much searching but I remember them clearly, in the video below it doesn't show the actual transition but still look at how sharp it is from tunnel ground level.

The above vid shows a ground level shot at about 14seconds in, imagine that rise @ 100MPH and driving off of it? It's WRC stuff! This investigators theory is also good but for it to have happened as he suggests the Fiat would have had to been notified by phone or something and intercepted them coming into the tunnel as there is no way the POS they showed would have kept up and passed the Mercedes not even with Micheal Schumacher driving it and a half competent driver in the Merc so that's a stretch. IMO as the car entered the tunnel they noticed the car ahead but too late and then they made impact with the ground which disabled the car when he took evasive action to avoid hitting it and caused him to lose control in that process.. Though it could have still contributed in more then one way too, if the video scenario is true, it does not discount my perspective but rather may add to it.

Take a ride on 7 to Pattaya from Bangkok and drive over one of those transitions at even 70 MPH and see what happens to your car? No! On second thought don't! :o You know the ones we're talking about. Those are relatively benign in comparison to the transition that was at the entrance to this tunnel prior to the accident. This also explains the curiosity every one has about the cars exhaust being detached from the bottom of the car in a frontal impact instead of just being crushed, it came unhinged with a serious downward impact from slamming down on the pavement after being airborne and it also explains the numerous scrapes reported on the pavement prior to the actual impact..

Conclusion: It was a series of small incidental but significant events, mistakes and failures along with at least 3 major contributing factors being the driver impairment, the speed being traveled and the premature air bag deployment that led to this tragedy as with so many such similarly tragic accidents have in the past, there is never just one contributing factor.. But can you imagine the fallout if this safety feature was reported as the primary catalyst for Princess Di's death? Arguably one of the most popular and loved people on the planet? Of course it couldn't come out, it had to be a drunk martyr..

So how do you avoid such a thing in the future? It's a major unpublicized draw back of air bags.. Some sort of 2 stage bags is all I can think of but wow! At how much extra cost??

all to common scenario 1990-2003, not that frequent any more, and knock on wood, havent seen an airbag in years despite driving hard/ fast and occasional airborn

was hushed down, cause in general for average Joe airbags save life, and makes safety in medium/small/eco cars acceptable, at least in studio crash tests. average Joe stops controlling the car at initial small impact anyway


Speaking of airbags, where can I get an airbag sensor, apart from the honda dealer. They want 17K for it. Any airbag specialists in BKK, or should I try breaker years?

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