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I'd also add just about the entire product line of Brand's and Scotch (Bird's Nest beverage, Vita Berry, Essence of Chicken, etc. etc.) as not only nonsense, but in terms of sugar content potentially harmful products.


That's the one I was referring to on page 1. Have now learnt it raises IQ-they should distribute it for free and make it compulsory.

This stuff is under lock and key at the supermarket_liquid gold I am told-for the manufacturer.

I think I will do a test and report back if I feel smarter or just poorer.

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As most people know there is no Middle class in Thailand , you have Big money or not, The people at the top usually are the ones who own the Company's , also they are the ones setting the rules , so they are not about to kill the golden goose. if they had a trading standards they would lose money. There are Company's that are from the west , selling products by lieing , whitening cream for one , So its not Just Thailand , its company's around the world exploiting the people. But The Thai Govenment has to make the laws and Rules , again back to people with the money , company directors.


As most people know there is no Middle class in Thailand, you have Big money or not,

You must not get out much then...plenty of Thai middle class....this is who they are marketing the crap to.....:whistling:


As most people know there is no Middle class in Thailand , you have Big money or not, The people at the top usually are the ones who own the Company's , also they are the ones setting the rules , so they are not about to kill the golden goose. if they had a trading standards they would lose money. There are Company's that are from the west , selling products by lieing , whitening cream for one , So its not Just Thailand , its company's around the world exploiting the people. But The Thai Govenment has to make the laws and Rules , again back to people with the money , company directors.

No middle class? Have you even been to Thailand?


One crazy advert that was on TV here around 6 months ago & could still be for all I know . Showed a child that was put on what can only be described as a modern day rack . he was stretched for 2 hours each day .(recomended)

Ha ha! My ex-wife (4 feet 9 inches height) bought one of those racks a few years ago, and would stretch herself every day.

Fast-forward to the present day and she is now no more than 145 cms tall (short) - and the rack is gathering dust in her cupboard



So are these BS products confined to Thailand or are they available to the gullible the world over?

Well, of course they are. There are some that can't comprehend the idea that "other" cultures are just as easily taken in and hoodwinked into such nonsense. Realistically, the prime culprits are those societies that have a mad-hatter approach to mindless consumption.


Did you ever see the commercials in the US? They sell much more useless crap there than I have ever seen in Thailand.



I'd also add just about the entire product line of Brand's and Scotch (Bird's Nest beverage, Vita Berry, Essence of Chicken, etc. etc.) as not only nonsense, but in terms of sugar content potentially harmful products.


I've always wondered - I thought they were supposed to be vitamin rich or something.

Nonsense products abound everywhere but since we are in Thailand can I just put in a vote for whitening underarm deodorant as one of the top ones?

those whitening deodorant also perfectly whiten black t-shirts


Did you ever see the commercials in the US? They sell much more useless crap there than I have ever seen in Thailand.

3rd world again


Did you ever see the commercials in the US? They sell much more useless crap there than I have ever seen in Thailand.

Wonder why? :rolleyes:


OP: why not dump your uneducated girlfriend and take on a clever and educated one?

I think that might be the root cause of your problem.

Plus, you might soon own a company selling slimming coffee to the dumb masses...


Did you ever see the commercials in the US? They sell much more useless crap there than I have ever seen in Thailand.

Wonder why? :rolleyes:

Social engineering? Dumbing down?

Certainly has nothing whatsoever to do with education, as all circles of life buy into the same charade.


In my experience, if you can get a Thai to tell her its nonsense she may well believe it.

The "falang" doesn't understand Thai products ;)

Must be an Asian thing as I had the same problem with a previous GF from Philippines.


In India you can buy bottles of liquid methamphetamine. Weight loss juice that really does work.

Not recommended though I lost over a stone in two days after drinking half the bottle....I think the recommended dose was a few drops for those who had indulged in too much ghee.


Mrs. Rakers has these hair irons that don't do anything.

She asks me to 'iron' her hair for her but of course her hair doesn't get any straighter. I'd point out that they don't work and she tells me I am doing it wrong.

I have now learned to say they work just fine (when they don't) and her hair looks straighter (when it doesn't), so now she thanks me instead.


Mrs. Rakers has these hair irons that don't do anything.

She asks me to 'iron' her hair for her but of course her hair doesn't get any straighter. I'd point out that they don't work and she tells me I am doing it wrong.

I have now learned to say they work just fine (when they don't) and her hair looks straighter (when it doesn't), so now she thanks me instead.

Smart lad, you are.B)


Mrs. Rakers has these hair irons that don't do anything.

She asks me to 'iron' her hair for her but of course her hair doesn't get any straighter. I'd point out that they don't work and she tells me I am doing it wrong.

I have now learned to say they work just fine (when they don't) and her hair looks straighter (when it doesn't), so now she thanks me instead.

Smart lad, you are.B)

Thanks Yoda


Mrs. Rakers has these hair irons that don't do anything.

She asks me to 'iron' her hair for her but of course her hair doesn't get any straighter. I'd point out that they don't work and she tells me I am doing it wrong.

I have now learned to say they work just fine (when they don't) and her hair looks straighter (when it doesn't), so now she thanks me instead.

With a bit more training you will soon ba able to work in a service industry where clients are mainly women.

No interest for reality, they just want to feel good after the service.


So, what's being said is there is NO protection from these dubious "snakeoil sales people" then?

