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" do you think they are considerate? "

just based on the responses in this thread, it seems the " no's " have it :D

But if you count the more considerate people on here and take out the ones who I think seem to be suggesting dangerous driving the " eye's " would have it.:rolleyes:

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robook just shows us exactly why the roads are bad. He thinks because he is on a motorbike he has the right to park anywhere, be in front of every queue etc etc.

If motorbikes understood they were secondary citizens on the roads (just like bicycles, stay on the side) things would be a lot better. Everytime a motorbike jumps queue in front of me it adds 20secs to 1min of time to my travel and costs me MORE in gas because of all the breaking and accelerating i will have to do to get past him. Dont forget the massive breaking i will have to do once he decides to turn left which will be done by stopping in the middle of the street, waiting 5secs for his brains to process the electric current for moving his handle then he will scoot off at about 3.5km/h untill no cars are around him which will make him decide to finaly accelerate to 50km/h

I personnaly dont park in car's spaces, i dont block, i dont jumpe queue unless i am going to be driving my bike at 60+ on even small roads. I mean whats the point of even going to the left or right of a car? you'll get in front of him as soon as an object obstructs the side 5meters later and he'll have to slow down because you won't let the car pass in front of you, NO motorbikes ever look , they just snap turn in the middle of the road to avoid the obtructing object.

Edited by thaiIand
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robook just shows us exactly why the roads are bad. He thinks because he is on a motorbike he has the right to park anywhere, be in front of every queue etc etc.

If motorbikes understood they were secondary citizens on the roads (just like bicycles, stay on the side) things would be a lot better. Everytime a motorbike jumps queue in front of me it adds 20secs to 1min of time to my travel and costs me MORE in gas because of all the breaking and accelerating i will have to do to get past him. Dont forget the massive breaking i will have to do once he decides to turn left which will be done by stopping in the middle of the street, waiting 5secs for his brains to process the electric current for moving his handle then he will scoot off at about 3.5km/h untill no cars are around him which will make him decide to finaly accelerate to 50km/h

I personnaly dont park in car's spaces, i dont block, i dont jumpe queue unless i am going to be driving my bike at 60+ on even small roads. I mean whats the point of even going to the left or right of a car? you'll get in front of him as soon as an object obstructs the side 5meters later and he'll have to slow down because you won't let the car pass in front of you, NO motorbikes ever look , they just snap turn in the middle of the road to avoid the obtructing object.

Seems we got a winner here for the idiot of the day reward.

I park in car spaces ? ehh no.

I pass cars that are waiting for a traffic light yes. So lets me see if 30 motorbikes pass you and go in front of the line it costs you an extra 10 minutes.

You will never catch up with me once i moved past your car because you will be 100 meters behind other cars waiting. Motorbikes have absolutely a negligible effect on cars when they go to the front of the line at a traffic light. Sure maybe 1 might slow you down a bit but the majority never ever. With my bike im pretty sure i can out drive you anywhere (except on real long stretches and if your willing to go over 140-150 but we don't have many of those in BKK.

I could understand your grievance if it were real but its not. I drive both car and motorbike and i must say at traffic lights motorbikes don't bother me in the least.

They do bother me a bit while i drive but so do car's. The idiot of the day here did not even realize that if all motorbikes would be cars it would be even busier. Motorbikes are a blessing because if every motorbike driver would drive a car it would be real congested.

Sure there are idiot motorbike drivers, seen enough of them, but i seen enough idiot car drivers too.

Motorbikes stopping in the middle of the street and then going left :D nice imagination.. but i doubt there are many that stupid. I lived here a while and havent seen many of those.

Edited by robblok
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if you cant afford a car, which is why most people have a motorbike. Just go on public transports. There. Saved all the problems.

You're just too dam_n self centered to notice that you're just part of the problem, those tards who keep driving in the fast lane at 20km/h to go in front of the right turning lane instead of waiting in the back

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if you cant afford a car, which is why most people have a motorbike. Just go on public transports. There. Saved all the problems.

