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Thaksin Should Let His Sister At Least Start Working


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Thaksin should let his sister at least start working

By Supalak Ganjanakhundee

The Nation

It seems as if Thailand's elite and former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra do not realise how much damage they are doing to the country's credibility and reputation as they keep battling on the international stage - the latest round being over a visa to Japan.

Thaksin obviously does not care about his sister Yingluck's government, because he bothered her to ask for a visa to Japan for a personal, high-profile, but unnecessary visit. Also, Japan is not the last country he will be doing this for.

He should know that Japanese immigration law does not allow in visitors who have been found guilty of a crime and given a jail term of more than one year. Thaksin was convicted and given a two-year prison sentence for abusing authority by allowing his wife to buy a plot of land while he was holding a political position. Fair or unfair, like it or not, he cannot deny his legal status.

The law only allows an exception for him if the Japanese Justice Ministry issues a special permit. Japanese authorities, who had a bit of a wrangle with the previous Thai government on this matter, have said Thaksin will only be issued a visa if Thailand makes it clear that the former PM can freely move around. The previous government under Abhisit Vejjajiva blocked Thaksin's entry to several countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany and Japan.

Yingluck and Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul have no choice but to ask Tokyo to grant permission for Thaksin to visit. It's ridiculous to expect a younger sister and a former subordinate, Surapong in this case, to deny Thaksin anything.

Facilitating a VIP's trip overseas is a normal job for a foreign minister, except Thaksin is not a VIP. Those in this government who facilitate his trip will most likely have to pay for it, as Abhisit recently declared that any official who helps a fugitive will have to take legal responsibility for misconduct.

It was this declaration that kicked off the latest battle between the new government and the elite, which is tagging along with Abhisit. Plenty of calls have been made in the media to block Thaksin's movements and have him face justice at home. In fact, some people are even questioning the possibility of the fugitive former PM getting his revoked Thai passport back.

However, such battles at home will send a lot of confused signals to the countries that Thaksin travels through. Concerned officials in various agencies will be getting mixed signals and instructions from their many bosses. The Yingluck government might instruct them to issue permits allowing Thaksin to go where he likes, while former bosses and those with true influence might order something different.

Officials at the Foreign Ministry and Office of the Attorney-General, for instance, might find it difficult to report Thaksin's status to foreign countries and Interpol. They are in a tough spot because they do not know how long this government will last, when their former bosses will return and the actual power that the Thai elite holds.

Also, many international agencies may feel uncomfortable dealing with Thailand over issues related to Thaksin. It will be fine for those who openly regard Thaksin as a former elected leader who was toppled by a military coup, but many countries that have strong links with the Thai elite might feel uncomfortable.

However, the best thing for Thailand is for Thaksin and the elite to stop their crusade against each other for a while, at least until the new government starts functioning properly and does its duty to restore the Kingdom's credibility and solve conflicts with its neighbours.


-- The Nation 2011-08-17

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Edited by ianf
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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Robert Amsrerdam is a glorified ambulance chaser...

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Public relation professional, some times referred to as " Spin artists" are not known for their defensive stance. The past year should have been a real education for, what is now the Opposition, in the use of vast sums of money to ultimately get what a individual desires. Its too bad they did not have the foresight and planning to counter act in a positive way.

The innuendo, off topic statements, denial via wording that does not answer the original concern, multiple spokesman, gross distortions, and even out right lies are trademarks of these individual/groups. The old adage, "there are two kinds of fighter, the dirty and the loser" appears to be the action/thinking many will resort to get the 'big win'.

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Oh dear

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Robert Amsrerdam is a glorified ambulance chaser...

Ah well said, correct and funny at the same time.

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Are you for real? Been reading a few too many conspiracy sites I think.

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The Shinawatra's seem so clueless... They clearly think that they cannot be touched.

While everything is still red hot around them they make stupid impulsive decisions..... Another coup may just be a reality at this rate.bah.gif

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Oh dear

Your right...oh dear.....so are suggesting Thaksin is part of the illuminarti & the NWO......:whistling: .....I would watch what you are sprinkling on your cornflakes.....its making you paraniod....;)

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Oh dear

Your right...oh dear.....so are suggesting Thaksin is part of the illuminarti & the NWO......:whistling: .....I would watch what you are sprinkling on your cornflakes.....its making you paraniod....;)

Uhh yes....... and there is a rumour that Thaksin will secretly meet Dr. Evil soon!

Lucky we can still count on Austin Powers to expose their evil plot!

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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Robert Amsrerdam is a glorified ambulance chaser...

Ah well said, correct and funny at the same time.

The reverse of the topic heading= Yingluck should stop her brother working. if not she will lose all credibility and then have to go. This brother involvement is a mega joke. Soon something or someone will have to give.

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Side-note for the conspirators: Prachatai was recently forced to disclose their donors after papers from the US senate showed that CIA front NED and others actively donated money to them. :)

(Scroll down here: http://www.prachatai.com/english/aboutus and starting point about NED: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Endowment_for_Democracy )

Edited by TAWP
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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Can I interest you in the works of David Icke? They're just as fascinating as Scoots Cartalucci's writings ( :lol: ):


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Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Can I interest you in the works of David Icke? They're just as fascinating as Scoots Cartalucci's writings ( :lol: ):


No comparison!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fortunately, there are many who understand that Thaksin's hidden agenda is a global one, where a group of global power brokers, supported by the likes of Robert Amsterdam and his cohorts, are looking at a revolution on a worldwide scale. Thailand is a key component of their struggle for world domination. Many countries, including leading politicians in Europe are fully cognitive of their agenda. The present Government's actions on behalf of Thaksin will be an embarrassment to those countries concerned, but they will all be placed in an invidious position by these requests. The global march is on and we should be fearing not only for the future of Thailand, but for the world as a whole. Thaksin, by the way, is only a bit player in this scenario, there are other manipulative figures more powerful and than he.

Can I interest you in the works of David Icke? They're just as fascinating as Scoots Cartalucci's writings ( :lol: ):


No comparison!!!!!

Scoots is now referencing David Icke on his landdestroyer blog. You just couldn't make this stuff up :lol: .

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