Surely there will be SOME kind of government organisation to oversee some of the products. Especially those that get ingested/ swallowed. Even a basic one?



I'd also add just about the entire product line of Brand's and Scotch (Bird's Nest beverage, Vita Berry, Essence of Chicken, etc. etc.) as not only nonsense, but in terms of sugar content potentially harmful products.


That's the one I was referring to on page 1. Have now learnt it raises IQ-they should distribute it for free and make it compulsory.

This stuff is under lock and key at the supermarket_liquid gold I am told-for the manufacturer.

I think I will do a test and report back if I feel smarter or just poorer.

I'm sure the manufacturer will greatly appreciate your investment. :lol:


All this diet coffee is nothing more than modern snake oil and such concepts have surely existed since the dawn of mankind. I've been watching a History Channel series called 'Pawn Stars' about a pawn shop in Las Vegas. They never know what's going to be carried into the shop and it's a random way of learning about history. One of the funniest things was an old 'Solar Therapy' device, just a magnifying glass in a box which proclaimed to cure all sorts of ailments. It even had several patents to 'prove' it's validity.


A lot of these products are what they can't sell in the west,and are linked to Pyramid selling,

and this type of selling is banned in many Countries,and aimed at the gullible,

many expats will know of 2 companies which are well known,which I can't name them on TV.

false claims for the product,inflated prices,and a web of deceit in the financial aspect. stay clear!


In my experience, if you can get a Thai to tell her its nonsense she may well believe it.

The "falang" doesn't understand Thai products ;)

How very,very true, I've experienced this a few times myself. I was left open mouthed once, I was having some work done at my home, Some structural welding, I saw the guy doing the welding had it all wrong, the set-up, I explained to, my then wife, (my Thai was crap then) what they need to do. My wife started to explain how I wanted it doing, the guy looked at her then me gave her some old <deleted>, she just walked off, and he did what he wanted. I spoke to her, "whats' happening" I asked; "you think too much' she said!

Fact is, I'm a welding engineer, the whole set-up was wrong on the welding set, they couldn't make it work……3 times that day I re-set the unit, each time they would watch me, I would walk away, the guy would change the setting back to what he had on there, try and weld, (no joy) then laugh, (I presume at this dumb farang) in the end I feared I would punch this fookers lights-out.

I couldn't take it anymore, I walked over to the welding set, (with them sniggering and obviously talking about me) I re-set it and started doing some welding, (putting down some test 'stringers' on a piece of old steel)

Did they think, Ok, maybe this farang knows one thing, how to make the welding set work? No the frigging wasters, had a bad case of 'lose of face' I had to get a new crew in to do the work, fine, there loss

They will be losing Face alright when they get a face full of skin Cancer,through welding with only sunglasses as protection,

or maybe the eyes will give out before,couldn't believe it when I first saw them welding in this manner.


I find it very frustrating the amount of crap that is sold unchallenged. Its the beauty/collagen/whitening drinks annoy me the most. Having a medical science background and worked within the field of clinical trials I can see right through the rubbish pseudo science they spout to separate vulnerable young people from their money.

As teacher and encourage my students to question all these products, even use them in lessons to find scientific evidence to prove that it's all lies and explain in many other countries we have laws against this and that these companies are taking advantage of people and lying to them.

One of the most laughable ones for me is the birds nest beverage, I saw an advert at the bus stop stating that the product helps you burn fat and quoted a scientific study. I reviewed the study in the science journal and can say it was the most simple yet appallingly designed experiment I have ever seen, not even worthy of toilet paper and proved nothing more than drinking birds nest beverage raises your metabolism more than drinking water (they did not compare it to another drink of equal calories). I could go and produce a similar study comparing ice cream and water and then say eating ice cream makes you lose fat.....utter nonsense, a big company like this should be more responsible.


Having a medical science background and worked within the field of clinical trials I can see right through the rubbish pseudo science they spout to separate vulnerable young people from their money.

What were you ?......a lab rat ?....:lol: .....only joking

For pseudo science.....have a look on the TV health fourm.....there are farangs on there advocating the drinking and snorting of bleach for "health benefits" and citing "scientific studies"

So this sort of rubblish crosses all cultural boundaries...


It is delusion selling...

...of course well educated smart westerners or easterners never send money to holy rollers or buy religious icons/candles etc in the hope that their prayers maybe answered or have a better next life courtesy of some "entity" that has yet to have it's existence proven.

...talk about taking advantage of a delusion ....where is the difference one might ask???

It has been proven through blind testing that there is a placebo effect to many products...

..so if you believe this cream makes you whiter or your dick bigger whatever it may well happen.. can't knock it if it works regardless of cost.

" it chops it dices it blends it cleans your toilet,your teeth" ..never bought one of those???...lol

...my ex bought all the right tampons but she still couldn't play tennis ...


EDIT: Dam! Mca above said the same with one picture that I was saying below... Great minds and all that:


So.. wait. Why is any of this Thailand specific?

I was watching Fox Soccer yesterday, and they had commercials for some service that would 'double the speed of your computer' (MaxMySpeed).

Justy out of giddyness I checked it out, and all it does is clean the Registry a bit, something that CcCleaner does for free (and more).

And some might say a 5 liter 4WD SUV is 'nonsensical' to send the kids to school in an urban area.

So.. I think it's safe to say that nonsensical products aren't unique to Thailand.

It's called capitalism, and marketing.

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