You're just too dam_n self centered to notice that you're just part of the problem, those tards who keep driving in the fast lane at 20km/h to go in front of the right turning lane instead of waiting in the back

Told you i own a car.. do you want a picture.

Just go bugging someone else you troll.

20km/h on the fast lane.. the motorbike would be dead already. Trolls do have a good imagination.

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robook just shows us exactly why the roads are bad. He thinks because he is on a motorbike he has the right to park anywhere, be in front of every queue etc etc.

If motorbikes understood they were secondary citizens on the roads (just like bicycles, stay on the side) things would be a lot better. Everytime a motorbike jumps queue in front of me it adds 20secs to 1min of time to my travel and costs me MORE in gas because of all the breaking and accelerating i will have to do to get past him. Dont forget the massive breaking i will have to do once he decides to turn left which will be done by stopping in the middle of the street, waiting 5secs for his brains to process the electric current for moving his handle then he will scoot off at about 3.5km/h untill no cars are around him which will make him decide to finaly accelerate to 50km/h

I personnaly dont park in car's spaces, i dont block, i dont jumpe queue unless i am going to be driving my bike at 60+ on even small roads. I mean whats the point of even going to the left or right of a car? you'll get in front of him as soon as an object obstructs the side 5meters later and he'll have to slow down because you won't let the car pass in front of you, NO motorbikes ever look , they just snap turn in the middle of the road to avoid the obtructing object.

it adds 20secs to 1min of time to my travel

:lol: You must be joking. If not , please seek some professional help.

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Just because I drive a big expensive car should I have more rights to be on the road than anyone else?

It appears as though some car drivers on here really do believe they are more important than bike riders....

It's simply traffic and both bikes and cars contribute to the gridlock.

It's the idiots who make the traffic worse... Both bikes and cars...

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I agree that bikes...big and small...should heed the pecking order and stay where they are meant to be in the lane mostest to the left, the one next to the gutters.

After all its a safety thing and if the government is gracious enough to in most cases, make a complete separate and usually quite wide lane just for them, well they should stick to it and use it.

The number of times I have had bikes in the car lane with oncoming traffic and you have to slow down and brake for them when there is a lane there beside them big enough for 2 bikes is just plain ignorance and stupidity.

Edited by Dag
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Just because I drive a big expensive car should I have more rights to be on the road than anyone else?

It appears as though some car drivers on here really do believe they are more important than bike riders....

It's simply traffic and both bikes and cars contribute to the gridlock.

It's the idiots who make the traffic worse... Both bikes and cars...

I totally agree. I drive both a car and bike. I prefer the bike because of the gridlock. It saves a lot of time. (just hate it when it rains) Also i take the car when i have a lot of stuff to transport.

There are idiots on a bike and in a car.

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Just because I drive a big expensive car should I have more rights to be on the road than anyone else?

It appears as though some car drivers on here really do believe they are more important than bike riders....

It's simply traffic and both bikes and cars contribute to the gridlock.

It's the idiots who make the traffic worse... Both bikes and cars...

Just because I drive a big expensive car should I have more rights to be on the road than anyone else?

Some of the locals actually think so.

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I agree that bikes...big and small...should heed the pecking order and stay where they are meant to be in the lane mostest to the left, the one next to the gutters.

After all its a safety thing and if the government is gracious enough to in most cases, make a complete separate and usually quite wide lane just for them, well they should stick to it and use it.

The number of times I have had bikes in the car lane with oncoming traffic and you have to slow down and brake for them when there is a lane there beside them big enough for 2 bikes is just plain ignorance and stupidity.

Where are you driving? I'm on Phuket and motorbikes keep to the left hand lane generally, only moving to the fast lane to overtake or turn right.

As I said before, I trust local motorbike drivers FAR more than I trust Westerners on bikes or locals in cars.....

The Thais are used to riding motorbikes - most Westerners are not.

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I agree that bikes...big and small...should heed the pecking order and stay where they are meant to be in the lane mostest to the left, the one next to the gutters.

After all its a safety thing and if the government is gracious enough to in most cases, make a complete separate and usually quite wide lane just for them, well they should stick to it and use it.

The number of times I have had bikes in the car lane with oncoming traffic and you have to slow down and brake for them when there is a lane there beside them big enough for 2 bikes is just plain ignorance and stupidity.

Where are you driving? I'm on Phuket and motorbikes keep to the left hand lane generally, only moving to the fast lane to overtake or turn right.

As I said before, I trust local motorbike drivers FAR more than I trust Westerners on bikes or locals in cars.....

The Thais are used to riding motorbikes - most Westerners are not.

Im in Bangkok, motorbikes are everywhere (myself included). I usually take the most right lane if im going 100kph (making sure i keep up with cars). If im on my bigger bike im on the most right too overtaking the cars.

There is no problem with either cars or motorbikes on a lane. Except for the ones that like to zig zag through fast moving traffic scaring everyone (motorbikes do it and cars too)

When im in the car i also keep an eye out for motorbikes but to be honest they dont bother me as much as cars that cut in front of me without signalling.

Edited by robblok
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[quote name='ChristopherWilliamsBKK' timestamp='1313508932' post='4629192']

Zebra crossings

Mobile phones

Hazard lights meaning going straight ahead.

Other than these - No Problem biggrin.gif

Don't you just love that one with the hazard lights. If you are approaching them from their left, what you see is an indicator which is indicating that they intend to turn left. So if you are indicating to turn right, as is proper practice you move to go past them to make your turn. The sensible person then pulls out in front of you?


Edited by jimbeam1
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You're always going to have problems in a country where someone flashing their lights at you isn't kindly signalling to allow you through but instead is telling you to get outta their %4#& way... that and cars with windows often tinted as dark as a presidential motorcade so there is never any eye contact.

Completely and utterly wrong !!!

The one and only part of the Highway Code that Thais abide by CORRECTLY is the use of lights (horn as well) to warn other road users they are there.

When you have 5 minutes check the Highway code-it is true that in Europe we do signal to other drivers with lights but on this occasion WE are wrong.

If you drove at home and flashed your lights and someone pulled out in front of you, and you subsequently plowed into them because they thought you were letting them out then they are at fault, not you.

kkerry is totally correct. Where I come from (the UK) those lights that you use to flash other drivers with are called curtisy lights. Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights and that goes for night time also.


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I love it when the wife says turn left on a red light and I refuse !!

In Buriram there are clear intersections where a green filter does give give you the opportunity to forward with care left whilst main light is on red.

You try explaining that its good to go here but not where the filter doesn't exist !!

First time I turn left on red and kill someone then there's hell to play-"Why did you go through a red light"

"Oh sorry everyone else does it"-well NO they dont, not when I'm driving...

I sure as heck turn left at a red light, obviously when it's clear. It's also legal in the US to turn right at a red light (the US drives on a different side), again, assuming it's clear. I get seriously agitated when I'm at an intersection waiting to turn left at a red light and the guy in front of me refuses to go, even with no car in sight. That must be you!

Thats me Buddy....

Play it by the book !! When you've done time thats the way it MUST be !!

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You're always going to have problems in a country where someone flashing their lights at you isn't kindly signalling to allow you through but instead is telling you to get outta their %4#& way... that and cars with windows often tinted as dark as a presidential motorcade so there is never any eye contact.

Completely and utterly wrong !!!

The one and only part of the Highway Code that Thais abide by CORRECTLY is the use of lights (horn as well) to warn other road users they are there.

When you have 5 minutes check the Highway code-it is true that in Europe we do signal to other drivers with lights but on this occasion WE are wrong.

If you drove at home and flashed your lights and someone pulled out in front of you, and you subsequently plowed into them because they thought you were letting them out then they are at fault, not you.

kkerry is totally correct. Where I come from (the UK) those lights that you use to flash other drivers with are called curtisy lights. Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights and that goes for night time also.


KKerry is totally wrong not right !!

He correctly describes the driving habits of Thai drivers but just for once in their lives (and its obviously not by reading the Highway code) the Thais use correctly the flashing of headlamps as a warning that they aint stopping !!

I sure as hell agree thats its the ONLY bit of the Highway code they follow !!

Edited by Chivas
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Just because I drive a big expensive car should I have more rights to be on the road than anyone else?

It appears as though some car drivers on here really do believe they are more important than bike riders....

It's simply traffic and both bikes and cars contribute to the gridlock.

It's the idiots who make the traffic worse... Both bikes and cars...

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Just because I drive a big expensive car should I have more rights to be on the road than anyone else?

It appears as though some car drivers on here really do believe they are more important than bike riders....

It's simply traffic and both bikes and cars contribute to the gridlock.

It's the idiots who make the traffic worse... Both bikes and cars...

You can't call people idiots for being on the road ??

Until Thailand gets a minister who's going to call it tough and say ok licences for all and anyone stopped without its a 20,000 baht fine then the free for all continues. Employ a multitude of enforcers on commission say 5,000 a legit pull from the 20,000 and you'll end the farce of Thai drivers in 24 months-period.

In the meantime-Insure yourself properly-make your complaint in advance to insurance company and get the legitimate back up you're entitled to and mash one of them-only way they will learn.

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You're always going to have problems in a country where someone flashing their lights at you isn't kindly signalling to allow you through but instead is telling you to get outta their %4#& way... that and cars with windows often tinted as dark as a presidential motorcade so there is never any eye contact.

Completely and utterly wrong !!!

The one and only part of the Highway Code that Thais abide by CORRECTLY is the use of lights (horn as well) to warn other road users they are there.

When you have 5 minutes check the Highway code-it is true that in Europe we do signal to other drivers with lights but on this occasion WE are wrong.

If you drove at home and flashed your lights and someone pulled out in front of you, and you subsequently plowed into them because they thought you were letting them out then they are at fault, not you.

kkerry is totally correct. Where I come from (the UK) those lights that you use to flash other drivers with are called curtisy lights. Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights and that goes for night time also.


Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights

Absolute nonsense.

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Dont act the idiot ALL the time please.

Are you now stating that Thai drivers without question use lights 100% of the time in the dark ??

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

Here they do and most motorcycle lights are always on (for sure on the newer models). Problem is when their light bulb is spent then they don't replace it. I think this is more often a problem in the sticks then in BKK. So i think he got a point that lights are more often on then not.

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Dont act the idiot ALL the time please.

Are you now stating that Thai drivers without question use lights 100% of the time in the dark ??

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

Did that golfball in your avatar hit both of your eyes? especially motrocyclists, never use lights.

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Considerate a bit, but they can't drive. We have a roundabout out side the police station in Phayao. You should see the way the Thais drive around itrolleyes.gifmakes mecheesy.gifandcheesy.gif. I take a great interest in the way cars and motor bikes enter and leave the roundabout there. In fact I went into the police station and got chatting with a policeman and asked him why the cars did not give way to traffic on the roundabout. He and I took a walk to the front of the station and looked at the cars going around the roundabout. He said "they don't know about roundabout" I said it has signs showing it to be a roundabout. He just smiled that knowing smile, we both did. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif Another funny day in Thailand.

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You're always going to have problems in a country where someone flashing their lights at you isn't kindly signalling to allow you through but instead is telling you to get outta their %4#& way... that and cars with windows often tinted as dark as a presidential motorcade so there is never any eye contact.

Completely and utterly wrong !!!

The one and only part of the Highway Code that Thais abide by CORRECTLY is the use of lights (horn as well) to warn other road users they are there.

When you have 5 minutes check the Highway code-it is true that in Europe we do signal to other drivers with lights but on this occasion WE are wrong.

If you drove at home and flashed your lights and someone pulled out in front of you, and you subsequently plowed into them because they thought you were letting them out then they are at fault, not you.

kkerry is totally correct. Where I come from (the UK) those lights that you use to flash other drivers with are called curtisy lights. Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights and that goes for night time also.


KKerry is totally wrong not right !!

He correctly describes the driving habits of Thai drivers but just for once in their lives (and its obviously not by reading the Highway code) the Thais use correctly the flashing of headlamps as a warning that they aint stopping !!

I sure as hell agree thats its the ONLY bit of the Highway code they follow !!

Can you answer two questions for me.

1/ Which highway country's code are you talking about.

2/ If it is Thailands can you provide a link that can be translated to English. Or just the part that states the offical use for flashing of lights. So that I can stand corrected.

I say again the lights that we use to flash other drivers certainly in the UK are known as curtesy lights. Not get out of my way I'm coming through, lights.


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Dont act the idiot ALL the time please.

Are you now stating that Thai drivers without question use lights 100% of the time in the dark ??

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

Here they do and most motorcycle lights are always on (for sure on the newer models). Problem is when their light bulb is spent then they don't replace it. I think this is more often a problem in the sticks then in BKK. So i think he got a point that lights are more often on then not.

Bangkok Prawet district. Whilst I will agree with you quite often the problem is when the light is spent then they don't replace it. It is then also the case that when both lights are spent. Which equates to no lights, just the same.

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Dont act the idiot ALL the time please.

Are you now stating that Thai drivers without question use lights 100% of the time in the dark ??

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

So what's your problem? Just run them down, you seem to have a good insurance.

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Dont act the idiot ALL the time please.

Are you now stating that Thai drivers without question use lights 100% of the time in the dark ??

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

Here they do and most motorcycle lights are always on (for sure on the newer models). Problem is when their light bulb is spent then they don't replace it. I think this is more often a problem in the sticks then in BKK. So i think he got a point that lights are more often on then not.

Bangkok Prawet district. Whilst I will agree with you quite often the problem is when the light is spent then they don't replace it. It is then also the case that when both lights are spent. Which equates to no lights, just the same.

Just read what i wrote... im saying the same as you just saying its not a real common occurrence.

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Completely and utterly wrong !!!

The one and only part of the Highway Code that Thais abide by CORRECTLY is the use of lights (horn as well) to warn other road users they are there.

When you have 5 minutes check the Highway code-it is true that in Europe we do signal to other drivers with lights but on this occasion WE are wrong.

If you drove at home and flashed your lights and someone pulled out in front of you, and you subsequently plowed into them because they thought you were letting them out then they are at fault, not you.

kkerry is totally correct. Where I come from (the UK) those lights that you use to flash other drivers with are called curtisy lights. Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights and that goes for night time also.


Many Thais especially motrocyclists, never use lights

Absolute nonsense.

Absolutly correct. Especially motorcyclists. Also those three wheeled contraptians + the ones with sidecars + the motor bike vendors.


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Here they do and most motorcycle lights are always on (for sure on the newer models). Problem is when their light bulb is spent then they don't replace it. I think this is more often a problem in the sticks then in BKK. So i think he got a point that lights are more often on then not.

Bangkok Prawet district. Whilst I will agree with you quite often the problem is when the light is spent then they don't replace it. It is then also the case that when both lights are spent. Which equates to no lights, just the same.

Just read what i wrote... im saying the same as you just saying its not a real common occurrence.

I am sorry put how common is daily, or to be more correct nightly.


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Dont act the idiot ALL the time please.

Are you now stating that Thai drivers without question use lights 100% of the time in the dark ??

Because the mad sods where I am dont...

Did that golfball in your avatar hit both of your eyes? especially motrocyclists, never use lights.

Ok you win ok-cretin of the year award to you.

ANSWER the point raised !!

You stated that thai bikers ALWAYS use their lights ?? Yes or No !!!

Of course they do not.

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